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'Ainaa' Mardhiyah Hassin (2013) General geology and lithostratigraphy of Batu Jong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
'Aqilah Anuar (2018) Geology and depositional environment of Sambipitu area, Nglanggeran district, Gunung Kidul regency, special province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
'Atiyyah Mumtazah Nawawi (2012) Micropropagation of wild banana by using sukers and male inflorescences as explants. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Haziqah Nur Syahirah Joshep (2024) Cabaran Modenisasi Dalam Bidang Pendidikan Sastera dan Kerjaya: Persepsi Majikan Terpilih di Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Shafinaz Yusoff (2024) Kepentingan Elemen Pendidikan dan Moral Dalam Sastera: Satu Penelitian Berdasarkan Kaedah SLR. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jasmeen Nurul Iman Johan (2024) Kepentingan Kajian Sastera Kepada Masyarakat Dan Dunia Pendidikan: Satu Penelitian Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Joel (2022) Pelestarian Tarian Daling-Daling Sebagai Warisan Tidak Ketara Suku Kaum Suluk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Arif Bin Maktar (2013) Penerapan 5 elemen islamik pada rekabentuk laman sesawang Pondok Moden Kandis (PMK) menggunakan sistem pengurusan kandungan (CMS) wordpress. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syazwan Mohd Sayati, and Nurain Qhalisya Mohd Hazam, and Nurfatin Syamimi Zulkifli, and Nurin Aqilah Huda Rahim, (2022) Factors influencing the use of cashless financial transactions among University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) City Campus students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nasha Azreena Mohd Jaihan (2023) Nilai-nilai moral dan pembentukan akhlak dalam Gurindam Jiwa Penawar Duka karya Ami Masra: pendekatan moral. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nik Norsyahira Aila Abdul Rahman (2023) Elemen-elemen Sosiobudaya Masyarakat dalam Hikayat Anggun Cik Tunggal: Aplikasi Teori Sosial oleh Emile Durkheim. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Aisyah Roslee (2024) Unsur Propaganda Menerusi Cerita Jenaka Melayu Terpilih: Kajian Terhadap Pemahaman Pelajar Kesusasteraan Warisan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syakirah Norhisham (2023) Gendang Pahang : melestarikan persembahan , peralatan dan penglibatan generasi muda. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nadia Balqis Arifin (2024) Pemupukan Rasa Kekitaan Melalui Lagu Rakyat Kanak-Kanak Animasi: Tinjauan Pelajar Elektif Kesusasteraan Warisan Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Melalui Teori Model Rasa Insaniah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Peck Ai (2015) Examining customer online shopping experience through service quality among community in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Wan Mohd Rafie Bin Wan Yusuf (2010) Road safety campaign with 3D animation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hafiq Nizan (2023) Mengkaji Alat Muzik Tradisional Rebab Kelantan Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Laqman Nulhaqim Mat Angkat (2023) Kajian Mengenai Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Pemuliharaan Masjid Lama Belimbing Dalam, Yang Memberi Kesan Kepada Masyarakat Di Durian Tunggal Alor Gajah, Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Akmal Azaki (2023) Dokumentasi Senjata Tradisional Melayu Di Negeri-Negeri Pantai Timur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Liana Zuber (2023) Pengurusan Koleksi Muzium Warisan India Di Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nabila Asyikin Shariff (2023) Rebab Sebagai Simbol Antropomorphisme Dalam Seni Persembahan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabitah Sutikin (2023) Strategi Pemasaran Muzium Wau Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alvin, Oh Shi Kai and Graceshealda, Rechard and Mohd Drus, Maysarah (2015) Understanding satisfaction of airport user towards facilities: a case in Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA 2). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
ABDUL HAMID, NURHAFIZAH (2016) A Study on Roadkills along Jeli to Tanah Merah and Jeli to Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ab Aziz, Nur Shafikah (2019) Penglibatan Komuniti Setempat dalam Pelancongan Warisan Di Kota Kuala Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ab Ghani, Nur Atikah (2018) Methyl orange adsorption from aqueous solution by activated carbon: effect of Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab Hadi, Nur Adillah (2020) Investigation of mechanical and physical properties of bioplastic from Dioscorea hispida (Ubi Gadong) starch extracted by mechanical method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab Jalal, Muhammad Amirul (2020) Determination of heavy metals in surface sediment from Pahang river. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab Majid, Nur Aina (2020) Determination of tree species abundance using line-transect method at Sabak Beach, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab Osman Mohd Faizal (2010) Kajian terhadap struktur teknik yang terdapat dalam anyaman mengkuang dan pandan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Ab Rahim, Nadia Natasya (2020) Modification of resistant starch content in banana flour using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab Razak, Siti Ilham Fatini (2019) Analysis of temperature and nitrate on fish ponds based on smart water monitoring system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ab. Rahim, Nurul Safiah (2020) Nilai-Nilai Kepahlawanan Menerusi Sajak-Sajak Terpilih Dalam Antologi Suara Wirawan Negara Bangsa karya Ramli Abdul Halim: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ab. Wahab, Nurul Afiza (2011) Keberkesanan visual dan penambahbaikan dalam pengiklanan (outdoor signage) minyak masak Athlete terhadap pengguna. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Abas, Athirah (2016) Study of Correlation Between Benthic Macroinvertebrates Distribution and Substrate Composition in Recreational Rivers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abd Azid, Siti Zawiyah (2018) Development of an eco-friendly Enzymatic Dehairing of skins and hides using Alkaline Protease and Keratinase. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Aziz, Mohd Faiz (2019) Geology and slope stability assessment using Gis of federal route 185 At Km 98 -104, Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Hamid, Fathin Izzati (2022) Interpretasi Padi Dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat Melayu Melalui Teks Pantun Pak Nazel 101 Perkara. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Karim, Siti Fatimah (2016) Monitoring of Rn-222 Concentration in Relation to Temperature, Humidity and Pressure at Different Level of Altitude Academic Building of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abd Khalid, Nurul Ashikin (2020) Quantifying spatial gap patterns in logged over forest in Gunung Basor using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Malek, Mohamad Hazim Azari (2021) Mengkaji Senibina Istana Singgah Raja Reman Yang Merupakan Warisan Yang Perlu Dipelihara. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Rahim, Nir Nur Ainaa Insyirah (2022) Kesan Pandemik Covid-19 Kepada Pengamal Wayang Kulit: Kajian Kes Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Rahim, Nur Ain Aiman (2020) Diversity and abundance of non-volant small mammals of agroforest in Merapoh, Pahang using cage trap method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Rahman, Abd Faiziladha Syahmi (2018) Partial purification of Amylase from isolate 1B using Ammonium Sulfate. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Rahman, Nur Iman Najwa (2020) Preliminary assessment of utilizing Electric Arc Furnace (eaf) steel slag waste into geopolymer ceramic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Rashid, Wafa Aini (2020) Forest tree analysis at Gunung Basor Forest reserve based on spot images. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Razak, Siti Nurul Ain (2022) Kajian Terhadap Pengurusan Muzium Ketika Pandemik Covid - 19 Di Muzium Negara Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Salam, Salmah (2019) Effect of different extraction method of freshwater algae towards algae oil production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abd Wahab, Nur Ain Adila (2019) Study of cassava film properties influence by plasticizers in Zinc-Air fuel cell. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abduk Rashid, Nurul Syuhadah (2022) Potensi Pulau Tuba, Langkawi Sebagai Produk Pelancingan Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Raman, Nur Hidayah (2016) Effect of Pressing Time on the Properties of Particleboard Made Using Glutardialdehyde Treated Oil Palm Particle. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abdul Aizudden Abdul Aziz (2015) The Study of Malayan Tapir's (Tapirus indicus) Habitat in Gunung Basor Forest Reserve. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abdul Aziz, Mohamad Ridhuan and Gunasekaran, Shamany and Yusof, Shuhada and Seow Ting, Thong (2015) Malaysian undergraduates’ preferences in selecting airlines company. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abdul Aziz, Nabihah (2019) Effect of Plasticizer Glycerin on wood based technology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Aziz, Nabihah (2019) Effect of Plasticizer Glycerin on wood based thermoplastic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Ghapar, Nadia (2020) Development of interactive application for classification of Artocarpus Species. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Hadi Ahmad (2014) Identification of rice leaf folder species (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the damage on paddy at Rantau Panjang paddy field, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Abdul Hadi Shaik Mohamad Yusof (2013) Geological mapping at Sokor area with emphasize on slope stability. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abdul Hafidz, Amran (2015) A diversity and ecology of araceae of Gua lkan, Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Abdul Hafidz, Mohamad Khairul Ridzwan (2019) Novel Tulang-Tulang Berserakan: Satu Analisis Koordinat M.H Abrams. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Abdul Hakim Azhar (2015) Study of Early Life Cycle of Gourami, Trichogaster spp. with Emphasis the Effect of Temperature, pH and Salinity towards Egg Yolk Absorption and Starvation Period. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Abdul Hakim Yahaya (2017) General geology and the prediction of limestone geohazard using electrical resistivity imaging (eri) at Gua Madu, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Halim, Muhamad Aliff Naim (2022) Elemen-Elemen Feminisme Dalam Novel Salina. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Hamid, Nur Aqilah (2022) Kajian Mengenai Usaha Dalam Mempertahankan Adat Perpatih Dalam Kalangan Generasi Baharu Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Karim, Nahrusyifa’ (2020) A study of parameter effects on Polycaprolactone (pcl) microparticles prepared via solvent evaporation method-ultrasonicator probe assisted. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Manap, Nurul Hamizah (2020) Analysis of pesticides residue in leafy vegetables at Jeli market, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Muhaimin Simunir (2022) Identification of trichinella spiralis in pork meat in kelantan, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Muiz Pauzi (2011) Pembungkusan keropok di Kelantan dan kesannya kepada pengguna. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Abdul Muiz Badrulhisham (2016) Competitive ability of leguminous plants againts parthenium weed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Abdul Muiz Rosli (2016) Karst geomorphology of Chiku 2 cave, Gua Musang, Kelantan as an analogue of subsurface carbonate reservoir. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abdul Mutalib, Nurul Hidayah (2019) Analysis of phytochemical constituents of garlic (Allium sativum L.) against clinical pathogens. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Mutalib, Siti Nur Fathimah (2020) Distribution of subterranean termite mounds in oil palm plantation of FELDA Kemahang, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Muzamir Mazalan (2016) Perception of FELDA smallholders in Kelantan toward cash-crop integrated farming in oil palm plantation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Abdul Qadir, Samsul Muareif (2015) General geology and sedimentology of Kg. Merapoh Lama, Merapoh, Pahang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Abdul Rahman, Nadwah (2011) Kajian Kesan Warna Terhadap Pandangan Manusia. Final Year Project thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Abdul Rahman, Nurul Alia (2020) Chemical modification of lignocellulosic material for heavy metal removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Rahman, Siti Norfadilah (2018) Study on the effect of plasticizer (Fructose) on the properties of Glutaraldehyde modified starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Rahman Mat Jusoh (2019) General Geology of Dabong and Rock Coating as a Record of Environmental Changes. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Rasyid, Mira and Kua Geok Chin, Eileen and Mohd Noor, Ili Aidid (2015) Logistics management of Pantai Timor Hypermarket Sdn Bhd. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abdul Ra’uf Zaidee (2018) The Occurrence Of Coccidiosis In Quails (Coturnix Japonica) At Different Ages. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Rusman Hassanul Basri and Adlina Sharuddin and Muhammad Haikal Mohamad Fahimi and Nesha Manivannan (2021) Determinant factors that influence tourists to travel as backpackers in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Samad, Nur Anati (2018) A study on sugarcane bagasse fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester resin biocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdul Sarji, Nurshuhada and Zainal, Nursyuhada and Sulehan, Nurul Afifah and MOhd Shafie, Nurul Athirah (2015) Factors influencing graduate students to choose entrepreneurship as a career. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abdul Wahid Esdar and Afiqah Abd Razak and Bb Ellyna Brahim and Cassiedy Thomas (2024) Perceived ESG (environmental, social, governance) towards customer purchase intention in Malaysia: the mediating role of brand credibility, brand image, and perceived quality. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdull Aqil Wahiduddin Abdull Latib (2024) Unsur-Unsur Kepimpinan Berdasarkan “Tajus Salatin” Dalam Filem Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih: Analisis Berdasarkan Teori Humanistik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdull Rahman, Muhamad Nur Azhar (2020) GIS (Geographic Information System) application for distribution of rubber plantation in Surat Thani, Thailand. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdull Raoh, Muhammad Adha (2022) Kajian Tentang Lagu-Lagu Loghat Daerah Yang Mempromosikan Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Afiqah and Md Zakaria, Ahmad Nazri and Che Mohd Ruzima, Ahmad Syahmizamir and Zawi, Nur Akmar (2015) Factors inflencing the choice of takaful over conventional insurance: the case of academician in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Atikah (2018) Mechanical and physical properties of coconut shell reinforced unsaturated polyester composites in the presence of Graphene as nano-reinforcing fillers. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Intan Harnila (2018) Characterization of Aluminium-Titania-Nickel Oxide hybrid nanocomposite prepared by powder metallurgy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Nur Fatin Farhana (2020) Kelantan household intention in minimizing food waste through knowledge, attitude and practices of food and food waste management. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Nurida Syahidah (2019) Thermal behaviour of Torrefied Biochar from oil palm empty fruit bunch (Opefb). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Nuur Zahraa Najwa (2020) Study on the characterization of thin film based on urea modified starch plasticized with ethylene glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah, Siti Solehah (2018) The study of butterfly diversity (Order: Lepidoptera) at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah Adymukhlis Abu Samah (2022) Evaluation of antioxidant activity of active film prepared with Chitosan and Sacha Inchi (Plukenetla Volubilis) leave extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Abdullah Fahmi Shaari, . (2012) Factors influencing livestock price changes in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abdullah Othman (2020) Properties of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCL) Treated Sawdust-Reinforced Polyethylene Composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abdullah Sidek, Yasmin Suraya (2020) Study of an eco-friendly enzymatic dehairing of skins and hides using alkaline protease. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abibadrom, Muhammad Faiz (2018) Enhancement of mechanical properties of Singgora roof tiles by using flux. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abilashini A/P Murukhesen (2023) Cultural Dynamics and Preservation in Malaysian Indian Earthenware: Analysing the Impacts of Socio-Economic Changes and Cultural Diversity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abirramy Jagatheswaran (2020) Determination Of Oxalic Acid And Silica Contents In The Feed Ingredients Commonly Used In Ruminant Diets. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abu Bakar, Nurul Farihah and Nasir, Nurul Fatihah and Teo, Yin Yin (2015) Factors affecting passengers satisfaction towards the service quality of public bus transportation case study Kota Bharu Bus Terminal. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abu Bakar, Nurul Farihah and Nasir, Nurul Fatihah and Teo, Yin Yin (2015) Factors affecting passengers satisfaction towards of service quality on public bus transportation case study in Kota Bharu bus terminal Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Abu Dzar Mohd Isham (2014) Adsorption performance using corn stalk as activated carbon to reduce heavy metals concentration in aqueous solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Abu Hassan Shaari, Nor'ain (2019) Peleraian Konflik Melalui Pendekatan Dakwah Dalam Drama Terpilih Noordin Hassan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Abu Samah, Aziyan Izzati (2019) Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of selected antibacterial soaps and raw plants on clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Abu Sin, Mohammad Khunnais (2022) Kajian Tentang Alat Muzik Tradisional Gedombak Dalam Persembahan Wayang Kulit Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adam Mad Zain (2019) Konservasi Monumen : Satu Kajian Perbandingan Terhadap Kubu Kebal di Kampung Anak Rhu dengan Kampung Pulau Belongan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Adam Manshur bin Azhar (2024) Ideologi Ketuhanan dalam Novel Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan Karya Shahnon Ahmad: Analisis Bersandarkan Teori Takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adanan, Nurul Izzati (2020) Activity pattern of Viverridae in state land forest, Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adefera Mojilin and Ng Huoi Hsian and Noor Awanis Bahrudin and Nurul Shahira Aziera Hamdan (2021) The study on the effectiveness of online learning towards hospitality students learning outcomes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adib Dzafirah Mohd Khairul Fidzal (2022) Antimicrobial assay of microalgae oscillatoria spp. from gunung stong, jeli, kelantan on streptococcus agalactiae and aeromonas hydrophila. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adib Qusairy Mohd Yunus (2015) Detection of protease activity in carica papaya, artocarpus heterophyllus and Manilkara zapota extracts by agar plate technique and physicochemical property of meat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Adiba binti Abd Hamid (2023) Konservasi Kain Telepuk: Pembuatan, Motif dan Pemeliharaan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adibah, Bedol @ Abdul Halim (2020) Pathogenicity of Vibrio alginoliticus on Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Post-Larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adibah Binti Yamin (2019) Determination of Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Toxicity Capabilities of Christia vespertilionis (Pokok Rerama) Leaves. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adibah Hani Ahmad Zaidi (2016) Study on the packaging labels of chocolate product affecting Kelantan consumer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Adibah Md Samsuday and Karam Kaur Prem Singh and Lee Jin Long and Mohamad Izzatullah Hamid (2016) Destination foods image and intention to visit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Adibah Najihah Ab Rahman (2018) The effect of fermented soybean meal on the growth of Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus Auratus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adilah Azmi (2012) Study of morphological characters of java tea, (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Adilah Suhailin Kamaruzaman (2016) Daily activity budget of Giant Panda (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca at Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Adilah Syahidah Badrul Hisham and Ahmad Athif Aiman Mahadi and Aida Hazirah Rosli and Ahmad Solehin Ai’ri (2022) The determinant factor of takaful selection among community in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adin, Shafiqah (2018) Species diversity of mushroom at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adisak A/La Ran and Agalya A/P Ravimaran and Afikah Amira Ahmad and Ahmad Aiman Aqil Jamidin (2022) Exploring the potential development of tourism products: a case study at tumpat district. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adley Slaus Stenly (2023) Analisis teguran politik semasa berdasarkan novel Naratif Ogonshoto Karya Anwar Ridhwan: satu kajian penelitian melalui teori sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, UMK.
Adlin Farhanah Mohd Azmi (2022) Efficacy of Coco Peat Mulch treated with wood vinegar on control woody Borreria (Hedyotis Verticillata (L.) Lam.) at the vegetative stage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Adlin Junita Abd Wahab, . (2012) Students intention purchasing towards organic cosmetics. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Adnan, Nur Safiqah (2020) Plants diversity in rubber plantations at Segamat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Adnan, Syahida (2020) Modification of sawdust and extracted cellulose using Cethyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) for oil removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aduka, Taruna (2018) Evaluation of Insectivorous Bat’s Diet at Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands (R.E.A.C.H) BioD Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afandi, Norhafifi Akira (2020) Synthesis and characterization of aluminium doped Zinc Oxide by hydrothermal method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afida Ayub (2019) Geology and preliminary study of gold deposit using biogeochemistry in Ulu Sokor, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afif Ahza Zainudin and Fatin Nor Nazira Che Seman and Noor Asilah Hussin and Noor Syamimi Zulkefli (2023) Motivational factors to consume organic food products among public university students’ in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afif Zuhair Nordin (2021) Kempen Kebaikan E-Sukan Dalam Bentuk Motion Grafik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Afifah Ahmad (2016) Geology and river geomorphology of Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Afifah Ahmad Tajudin (2016) The study of natural colourant from Senduduk Bulu (Clidemia hirta) for biological stain and cosmetic application. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Afifah Shahirah Azizan (2017) General geology and water geochemistry of Gua Bewah, Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afina Aznan (2021) Kajian Terhadap Rekabentuk Pembungkusan Produk Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (Pks) Tempatan: Produk Belacan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Afiq Abdullah Omar (2016) Characterisation of potential oil palm frond (opf) juice as ruminant feed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Afiq Khairil Anuar and Fatihatul Najjah Mohd Nor and Liyana Sahira Mohd Zuki and Marina Sudarman (2023) Factor influencing online repurchase intention among cosmetic consumers in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afiqah Awang Kechik @ Awang (2020) Finite element analysis of impact test for fiber metal laminate fuselage using Solidworks ® Simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Afiqah Liyana Abd Razak and Ahmad Aliff Hakimi Mat Nasir and Aida Roshaiza Mohd Zaki and Chua Yi Fan (2022) Factors influencing consumer’s purchase intention on new seasonal menu selection (Viral Food). Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Afirah Osman@ Yusof (2014) Citra wanita melayu: penelitian terhadap novel Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan dan Harga Sebuah Maruah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Afiza Izzati Mat Aris (2014) Investigation of traceability and recall plans of food manufacturing plants and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Afizah Alir (2012) Study of heavy metal concentration in soil at extraction stage of iron ore mining activities at Bukit Besi, Temangan Machang Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earch Science. (Submitted)
Afrina Izzati Mohd Daud and Chua Hui Qi and Fatin Syuhada Shamsul and Muhamad Nurhafiz Norman (2021) Determinants factors on patients’ satisfaction towards health tourism in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Agilla a/p Guna Seelan (2023) Kajian Persepsi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Terhadap Muzium Royal Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahiswarya Thenagopal and Ahmad Zahid Kamarul Zaman and Lai Mae Kwan and Lim Chai Loon (2019) The factors that influence the grocery purchase decisions among young consumers at Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahlami Mohd Azmi (2013) Isolation of Banana's Rhizosphere fungus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Fazilaili (2020) Waste management practices of food based product among retailers at Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Fazilaili (2020) Waste management practices of food based product among retailers at Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Mazila (2020) Diversity of termite in oil palm plantation, FIMA Bunga Tanjong, Kuala Balah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Nur Ayuni (2020) PRODUCTION of cellulose bioplastics derived from bamboo (Bamb Usa Vulgaris). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad, Syahiran Mustaqim (2019) Life cycle assessment of wood plastic composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Al-Mubin Jauhar (2023) Molecular detection of leptospira species among dogs in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Ali Imran Azlan (2021) Kajian terhadap Rekabentuk Pengiklanan Kempen Kesedaran Wabak Covid-19 oleh Syarikat Kaxprint di Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Ahmad Amirul Faez Ahmad Nor Azmi (2016) General geology and major ions analysis in Kadok, lower part of Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ahmad Aqili Zaidi and Ahmad Hamzi Mohd Afifi and Siti Norafida Mohd Bakri and Nur Dini Syafiqah Mohd Riduan (2023) The influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived security towards e wallet usage among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Arif Azwar Anuar and Ahmad Fahmi Izman Mohd Tohir and Aina Nabilah Ahmad and Aini Syazwani Zamri (2024) Factor of the acceptance for QR code payment methods usage among students at University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Azam Mohamad (2022) Kajian Perubahan Yang Berlaku Keatas Reka Bentuk Masjid Lama Kedai Mulong. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Azfarmizan Jamaludin and Muhammad Nur Amirul Jamian and Devapriya Dasi Elamaran and Lye Li Chyi (2021) The influencing of virtual education learning in FHPK students performance during pandemic of covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Azri Hassan and Aiza Izyani Zulkuple and Asmieyda Azman and Catherine Chong Siaw Ying (2016) The factors influence customer’s intention to use green product. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ahmad Bukhari Hazmee (2017) General geology and structural analysis of Gunung Ayam, Lojing, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Danial Ariff Ishak (2021) General Geology of Dabong and Rock Coating as a Record of Environmental Changes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Dhiyauddin bin Mohd Zurkarnain and Azimunnisha binti Mohamed Rafeek and Badriatun Nabilah binti Badrishah and Catherine Lim Zhi Ying (2016) The determinants of online buying behaviour among young customers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fadhli Kamarollzaman (2013) General geology and seismic refraction investigation of UMK Jeli Campus, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fadzil, Ahmad Dinie Idham (2021) Kajian Perbandingan Kesenian Susunatur Pada Rumah Tradisional Melayu Di Negeri Kelantan Dan Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Faiz Mohammad Zulkifli (2015) Identification of types of compounds from Pereskia bleo (Cactaceae) extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Faiz Mohd Yosof (2012) Preminary study of masculinization of guppy, Poecilia reticulata seed by using mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana, leaf. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Faruq Mohd Yuhaizad (2013) Study of early life cycle of climbing perch anabas testudineus with emphasis on it larvae's egg yolk absorption period. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fauzan Abdul Manan and Ooi Chin Hong and Siti Aisyah Mohd Nor and Izzy Fatihah Hikmah Kasim (2021) Factors affecting the acceptance of ecommerce applications among higher education students In Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fauzan Wahab (2020) Producing organic fertilizer from restaurant food waste using composting method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fikri, Nadiah (2020) Climbers diversity in Agro Techno Park Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fikri, Sarpan (2015) Geological mapping and evaluation of groundwater geochemistry in Jedok, Tanah Merah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ahmad Firdaus Ahmad Radzi and Bageshree S Segar and Muhammad Syafiq Nawayee and Nur Afifah Abd Rashid (2021) The impact of ecotourism development towards the quality of life as perceived by local communities at National Forest Park, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Firdaus Ahmad Zulkhairi and Lee Shu Qi and Nik Nur Ruzaini Razali and Nurin Atiqah Hanim Talhah (2024) Enhancing local SME innovation capabilities for economic growth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Firdaus Ibrahim (2016) Study of the intention of banana growers in improving the production in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Fuad, Nurul Atiqah (2018) Diversity and distribution of collembola in Agriculture soil of Agropark, Uuiversiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, Kelautan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Hanif Ahmad Termizi (2019) Geology of Banjaran, West Java and the geochemical evolution of its volcanic product. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Hazizad Mohd Rosdi (2018) Geology and geochemical evolution of volcanic rocks in Cibodas, West Java, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ahmad Hifzan Baharuddin and Nor Irdhina Shahidan and Nur Izzati Athirah Mohd Atid and Wan Nur Asyiqin Wan Nor Azman (2021) Factors affecting customer satisfaction towards online food delivery services. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Ibrahim Mohamed and Aina Nafisah Mohamad Ashik and Alvin Thien Zhi Cong and Fatin Najihah Zolkafli (2023) The Role of E-Commerce In Reducing SME’s Operating Costs In Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Iqbal Muhamad (2015) Estimation of vitamins from selected edible weed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Iskandar Adrian Muzaffar and Chiang Zhi Ying and Nor Erynazatul Ain Hamdan and Nurul Ashyiqin Asrin (2021) The factors of technology acceptance influencing mobile apps in tourism among local tourists in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Izzul Fitri Ismadi and Muhd. Khairul Ariffin Mohd. Zakaria and Nor Ainatul Mardiyyah Che Abd Rani and Nur Athirah Yusaini (2021) Determinants of behavioural intention on virtual tourism usage among tourist in Malaysia during Covid-19 lockdown. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Khairi Mat Napi (2020) Assessing Phosphorus Uptake, Soil Phosphorus Availability and the Growth of Maize (Zea mays. L) upon Biochar Application at Different Rates in Tropical Acid Soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Lukman Supian (2019) Effect of Different Concentration of BAP on Growth Performance and Yield in Musa acuminata cv. Berangan after Six Months Post Planting Stage. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Miqdad Rosli and Ahmad `Attiq Mhd Sarbini and Ainaa Syaherra Norizam and Ainim Syafiqa Fauzilan (2022) The potential of historic fortress as a new tourism attraction in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Mudzaqqir Mohd Yusof (2013) Extraction of essential oil from cinnamon (cinnamomun zeylanicum). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ahmad Muizzuddin Rosli and Nor Izatul Akmal Saidi Mohamad and Nor Najihah Balqis Zakaria and Nor Shahida Ahmad (2022) Rule of faraid distribution: Empirical study on the level of community understanding in Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Mustaqim Bin Mohd Sabri (2017) Geology and geochemistry of water discharges from the sand mining at Kampung Sat, Tanah Merah Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Nabil Mustaqim Rosli and Nurul Shazeera Roslee and Pravina Rajan and Saidatul Aishah Shamsul Kamal (2021) Tourist satisfaction towards authenticity of local food in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Nailan Mohamad Najib (2010) Kajian terhadap unsur serta pengaruh agama Islam di dalam Seni Silat Gayong Warisan Serantau Malaysia:satu kajian di Kampung Dusun Durian,Tawang Bachok,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Ahmad Nazirul Mubin Baharudin and Ainasyasya Halim and Ashivini Velavan and Fatin Sajeedah Zakaria (2023) Comparison of marketing strategy for balm aromatherapy in the cosmetic industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Nizam Berdal (2017) General geology and geochemistry of granite rocks in Kampung Batu Gajah, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Nur Izzat Ahmad Nuzulan and Aini Shathirah Kang Si Long @ Abdul Rahman and Boon Chie Ying and Hadaina Husna Nornizar (2023) Factors influencing online purchasing intention among entrepreneurship (commerce) students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan during post Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Nuruddin Zailani (2016) Chemical Properties of small diameter wild Acacia Mangium Species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ahmad Radzi, Ahmad Nabil (2021) Kajian Pengaruh Senibina Mogul Pada Masjid Zahir Di Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Rashdan Rozman and Ainnu Natasha Mat Zais and Ainul Athirah Mat Nudin and Amni Abd Azis (2023) Consumer acceptance of innovation in traditional foods among undergraduates’ student. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Rasydan Razali and Amira Fatini Salehhudin and Chan Chun Lee and Intan Nur Syafiqah Moktar (2023) Factors influence consumer acceptance of cashless payment among staff of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Ridhwan Mohammad (2017) General geology and gold occurrence at Katok Batu, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Rizqyuddin Mohd Yatimmurrizal and Ambas Ngilah and Ganatharsyen Jegathisvaran and Nadirah Yusoff (2022) The study on the acceptance of Malay traditional food among Generation-Z. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Ahmad Rohaizad, Eizzaty Annur (2019) Study of phytochemical constituents on Swietenia macrophylla and Musa acuminata fruits. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Samsuir, Asilah (2016) Removal Of Oil From Aqueous Solution By Untreated Sugarcane Bagasse. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ahmad Shafie Kamarin (2020) Geology and petrology of volcanic rock in Lojing, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Shafiq Abdul Nasir (2013) General geology mapping and application of geophysical methods for slope mitigation at Manek Urai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ahmad Syafiq Asyraf Rosman (2022) Reducing nitrogen (N) leaching in acidic soil by amending urea fertilizer with rice husk biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ahmad Syakir Ismail@Ramli (2017) Study of hollow colloidosomes using polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) as polymer via two steps solvent evaporation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Syazwan Izzuddin Abdullah and Ainifatini Dzulkifli and Ainina Mardiyah Suheiluddin and Amira Farhana Mohd Mazuki (2024) The behaviour of UMK students towards financial crime. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Wafiudeen Rosidi and Raveen Kumar M.Murailee and Aliyana Najwa Mustapha @ A.Rahman and Cheng Ee Khin (2024) Measuring the effectiveness of transportation applications among SAL students in UMK Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Zaid Azri Ahmad Zakaria (2019) Xylan-based Nicotiana Tabaccum stalk derived active food packaging. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Zainudin, Siti Amiera (2022) Pemeliharaan Golok Atau Parang Pendek Dalam Masyarakat Di Daerah Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ahmad Zu, Siti Azieza (2020) Determination of riparian vegetation species abundance along the river site of Lata Janggut, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aida Aqilah Abd Latib and Mohamad Amirul Syafiq Ismadi and Khabir Hasif Mohd Khairudin and Lim Chun Keat (2021) The potentials and benefits of internet of things (iot) towards business performance in travel and tourism industry: case studies at Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aida Mastura Mohamad (2022) Pemberdayaan Jati Diri Kanak-Kanak Dalam Teks Adik Sayang Pantun. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aida Mohd Hashim (2022) Knowledge, attitude and practice in farmers towards Bovine dystocia in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aida Syarafana Zulazami (2020) Effect of Mild Smoking Time on Some Physical Properties of Chicken Breast. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aida Syazana Musa (2018) The effect of Leucaena leucocephala leaf extract on the Texture of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fingerlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aidil Azwa binti Ab. Ghani (2019) Formulation of antifoaming agent from silicon based polymer for industrial surfactant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aieda Salmi Mamat (2016) Growths and yeilds performance of water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on double-tier planting tray aquaponic system in different media growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aifaa Syazwani Abdul Razak and Hendryanna Muslim and Nurul Atiqah Nor Hilmi and Amiruddin Abdul Rahman (2021) The factors that influence local fruit preferences among teenagers. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aiman Aizuddin Bin Ahmad Murad (2023) Penambahbaikan kaedah penyimpanan artifak organik di Muzium Negeri Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Aiman Fitrah Md Radzi (2019) Farmer’s perception on good agriculture practice in Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aiman Irfan Mohd Noor (2021) Merekabentuk Rak Serbaguna Di Syarikat Pebble3D Sdn Bhd. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aiman Solihin Mohd Rohim (2019) Efficiency of rendered chicken oil and coconut oil as feed binders towards the growth performance of the broiler at grower stage. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aiman Syazwan Rosmin (2020) The Optimization Study of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) by Finite Element Analysis of Car Wheels in Automotive Industry Using Solidworks® Simulation Software. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aiman Vinesh, Syuhrah (2019) Cationic Starch as additives in paper making of Sesbania grandiflora Pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aimeeliya Mohd Sham and Chan Pei Ling and Muhammad Khuzaimi Zamuri and Nik Nor Shahieda Nik Mood (2023) The exploring study of postpartum depression prevalence among women in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aimi Ayuni Mat Nawi (2016) Antimicrobial activity of babylonia arealata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aimi Nazihah Taman and Aina Alfarisha Mohamed and Aina Najihah Mohd Haslizan and Ainnur Alieya Azizul (2023) The factors influencing the awareness of family takaful among residents in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aimie Aisyah Othman (2020) Geology and analysis of slope stability using electrical resistivity imaging (Eri) in Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ain Auzureen Mat Zin (2014) Study of microbiological quality of beverages sold at selected educational institutes in Jeli (Malaysia) and Pattani (Thailand). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ain Najwa Abd Latif (2020) Study on awareness of microbeads pollution from personal care products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ain Norhuda Ajahar (2014) Short term effect of classical music (beethoven) on the growing of mung bean plant (vignaradiata (l.) wilczek). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ain Nurafiqah, Zainal (2015) Kempen demam denggi di negeri Kelantan melalui infografik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Ain Syuhada Afifah Hamzah (2014) Study in relationship between perceived stress and academic performance of students in the faculty of earth sciences, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Kampus Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Aina Afiqah Suhaimi (2019) Geology of Bayat area and resistivity study of ground water potential in Gunung Kidul,Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aina Amirah Ahmad Rizal (2021) Effect of salt concentration and temperature on mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese texture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aina Dayana Abd Aziz and Muhammad Aimie Hafiz Azmi and Nur Intanaqilah Zakaria and Noor Hidayah Khairudin (2023) Online customer’s satisfaction towards the quality of grabfood services in Pengkalan Chepa during covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aina Mardia Nasaruddin (2015) Isolation of biosurfactant producers from hydrocarbon contaminated water sample. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aina Yasmin Yusup (2018) Assesment on local community perception of ecotourism in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ainaa Eliah Abu Bakar (2016) Study on pigment from leaves of Pitang (Gynochthodes sublanceolata) for biological stain and cosmetic application. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ainaa Syamimi Yahaya (2016) General geology and trace elements distribution in groundwater shallow wells, around Mentuan areas, part of Bachok, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ainaasliza Che Zuhari (2011) Perbezaan dialek dan ungkapan unik di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Aini Suhaila M Khairul Amar and Divyaragini Mahendran and Norelisa Bakri and Sahariah Mohd Kazim (2021) A study of tourists perception towards destination safety in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainin Sofia Abdullah and Ainna Nur Syakirah Shaharuddin and Ainur Abd Salam and Airiani Ranty Jospuin (2023) The impact of food culture in malaysia tourism industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainin Sofiya binti Jamalludin (2023) Pembuatan kertas buatan tangan dari gentian nanas sebagai gantian kertas dalam rawatan konservasi manuskrip. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ainnatul Hakimah Azhar (2020) Assessing Soil Phosphorus Availability and Dry Matter Production of Choy Sum (Brassica chinensis var. parachinensis) on a Tropical Acid Soil By using Rice Husk Biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainnur Insyirah Ainor Jamarahman and Ameera Md Daud and Amirah Anisah Muhammad Iqbal Firdausi and Amirah Syahirah Khairul Faizi (2023) Factors influencing the trending halal food consumption among consumers in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainnur Shahirah Hasyim and Hasna Faizah Marzuki and Muhammad Fakhrudin Razak (2023) Factors affecting academic achievement of undergraduate students during Covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainul Hayati Mohd Khairi and Elly Maya Masnida Othman and Nur Izyani Abd Rahim and Siti Nur Balqis Che Azman (2021) The factors that influence travel intention among youth in Penang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainul Hidayah, Ismail (2019) Mandai : Makanan Tradisional Masyarakat Banjar di FELDA Gunung Besout 4, Sungkai, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Ainul Mardhiyah, Mohd Razib (2015) General geology of Kg. Gemang and identification of potential landfill zone map for the enhancement of sustainable waste management by using Geographic Information System (GIS)for Jeli district. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ainul Mardziyyah Che Din (2019) Assessment of heavy metal variation in catfish from two different habitats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainur Syuhada Kamarulzaman (2021) Penglibatan Organisasi Luar Dalam Pengurusan Muzium Di Kelantan : Kajian Di Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ainurshahidah Arbain (2015) Antibacterial Properties of Ten Methanolic and Ethanolic Edible Plant Leaf Extracts against Selected Pathogenic Bacteria from Aquaculture Sites. Masters thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aisah Mahmood (2013) General geology and petrography study of Kampung Pauh, Temangan Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Aisah Zainol (2019) Optimization of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) For Estimation of Feed Requirement Broiler Chicken. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aishah Jamaludin (2017) Analysis of water quality using physico-chemical parameters in Sungai Galas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aishah Miur Zabidin (2014) Third generation of mass selection of yield and pod length of snake bean ( Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aishah Miur Zabidin (2014) Third generation of mass selection of yield and pod length of snake bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aishwinee A/P Manogaran (2016) General geology and geochemistry of soil in Kg. Kalai Baharu, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Aisyah Bahiah Aidul Bahrein (2013) Fertigated chilli production under netted rain shelter and outside. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aisyah Syazana Adeli (2019) Web-based GIS development for land use changes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aizan Najwa, Zokifli (2020) Development of Broiler Chicken Feed Using Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) (BSFL) as Protein Source. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ajay Kumar Marthai Veeran and Lim Jia Hui and Noor Shamira Mohd Shahabudin and Nurtehah Norman (2024) A study on the relationship of the theory of consumption values and flow on consumers behavioural to use online shopping in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Akila Amirrudin (2020) Geology and petrographic analysis of volcanic product in Mandalawangi, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Al-Nazirul Mubin Ahmad Supri (2014) Antioxidants activity of schiff base and metal schiff base complexes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Aldiah Popi Rahmi Dawawirman and Amalin Ilyana Mohd Mahadi and Ang Wei Sheng and Anis Amanina Azmi (2023) Determinants pf online purchase intention among tourist malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aleeya Natasha Ramli (2019) Removal of oil and grease in wastewater using palm kernel shell activated carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alex Chew Sheng Hsien (2012) Effect of different plant growth regulators on responses of different explants in Callus induction of Java Tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ali, Muhammed Rafiq and Ahmad, Siti Rohani and Teoh, Wei Hong (2015) A study of the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty on train services in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ali, Nik Muhammad Muqit (2018) Bandgap tunability by synergistic mixture of plant-derived as photo-absorber candidates. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ali Mohamad Yasin (2013) Biochemical analysis of leguminous seddlings of maize (zea mays l.), mung bean (vigna radiata l.) and red kidney bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ali Mohamad Yasin (2013) Biochemical analysis of leguminous seedings of maize ( zea mays l.), mung bean (vigna radiata l.) and red kidney bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Alia Najiha Jamaluddin (2021) Kajian Eksplorasi Bahan Dan Teknik Dalam Penghasilan Karya Arca Yang Berbentuk Diorama. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Aliah Zulaikha Zulkaply (2019) Phytoaccumulation of chromium (Vi) using Ipomoea Aquatica (kangkung air). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aliana Hazel Anak Lamin (2024) Pengaruh Sape Dalam Identiti Masyarakat Orang Iban di Sarawak : Kajian Terhadap Alat Muzik Tradisional. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alias, Ahmad Fakhruddin (2022) Tahap Pengekalan Seni Bina Masjid Kampung Tuan, Chukai, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alias, Nor Lianatashya (2020) Estimating Gross Primary Production (GPP) of Kelantan forest area using MODIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alias, Nur Aidah (2020) Survey on Body Mass Index (BMI) and eating habits among student at University Malaysia Kelantan in Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alias, Nur Syarafana (2020) Preparation and characterization of Acacia Senegal hydrogel electrolyte in zinc-air battery. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alias, Nurairin Naziah and Mohd Zaid, Nuramni and Mat Rejab, Nurasilah and Ismail, Zul Fahmi (2015) Awareness of zakat and tax from perspective of undergraduate students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Alicia Chye Shen Li and Gelory Greanchey Majikol and Nur Ziana Muhammad Zamri and Izni Zulaikha Kamarezaman (2021) Acceptance of customer on using online food delivery applications. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alif Afiq Mohammad (2016) Geology and foraminiferal studies of parepare volcanic formation at Parepare City and Suppa, Pinrang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Alifah Azhari, . (2012) The factors affecting job satisfaction amongst employees of fast food restaurants: Case studies for ‘x’ restaurant in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Alifah Ilyana Azian (2019) Effect of Cooking Methods of Chicken Meat Mixed with Macaroni on Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Acceptability During Frozen Storage. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Allan Abraham Mirad (2012) Study of measurement service quality with SERVQUAL Model: an empirical study of three tills Five Star Hotel Industry in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Almazani, Norshafiqah (2020) Analysis of antimicrobial activity by defense fluid of Odontotermes Sarawakensis Holmgren on selected soil microbes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alvin Amos Adrian Susin (2018) Comparison of Nitrate and Nitrite Contents in Edible Bird’s Nest (EBN) obtained from Natural (Cave) and Modified (House) Habitats of Swiftlet Bird (Species: Aerodramus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alvin Low Zhen Keen and Aeshah Hartini Adnan and Abdul Helmi Razak and Fatimah Fatih Saipul Anuar (2023) Factor Affecting Towards Hyper-Personalization Through Digital Clienteling Among Malaysian Online Users. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alwafi Nordin (2023) Effect of feeding black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) larvae meal on the growth performance and organ weight of the village chickens, ayam kampung kacuk (akk). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Alwani Ramli (2021) Kajian Penjenamaan Semula Reka Bentuk Identiti Korporat Syarikat Fabulove Holding Sdn. Bhd Di Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Alya Athirah Ruziman (2019) Development and Effect of Two Different Packaging on Stability of Probiotic Drink. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amal Azwa Che Azuha (2022) A retrospective study on indications and complications of feline urethrostomy presented to university veterinary teaching hospital universiti malaysia kelantan (uvthumk) from the year 2017- 2021. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amalina Alias (2015) Bio-composite materials to enhance heat transfer of wood ( Neobalancarpus Heimii and Hopea odorata) for green building in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amalina Asmaa Ismail, . (2012) Factors Encouraging University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Students to Become Entrepreneur:Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Amaliza Idris (2013) The potential of antibiotics susceptibility testing to pseudomonas spp. isolated from climbing perch, anabas testudineus raised in Umk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amanda Goh Jia Min (2023) Knowledge, attitude, and practices Toward chronic kidney disease in Dogs and cats among pet owners in Klang valley, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amanina Ahmad (2014) Household solid waste management and willingness to pay: a case study of five mukims in Jasin District. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amanina Izzati Ahmad Termizi (2017) Fabrication of mambong pottery by using slip casting method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amat Rahim, Nor Fadiana (2020) Formulation and characterization of Piper belle nanoemulgel for anti-microbial activities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ambiga Paneer Selvam (2012) Fish cutlet of spoiled Nemipterus Japonicus (ikan kerisi). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ambra Abu Bakar and Chung Lehsin and Khairul Anwar Ashar and Gomala Murugappan (2016) Determinant of perceived social impact on community in hosting a sport tourism event. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Ameer Sabrin Muhammd Shukri (2020) Evaluation of the impact of climate change (rainfall) towards net revenue farmers in Kelantan using ricardian approach. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amey Nadirah Fairuz (2017) Soil physical and chemical properties in compartment 5 of Gunung Siku Forest Reserve. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ameylia Mohd Radzi and Karthiyahini Selvaraju and Liang Jia En and Mohamad Nadzmi Haronarashid (2016) The relationship between e-word of mouth, ease of use, usefulness and enjoyment towards online behavioural intentions. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Amiera Aqie’la Mat Daud and Chin Ming Hui and Nur Izzaty Azali and Zainab Kadir (2021) The consumption of instant noodles among public university students in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amilah Fadhlina Saat and Amir Naqiuddin Mohd Fadzal and Anis Hafiza Mustaf and Ang Swee Qian (2024) Intention to use the Internet Of Things (IOT) technology among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amin Mustaqim Mohamad Fauzi (2023) Preliminary study of phyllanthus niruri as a natural contraceptive for animals. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aminah Nutman (2013) Floristic diversity, composition and richness of lowland dipterocarp forest in Gunung Basor, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amir, Siti Fatimah (2016) Assessment on distribution and ecology of Rafflesia in Royal Belum Forest Reserve, Perak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amir Adilah Mohamed Jamal (2021) Palletization and characterization of torrefied oil palm empty fruit bunch (opefb) biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amir Hamzah Mohammad (2021) Kajian Penggunaan Unsur Seni Jalinan Dalam Penghasilan Karya Seni Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Amir Hamzah Mohd Azman and Megat Sapfuan Megat Sapri and Muhamad Faiz Romli and Muhamad Zulhilmi Hambali (2023) A comparative study on knowledge attitude and readiness to comply with shariah law towards Islamic banking product and services among students of different races in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amir Nadzmi Md Nawi and Nur Sakinah Mohd Shukri and Nur Syaza Syazwanie Mohd Shamsuddin (2021) Examining relationship between tourists expectation, destination image, perceive quality and tourists satisfaction on shopping hub at One Utama shopping mall. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amir Syahiran Hussaini and Mohamad Zulidham Hizuan and Normajidah Jaafar and Nur Shafiqah Awang (2022) The understanding of Faraid among University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amir Syaifuddin Juhari (2017) Effects of feldspar addition on phase formation of CaCu3Ti4O12. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amira Farahani Mohd Azmi and Kasthuri Arumugam and Liew Sien Leong and Mohamad Nazmi Hashim (2016) Factors that attract tourists in choosing Kuala Terengganu as a travel choice. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Amira Noralia Azman (2021) Penyelidikan Tentang Kempen Kesedaran Mengenai Kebaikan Seni Grafiti Di Bandar Jengka, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Amira Shafinar Ahmad (2013) Optimization of annealing temperature of 20 RAPDs used to detect polymorphism in java tea ( Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amirah, Hamzah (2012) The use of RDA (Representational difference analysis) to isolate genomic differences in somaclonal variation of banana. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amirah Abdullah (2016) Analysis nutritional profile of fermented rubber, hevea brasiliensis, seed and its effect on growth performances of ornamental gourami, trichogaster trichoprerus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amirah Afifah Kamaruddin (2022) Computer-aided approach for the development and characterization of medicated gel blended with Psidium Guajava leaves. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Amirah Aisyah Ajmi (2019) Pollen Analysis of Airborne Pollen Samples Collected From Different Locations of Pahang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Amsah (2019) Effect of Extender Supplemented with Date Palm Pollen Grain on Bovine Semen Qualities. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Asmadi and Engku Nur Fathiah Engku Ismail and Farah Hakimah Muhamad and Farzana Arifi (2024) The understanding and awareness of Islamic accounting among accounting students at the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Ayob (2019) Effects of Bokashi and Application of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) as Foliar Fertilizer on Selected Soil Characteristics and Growth Performance of Pak Choy ( Brassica rapa subs chinensis). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Fadhlina Azahar and Nur Hidayah Mohd Zaki and Nurul Afiqah Mazenee and Nurulain Aqilah Halizan (2024) The cyber security awareness of Islamic digital banking among UMK city campus students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Fazila Jamaludin (2022) Comparison of estrus signs and pregnancy rate between Estrus synchronised cows using CIDR insertion and modified herbs feeding. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Haji Ismail (2016) General geology of Kg. Slow Temiang and determination of vegetation distribution on failure hillslopes using Geographical Information System (GIS) along Jeli-Dabong-Sg.Sam highway, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Amirah Husna Abdul Halim (2022) Antibacterial effect of ethanolic extract of centella Asiatica and cosmos caudatus on escherichia coli. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Izzati Ruslan (2016) The effects of dietary coconut oil with or without vitamin E on growth performance, abdominal fat pad wight and crude fat content of breast meat in quail. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amirah Mohammad Ismail and Anis Amirah Ali and Dinni Qistina Joha and Mohamad Adam Ab Halim (2022) The knowledge of zakat in business among Muslim entrepreneur in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirah Mohd Arshad (2018) Prevalence of Streptococcus agalactiae in Hybrid Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) From Inland Farm in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirul Faris, Muhammad (2015) Demarcation of groundwater potential zones in Ayer Lanas and Jedok area using GIS. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Amirul Fauzan Amerudin (2018) Rubberized Glutardialdehyde modified starch plasticized with Ethylene Glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirul Hakim Omar (2014) Land use change effect on habitat loss rate of dipterocarp species in Sabah using species distribution modelling. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amirul Husaini bin Roslan (2024) Analisis Kisah Terpilih Dalam 366 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal Sebagai Medium Pendidikan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirul Mualiff Musa (2013) Analysis of heavy metal in orthosiphon stamineus using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amirul Rizan, Adnan (2015) Mengenalpasti aspek rekabentuk kerusi rehat di tempat kediaman yang berkonsepkan refleksologi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Amirul Syafiq Mohd Sani (2017) Evaluation on growth performance of Alocasia Longiloba Miq. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirulsyafiq Azmir (2022) Molecular detection of leptospira spp. In water from wet Markets in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amirzatulhawa Mohd Zaid (2013) Product development of traditional cooling rice powder (Bedak Sejuk). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ammar Yasir Md Nor and Farah Hanis Mohd Fauzi and Iffah Liyana Kafflee and Nik Nurul Farahanis Mohd Zain (2022) Investigating factors that influence university students to dine in at restaurant during Covid 19 recovery period. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Amni Hafizah Remli (2014) Effect of selected solvents used in dragon fruit, pandan leaves and butterfly pea extractions on the colour stability. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amni Syazana Ramli (2015) Optimization of denitrification process in treating wastewater containing nitrate nitrogen. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Amran, Amirul Kamal and Abdul Aziz, Azizan and Chong, Jia Kee and Abdol Samat, Ummu Naquiah (2015) Consumer attitudes towards counterfeit products in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Amy Ateera Mohd Bakarimi and Atikah Azizi and Azrina Shaari and Emley Nasrah Mohammad Nadzir (2024) Knowledge of credit card usage among government employees. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amy Syafinaz Mohamad Adhar (2015) Preliminary Study On Physical And Chemical Composition Of Wild Leucaena leucocephala Species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Amy Syaza Syakira Azmi and Helna Salian and Mohd Iskandar Suriansa and Muhamad Hafizuddin Ishak (2024) Determinants of cash waqf awareness among Muslims in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amyusharman Shafiq Yusof (2024) Kajian Tentang Reka Bentuk Alat Muzik Tradisional Gendang Kecapi Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Amzar Azhar (2013) General geology in Lakota, Jeli, Kelantan and seismic refraction analysis in polytechnic of Jeli, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
An Nurainee Jais (2020) Assessment of environmental pesticides exposure of farmers living nearby the paddy fields using mathematical modelling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anadin, Norzafirah (2018) Effect of zinc doping on electrical properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 produced using conventional and microwave techniques. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anak Ruyan, Alextha Belawan (2022) Adat Ngulit Dalam Masyarakat Kaum Orang Iban Di Sarawak. Kajian Kes: Tuai Rumah Lenus, Nanga Ranan, Kanowit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Andi Ermawati Shahruddin and Mokagathi Ganesan and Shalia Adiela Wahab and Syazwan Izzati Shukor (2016) Young tourist motivation to participate in cultural and heritage festival in Malacca. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Andi Mariati Andi Radi (2016) Isolation and characterization of iron-reducing bacteria from freshwater sediments at agropark,UMK, Kelantan and Gunung Yong Beiar, Perak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Andi Naziha Mungkar (2013) Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution Using Oil Palm Biomass. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Andik Noor Nasriatul Mutmainnah, Mohd Nasir (2011) Kajian pembungkusan terhadap aiskrim Malaysia melalui aspek komunikasi visual dalam kalangan pelajar UMK. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Aneis Maasyirah Binti Hamzah (2019) Utilization of rice husk ash (RHA) into ceramic brick. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ang, Hui Yi (2018) Biogenic synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and in vitro determination of antidiabetic activity of Cosmos caudatus (Ulam Raja) leaf extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ang, Jia Hui (2020) Detection of exon polymorphism in the. pineapple. terpene synthase through multiple sequence analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ang, Kar Moon (2019) Preparation of Hydrogel Films of Sodium Alginate and Gelatin with Aloe Vera via solvent casting and cross-linking method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ang, Leong Hock and Mauris, Margriit and Ibrahim, Norshahira and Rabuan, Nurul Fatehah (2015) Factors affecting the ridership of public transport in Kuala Lumpur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ang, Rui Xiu (2016) Study of calcined eggshell as potential catalyst for biodiesel formation using used cooking oil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ang, Sharene Ee Shin (2014) General geology and petrography study of Gunung Reng and its surroundings, Jeli district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ang Chia Sin and Asyuhada Zoolkiflie and Nur Izzah Afifah Abdullah and Siti Najihah Aznan (2024) The study of delivery services features of customer satisfaction among students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) in Campus Kota. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ang Huan Liang (2019) Physical, and Textural Analysis of Soursop (Annona muricate) Ice Cream Incorporated with Coconut and Palm Milk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Angela Vidda anak Chuwat (2017) General geology and determination of landslide susceptibility using geographical information system at Bechah Kelubi, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anggun Abd Hadi and Anis Farhani Azahari and Anis Nadhirah Abd Rahman and Aqilatul Husna Mohd Sham (2023) The study on visitor’s acceptance of traditional malay food in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Afi Najihah Solahudin and Mora Anak Megan and Nur Shamira Aris and Nur Syafiqah Dharoji (2016) Impact of sport tourism development toward rural host community in Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Anis Amalina Rahim (2017) Leptospira sp. physical and chemical parameters relationship and its availability at Lata Janggut, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Aniesya Abdullah and Arina Agniya Anthony Danial and Asmaa' Aqilah Azman and Asrulnizam Abdullah (2023) Factor influencing intention on investment in shariah compliance gold savings among undergraduate students in UMK Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Athirah Abdul Wahab and Siti Khatijah Majnon and Fitriyani Masudy and Mohd Akmal Arsyad Jimmy (2021) The impact of mobile application towards tourism industry among sap students Kohort 2018. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Farhana Mohd Sa'auzi and Fasha Nur Athilah Che Hussin and Nurliyana Anuar and Muhammad Idham Abdul Jalil (2023) Factors influencing eating habits among wellness students at universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Faznina Muhamad Safrizan and Raja Muhammad Sufirul Aiman Raja Indera and Nur Nadhirah Mohd Kamal and Rosmalinda Roslan (2023) Relationship between traditional postnatal care services utilization and emotional status among women. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Hayati Anuar (2016) Preparation of Hollow Colloidosomes particle using Sucrose Ester, S1570 and Polyvinyl Alcohol as Surfactant and Polycaprolactone and Polyhydroxyalkanoates as Polymer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Anis Mohamad and Ernie Shafika Shukor and Nuruljannah Zamberi and Nurul Farah Syuhada Ahamad (2023) The factors that influence UMK students in using E-Hailing services. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Nabilah Ahmad (2017) The study of suitability of alkaline pre-treatment for Lignin Reduction in Banana Stem and Banana Peel using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Nadira Yahazir and Anis Syuhadah Ishak and Aqilah Nadhirah Sukarno and Aree Suwanchatri A/P Ah Doong (2023) The influence of infrastructure, environment and destination Attractiveness toward tourist intention to sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Nadzirah Ayub (2019) Biochar from bamboo as adsorbent for removal of reactive orange 16. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Anis Naqiyah Ahmad and Keerthana Kalangan and Nurul Najwa Abd Rani and Siti Aisyah Sing (2021) Factors influencing the selection of tourism destinations among students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Nasuha Sallehuddin (2021) Kajian Kes Pembangunan Komik Digital Untuk Profil Syarikat Perpateh Tv. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Anis Nazurah Binti Md Karim (2023) Pemikiran penglipur lara dalam teks seuntaian naratif lisan di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Anis Qurratu Ain Apandi (2019) Quantifying the land use changes by using remote sensing and GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Qurratu Apandi (2019) Quantifying the land use changes by using remote sensing and GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Sabirin Ahmad and Muhammad Zarrin Bukhairi and Nur Irina Bostaman and Siti Aminah Khairul Anuar (2024) Factor influencing generation z’s buying behavior in c2c online markets in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Shahada Amzah (2016) Geology and determination and analysis the sources of contamination to the groundwater In Kg Baru, Pasir Pekan, Tumpat, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Anis Suhaila Mohd Rizal (2021) Moral Value Of Dikir Barat : Case Study Of Cikgu Naim Lyric. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Suryati Khusairi (2017) A study on the physico-chemical parameters in Sungai Ayer Lanas,Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Syahira Mohd Mozli (2020) Geological mapping in Kuala Betis Area, Gua Musang and seawater intrusion studies in Pengkalan Chepa using geophysical and geochemical method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Syamila Iman and Azri Iskandar Fadlun and Chew Jia Yi and Izzatun Husna Mohd Sobri (2023) A study on factors that influence consumer intention of food delivery applications during covid-19 quarantine among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anis Syuhada Jaafar (2016) The Effect of Ripeness Stage of Fruits and Hormonal Priming on Seed Germination of Cherry Tree (Muntingia calabura). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Anis Zulaikha Rosli and Fairuza Atika Juraimi and Noraini Kamal Bahrom and Nur Hayati Mohd Amri (2023) The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in online food delivery (OFD) service among Malaysian Generation Z. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anisah Fasiha Mustaffa (2020) Establishment of In Vitro of VitAto with Treatment of KIN and GA3 Hormones. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anisah Khalid (2020) Characterisation and optimisation of Azolla with silver nitrate mixture as insecticides against Aedes Aegypti (Dipetra: Culicidae). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aniza Abd Talib (2018) A survey on diversity herpetofauna species at delta Tumpat Mangrove Forest. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Aniza Haji Adib, . (2011) Attitude among Chinese and Malay Entrepreneurs in retailing based on Business Performance in Small Town at Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Anney Sofia Abd Wahab and Fatin Hanisah Abdul Latif and Marniza Agustiar and Muhammad Arif Aiman Hassan (2022) The level of student's alertness toward takaful: The case study at University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Annie Tan Wee Wen (2011) Consumers’ attitudes towards western and asian celebrity endorsement in cosmetics industry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Annrita Anushia Francis and Chew Yee Xain and Juliana Abd Kadir and Luqmanul Hakim Jamil (2023) The impact of electronic word-of-mouth (E-Wom) on purchase intentions during online shopping: Exploring E-Marketing In Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Annur Syakirah Shamsul Azman (2020) Peningkatan Panjang Pod dan Hasil Kacang Panjang (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis L.) melalui Seleksi Pukal dalam Generasi yang Ketujuh. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anthony, Amelia Sudan (2019) Adat Gawai Antu Masyarakat Iban Di Bintulu, Sarawak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Anuar, Aina Zafirah (2020) Characterization of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) and biogas produce through anaerobic digestion using mixed culture from POME batch treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anuar, Muhamad Afiq (2020) The Effect of Different Shielding Gas to Format of Porosity in Aluminium by using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anuar, Muhammad Nazirul Asyraf (2020) Fabrication and characterization of mixed matrix pvc polymer inclusion membranes using different nanoparticles for dye extraction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Unpublished)
Anuar, Nur Aisyah (2018) Phytoremediatiou of Synthetic Wastewater by Azolla pinnata. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anuar Sadad, Khairun Nisa (2020) The effects of drying temperatures on wood preservative treatment in Kelempayan (Neolamarckia cadamba) wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Anuwar, Nur Aina Annisa (2020) Oil spill sorption between sugarcane bagasse (Saccharurn officinaruin) and Rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis); raw and acetylated on Pantai Kuala Perlis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aqilah Zubir (2021) Microbeads in facial scrubs: a study on university students’ perception and participation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aravin Kumaran A/L S Thiruvarasu (2022) Retrospective study of mycoplasma haemofelis infection in cats in kelantan from the year 2017 to 2021. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arbia binti Bacho (2019) Water quality assessment of UMK lake and the effect of seaweed treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aribah, Tahir (2015) Infografik dalam menyampaikan maklumat tentang ukiran kayu Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Arief Abdillah Mashate (2015) Susceptible-infected model of panama disease( Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Arifah Amalia Mohd Yazid (2019) Identification of molecular marker for Genus Etlingera based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ariffin, Siti Noraliza (2018) Effect of fibre loading and consolidation pressure on physical and mechanical properties of bamboo fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arifin, Airel Jashimiey (2020) Finite Element Analysis of New Laminated Composite Shells for Motorcycle Helmet via Solidworks® Simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arifiza Nur Alya Arifendee and Azienajiha Natasha Ahmad Sabri and Barathraj Mathavan and Ben Gan Rui Yang (2024) The awareness of using third-party logistics (3PL) delivery services in Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arin Ismail (2012) The factors that influence choosing restaurant of University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Arin Sofea Nik Shamsudin (2022) The impact of covid-19 on food online purchasing behaviour among university students in the East Coast of Peninsula Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arlina Patawari (2011) In vitro shoot multiplication of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Arni Faziera Che Hasan (2022) Perception towards halal imported beef among university student in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arulvani A/P Revindaran and Ang Yi Ming and Siti Nuraisyah Abd.Ghafar and Fazzrin Azira Abd Aziz (2023) Customer perception of mcdonald’s restaurant service quality in kota bharu kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arumugam, Vinotheni (2018) Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles of Swietenia macrophylla and evaluation of its antidiabetic and antioxidant activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aruut Sudarr Prim Kumar (2022) A systematic review on curcumin as an anti cancer treatment in canine prostate carcinoma. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aryati Ayinah Hassan and Chin Xin Yi and Harith Haziq Raizan and Masmera Bakir (2023) Factors influencing m-commerce adoption in Kota Kinabalu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Arzemi, Nur Alissa Azlin (2020) Diversity of termites at oil palm plantation, Felda Kemahang, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Asfarina Ismail (2015) Study on Cell Anatomy of Rafflesia kerrii Meijer in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Asha Chandraseakaren and Nurul Nabilah Kholidin and Nurul Shuhaiza Amran and Nurul Umiraizani Shaiful Raizan (2016) The factors that influencing entrepreneur choice of micro franchising as a business model in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ashahuddin Amin Aminudin (2016) Perception of smallholders in Felda scheme toward the implementation of mechanization in oil palm plantation in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ashley Joyce Poon (2023) Investigating the presence of key amino acid residues for human ace-2 receptor binding domain (rbd) of sars-cov-2-like coronaviruses isolated from bats in east coast malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ashma Diyanti Binti Affandi (2019) Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum polysystum sp. and Manihot esculenta sp. as PhotoSensitizers in Dye-Sensitized Solar cell. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ashraf Danieal Johari and Dhiviya Mogana Kumar and Julianah Julkepli and Noor Syahidah Mursyidah Mohd Sharif and Muhammad Hafizam Ismail (2024) Determinant of the intention to use marketing analytics for SMEs performance among east coast region of Malaysian entrepreneurs. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ashyer Andderias (2022) Graphene oxide antifungal activities against aspergillus versicolor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ash’ari, Hani Nabila (2016) Removal of dye in aqueous Solution using sugarcane bagasse. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Asma Amalina Abd. Kadir (2017) Study on growth performance of Stevia rebaudiana by chemical fertilizer and green manure on BRIS soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Asma Samirah Muhamad (2016) General geology and physical properties of soil in Gual Ipoh, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Asmaa’ Syuhada Aminuddin (2022) Effect of compost made with kitchen waste towards the growth of water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Asmat Zahariman (2017) Synergism of Rn-222 reduction emanation with different type of coatings from red bricks. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Asma’ Binti Wan Mohd Sis (2023) Faktor yang mempengaruhi kekerapan lawatan pengunjung Ke Muzium Negeri Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Asmidah Azman (2021) Mempromosikan Tarian Dabus Dalam Bentuk Poster Bagi Tahun Melawat Negeri Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Astriana Emaonang Sipranus (2020) Geology and tsunami hazards in carita area, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Asufian Nusairi Nasruddin (2011) Waste water analysis for three food based factories in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Asvini Asokan (2021) Kajian Kandungan Kreatif Dalam Video Pengiklanan Digital Dan Impak Kepada Perniagaan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Aswinee Tangga Rajoo (2016) Coconut frond as adsorbent in removal of methylene blue dye. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Asya Sabreena Mohd Fuad (2020) Paddy farmers perceived the impacts of climate change on socio-economic in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Asyraf Abu Ubaidah Saim (2014) Effect of age and sex on the carcass characteristics of broiler. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Asyraf Hairee Abdul Hamid (2021) Kepentingan Laman Sesawang Untuk Meningkatkan Pemasaran Digital Di Kieno Dynamic Sdn. Bhd. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Atan, Mastika Adilah (2022) Pemuliharaan Bahasa Jawa Di Kalangan Masyarakat Jawa Di Kampung Parit Lapis Laman, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Athirah Mohamed Meskhan (2013) Production of pectinase by aspergillus niger using solid state fermentation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Athirah Abd Aziz (2016) Optimization of PCR conditions for amplification of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and 18s rRNA of cherax quadricarinatus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Athirah Nabilah Binti Abdul Rashid (2021) Mereka Bentuk Kerusi Multifungsi Untuk Pembelajaran Kanak-Kanak Autisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Athirah Tariq Umar (2020) Geological mapping in Gua Musang and evaluation of seawater intrusion in shallow aquifer of Kemumin, Kota Bharu using integrated geophysical & geochemical methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Atika Izyani Zulfin (2021) Mengkaji Penerimaan Kad Jemputan Animasi 2D Dalam Realiti Berperantara (AR) Bagi Terbitan Yasmeen Craft Enterprise. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Atikah Rosli (2020) Influence of Diet Inclusion of Black Soldier Fly larvae (Hermetia illucen spp) (BSFL) Meal on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristic of Broiler Chicken. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Atiqah Izyannie Azizul Manal (2013) Extraction of lycopene from different species of coloured tomato (solanum lycopersicum) available in market. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Atiqah Nadzirah, Abdul Razak (2015) General geology and geochemistry of soil in Bedal area, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Atiqah Zakaria (2017) General geology and petroleum source rock evaluation in Gua Panjang area, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Atirah Ab Lllah and Revathi Visvanathan and Mas Irnie Muhammad and Mohammad Ros Shazrul Rosli (2022) Factors that influence customer purchase intention towards food truck product. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Attiqah Yamna, A.Rashid (2015) Kempen kesedaran diabetes melalui media baru. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Audra Suzzy Lee Anak Samuel Law and Nurulizzati Atan and Nur Taqiah Razmi and Siti Aisyah P Ramli (2023) “Factors influencing the demand for halal foods purchase intention in kelantan”. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Auni Amirah Binti Azmi (2015) Pendidikan jambatan Guillemard kepada pelajar tingkatan tiga melalui media interaktif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Auni Aqilah binti Ab Rashid (2024) Penerapan Nilai Jeri Dalam Novel Komsas Terpilih: Satu Penelitian Terhadap Elemen Pendidikan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Awang Kechik, Afiqah (2020) Finite Element Analysis of Impact Test for Fiber Metal Laminate Fuselage Using SolidWorks ® Simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ayla Fareeha bt Ahmad Rathi (2024) Nilai-Nilai Patriotisme Dalam Filem Bukit Kepong Tahun 1981: Analisis Berdasarkan Teori Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ayob, Aufa Aqilah (2016) Study on Perception of Indoor Environmental Quality and Sick Building Syndrome in Jeli Campus, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ayu Athirah Nor Asrul (2024) Evolusi Dalam Medium Penyampaian Kesusasteraan Menggunakan Teknologi Dari Tahun 2000 Hingga 2020: Satu Tinjauan Pendekatan Prisma. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ayu Irdina Binti Ajhari (2023) Kajian pengekalan ‘Character Defining Element’ Masjid Lama Bandar Taiping. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ayu Juhanna Shuib (2015) Identification of caryophyllene in oils and hydrosols from various parts of etlingera elatior (Zingiberaceae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ayub, Nur Amimi Muliana (2020) Characterization of Pink-Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs (Ppfm) isolated from paddy leaf (Oryza Sativa). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ayuni Mohd Azmi (2014) Adsorption performance of durian husk as activated carbon to reduce heavy metals concentration in aqueous solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Azahari Zainuddin (2015) Morphometry of Pergau River Catchment Area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Azalea Yasmin Yacoub (2013) General geology of Kampung Durian Badak, Dabong and seasonal variation of groundwater movement of an aquifer in parts of Kota Bharu Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Azammierah Johari (2018) Effect of Rabbit Manure as Bio-fertilizer on Chilli Pepper Plant (Capsicum annuum) Growth Performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azdiana Aryanti Abu Zarin (2017) General geology and physical properties of limestone at Gua Panjang, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azemi, Azieana (2015) Merekabentuk alat penuaian buah kelapa sawit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Azemi, Mohamad Azuan Elahee (2022) Pengaruh Motif Ukiran Dan Seni Bina Di Masjid Lama Parit Istana Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azhar, Anis Amalin (2018) Effect of strontium doped calcium copper titanate on the dielectric PROPERTIES. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azhar, Muhammad Amiruddin (2022) Main Pateri Sebagai Sebuah bentuk Drama Terapi Melayu Di Kampung Laut, Tumpat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azhar, Nur Ezati (2016) A Brief Monitoring on Outdoor and Indoor Radon Concentrations in Academic Building, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Azhar, Putri Shahirah (2016) Photodegradation of Metamifop in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Azhar, Siti Sarah (2018) Composition and above Ground Biomass of Tree Species with Diameter Breast Height more than 5 cm at Gunung Stong State Park (GSSP). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azifah Mohd Suhaimi (2015) Flavonoid production of Polygonum minus Huds. (Knotweed) in vitro from stem. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Azila Anuar and Darshini Ravintharan and Mohamad Ameer Hafies Rosli and Ng Chai Xuan (2023) Factor influencing the intention to use E-Commerce among generation-y in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azimah Mat Said (2013) The effectiveness of antibiotics against Salmonella spp.culture from climbing perch fish. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Azimah binti Abdul Aziz (2023) Nilai-nilai moral dalam cerita rakyat “Legenda Bukit Bagahak”menggunakan pendekatan moral. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Azira Ahmad Tamizi (2017) General geology and petrography of metamorphic rock in Desa Anabanua, Barru Sub-Distric, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aziz, Muhammad Afif (2018) Chemical modification of wood using Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aziz, Muhammad Ariff and Maulad Khozali, Nurul Syakira Adila and Oon, See Kha and Muniandy, Sivanisan (2015) The best green supply chain management practices apply in manufacturing sector in northen state of Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Aziz, Nur Awana Idatul (2020) Water extraction of pigments in dragon fruit peel (Hylocereus sp.) and its stability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azizan, Hanis Azira (2019) Pemuliharaan Rumah Melayu Tradisional: Tradisi Angkat Rumah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Azizan, Nur Shamilatul Akhma binti (2020) Characterization of Al-Cu-Graphite nanocomposite prepared by powder metallurgy and mechanical alloying. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azleena Azmi (2020) Developing a vulnerable map of paddy field affected by rainfall variability in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azlin Nadiah Omar and Farah Anisah Abdul Aziz and Nur Intan Baiduri Mohd Zam (2022) Awareness of waqf among students: The case of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Azman, Aqilatul Afifah (2018) Parameters effect on chitosan beads via simultaneous crosslinking. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azman, Nur Athirah Zahirah (2022) Keberkesanan Sistem Penyampaian Maklumat Kepada Pengunjung Di Muzium Sungai Lembing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azmi, Muhammad Asyraf (2018) Rubberized Glutardialdehyde modified starch plasticized with Fructose. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azmi, Nurafiqah (2020) Analysis of pesticides residue in fruity vegetables at Jeli market. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Aznie Mohamad (2016) Study on vinegar production from (Water Apple Fruit) Syzygium aqueum by natural fermentation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Azra Hafizah Kamar (2022) Molecular detection of bartonella spp. In bat flies in east-coast malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azree Faiz Anizam (2018) The effect of treated quail dung on the movement and weight of Asian clam (corbicula fluminea). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azree Izwan Salleh (2013) A study the effect of the broodstock density on reprodustive and culture of hirudinea manillensis (green leech). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Azrin Aina Mohamad Zahari and Arfah Atira Abd Rahim and Che Ku Norfarizatul Che Ku Abdulah and Baoyee A/L Amran (2023) Factors that motivate university malaysia kelantan's students to participate in cultural tourism activities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Azrul Iskandar Zainuddin and Balqis Sofea Norhisham and Batrisyia Ezani and Dayang Marinah Mardin (2023) E-commerce trends during Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Azuan Md Ghazali @ Ghazali (2014) Hestia: setting a new benchmark for Malaysian aged care services. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Azura Klem (2012) Impact of iron mining in Bukit Besi area,Temangan, Machang District, Kelantan on physico-chemical water quality. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earch Science. (Submitted)
Azyan Zuliana Che Sub and Muhammad Hafizzul Mohd Rosidi and Muhammad Khairul Anwar Ishak and Uvamathi Murthie (2023) The study on factors affecting consumer intention to use e-hailing application among undergraduate’s students in UMK City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
BAKRI, MUHAMMAD AFIQ (2016) Chemical Modification of Oil Palm Particles as Raw Material for Particleboard Making: Effect of Pressing Temperature. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ba, Kuan Mei (2014) Extraction and antibacterial activity of essential oil from cloves (Syzygium aromaticum). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ba, Kuan Yoke (2014) Adsorption performance of sugarcane bagasse as activated Ccrbon to reduce heavy metal concentration in aqueous solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Badiuzaman, Fatin Athirah (2019) Preliminary characterization of Methanolic and Ethanolic extract of banana (Musa acuminata x balbisiana Calla cv. Awak) leaves. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Badri, Siti Salwa and Mohamad, Siti Wardah and Wong, Weng Kin and Yeo, Sek Jing (2015) Internal factors that affecting financial in hotel sector (Kota Bharu). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Badrul Hamizan bin Usrizan (2023) Kajian Kes: Rumah Tradisional Melayu Kelantan di Kampung Laut 1, Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Badrulhisam Fajar (2011) Kajian keselamatan penyimpanan peralatan dapur khusus kepada peralatan pisau memasak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Baharom, Nor Azmisyabika (2016) X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis of Metals Concentration in Soil Samples from Lojing Highlands and Royal Belum Rainforest. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Baharrudin, Muhammad Qamarul Asyraf (2019) Geology and flood hazard of Kuala Balah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Bahruddin Marwan (2016) General geology and a study on characteristics of Betis River, Kuala Betis, Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Bakar, Ainur Izzati (2020) Picture capture rate index of small carnivore in state land forest, Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Bakhari, Siti Nur Liyana (2022) Pemuliharaan Warisan Tidak Ketara: Kajian Terhadap Kuih Bunga Pudak Di Alor Setar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Balqis Mohd Shukri and Kayalvizhi Ramachandran and Lim Kok Soon and Muhammad Suffian Sulaiman (2023) The study on factors affecting online food delivery services among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Balqis Mohd Zahari (2019) Analysis of intermediate horseshoe bat’s (Rhinolophus affinis) diet in Gua Setir, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Balqis Mohd Zahari (2019) Analysis of intermediate horseshoe bat’s (Rhinolophus affinis) diet in Gua Setir, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Balqis Nur Athira Mohd Zulmizan and Rabiatuladawiyah Zawadod and Nurul Kiasatina Kaparom @ Harun and Fatin Nadirah Lan (2023) Unhealthy lifestyle factors among wellness student at umk city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Balqis Nur A’rasyi Mohmad Noor (2019) Proximate Analysis of Formulated Macrobrachium rosenbergii Larvae Feed Using Egg Custard, Moringa oleifera, Curcumalonga (Turmeric) and Egg Shells. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Banuu Priya, Subramaniam (2020) Potential Application of Poultry Eggshell in Giant Freshwater Prawn, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Larvae Culture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Basri, Siti Khairunnisa (2018) Utilisation of rice husk waste as catalyst precursor to convert polymer waste into 2-Chloroethyl Benzoate. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Basry, Nur Adila Amira (2019) The effect of Copper Oxide added with Zinc Oxide nanostructure prepared by hydrothermal method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Basyirah Radzuan (2016) Study on enzymatic detergent formulation containing thermostable protease. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_postgraduate" not defined] thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Bavithara Karunagaran (2016) The study of the effect different media composition on the rooting of tissue culture banana plantlets. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Bawani A/P Selvam (2016) Evaluation of the relationship between fine Particulate matter (PM₂.₅) and Meteorological Parameters in mainland Penang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Bazli Mohamed (2016) Study on the awareness of urban people of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan on parthenium hazard. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Beh, Pei Xin (2019) Finite element analysis of Graphite-Thermoplastic composite of bipolar plate in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) using solidworks® software. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Beh, Yew Mun (2016) The microbiological quality of roasted coconut water stored at different packages. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Beh Yu Ai and Che Engku Atikah Che Engku Madzman and Nur Izzati Shahrul Anuar and Siti Nooriha Razali (2024) Determinants of financial well-being among youth in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Beni, Nurul Amira (2018) Antimicrobial activity of different part of plant extracts of wild yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Bermas, Sabestian (2015) Removal of lead using chitosan beads. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Boheshwaran Letchimikaanthan and Jegathiswary Ilangovan and Mohamad Sallehin Nazmi Mohd Tahir and Nursaiyidah Ezzate Kamalruzaman (2023) The influence of online food delivery apps as third-party logistics on the operations of restaurants in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Brandon Lim Cheun Jie (2017) Influence of TiO2 on mechanical, microstructural, and electrical properties of TiO2/rubber composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Budi, Srimandarwati (2022) Pengaruh Modenisasi Terhadap Persembahan Tarian Igal-Igal Di Pantai Timur, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Buniamin, Nur Aqilah (2020) Synthesis of Sodium Alginate graphene oxide-silver thin film for mercury detection. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Carolina Tan and Esther Arrysha Bah Jasa and Nur Yusmalinna Mohd Yusof and Siti Nurhaslina Nazri (2021) Attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control towards the travel intention among youth in Malaysia during post pandemic of covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cerlina Sali and Mohammad Yunus Mohd Noor Azni and Najwa Che Supian and Nasirahtul Akmar Kamarudin (2022) Consumer acceptance towards innovation in Malay traditional food. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Chai, Soo Teng (2020) Effect of salt concentration on enzyme-treated Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chai, Soo Teng (2020) Effect of salt concentration on enzyme-treated Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chai, Suet Yee (2018) Synthesis of RGO- Fe2O3/ TiO2 nanocomposite for photocatalytic activity of methylene blue. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chai, Yew King (2016) Coconut frond as adsorbent for removal of malachite green dye. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chairatulmunawarah Edy Tarmidy (2015) Efect of Adding Molasses and Poultry Droppings on the Nutritive Quality of Napier Silage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chairil Rizal Ramli (2012) Studies on in vivo seed germination & in vitro embryo rescue technique in wild banana (Musa acuminata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chan, Chin Hui (2013) Comparative studies of rubber latec c-serum secreted from young, mature and old rubber trees (hevea brasiliensis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chan, Hua Jia (2020) The influences on paper properties by adding Sesbania Grandiflora pulp in old newspaper recycled pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan, Kar Men (2018) Decontamination of Water Polluted by Chromium (VI) using Calocasia esculenta. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chan, Yoke Wah (2014) Identification of nymphoides indica and eichhornia crassipes as potential plants for the phytoremediation of batik wastewater. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chan Kit Min and Suhaila Che Ali and Nor Shafiqah Mohd Azhar and Nurin Fansyurna Sokhipol Akmam (2021) Factors determinant of interest towards Korean food among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Kit Seng and Arif Irwan Rosli and Nor Izyan Sahira Ismail and Chong Kar Chun (2024) The factor that affecting the willingness to utilize e-hailing services among students in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Mei Zhen (2019) The relationship between dissolved oxygen, nitrate and temperature in aquaculture pond. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Sue Ying (2017) The revival of frozen keropok lekor packaging for commodification excellent in Kelantan small and medium enterprises (SMEs) products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Chan Tian Ci and Che Amierul Azmi Che Azmi and Anis Adilla Mohamad Azlan and Nur Alia Syahamah Supian (2021) The influence of Malay food towards international student. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Wai Shean (2020) Determination of consumers' willingness to pay for biodegradable food container in Mukim Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Xin Wen (2022) A systematic review: advances therapies in canine and feline mast cell tumours from 2010 to 2021. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chan Yong Rou and Danieal Arif Salehan and Muhammad Solehin Mat Zian and Nur Aliana Mahyaddin and Nur Shazwani Sabri (2023) Impact of E-Service quality on customer satisfaction towards shopee among generation y in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chang, Kin Hau (2015) The Effect of the Level of Vitamin E Supplementation In the Diet on the Transportation Stress Response and Humoral Immune Response of Broiler Chickens Against Newcastle Disease Vaccination. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chang, Siew Fun and Shaari, Ahmad Tarmizi and Mohamed, Ahmad Husna and Mohd Sangit, Aqilah Syazreen (2015) Factors affecting free independent travelers’ selection of hotel around Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Chang Shen Chang (2019) Geology and biogeochemical study in Sokor, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Char, Sin Yee (2016) Modeling and simulation for production of premium chocolate ice cream using SuperPro Designer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chaw Eileen (2022) Preparation And Characterization Of Cellulose Nanocrystals Extracted From Oil Palm Trunk Using Deep Eutectic Solvents. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Che Abdul Rahim, Nurul Azian (2020) The extraction of natural dye from black tea waste for cotton dyeing application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Agoh @ Shukeri, Muhammad Afiq (2018) Chemical characterization Of Bamboo Leaves (G. Albociliata And D. Surculosa) by Sodium Hydroxide treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Amir Haikal Che Zaharudin (2017) Synergisms of RN-222 reduction emanations with different thickness plaster from interlocking block. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Ani, Muhamad Khairi (2018) Effect of silane and alkaline treatment on chemical structure of different sawdust. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Ayub, Mohammad Nor Fahmi Adaha (2022) Kearifan Lokal Dalam Seloka Pak Kaduk & Pak Pandir: Aspek Sindiran Dan Kenyataan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Aziz, Che Nur Azira (2015) Program interaktif pengenalan orkestra gamelan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kubang Telaga, Bachok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Che Azmir Syahrizan Che Hamat Nordin (2021) Penerimaan Pelajar Terhadap Rekabentuk SPMP (Sistem Pengurusan Maklumat Politeknik) Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Che Bahtiar, Nur Atiqah (2016) A Study of Diversity and Abundance of Aroids as Environmental Indicator in Jeli Hot spring, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Che Fathuikma Che Zukeri (2022) Intention of participation of youth in plantation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Che Fauzi, Siti Nurfarhanah (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Pemeliharaan Makanan Tradisional, Nasi Kebuli Di Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Ghazali, Norniasnida (2010) Kesenian Anyaman Tikar Pandan:Satu Kajian di Kampung Kolam,Gelang Mas,Pasir Mas,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Che Hashim, Che Norathirah Auni (2022) Isu Wanita Dalam Novel Cinta Suci Zahrana Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy: Kajian Perbandingan Feminisme Barat Dan Islam. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Ludin, Che Nur Shahida Husna (2015) Kempen kesihatan gigi melalui medium infografik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Che Miur, Amalin Sofia (2020) Humic acid degradation by the ozonation process: parameters effect and kinetic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Norhidayah Abd Halim (2020) Studies of combination of Azolla microphylla with silver nitrate and effect on Aedes aegpypti. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Che Wan Nursyahidah Che Wan Azam (2018) Effects of fermented soy pulp on the growth of freshwater microalgae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cheah, Hui Ting (2013) Outlook of packages: consumer perception on appearance, branding and pricing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Cheah Ing Zhen and Fatin Nur Aishah Roslan and Leong Zhao Cong and Siti Nur Farhana Dzulkipli (2021) The motivation of volunteer tourism involvement among student in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cheah Sook Peng, Candace (2023) Knowledge, attitude, and practices of nutritional ssessments among small animal veterinarians in klang valley, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chee, Mee Teng (2016) Screening of exopolysaccharide producing bacteria strains. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chee, Mee Yeng (2020) Actinomycetes as natural fungicide on infected green leafy vegetables. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chee, Mee Yeng (2020) Actinomycetes as natural fungicide on infected green leafy vegetables. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chee Hang Fung and Elyana Ejan Yahya and Nur Khaireen Nadhirah Samsor and Siti Norhedayah Japar (2024) Enhancing customer satisfaction in online beauty and health product businesses among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chee Sai Wai (2017) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and thermal properties of kenaf fiber mat reinforced unsaturated polyester biocomposites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chee Wing Tung (2017) Study of mechanical and water absorption properties of bio-composite thin film from waste banana peel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chen, Yan Rong and Zainal, Nor Fatinah and Yaacob, Nor A’dilah and Alias, Muhamad Aidil Fitera (2015) Awareness of green practices influences current green activities by homestay operators in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Cheng, Lu Ying (2014) Inorganic chemical composition of particulate matter at urban area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Cheng, Pea Nei and Mukhtar, Farhanis and Othman, Fatin Aqilah and Abdul Manan, Mohd Shazwan (2015) The factors affecting green purchase intention in Malaysia hotel industry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Cheng Yeow Koon (2018) Comparison of Male Reproductive Performance with Naturally Mated and Superovulated Female Mice. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cheng Yun Harn and Fatin Liyana Mohd Salleh and Nur Qurratu’ Aini Othman and Siti Nurafiffa Mohd Halid (2024) Factors that affect customer satisfaction in online business towards food and beverages product in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cheong, Kah Mei (2020) Study on Potential of Dioscorine Content from Dioscorea hispida Tuber as a Natural Preservative on Rubber Wood Panel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cheong, Siew Loon (2013) An investigation into the potential use of premna corymbosa as insect repellent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Cheong, Yen Ling (2018) Production of bioethanol from groundnut shells (Arachis hypogaea) by using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) through Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chew, Chin Fatt (2013) Potentian Health Risk and income assessment of Scavengers at selected domestic waste dumping sites in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chew, Xue LI and Abd Ghafar, Amir Hasyim and Che Amran, Che Adawiah and Pitchaymuthu, Vijayalechumi (2015) Effect of sales promotion on cosmetic products buying behaviour among University Malaysia Kelantan students and staffs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chew, Ying (2018) Removal of Congo Red from aqueous solution by adsorption on pandan leaves (Pandanus Amaryllifolius) Biochar using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chew Ting Ann (2012) The preliminary study of potential herbal extraction for producing snail bait. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chia, Ka Jun and Lee, Ching Loong and Idris, Nur Fatin and Baharudin, Noratiqa Adira (2015) Customer satisfactions towards quality services of Sultan Ismail Petra Airport. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chia, Kie Tick (2015) Investigation of Epoxy/Waste Banana Skin Fruit with Organic Filler Composite upon Biodegradation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chia Hui Hui and Faisarah Abdul Fattah and Muhammad Asraf Mohd Yusri and Intanku Dayana Ab Rahman (2023) A study on the impact of courier service quality on customer satisfaction in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chia Wei Yit and Noor Syafiqah Sharuddin and Nor Hasliza Said and Nurul Izzah Mansor and Vik Nai Cham Dong (2023) Factors affecting the level of customer satisfaction towards courier services among students at University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chiar Wei Wei (2017) General geology and slope failure assessment of soil cut-slope at Kuala Balah, Jeli district, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chim Lai San and Ahmad Faliq Abu Bakar and Emi Rafida Abd Rahman and Farah Illa Amirah Mahmud (2016) Factors influencing Generation Y’s return patronage to quick service restaurant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chin, Chee Yang and Mat Yuden, Mazira and Victor Dass, Sharon and Sapoan, Yohannis Maryam (2015) The consumer perception towards implementation of good and services (GST) in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chin, Chou Yean and Landu, Erna Sarina and Ahmad Anuar, Fatin Nurfarhana and Gan, Yi Peng (2015) Factors influencing the awareness of University Malaysia Kelantan undergraduate students towards food safety in Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chin, Pui Yei (2018) The study of ploy(Methyl Methacrlate-Co-Methacrylic Acid) colloidosome prepared with various oil phase fraction via two step solvent evaporation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chin, Siang Yee (2016) Biodiesel production from Jatropha oil by using clamshell as catalyst. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chin, Su Xian (2014) Activated carbon's adsorbent by agricultural wastes in textile waste water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chin, Sut Kiy (2014) The food preference and the first feeding experience of babigur vinis in artificial pond. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Chin, Chee Yang and Mat Yuden, Mazira and Victor Dass, Sharon and Sapoan, Yohannis Maryam (2015) The consumer perception towards implementation of good and service (GST) in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chin Yi Lin (2023) Diagnostic accuracy of shear wave elastography in companion animal soft tissue injury: a systematic review. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ching Hui Ming and Fujiah Paranti and Nor Anisah Kholit (2016) Factors influencing University Malaysia Kelantan students to travel in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Chiong Sie Chai, Alexson Sie Chai (2017) Comparison of potential habitat of Genus Schismatoglottis in Kelantan based on different qualitative methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chiong Wen Xin and Mon Thip Sanong and Hoo Jia Ming and Siti Munirah A.Kadir (2021) Factors in selecting tourist destination in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chiu, Li Mei (2014) Effect of nutritional factors on protease production by isolate pjk 2 2 (1) 2. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chiu Hui, Goh (2017) Isolation and characterization of lignocellulosic fibres from giant panda waste. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chok, Yun Peng (2018) Photodegradation of Metamifop using Titanium Dioxide- Alumina- Graphene Nanocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chong, An Ting (2020) A study of active components in aloe vera barbadensis extract using soxhlet extraction method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chong, Chee Keong (2011) Characterization of escherichia coli antibiogram in red hybrid tilapia fish (Tilapia sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chong, Jia Yin and Suib, Erna Lyana and R. Veerasingam, Gauslya and Sarapah, Herdawati (2015) Factors affecting the effectiveness of road transpot system in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Chong, Jun Yuen (2021) The Preception Of An Innovate Augmented Reality (AR) Chinese Instrument Among Undergraduate Students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Chong, Kah Min (2016) General geology and assessment of landslide using remote sensing technique in Setong, Lojing, Kelantan. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Chong, Li Wen and Janny, Loi Wee Kee and Junaidi, Mohd Kurniah Ferry (2015) Consumer’s behavior towards intention staying at a green hotel, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Chong, Li Weng (2020) Optimization of binding, washing and elution buffer for development of DNA isolation kit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chong, Meng Heng (2014) Study of multiplication of banana ( Musaacuminata cv. berangan) shoots derived from sword suckers and growing buds under in vitro condition. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chong, Soo Yee (2016) Microbiological analysis of sugarcane juice and coconut water associated. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chong, Kah Kenn (2013) Determination of heavy concentration in soil along the road shoulder in front of the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Choo, Zhen Hou (2018) Synthesis of rGO-TiO2 nanocomposite for photocatalytic activity of methylene blue. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Choo Zi Ying (2023) Knowledge, attitude and practise towards heartworm disease among dog owners in klang valley. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chook Shun Xiang, . (2012) Factors influencing tourism industry in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Choon Shyong Chee and Fatin Najwa Mohamad Fikri and Nur Sabrina Mohd Nazri and Siti Nurul Amira Ab Malek (2024) A study on online shopping preference among the youth in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Choong, Wan Shin (2016) Effect of different drying treatments on the proximate compositions of maitake (Grifola frondosa) mycelium. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chow, Wai Chun (2018) Identification of Microbial Community in The Rearing Water Red Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus x Oreochromis niloticus) Supplemented with Wood Vinegar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chow Jia Sin and Kaiyisah Mohd Apandi and Muhammad Azizi Muhmad Ahsin and Nurul Aisyah Rasmadi (2021) The factors affecting customer satisfaction on food delivery apps in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chris Dickerson Thomas (2024) Rakaman Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat Iban Melalui Ensera: Satu Kajian Berdasarkan Buku Jerita Tuai Enggau Ensera Melalui Penelitian Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chriss Ballan Uchong (2017) Geology and geochemical exploration of Kampung Pahi, Kuala Krai. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Christopher, Michelle Dagny and Sarari, Asfizah and Hanis Shahira, Hakimi (2015) Safety and security concerns among visitors at shopping mall. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Chu, Hui Voon (2013) Geology and microfacies analysis of Gua Keris, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Chua, Guan Jin and Lau, Shier Ding and Mohd Nasir, Muhammad Amir (2015) The impact of tourism activities towards economic development in Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Chua, Hui Ching (2013) Study of antioxidant potential in averrhoe carambola l. and citrus maxima merr. by colorimetric assay. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chua, Kai Voon (2016) Effect of different feeds fed to the parent of betta splendens on their reproductivity, hatchability of the eggs, and the survivability of their fry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chua, Yong Kok (2018) Comparison between solid state reaction and co-precipitation methods for preparing yttrium barium copper oxide (YBa2Cu3O7) superconductor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chuah Shan Wen and Ellyana Stephanie Anak Galang and Esther Anak Morrison and Fahim Ahmad Ismail (2023) Examining the perceptions of tourism employees towards government policies for covid-19 recovery process. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Chui, Meei Yie (2016) The chemical compositions of Grifola frodosa mycelium prepared by submerged fermentation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Chuk, Wei Jin and Mohd Yusri, Munirah and Mat Zin, Mohamad Afzan and Mahadi, Nur Fatin Diyana (2015) The most critical success factors toward the business performance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Chung Wen Hsia (2019) Antibiogram Of Vibrio sp. Isolated from Semi-Closed System Farm Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ch’ng Hooi Ying and Low Lee Yi and Nur Hidayah Nizar and Nurul Izzah Sakilah Perly (2023) The study on service quality towards students’ satisfaction on online bus ticket booking platform. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Cik Saidatul Nadia Md Zain (2021) Kepengarangan Rahimidin Zahari Terhadap Wanita Dalam Sajak-Sajak Cinta: Satu Penelitian Kritik Feminis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Cornelius Gukod (2011) Rekabentuk Toasket di kalangan pelajar kampus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Corneylius Colodius (2022) Molecular detection of leptospira spp. in pigs in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dafye Tony Payah (2017) General geology and geochemical analysis of Aring 10, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dalila Alia Binti Mohd Ruslim (2022) Anti-Fungal Properties Of Iron Compound-Rich Electric Are Furnace (Eaf) Slag. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Danesh Solleyappan and Tiu Hui Sing and Prakassraj Santhanathas and Amirul Zakwan Hariz Arman (2023) The factors of high-level logistics services to improve customer satisfaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Daniel Gello (2012) Susceptibility of swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri Heckel 1848, red platy, Xiphophorus maculatus Gunther 1866, sailfin molly, Poecilia Latipinna Lesueur 1821, and midnight molly, Mollienesia sphenops Cuvier and Valenciennes 1846, to Tetrahymena sp. from infected guppy, Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Daniel Teng Chin Loong (2011) Study of deversity of java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth)based on morphological characters. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Danish Fakhrusy Syakirin Hishamuddin (2024) Sejarah Kedatangan Tarian Dabus di Kampung Tanjung Bidara, Batu Gajah, Perak dan Tatacara Tarian Dabus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Daphane Teo Wen Xin (2019) Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Cracker Incorporated with Green Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and Red Spinach (Amaranthus dubius) during Storage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Darshilla Rive Chandram (2019) Nickel and palladium catalysts for degradation of dye pollutants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Darshilla Rive Chandram (2019) Nickel and palladium catalysts for degradation of dye pollutants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dasvini Mahalingam (2021) Projek Penyelidikan 1 & 2 Kajian Mengenai Kadar Keberkesanan Muzik Latar Dalam Filem Seram ‘Lights Out’ 2016 Terhadap Emosi Penonton. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Daud, Farah Amni (2016) Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution using Activated Carbon Derived from Foxtail Palm Tree (Wodyetia bifurcata) Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Daud, Azizatul Mardziah and Mohd Norizan, Nur Amalina and Olivia Foo, Nian Cheng (2015) Factor that influence the choice of transportation mode for student in University Malaysia Kelantan, Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Dayang Aini Nazura Abang Jais (2021) Local visitors’ willingness to pay for an entrance fee at Taman Negeri Gunung Stong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dayang Alyani Nazirah Hassan (2019) Keberkesanan Penggunaan Teknologi Multimedia Dalam Pameran Koleksi di Muzium Negara Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Dayang Puspa Abdul Murad and Murni Nadirah Nazari and Nur Syafiqa Che Yasin and Nurul Syahinda Zainol Abidin (2023) Exploring how live streaming influences the intention of purchase in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dayangku Umi Aqilah Pengiran Isa (2022) Isolation and identification of common enteric Bacterial pathogens in quail eggs in selected markets in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Deavisri Paramesvaran and Eqhmal Hakimi Zainodin and Nabila Ashiqin Zulkifli and Nur Syuhada Zainol (2023) Factors affecting acceptance of e-marketplace among small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs) in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dee, Koh Han (2017) Determination of physico-chemical properties and heavy metal contamination of batik wastewater from textile workshop, UMK Bachok campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Deivanayagi Govindasamy (2014) Conservation assessment of shorea foxworthyi, shorea revoluta and vatica maritima using high resolution of soil information. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Devaisuwaran, Puvaneswary and Sapuan, Nursuhaida and Balanting, Rezet and Qasim, Muhammad (2015) Factors that affecting customer loyalty towards airlines industry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Devaladevi Sivaceyon, Bala Sivaceyon (2015) Study the effect of copper(II) ions towards photodegradation of metamifop. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Devi Nallappan (2016) Biogenic synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of silver nanoparticles from Eurycoma longifolia and Luffa acutangula. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Devi Stalin (2014) Biodiesel production from used oil cooking. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Dewi Binius and Amirah Amani Hazmir and Zawanil Khalida Kassim and Zamhizatul Athirah Zamruddin (2016) Online purchase intention of skin care products in Malaysia: theory of planned behaviour. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Dg. Afsarizan Mahmud and Ellyster Abelter and Kang Yee Ming and Khairul Syafiq Ikhwan Mohammad (2022) Factors that influence university students’ attitudes towards fast-food consumption in Malaysia during the recovery period of Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Dhanya Lakshmi Arivalagan (2015) Chemical Profile and Black Carbon of PM₂.₅ at Two Point Source Areas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Dhivyaa Marifan and Luqman Hakim Ahmad Tarmizi and Nur Iesyatirradhiah Nur Muazzam Syah and Nurfarahin Md Fauzi (2023) The study on factors that influence consumers’ acceptance towards self-checkout system (SCS) at Ikea Batu Kawan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dhiyauddin Zakaria (2016) Ex-Situ morphology and proximate analysis of empty fruit bunch under Torrefaction Process. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science.
Diana Lika Stanley Nillie and Adi Sufyan Amirrudin and Afifah Adib and Ain Salihah Abd Rahman (2016) Determinant factors influence intention of young entrepreneur to participate in online selling. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Din, Norsyazwani (2022) Kajian Mengenai Kerja-Kerja Konservasi Yang Dijalankan Dalam Mengekalkan Nilai Warisan Yang Terdapat Pada Bangunan Muzium Islam Di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ding, Xin Yi (2016) Effect of different drying treatments on the chemical properties of maitake (Grifola frondosa) mycelia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ding Shih Tiing, . (2011) A study on customer satisfaction towards theme park in Malaysia.(A case of Sunway Tambun Lost World). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Dini Dayana Ahmad (2019) The Distribution of genus Shorea in Bukit Bakar Forest Eco Park, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dinish Ananthan and Nabilah Ramli and Ng Chun Siong and Nur Zakiah Mohd Yahya (2023) The study on factors influencing e-learning readiness towards local university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Diong Kee Yoong and Hafizuddin Mohd Alapiah and Iffa Nadzirah Mohd Ibrahim and Inawati Naton (2016) Factors influencing franchisee satisfaction in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Diroshaa Subarmaniam (2015) Antimicrobial activity of bacterial strains isolated from cow milk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Divaney Ravichandar and Nur Sarah Alyaa Rosli and Siti Suriatey Ithnen and Fatin Nasuha Abd Karim (2024) Factors influencing the intention of IPTA students towards entrepreneurship in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Divyashinidewi A/P Bala Murukan (2023) Kajian terhadap adat perkahwinan Kaum India Di Tampin, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Diyana Suhaili Mat Nasir (2020) Characterization of PM10 in urban and rural area. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dolah, Nurnazhatul Azwina (2018) Characterization of Titanium supported Magnesium as solid base catalyst for biodiesel production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dominic Lim Yi Wei and Nagarupini Ragu and Nik Ahmad Syukri Nik Mayudin and Noorazean Abu Bakar (2023) The study on factors influencing consumer purchasing behaviour on electronic products in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Donna Elisha Dosuil (2023) Antioxidant level of traditional chinese medicine herbs formulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dora Anak Kabit (2023) Aspek sosiobudaya yang terdapat dalam novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka menggunakan teori sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Doraisamy, Thanmoli (2020) Methods in cellulose extraction from kenaf core fiber via ammonium persulfate mediated oxidation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Doraraj, Kogila (2018) Study on characterization of discharge quality & pollution loads from Bangi in the Sg. Semenyih Basin and Mantin Wet Markets in the Sg. Beranang Basin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dr Goh Soon Heng (2022) A retrospective study on the detection of viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases among captive exotic birds on a breeding farm in penang, malaysia from 2017-2021. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dr. Erkihun Aklilu Woldegiorgis (2022) Retrospective study of dermatophytosis in companion animal cases at umk veterinary clinic from the year 2012 to 2021. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dr. Giguruwa Gamage Thilini Nisansala (2023) Prevalence of leptospirosis among cats in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Che Yaacob (2023) Identiti kebudayaan masyarakat melayu dalam teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Dyg Sazween binti Awang Aziz (2023) Pemahaman Masyarakat Terhadap Keunikan Seni Bina Gereja St.Micheal Sandakan, Sabah : Suatu Kajian Persepsi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dyiana May Anak Harry (2015) Bioethanol production derived from banana peels through fermentation process. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Dzolkifle, Syazana (2019) Extracts compound of hybrid and native orchid as anti micobial. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dzu, Khuzaimah (2018) Biodiesel production from extracted oil of Helianthus annus seed of pericarp by using strong alkaline catalyst of sodium methoxide and sodium hydroxide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Dzulkarnain, Siti Zaleha (2019) Bioethanol from valencia orange (Citrus sinensis) through fermentation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ean, Wee Chen (2011) Small mammals diversity in three contrasting vegetation in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Eddma Nathan Mauris (2015) Phytoremediation of Iron Contaminated Soil by Centella asiatica. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Edy, Hanisah (2022) The Importance Of Mayin Jooh Dance In Kampung Sungai Judah, Carey Island. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ee, Gim Aei and Ausaini, Muhammad Faisal Husseini and Boiman, Nurul Amirah Afiqah and Yahaya, Yoheskail (2015) The factors of food intake pattern towards the health preference among UMK student. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ee, Yi Zhen (2014) A study of isozyme diversity in populations of banana from Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ee Siang Ling and Intan Farihah Matali and Nur Shahida Izzati Mohd Zulhadi and Sofya Nabihah Roslan (2024) A study on the relationship between spending patterns and saving habits among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students in Campus Kota. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Eh Way Chiam Eh Bun Sing and Nik Mohamad Ezamie Nik Yusof and Nor Shafiqah Hanum Mohd Nazri and Norzarifah Mat Zakri (2023) Youth entrepreneurship and digital: A study from Malaysian digital based business. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Eiswary, Nadarajoo (2015) Geology and structural analysis of Lata Renyok in Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Eizyana Nuraihan Che Mansor (2016) The effect of seed priming on germination properties of Semalu Gajah (Mimosa pigra) and Wild Banana (Musa Acuminata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Elavarasi Veloo (2021) Rekabentuk Pembungkusan Produk Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (PKS) Tempatan: Kuih Kapit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Elawarasi Krishinasamy (2016) In vitro evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Diospyros buxifolia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Eleena Chong (2023) Detection of common gut bacteria of chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) fed with a supplementary diet of moringa oleifera and curcuma aeruginosa powder. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Elias Mohsin (2015) Estimation of minerals from edible weeds in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Elliyana Nadia Hamidi (2012) Effect of phytase supplementation on the performance of Babcock B-380 layer hens beyond 72 weeks of age. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ellvina Stephen and Nik Nur Dayana Sahira Nik Kamarul Anuar and Nurain Afiqah Rizal and Zakia Muthia (2023) Youth entrepreneurship and business growth: A study from youth entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ellzira Rugu and Lailatul Maqfirah Subaweh and Maizura Abdul Ghafar and Mohamad Shahli Mohd Saman (2016) The factors that influence brand loyalty in electronic gadget among young consumer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Elma Zulkefli (2021) Analisis Mesej Dakwah Dalam Filem Khurafat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Elvy Mahirah Mohd Ali (2015) Effect of Feeding Urea Molasses Multi-Nutrient Block (UMMB) on the Growth Body Condition Score and Feed Intake in Growing Kedah Kelantan Calves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Emi Suhana Mat Noor (2013) Geology and geomorphology classification of Kampung Star Baru, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Enalina Suhaimi (2019) Geology and demarcation of the groundwater potential zones using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (Eri) in Kuala Balah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Eng, Wen Qi and Mohd Arif, Mohamad Amiruddin and Thayananthan, Nalini and Hamiruddin, Nur Hidayah (2015) The Influence Of Social Presence Through The Web Interface Towards Online Shopping Attitude Of Undergraduate Students In Umk (Kampus Kota), Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Eng Chyn Huey (2021) The Development Of Seasonal Graphic Scarves Design For Ws Handicraft Sdn Bhd Company. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Eng Qi Qian and Anis Fatin Filzah Che Sulaiman and Adriana Mohd Riduan and Ikhwan Fakhrul Irrfan Mazlan (2021) The determinant factors on tourist satisfaction in halal tourism in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Engku Nazreen Tuan Mohamad Yusof (2013) General geology and slope stability study of Kampung Berangan, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Erika Sorfina Mohd Zulkifli (2018) A survey diversity of shrimp in Pulau Suri Delta Tumpat Mangrove Area. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Erna Afliyana Ilias (2018) The Effect of Compost on Seed Germination and Growth of Christia Vespertiliznis (Butterfly plant) under Greenhouse Condition. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Erna Erlina Suharto (2016) Antifungal activity of Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) willd against Fusarium oxysporum race cubense (FOC). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Erna Nordiana Ramlan and Faizah Mohd Aziz and Farah Nabiha Sharipuddin and Farah Nabihah Suhaimi (2024) Zakat compliance among muslims in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ernie Najmi Najibah Faidi and Mohd Faris Abd Razak and Muhammad Al-Azim Azmi and Siti Zabirah Mohd Yusni (2021) Factors affecting tourists to choose Terengganu as Islamic tourism destination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Erra Dasima Mahadzir (2018) General geology and landslide hazard zonation by using GIS and remote rensing in Sungai Sam Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Esmasyauqi, Ismail (2019) Nilai Warisan Rumah Syed Alatas Yang Memberi Implikasi Terhadap Sektor Pelancongan Pada Masa Hadapan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Eswaran Morgan and Nancy Kong Kah Meng and Nor Nasihah Zaini and Nurfarahin Hanani Mohd Asri (2023) Factors influencing the intention to use E-wallet payment system among Gen Z in Penang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Evanovfia Ria Matius (2024) Adaptasi Novel ke Skrip Filem. Penelitian Karya Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Berdasarkan Teori Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ezza Amirra Zabidi (2018) General geology and geochemistry of topsoil in Cisarua, West Java, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ezza Fatin Jamaluddin (2011) Effect inhole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on cuttings Chromolaena odorata (growth and root development). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ezzarudin Eezahan (2017) Study on properties of ybco superconductor with addition titanium oxideTiO2 by solid state reaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ezzatun Hazwani Ahmad Tazri and Farah Farhana Mohamad and Mohamad Amzar Mohd Asra and Nur Amira Azwa Mohd Nori (2022) The awareness of uncertainty (Gharar) in online shopping among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fadhilah Mohamad Razali (2013) Study of pseudomonas and aeromonas spp. colonized in smoke asian clam (corbicula fluminea) with emphasis on their antibiogram. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fadli, Nurin Aina (2021) Ciri- Ciri Alat Muzik Gamelan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fadli Johari (2013) General geology and the impact of non-point source pollution on Sungai Betis, Kampung Lambok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Fadzil, Abdul Wahab and Hanis Syakira, Za’in and Lai, Wen Li and Ganesan, Sateya Sila (2015) The impact of e-commerce adoption towards Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Fadzirah Samman (2021) Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Pemeliharaan Dan Pemuliharaan : Kajian Di Tapak Arkeologi Bukit Tengkorak, Semporna, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fahimah Mohd Rahalim (2021) Production of biodegradable plastics from cucurbita moschata (yellow pumpkin) starch and chitosan with castor oil as flasticizer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fairus Elinna Abdul Aziz (2018) Molecular Screening on The Existence of Edwardsiella tarda in Hybrid Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) from Inland Farm in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fairus Zehan binti Mohd Said (2019) Determination of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg and Zn) in cosmetic products using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Faizah, Ismail (2015) General geology and geochemistry of Kemahang granite, Kemahang, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Faizal Naim Jasmee (2015) Penghasilan perabot berasaskan rotan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Famella Vanessa Uyong and Farah Nadia Suhimi and Nurfarisha Fauzi and Solehah Ismail (2021) Intention to use smart apps for visiting museum among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fan, Li Ying (2011) Effects of vermicompost and plant growth regulators on the growth and yield of java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fan, Yoke Chee and Lee, Sze Yin and Govindasamy, Nandini (2015) The perception of the tourists towards the quality of services in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Fanny Low Sin Nie (2018) Development of an educational animation using digital story-telling with Hanfu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Faqrul Adam Zakaria (2018) Use of Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera) As a Semen Extender. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Ain binti Azmi (2023) Kajian Perubahan yang Berlaku keatas Struktur dan Reka Bentuk Masjid Warisan: Masjid Tok Pulai Chondong. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Amalin Mahhadi (2019) Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) determination in Asian Swamp Eel, (Monopterus Albus) collected from paddy field in Pasir Mas and Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Ariza Razak (2015) Extraction of gelatin from red tilapia (oreochromis nilotica) skin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Fakhira Ibrahim and Farah Hazwani A.Wahab and Farhah Haziqah Zul Kamal and Fathi Farhani Nordin (2023) Developing Shariah screening methodologies for cryptocurrency. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Farah Farhanah Zulkifli, . (2012) The effectiveness of job training towards employee. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Farah Fatin Fasehah Ahmad Fazil (2016) Isolation of potential biosurfactant producer from soil contaminated with palm oil mill effluent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Hafizah Zulkifli (2013) Micropropagation of musa gracilis by using male inflorescence as explants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Ismanazihah Rosli and Fariza Suhada Sulawizi and Farrah Adillah Jefree and Fatin Aisyah Hanani Obet (2023) The determining factors of tourist satisfaction using airasia as a preferred airline to travel to the domestic destination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Liyana Rosli (2016) Growth performance and Biomass estimation of Cassavaon two different Soil types. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Farah Nadia Zainol (2016) Combined effect of N fertilizer and 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (2,4-DTBP) for weed control in okra (Abelmoschus esculeentus L. Moench) fields. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Nadiah Nor Hasan (2016) Activated carbon from coconut frond As adsorbent for removal of methylene blue. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Najihah Sahak (2013) Seismic refraction investigation of Jeli hotspring area, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Farah Natasha Ahmad Azizi (2023) Assessment of antimicrobial resistance awareness among residents in kelantan,malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Nazihah Binti Zinurin (2023) Penghayatan masyarakat Johor terhadap Tarian Tradisional Melayu Zapin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Farah Nur Amalina Mohd Ramli (2019) Impacts of Bokashi on Growth and Yield of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Nur Ayu Ahmad (2015) Effect of different concentrations of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) on the germination and multiplication rate of selected wild bananas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Nur Wahyuni Zainuddin (2015) Optimum Condition for In Vitro Hatching of Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Eggs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farah Syahirah Ishak and Muhamad Syafiq Azman and Siti Nor Munirah Abdul Mutalib and Siti Nor Nasuha Awang (2022) Intention to use of fintech products and services among youngsters: The application of technology acceptance model (TAM). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Syazana Mohmad Bohari and Nor Azila Ishak and Nor Azimah Abu Samah and Rosedi Mohammad Shahruddin and Nur Natasya Jazwin A.Jefri (2018) Factors influence female purchase intention towards local cosmetics product among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah Syuhada Salleh (2013) THE STUDY OF LANDSLIDE IN JELI USING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) AND REMOTE SENSING. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Farah Yasmin Azman and Nurul Shafika Zulkifli and Sha Fatin Najia Jeffry and Wan Nur Faqihah Wan Zuraizihan (2022) Determinants of online cash waqf acceptance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah binti Jafri and Nur Hidayah binti Ishak and Tuan Nur Zulaikha binti Tuan Zukapli and Zawatil Isqi binti Ishak (2016) The impact of celebrity endorsement in advertising that influence consumer purchase intention on cosmetic product. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farah ‘Aliah Hasan (2022) Antibiogram of Edwardsiella Tarda isolated from diseased Anglefish (Pterophyllum Scalare) of aquarium shop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farahadibah Roslim (2021) Geology of Dabong and characterisation of igneous rock in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farahana Mohd Yatim (2014) Lambakan songket tiruan dalam pasaran songket asli Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fareeha, Ahmad Shauqi (2020) The Growth and Survival Rates of Farmed Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea in a Semi-Closed System. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farhan Danial Muhammad Syazwan Thana (2022) Antimicrobial properties of musa paradisiaca and piper betle Against escherichia coli. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farhana Fauzi (2016) The effect of cultivar on the growth and yield of the cabbage (Brassica olerceae var. capitata) using fertigation system under netted rain shelter. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farhanah Hilmi and Azra Malisa Zakri and Nur Athirah Hasham Khan and Muhammad Hafiz Shamsuha Baharim (2022) Fast food consumption among teenagers in pengkalan chepa, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farhatun Nisa Bakri (2019) Kuih Muih Tradisional Melayu Johor : Kajian Kes di Kawasan Batu Pahat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Farid Abd Rani (2015) Utilisation of Water Hyacinth, (Eichhornia crassipes) as Partial Protein Supplement in the Diet of Ornamental Gourami (Trichogaster spp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Faridah Hakimah Rosemi and Fatin Faqihah Zakaria and Fatin Nur Elysa Zainal Abidin and Harundin Hamzah (2024) The determinants of personal saving among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Faridah Mohd Abdullah (2011) Effect of fertigation system under rain-shelter on sun melon growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Farina Idayu binti Kamarudin (2024) Kajian Terhadap Rekabentuk Rumah Orang Asli di Kampung Ayer Molek, Ibam Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Faris Syahiran Ismail (2016) Blanching effect of Cleome gynandra leaves on antioxidant properties. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fariza Nurfazreen Jaswari (2024) Pelestarian Rumah Tradisional Terengganu Di Warisan Pahlawan Resort, Kg Pauh. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Farizah, Abdul Ghafar (2020) The Effect of Fermented Soy Pulp on The Growth of Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatah Aswadi Bin Nasri (2023) Penggunaan teromba dalam pengacaraan majlis: satu kesantunan bahasa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fateha Mohd Kasmir (2021) Kajian Rekabentuk Sofa Ergonomik Bagi Kegunaan Pengguna Yang Menghadapi Masalah Muskuloskeletal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Faten Hamamah, Mohamed (2015) General geology and barite mineral characterization of Bukit Panchuri, Tanah merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Faten Nabila Salim (2020) Geology and deposition of volcaniclastic in Nglanggeran formation at Patuk Area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Faten Zulaikha Suhaimi (2021) Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Penemuan Relau Di Jeniang, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Fathiah Zawawi and Fatimah Munirah Abd Raof and Fatin Najihah Sayuti and Fatin Suhaila Hasim (2023) Islamic financial literacy among studentpreneur: A case of UMK’s student. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Fathin Nabilah Farid (2014) Isolation and characterization of thermophilic bacteria in Jeli hot spring. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fathin Nouri Samsudin and Fatimah Malihah Supri and Hasnizah Zaki and Thenmoly Krishnan (2016) Factor of barrier language and dialect on tourism industry: case of Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Fathul Hadi Zharfan Adzmi (2017) General geology and resistivity survey of Politeknik Jeli Area. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatien Amirah Abdul Latif (2015) Study of grafting compatibility between Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as rootstocks and Ceara rubber (Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg.) as Scion. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatien Nur Syazwanie Zabri (2019) Optimization of surface sterilization for rhizome and seeds of Etlingera Megalocheilos using Indole-3-Butyric hormone at different concentration. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatiha Tumin (2016) The application of fermented rubber, hevea brasiliensis seeds in red hybrid tilapia, oreochromis sp., farming. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatimah Izzatul Mohd Jamaluddin and Muhammad Hafihuzuddin Mohamad Ali and Nur Humirah Rizwan and Tang Cheau Yin (2021) Understanding the influences of room design dimensions of three-star hotel in making reservation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatimah Najeebah Ilyasak (2019) Geology and potential limestone geohazard using electrical resistivity imaging in Kampung Lambok, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatimah Zahra Dahalan and Chin Chi Fung and Nur ‘Aliah Najihah Md Sa’aid and Juliza Natasha Jamil (2021) Student perception of career opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Abdullah and Nur Suhailah Dahlan and Nur Syarafina Syasya Zata Sabila Abd Rahim and Nurul Najwa Nasuha Muda (2021) Understanding Volunteer Tourist Experience Towards Satisfaction In Volunteering While Traveling In Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Akmmal Paizau (2015) Identification and characterization of antimicrobial activity of bacteria strains from Budu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Amani Abdullah (2017) Screening and identification of water microorganisms from Sungai Kelantan, Tanah Merah to determine the diversity of Microbiota. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Anisah Nor Azman (2016) Pigments extracted from Melastoma Malabathricum (Senduduk) fruits for possible application as a biological stain and cosmetic colourant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Aqilah Dzulkifli (2019) Effect of BAP and NAA Concentration on Seed Germination and Growth of Cymbidium finlaysonianum orchid. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Athirah Mohd Zin (2021) Geology of Paloh, Gua Musang and geochemistry of soil in plantation of the East Coast Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Farhana Ruslan (2018) The Effect of Organic Fish Fertilizer with Tea Ground on Maize Plant (Zea mays) Growth Performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Farzana Roslan and Fatin Izani Che Mat and Latha Ayyakannu and Asyrulnaim Pattah Akhir (2022) The impact of e-learning on academic performance of university students in Malaysia during Covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Fatin Farzanah Mohd Kamaruddin (2015) The Effect of Vitamin E on Laying Performance and Stress Respoof Japanese Quail (Coturnlx coturnix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Fashihah Mohamad (2016) Study of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc concentration in babylonia areolata in Bachok, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Fatinah Mad Sakri (2014) Study of traceability and recall plans of food processing plants and small medium enterprise (SMEs) in Sungai Petani, Kedah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Hazwani Tarmidzi (2013) Product development of eleiodoxa conferta (Asam Kelubi). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Mardhiah Nordin (2017) Removal of methyl orange from contaminated water by newly prepared nickel catalyst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Mohd Nasir (2012) Assessment of RAPD markers of Genus Aglaonema (Aracea). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Nabila Ismail (2017) Evaluating aboveground biomass and carbon stock of Shorea platyclados, Agathis borneensis and Gymnostoma sumatranum in compartment 5 Gunung Siku Forest Reserve, Cameron Highland. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nabilah Azman (2019) Fixed bed column filtration using pineapple waste activated carbon for dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nabilah Binti Ishak (2019) The optimization of various extraction method of dioscorine from dioscorea hispida dennst tuber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nadhirah Hazarul Hisham (2023) Molecular detection of west nile virus in horses in kelantan, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nadhirah Muhammad Anuar Loh (2021) Analisis Kritikan Sosial Dalam Filem Melayu Zombi Kampung Pisang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fatin Nadia Abu Bakar (2022) Antimicrobial potential of leaf extract of Chromolaena Odorata. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nadiah Zamri (2019) Willingness to pay for the ecotourism facilities and services at Taman Negara Kuala Koh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nadzirah Abdul Aziz (2019) Optimization of heavy metal removal from leachate using maize leaves and papaya bark as biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nai'mah Rani (2016) The effect of additional application of potassium fertilizer on growth and yield of fertigated rockmelon under netted rain shelter. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Fatin Naimah Ramli (2019) Chemical Properties and Effect of Three Different Packaging on Stability of ‘Sambal Pijat’. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Najwa Supi (2017) General geology and slake durability index for different lithology of rock at Kampung Renyok Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nasuha Mohd Faizon and Fatin Normawaddah Sovri and Fatinah Najihah Mohd Rozadi and Mohamad Zulhairen Izaham Marasan (2022) The acceptance of Islamic banking products and services among Islamic banking students in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nasuha Nazri (2019) Predicting home range of a translocated Tapir in Senaling Inas Forest reserve by using GIS application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nur Alia Ramli (2020) Removal of Oil And Grease in Industrial Wastewater using Palm Kernel Shells Activated Carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nur Alyaa Binti Mat Rifin (2022) Comparison Of Gold Recovery From High-Grade Ore Of Gua Musang, Kelantan Using Aqua Regia And Bioleaching Methods. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Fatin Nur Diyana Mohd Zaini (2022) Herbicidal activities of N fertilizer (Urea) treated with natural plants oil herbicide on control Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa Crus-Galli) at the vegetative stage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fatin Nur Hazwani Haron and Nur Salwani Bahrizan and Intan Nur Qamaria Mohd Kasim and Raziatul Madiah Osman (2021) The study on food waste management at the dining restaurant in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nur Nadirah Anuar Ibrahim and Fatin Nuratikah Wahab and Mohamad Zul Aiman Khairul Azmi and Loshene Selvarajoo (2022) Factors influencing eating behaviours among university students during the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Fatin Nur Wahida Idris (2019) Kajian Kerja-Kerja Konservasi Pembinaan Semula Kota Lama Duyung di Terengganu oleh Lembaga Muzium Negeri Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Fatin Nuradawiyah Abdul Rahman (2017) General geology and study of sulphide distribution at Bukit Dewi, Kuala Balah, Dabong. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nurilyana Muhd. Hisyam (2022) Antibacterial activity determination of extract from leaf of Terminalia Catappa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Nursharidah Raniman (2018) Antibacterial Activity of Turmeric Essential Oil (Curcuma lnnga L.). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Syafiqah Syahirah (2018) Physicochemical quality of Sungai Keding in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Syahirah Ibrahim (2013) IMPACT ON SUNGAI BULOH FROM OPERATIONAL STAGE OF UMK JELI CAMPUS. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Fatin Syamimi Radin Nizar (2021) Assessment of river water quality using water quality index (wqi) in urban, suburban and residential areas in Kelantan river. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fatin Wahida, Fadzil (2015) Geological mapping and determination depth of groundwater circulation in and around UMK, Jeli using Silica Geothermometry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Fatin Zalikha Che Azemi (2015) Rekabentuk pembungkusan produk makanan kerepek pisang di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Fatin Zulia Ardini Azhar (2016) Geology and structural analysis at Dabong, Kuala krai,. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Fatinamierah Najiehah Azmi (2019) Decoloursation and degradation of reactive orange 16 (RO16) dye by co-immobilized dye degrading microbe and coconut fronds biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fauzi, Nurul Fayyadhah Insyirah (2019) Effect of TAPzyme 50a formulation to remove blood, egg yolk and milk stains on crepe cloth. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fauziah Hanim, Abd Hadi (2015) General geology and paleoenvironment of Pos Blau, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Fawwaz Zulfadhli Norazmy (2014) A study on the e-waste disposal method in Puncak Alam, Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Faziera Mohd Hussin (2017) General geology and mineralogical study of feldspar in Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fazilah, Nurul Najah (2020) Characterization of Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs (PPFMs) from Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) Leaves. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fazli Lon (2011) Kajian rekabentuk dan visual khemah acara karnival gempak desa astro dan keberkesanannya terhadap pengnjung. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Fazlin Anita Ahmad and Nur Fatin Azranuddin and Nur Shayhira Shamsuddin and Nur Umirah Saffian (2022) The factor that influence the daily diet among wellness student in universiti malaysia kelantan, kampus kota. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fazreen Nabila Salleh (2016) Flood Vulnerability in Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia by using Geographical lnfomtation System (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Feifeiizaney Shafeizzalinda Feizzuan Syafeiq Wong (2017) Removal of dye from textile effluent using activated carbon from Kenaf fiber and rubber wood sawdust produced by microwave processing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Felisona Jounie and Norazira Adam and Siti Nurshahida Mohd Nopiah and Siti Zulaiha A. Rahman (2016) An analysis of push travel motivations of domestic tourist to Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Fikri Hakim Zaini and Hadzleen Nur Syarfaqila Hamden and Haniff Safwan Razali and Haslinda Mohd Ariffin (2023) The determinants of food satisfaction among domestic visitors: the case of gastronomic tourism in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fisal, Mohamad Fikri Haziq (2018) Effect of calcination duration on Calcium Copper Titanium Oxide (CCTO) single phases formation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fitrah Binti Jamaludin (2023) Kajian terhadap repotoire ensembel rebana kercing di Kampung Laut, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Fitri Amirah Fadzil (2024) Konsep Nilai Bersama Dasar Kebudayaan Negara Dalam Sastera Rakyat Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fitriyyah Khalida Mohd Fauzi (2019) Performance Evaluation of Sprinkler Irrigation System and Water Use Efficiency of Pak Choy(Brassica chinensis var juliennius) at Netted House ,UMK AgroTechno Park. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fong, Mei Yong (2018) Geology and lignite-organic petrology in Ngalang area, Gunung Kidul regency, special province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fong, Yuk Moi (2018) Removal of emulsified oil in wastewater by Corn Cob Carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fong Chui Theng and Intan Shafinaz Yusof and Nur Shahirah Saufi and Ummi Uffiya Sempul Amizam (2024) Analysis on the influence social media marketing towards purchasing decision among students Universiti Malaysia Kelantan in Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Foo Yee Han (2012) Technology acceptance model and adoption of internet with e-purchase system among travel agencies in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Foong, Ker Ean (2014) Diversity and distribution of moths (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) in Jeli district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Fouzi, Siti Sofia Suhana (2016) Assessment on the Size of Tetrastigma Stem Associated with Rafflesia in Lojing Highland, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Frenigesol Mukoi (2024) Kajian Teknik-Teknik Pembuatan Alat Muzik Tradisional Gong Bagi Suku Kaum Etnik Rungus di Kg Sumangkap Matunggong, Kudat Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Fum, Mun Keng (2012) Comparative effect of application of different animal manures on yield and nutritive value of maize forage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Gahyathry Letchmanan and Ursella Mitchell Dass and Nurkamilia Husna Nordin and Nurul Athirah Musa (2023) Factors that influence consumer's stance towards sustainability green packaging in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gan, Hui Kee (2020) Determination of antimicrobial activity by defence fluid of Globitermes Sulphureus on selected soil microbes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gan, Jen Yee (2014) Development of flavours (pandan and vanilla) for production of bean curd (tofu). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Gan, Wei Xin (2018) Geology and depositional environment of Paloh area, Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gan Hua Lee, . (2011) Purchase intention towards organic products a case study in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Gan See Teng and Intan Syuhada Norhisham Abdullah and Anis Adilah Roslan and Ariff Syukran Hamzah (2023) A study of online purchase (online shopping) intention among UMK students Campus Kota during quarantine Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gan SuTeng (2019) Preparation and Screening of Cross-Linked Magnetic Biocarbon for Methylene Blue Removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ganesan, Nallan @ Periathambi (2011) Preparation of animal feed mash for small ruminants using restaurant wastes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Gayathri Selvaraju (2002) Partial purication and characterization of recombinant alkalne protease. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Gayatri Sabrina A/P Rahu (2023) Knowledge, attitude and practice of neutering among dog owners in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gayetry Ganesen (2014) Documentation of paddy pests and its management by paddy farmers of farmers' organization og Lanas Jedok, Tanah Merah Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Geetha Chandra Regan (2018) Preservative and antimicrobial potency of moringa oleifera leaves extract in saanen goat‘s milk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ghani, Nurfazila (2016) Noise Monitoring Study at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Gobinath Nadarajah (2011) Factors influencing consumer on using LRT in Kuala Lumpur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Goh, Chia Pei (2018) Removal of COD in wastewater by activated carbon from rice husk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Goh, Hui Kung (2014) Flavouring agent from jackfruit (artocarpus heterophyllus l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Goh, Hui Sin (2016) Sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics of limestone in Telong formation, Sungai Relai, Aring, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Goh, Kent Tiong (2018) Effect of beating on the strength of Pulp and Paper derived from Sesbania Grandiflora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Goh, Pei Ni (2015) Forecasting analysis on climate change and its impact on paddy production in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Goh, Su May (2014) Antioxidant activity and stability of pigments extracted from selected plants as potential colourant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Goh, Wee Kiat (2013) Application of active packaging on banana; changes in physical and chemical composition during ripening. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Goh, Xin Ying (2014) Exploring edible glucomannan from aroids plants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Goh Hui Ni and Marina Isa and Mohamad Zulfahmi Mohd Noor and Nada Afiqah Redzuan (2016) The determinants of consumers purchase intention toward counterfeit product in Malaysia. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Fakulti Keusahawanan dan Perniagaan. (Submitted)
Gomathy A/P Sangara Murthi, . (2011) Celebrity endorsement and the fashion world an emerging trend: the leverage of celebrity endorsement towards consumer buying behavior. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Guan, Choi Yee (2019) Extraction of cellulose fiber from banana pseudo-stem using chemical pretreatment and ultrasonic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gunarangini Muniandy (2018) Effect of feeding moringa oleifera on body weight and milk production of Saanen goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gunaseharan, Pravenah (2020) Removal of malachite green dye from aqueous solution using Kenaf core fiber as adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gunasekar, Therhina (2018) Optimisation of parameters for removal of Methyl Red dye using sawdust as adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Gunavathy Selvarajh (2016) Combined Effect of vanillin enriched with calcium lactate on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. esculantum) quality. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
HAMZAH, NUR LIYANA (2016) Monitoring Of Indoor Radon Concentration Levels on Different Room Sizes in Academic Building, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ha Haw Seng and Nurul Aisyah Samsudin and Fatin Fasihah Mokhtar and Wan Amirah Shahirah Wan Husain (2021) The determinants of intention to stay at Cameron Highland’s homestay among young domestic tourists. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Habibah Musa (2015) Determination of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and CD) in squid (loligo chinensis and loligo sibogae) from Mersing, Endau and Rompin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Habsah Rozahimi (2021) Kajian Terhadap Seni Persembahan Silat Kuntau Jawa Di Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Hadi, Nur Syahirah (2018) Analysis properties of Discorea hispida dennst flour (gadong flour) and its potential in bakery products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hadi Nor Haqim Bin Hashim (2023) Kajian terhadap kaedah pendalang muda persembahan wayang kulit Kelantan Di Bachok Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Hafariza Hanafi (2011) Kajian terhadap penggunaan seni khat dalam masyarakat Melayu di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hafira Ulfah Hasnil (2013) HPLC Analysis of Local Vegetables and Fruits, Their Nutritional Value. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hafiza Farhana Ruslan (2012) Study the impact of noise generated by Sultan Ismail Petra Airport on surrounding land uses. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hafiza Shahrom (2017) Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the photodegradation of metamifop in the presence of zn(ii) ions. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hafizuddin Gos Hambali (2022) Molecular detection of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) in cats in Kota Bharu and Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hafizudien Mohd Nor and Lim Jia Yee and Nooryasmin Emalin Azhar and Nurul Ain Izzati Jusoh (2024) The relationship between the diffusion of innovation and E-Learning towards students development. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hairel Amre Che Hamid (2015) Adsorption of Heavy Metal from Water Using Petai Belalang Biomass. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hairil Azwan Hosney (2017) Effect of nickel oxide addition on YBCO superconductor properties prepared by solid state reaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Haiswaryia Partiven and Mohammad Afiq Mohd Zahir and Nor Azura Harun and Nur Allya Yasmin Noor Hazly (2023) The green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and awareness of green supply chain management among food and beverage retailers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Haizatul Hajar Haris and Hazwani Najihah Mohd Sabri and Lyzendra Ryowenne Oneh and Mohd Firdaus Buraera (2022) The impacts of lifestyle study and eating behavior quality on academic performance among university students. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Halima, Ishak (2015) Gaya pakaian remaja perempuan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Halimah Khalid (2019) Development of an eco-friendly enzymatic dehairing of skins and hides using alkaline protease. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Halimatu Saadiah, Ngah@Ismail (2015) General geology and engineering geology: rock mass strength of cut slope in and around Kg Lawar, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Halimatun Saadiah Abdul Manap (2016) Durability of Acacia Mangium and Acacia Auriculiformis against Coptotermes Sepangensis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hamdan, Muhamad Amir Farid (2022) Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Lirik Persembahan Dikir Barat Oleh Cikgu Naim. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamdan, Nor Raihazlin Amani (2020) Development and characterization of nanocream containing Sirih (Piper belle) oil for antimicrobial activities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamdan, Ros Asifa (2020) Development of interactive application for insectarium of natural resources museum, UMK Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamdan, Sharifah Farhana (2019) Microstructure and properties of Al203-TiO2 nanocomposite using high energy milling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamdani, Syaheeda (2019) Ruang Peribadi Wanita Dalam Cerpen Terpilih Oka Rusmini: Satu Bacaan Ginokritik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Hamdin, Noraini (2020) Optimization of biohydrogen production by Escberichia Coli in dark fermentation using POME as substratre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamidah, Abdul Rahman (2015) Dokumentasi pembuatan Wau Bulan oleh Shafie Jusoh. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hamisan Mufti and Kommathi Chandran and Mohd Sobri Mohammed Ali and Muhammad Hazim Hamisan (2023) The factors that afecting customer satisfaction towards in hotel kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamizan Hadi Addnan (2014) Phytochemical analysis of various extracts of giant sensitive tree (mimosa pigra). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hamizan Mohamad Sobri and Linisha Sures and Nor Aisyah Rahman and Nurul Aina Nadia Walad (2024) Factors that influencing youth intention to buy green product in University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamzah, Hazwani (2018) Coconut frond biochar as adsorbent in removal of methylene blue dye in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamzah, Nurul Zurairah (2020) Biodiesel production from polanga oil extracted using Soxhlet Extractor with different type of solvent and ratio of seed to solvent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hamzah Almubarak, Razman (2011) Kepentingan penjenamaan air isotonik dalam konteks komunikasi visual. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Han Jia Ping and Ng Jun Hong and Nurhanisah Mat Sum and Nurhazimah Rashidi (2023) Analysis of competitive advantage through soft skills and hard skills among undergraduates in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanafi, Syahmi (2018) Comparative study of Soil Springtails (Insecta: Collembola) Assemblage in Lowland and Hill Dipterocarp Forests in Gunung Basor, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanafi Shafie (2011) Rekacorak visual pada baju T mempengaruhi remaja menyertai kempen kitar semula. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hanani, Ahmad Taufik (2020) The Effects of Fermentation on Banana Leaves (Musa spp.) as an Alternative Feed for Ruminant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hang Yong Yi (2022) Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practices on food poisoning among secondary school students in johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanie ‘Aqilah Mohd Azami (2020) Removal of Cr (VI) in textile dye industry effluent using foxtail palm fruit as activated carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanis Marina Anuar (2018) Species Composition and Diversity of Shrubs at Different Altitudes of R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre, Cameron Highlands. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanis Shahira Amani Ahmad Azman (2020) Water quality monitoring at Lata Janggut, Lata Keding and Lata. Turbo. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanis Syazwani Hamzatol Akmal and Nur Ayunie Mohd Azli and Wan Hafizul Arif Wan Ahmad and Muhammad Syazwan Sahimi (2023) Factors affecting customer satisfaction on online food delivery services towards Kelantanese. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hanis Syazwani Haron (2022) Perception of youth on hornet (Vespa Spp.) Larvae as food sources in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Hanisah Md Yusof (2014) Optimization of Laccase production by klebsiella sp.: effect of nutrition factory on medium formulation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Haniszatul Farhana Shukor (2017) Removal of methyl red using Coconut coir and Coconut coir activated carbon as adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hannanda Rao, Thevisri (2018) Biochar based on plantain peel as adsorbent for Rhodamine B Dye Removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hari Haraprien A/L K. Kesavan (2023) Formaldehyde traces and quality characteristics of indian mackerel (rastrelliger kanagurta) from markets in kota bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Haridaz Kuppan (2012) Study of policy,planning and governance of nature based tourism in the Southern part of Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hariharan Sivakumar and New Yen Qing and Nor Syahida Fadzry and Nurin Amirah Haniff (2023) Talent development for entrepreneurship among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Harimin, Norwidha (2019) A study of dance movements and its values of Sumazau Tambunan dance in Sabah, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Haripiriya Arumugam and Nazhatul Athirah Aisyah Mohd Ridzuan and Nurain Nabihah Azliyamin and Nursyahida Nabila Sanusi (2024) Insights into plastic pollution: consumer trends with plastic bags. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Harniza Asman (2015) Isolation of actinomycetes from leaf litters and its antifungal properties. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Haron, Munerah and Muhamad Fauzi, Nur Athirah and Mhmd Ariff, Murniza and Zainuddin, Muhammad Zuhair (2015) Analysis trend cash Waqf collection & cash Waqf payer at north, south and east coast state. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Haron, Siti Salbiah (2018) Comparison between Diurnal and Nocturnal Insects using Baits in Gelam Forest Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Harraz Afiq Hairi and Loo Chun Young and Nur Aisyah Ismail and Yong Kai Yi (2023) The impacts of East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hartati Katu Mahmud (2019) Study on different metal oxide with Hylocereus polyrhizus (dragon fruit) in dye-sensitized solar cells performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hartina Hussin (2013) Virgin coconut oil production production by centrifugation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hartini Husin (2013) Determination of Orang Asli movement In Kampung Sungai Rual, Jeli, Kelantan. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Harun, Suhaila (2021) Dokumentasi Warisan Perkahwinan Adat Perpatih Di Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hasanah Mohamad (2011) Best management practices among the tobacco cultivators in Bachok district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasbillah Ahmad (2010) Unsur-unsur seni dalam ukiran kayu melayu:tumpuan pada motif,falsafah,perlambangan dan fungsi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Hasbul Hadi Sadri (2012) Study on growth pattern of different variants of weedy rice. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasdie Mat Yunus (2016) The effect of tilapia (oreochramis niloticus) and sago starch ration on linear expansion, oil absorption, and hardness of tilapia fish cracker. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasfazilah Mokhta (2017) Determination of bris soil properties using chemical fertilizer under different light intensity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hashim, Danial Shamzari (2019) Utilization of wood saw dust as partial replacement of rail material in Porous Ceramic production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hashim, Nur Ain (2019) Histografi Jambatan Gullemard Sebagai Mercu Tanda Warisan Di Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Hashim, Nur Hadaina (2020) Analysis of heavy metal residue in raw and smoked meat of Corbicula nurninea (Etak). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hashim, Nuratikah (2021) Penglibatan Masyarakat Dalam Pemuliharaan & Pemeliharaan: Kajian Ke Atas Batu Bersurat Cherok Tokun, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hashim, Siti Hajar (2018) Extraction of natural blue dyes from clitoria ternatea. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Haslinda Ghazali (2013) Sensitivity of antibiotic against aeromonas hydrophila isolated from climbing perch (anabas testudineus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Haslinda Mazlan (2016) Assessment of oil palm frond (OPF) juice feeding on goat performance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasma Syakina Abdul Hamid (2013) Product development of oil extracted from fresh peel of citrus grandis (pomelo). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasmahnira Abu Bakar (2011) Isolation, identification and antibiogram characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila in red hybrid tilapia (Tilapia sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasmanadia, Othaman (2015) Faktor utama obesiti melalui inforgrafik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hasmizie Hassan (2011) Sweet potato (Impomoea Batatas) flour production using solar radiation under plastic house. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hasnawi, Amira Mardia (2018) Effects of Nitrogen limitation media on the production of Algae Oil of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa sp. using the Soxhlet Extraction method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hasni Rohaida, Abd Rashid (2015) Video dokumentari permainan tradisional batu seremban kepada generasi muda. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hassan, Mohamad Amin (2019) Nobat: Satu Tinjauan Umum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Hassan, Noor Syamimi (2018) Cassava peel as adsorbent for removal of Malachite Green Dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hassan, Nurul Aini (2019) Antibacterial activity of mixed Dukung Anak (Phyllanthus niruri) Oil and Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix) Oil against pathogenic bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hassan, Syaheera Putri (2019) Effect of beach sand addition on Singgora roof tile properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hawari, Nurul Farah Hanim (2020) Modelling Golok River Water Quality using Multiple Linear Regression. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hayatul Nafisa Mohammad Hafidz and Hazirah Izzati Honorius and Hazwani Hanisah Halihul Jaman and Idzni Haziqah Mohamad Nawi (2022) The factors that determine satisfaction among domestic tourists visiting muslim friendly tourist destination in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hazael Sharmilaa/Palbert Charles (2022) Presence of human cell receptor ace2 and tmprss2 in human lung cell produced by bat coronaviruses from east coast malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hazimah Hamid (2015) Antifungal activities of fungi isolated from dead insects. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Haziqah Hairuddin (2019) Diversity of Cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) in Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hazmi, Siti Aisyah Athirah (2020) Effect of Glycerol and Gluteraldehyde towards performances of Nicotiana tabacum/ starch derived bioplastics. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hazmi Jamaludin and Jessica Augut Anak Johnson and Khong Chan Hong and Noor Shuhada Jin Sohaimi (2016) Factors that influencing groupon purchase intention among Malaysian. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Hazniza, Mohammad Haniff Koh (2015) Tourist's perception assessment on solid waste management (SWM) on Tioman Island, Pahang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Hazratul Nazira Hamzah (2018) Optimum condition for transporting giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hazwani Ramli @ Md Shakri, . (2011) Factor influencing choice of teachers as among women. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Hazwanie Ariffin (2015) Comparison of types of compound in different methods of extraction from Caesalpinia sappan (Leguminosae) extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Helmi Syafizan Johari and Nurul Haslina Royalee and Nurul Hidayah Manaf and Tan Sharyn (2016) The motivation factors towards travel engagement among students of University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Hemalatha Gengaderan (2016) Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant properties of keladi candik (Alocasia longiloba) plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hemalatha Gengaderan (2016) Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant properties of keladi candik (Alocasia longiloba) plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hemalatha Gengaderan (2016) Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant properties of keldi candik (Alocasia longiloba) plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hemamalini Manogaran (2017) Characterization of PM10 concentration and identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (pah) compound from urban and rural schools in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hemashangari Thanggavelu (2014) A study on genetic variability in orthosiphon accessions by using proten markers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Heng Chui Ling (2018) Properties and effects of different egg yolks with honey added in extender on sheep semen. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Herny Nurfarahin Mohamad Rashed (2013) The study on antibacterial activity of tualang honey added with catalase. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hew, Yu Chen (2015) Preliminary Study on Properties of Leucaena leucocephala as Potential Biomass Energy Sources. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hew Hui Ru and Mohamad Haziq Masri and Nordiana Mohd Isa and Nursyazwani Azmi (2023) Factors that influence the successful online business among students in City Campus Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hezian Jominit (2012) Comparative bio-efficacy test of insecticide aerosol against Culex quinquefasciatus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hidanah Shamsudin and Intan Zulaikha Iskandar and Kam Yan Chi and Khairunisa Mohamad Bali (2019) Factors affecting customer loyalty towards traditional retailers in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hidayanti Moklas (2011) Consumer satisfaction towards federal highway in Selangor. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Hidayati Farizah Othman (2024) Muzium Sultan Alam Shah Sebagai Institusi Pendidikan Tidak Formal Kepada Generasi Muda: Satu Kajian Kes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hidayatullah Hamzah (2021) Kajian Penggunaan Metafora Berkaitan Isu Komentar Sosial Dalam Penghasilan Catan Gaya Pop Surealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Hidzir Sairan (2011) Peranan muzium kepada masyarakat: kajian kes di Muzium Kota Tinggi, Johor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Hidzir Bin Sairan (2011) Peranan muzium kepada masyarakat : kajian kes di Muzium Kota Tinggi, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Hiew, Jaqcqueline John (2014) Land use chnages and classification in lojing, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hiew, Yeap Seng (2011) Modelling and forecasting on paddy production in Kelantan under the implementation of system of rice intensification (SRI). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hiew Jion Long (2018) Effect of treated quail dung on the growth performance of freshwater Microalgae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hii, Yew John (2015) Effect of sonochemical treatment on coconut husk for bioethanol production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hikamarhakimi, Nur Amila (2018) Study of Radon-222 emanations from fabricated composite brick based on treated kenaf fiber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hilmi, Nur Syahirah (2020) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish muscle from selected area of Kelantan River. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hisham, Nur Hazryna (2020) Effect of microwave sintering time to the microstructure and phase properties of conventional heat treated CaCu3Ti4O12 after calcination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ho, Kit Yeng (2015) Antibacterial profile of methanolic extracts from ten local ornamental plants against pathogenic bacteria isolated from aquaculture sites. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ho, Nee Khing (2013) Screening and isolation of microorganisms producing lignin-degrading enzyme. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ho, Siew Chin (2015) Characterization of Acacia mangium Species for Biomass Energy Sources. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Hong, Chow Chuen (2018) Biogenic synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using strobilanthes crispus and in-vitro determination of antioxidant activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hong Shen Teng (2019) Proximate Composition for Egg Custard as Alternative Feed for Macrobrachium rosenbergii Larvae. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hong Ziexin (2020) Impact of spatial land use change on green space and water yield in Batu Pahat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hoo, Hui Mun (2016) Removal of malachite green (MG) from aqueous solution by using eggshell as adsorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hood, Nurul Shahira (2019) Rumah Bugis: Kajian Kes Di Rumah Hajah Indok Chichuk Dan Abdul Hadi Di Kampung Sungai Kuali, Kukup, Pontian. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Hor, Pui Lun (2015) A study of interaction between Rafflesia kerrii Meijer and Pollinators in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
How, Yi Eng (2015) Geology and petrography of volcanic rock at KESEDAR Lebir, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Hue, Chui Har (2015) Anaesthesia and surgery in african catfish, clarias gariepinus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Hui Qi Low (2018) Influence of the concentration and temperature of Hypochlorite on the properties of Pulp derived from Sesbania grandiflora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Hurairah Hakim Sahabudin (2016) Antioxidant activity of different parts of Etlingera Coccinea (Zingiberaceae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Husain, Nur Faezatul Husna (2018) Study on the effect of Titanium Oxide (Ti02) additions on YBCO superconductor by solid state reaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Husaini Ghani (2012) Nutritional factor affecting protease production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Husin, Hasanah and Jamhari, Hazwani and Ho, Pei Foon and John, Jeevana (2015) Factors affecting food safety in restaurants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Husna Athirah Hasaruddin (2022) Serological detection of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) in cats in Kota Bharu and Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Husna Shahraini Burha’annuddin and Muhammad Nuriman Syafiq Lokman and Nur Syafiqah Amira Hamid and Nurul Zulaikha Azhan (2022) Identifying the challenges and the level of effectiveness of campus wellness initiatives among students and staffs in umk city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Husnul Hotimah Mohamad and Nuratikah Razali and Satishvaran Gurusamy and Tan Du Sin (2016) Retail store image attribute effect on buying behaviour among Generation Y in AEON Mall of Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Hussain Misfah Saamee (2022) Prevalence of endoparasites among goats in maldives. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iylia Abd Halim (2014) Screening and identification of bacteria producing lignin degrading enzymes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ibharim, Nor Aniza (2016) Heavy Metal Assessment in Soil at Dabong and Sungai Kejar, Royal Belum by Using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (ED-XRF). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ibrahim, Idanne Adilla (2018) Heavy metal and microbial contaminations in Smoked Corbiculafluminea (Etak) tissue collected at smoke place. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ibrahim, Noor Fathihah (2018) Effect of phosphorus concentration on culture medium of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris for algae oil extraction using soxhlet extractor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ibrahim, Nur Faika and Yahaya, Norainadia and Mohamad Husin, Nur Diana and Mohd Anuar, Norbaitul Aisyah (2015) Customer satisfaction on islamic banking among students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ibrahim, Nurfatihah (2019) Microwave synthesis of Silver-Graphene Oxide nanocomposite for determination Of mercury ion (Hg2+). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ibrahim, Siti Nurain (2019) Study of water quality from wastewater by using seaweed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ibrahim Ghazali (2013) Impact of mining activity on water quality of Sungai Sokor, Tanah Merah Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ibrahim Sukri, Afiqah (2020) Digital mapping of UMK Jeli campus using drone technology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ida Noor Idayu Abdul halim (2015) Pakaian bussiness wear berkonsepkan konsep Yin Yang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ida Royani Rosli (2013) THE RELATIONSHIP OF BASIC DENSITY WITH 1-5 AGE GROUP Schizostachyum brachycladum. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ideris, Norifazirah (2019) Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi di Kedah: Kajian Kes di Baling, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Idris, Abdullah (2022) Psikodrama Moden Dan Tradisional; Kajian Mengenai Kesamaan Struktur Dan Elemen. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Idris, Nurul Arifah (2018) Utilisation of bamboo leaves as carbon/silica catalyst for conversion of polymer waste to chloroester. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iffa Syamimi Rosli (2014) Isolation, screening, and identification of potential bacteria degrade textile wastewater. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Iffah Nasuha Alias (2021) Konsep Rekabentuk Almari Pakaian Yang Dapat Memenuhi Keperluan Dan Kehendak Pengguna Di Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ikhsan, Nurul Natasyha (2018) The potential of hybrid zinc chloride/ natural dyes extracts as photo-absorber in solar cell application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ili Nurhanis Izzati Mohamad Zaini and Intan Shukrina Md Sokori and Izzati Mohd Asri Jasmila and Parveen Jalilmohamed (2023) Study of perception of bitcoin risks in Islamic perspective among SAB students, University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Ili Nurizzati Hanim (2018) Geology and analysis of Planktonic Foraminifera assemblages of Oyo Formation, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ilias, Muhammad Aideed (2020) Estimation of Liana Infestation above canopy in logged over forest in Gunung Basor using unmanned aerial vehicle. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Illi Earissa Aiza Mohd Arif (2013) Anticancer properties of acanthus ilicifolious sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ilya Anaty Faiqah Ismail (2022) Detection of virulence genes in vibrio cholerae isolated from diseased seabass, lates calcarifer in east coast, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ilya Insyira Azman and Iman Nabilah Norman and Izakhairunnisa Mohd Zaidi and Julia Afrina Rahim (2024) Understanding the determination of non-muslim students to adopt Islamic Banking system. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iman Ajilia Nasrudin (2022) Computer-aided approach for the development and characterisation of bioplastics from potato peel incorporated with rice husk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Iman Najla Thairun Aris (2023) Determination of protein content in selected plants methanol extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iman Natasha Sofea Mohd Jafri (2022) Isolation and identification of enteric bacterial pathogens in local chicken and duck eggs in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Imran Sazari (2016) The comparison of modelling techniques for selected Genus Vatica in Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Imuda, Rahman (2018) Phytochemical analysis of 7 types of potatoes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Inoluting, Vivilin (2022) Kajian Terhadap Tarian Mongigol Sumundai Dalam Etnik Kaum Rungus Di Kota Marudu, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Insyirah Aisyah Che Ismail (2022) Effect of different booster on growth performance of Dendrobium Biggibum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Intan Balkis Sohaimi (2019) Determination of Risk Attitude Among UMK Students to Become an Entrepreneur After Graduation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Noradybah Md Rodi (2019) Classification of tropical rainforest using different classification algorithm based on remote sensing imagery: A study of Gunung Basor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Nur Qistina Alias and Nurul Shapiqah Sobri and Rabiatul Adawiyah Badrol and Siti Nor Asuha Razali (2023) Assessing the post-serviceexperience towards emotionalimpacts on spa-goers in kota bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Nur Syakirin Rosli (2017) Aboveground biomass and carbon density of Mangrove forest in Pengkalan Kubur, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Safina Mat Saad (2016) Effect of alginate coating combined with cinnamic acid on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) quality. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Intan Shafiina Shafii (2017) Environmental awareness among sustainable science student in UMK Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Intan Sofienaz Ahmad Fuad (2013) Effect of some non-genetic factors on birth weight and pre-weaning growth pattern of Kedah-Kelantan calves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Intan Zahiyan Khalid (2012) Morphology and physical characteristic of Schizostachyum Jaculans found in Pergau Forest Reserve, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Iqmal Rusyaidi Usop (2022) The effect of different rate of black soldier fly frass (Bsfl) and paddy husk growth and flowering performance on Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Iramaya Nadira Jamel (2012) The impact of balanced fertilizer on paddy growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Irfan Ahmad Afip (2016) General geology and potential limestone sinkhole by using Electrical Resistivity Imaging(ERI) at Gua Musang, Gua Batu Boh and Gua Serai in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Iris Chieng (2018) Effect of physical pretreated of oil palm frond on apparent digestibility of Boer goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Irnawati Zainal and Maisarah Zakariah and Ku Mohammad Ku Hashim and Kamaruddin Alpi and Noormariana Mohd Din (2022) A study on challenges distribution zakat to asnaf during Covid 19 in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Irwan Shafiq Imram and Nur Aisyah Aqilah Mohd Sakri and Nur Izzah Amalia Hashim and Syahidah Suhib (2021) The impact of covid-19 on hotel workers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iryne Athirah Shahrol Anuar and Lau Wen Yong and Nur Syaamimi Hassan and Waffa Irdani Eyrma Saimon (2024) Intention to recycle on waste among micro-entrepreneurs in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ishak, Siti Noor Asyikin (2022) Analisis Elemen Sastera Dalam Pementasan Teater Terpilih Melalui Penerapan Teori Strukturalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ishami Uzma Solehan and Lelia Nastasia Amli and Nurul Wardiana Razali and Yasmira Mohd Ali @ Razali (2021) Factors that influence intention to use mobile wallet among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Iskandar Mohd Zaib (2016) Optimization of PCR Condition for amplification of ferritin 3 and 18S rRNA of cherax quadricarinatus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Isma Shahmi Isma Shukri (2021) Buku Elektronik (E-Book) Sebagai Media Pemasaran Baru Bagi Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk Dalam Syarikat Peveyhack Production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Ismail, Adibah (2018) Comparative study of in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of sweet potato (Ipomeae Batatas). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Anis Nadhirah (2018) Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous solution by Sugarcane Bagasse. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Arni Zulaikha (2018) Diurnal variation of Ground Level Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide concentration during festive and non-festive holidays in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Farah Wahida (2019) Correlation of milling parameters on structural and microstructural characteristics of Alumina-Titania-Graphite nanocomposite produced by high energy planetary mill. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Fatin Hanani (2018) Assessment of metal pollution in soil and social impact towards community at Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Nur Fatin Idayu (2019) Geology and determination of groundwater potential locations using electrical resistivity method at UMK Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Nur Maisarah (2020) Analysis of pesticide residue of raw goat milk by using GC-MS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Nurul Fatihah Nadia (2020) Development of interactive application for herbarium of natural resources museum, UMK Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Nurus Shafiqah (2020) Influences of annealing for silicate glass property. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ismail, Ahmad Lutfi and Hamzah, Baderinajjah and Ismail, Badrunnaimah and Cheah, Jih Chyr (2015) Factors that influence passengers satisfaction on service quality in low cost carrier airline: a case study among generation Y in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Ismail Adisoptera Abdullah (2016) General geology of Kampung Pulai, Gua Muasang Kelantan and Source-Depositional Environment of Crude Oil from Field 1. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Ismareda Gitin (2016) The effect of fermented fish meal on the growth of golden Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Iswan Syahrullah Ismail @ Manaf (2014) Conventional and system of rice intensification technique in paddy cultivation in Kelantan- a comparative production analysis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Iza Shahfika Ibrahim and Khairul Azmi Murir and Leong Hui Thin and Lim Shin Ying (2023) The determine factor on satisfaction among tourist Visiting sustainable heritage tourism development in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izhar, Ainun Husna (2022) Kajian Tentang Pengembalian Semula (Restoration) Bangunan Warisan Terhadap Sosio-Budaya Masyarakat Di Alor Setar : Rumah Kelahiran Mahathir Mohamad, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izzah Atirah Azian and Muhammad Syafiq Adli Zulkfli and Nur Syazwani Ab Rahman and Nor Umiratul Syuhada Amirrul Nizam (2023) Relationship between psychological need satisfaction and work engagement among fitness center workers in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izzah Farhah Zambari (2013) Effect of pineapple leaf (ananas comosus l.) and false water willow (andrographis paniculata l.) extract in controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in kambing katjang goat (capra hircus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Izzah Nasuha Rosdi (2013) Pollen analysis of squeezed honey from forest environs of east coast and north Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Izzati Nabilah Mohd Yunus and Noor Hafizzatunnisha Rohadi and Nur A’in Fitrah Che Azhar and Nur Fatin Fatihah Abdul Rahim (2024) The use of E-Payment among university students in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izzati Syafiqa Azizan (2022) Physicochemical and sensory properties of cracker made from lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izzatul Liyana Sazali, . (2012) A study of women entrepreneurs in Pontian, Johor:Key factors of success. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Izzaty Inu (2017) Study of Cocos Nucifera L. (coconut) shell activated carbon for the removal of methylene blue in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Izziaty Liyana Mat Ali (2016) Elucidating antioxidant properties of Maman Leaves to its pickled form. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Izzuddin Safuan, Zakaria (2011) Pembangunan animasi Dikir Barat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
J Ghazaimi, Nur Ayunie and Zakaria, Nurdhalia and Ong, Sin Yee and Kasa, Nur Afiqah (2015) Factors affecting buying decision making of hotel’s room in Langkawi among leisure travellers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Jaafar, Nurul Fazlina (2016) Determination of Selected Heavy Metals in Sediments from Paka River and Kerteh River. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Jagathishvari Karishnan (2014) Determination of protease activity in mung bean (vigna radiata l.) at different germination time periods. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jaidaa, Ibrahim (2015) Infografik:timeline sejarah dalam Wayang Kulit di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Jamain, Nor Roziman (2010) Lukisan gua : Kepentingan terhadap penyelidikan arkeologi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Jamal Shah, Airin Izzurin (2018) Chemical composition of untreated and chemically treated rice husk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jamali Sukaimi (2013) Identification and screening on prevalency of bacteria in wastewater of batik industry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jamaludin, Nur Amira (2018) Extraction of protease gene from recombinant host of Escherichia Colt BL21 (De3) Plyss. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jamaludin, Nur Fatin Hazwani and Zakaria, Nur Hasniza and Mohd Aminuddin, Nur Liyana (2015) The influence of customer satisfaction and shariah view on customers loyalty of Islamic banking. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Jamil, Nur Azmeera Syuhada (2016) Studies on the Characterization of Agriculture Waste (Rice Husk) for the Production of Bioethanol. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Janice Wong, Kar Men (2018) Photodegradation of metamifop using alumina-graphene nanocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jasni, Muhammad Zharif (2016) IMPACT OF FLOOD IN DISTRIBUTION OF Mimosa pigra L. IN AFFECTED KELANTAN RIVER BASIN. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Jassninanabila Aliah (2015) Extraction of tannin (proanthocyanidins) from sapodilla fruit (manilkara zapota). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jayaletchumi Raman (2016) Phytochemical analysis of crude extracts of Diospyros buxifolia by using GCMS and their potential antibacterial activity. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jayani A/P Murugayah and Ainul Syahirah Yahaya and Nur Syazwanie Mohd Zulkafli and Nurul Syuhadah Mohd Shahrin (2023) Customer satisfaction with traditional and complementary medicine (tcm) services. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jayashiri, Chandrasegaran (2015) Analysis of mineral and heavy metals in Eugenia polyantha, anacardium occidentale, and Oroyxylum Indicum Plants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Jayasri Selvam (2022) Physicochemical and functional properties of crackers from different particle size of baby corn powder. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Jeffry Anak Tasek (2022) Micropropagation of Bentong Ginger (Zingiber Officinale), Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora), and Black Turmeric (Curcuma Caesia) using rhizome buds. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Jeganathan, Moganasunthram (2021) Penggunaan Unsur Grafik Gerakan Dalam Pembangunan Pengiklanan Video Korporat Akademi Kastam Diraja Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Jemmy, Nur Aqilah (2018) A study of anti caking agent and kinetic drying on production of iInstant powder lekor fritters. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jeneth Birual (2021) Adat Dan Pantang Larang Penanaman Padi Suku Kaum Rungus Di Kampung Jambutan Laya-Laya, Kota Marudu, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jennifer Edwina Eyahmalay (2015) Bacillus subtilis as potential probiotic for aquaculture industry. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jennifer Jawat Anak Nyambong and Asma’ Ul- Husna Ahmad Zuhdi and Izzah Faizyah Lokman and Izzul Ikhwan Mohd Shakri (2023) The study on tourist visit intention theme park in malaysia. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jeremy Ong, Pau Chiang (2016) General geology and relationship between particle size, plasticity index and clay mineral content with slope failure at Kampung Bukit Pak Abu, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Jeremy Tan Jianhao (2022) Molecular detection of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) in stray cats in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jessuta, Jothivel (2015) Evaluate the effectiveness of concoction of champereia manillana sp. and psidium guavajava a coagulant in drinking water treatment. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Jesuneeta Allan, Aley Looi (2015) Geological mapping and determination of silica content in shallow domestic well at Gunong and parts of Bachok, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Jeyageetha A/P Rajandran and Siti Nurul Aisyah Marzuki and Nur Yasmin Balqis Rosli@Rosliza and Amir Hakim Abd Rahman (2022) Preference of fast food selection among third-year students of bachelor entrepreneurship (wellnes) with honour at umk city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jeyesiri Subramani (2022) Physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of patty from Pleurotus Ostreatus mushroom. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Jillin Soo, Ai Lam (2020) Characterisation and kinetic studies of Poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-co-HFP) polymer inclusion membrane for the Malachite Green (MG) extraction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Johar Azmi, Nur Afiqah Hamizah (2019) Effect of milling time and compaction pressure of Alumina – Titania composite prepared by powder metallurgy route. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Johari, Amni Shahira (2020) Synthesis and Characterization of Cu-rich CCTO Dielectric Electro-ceramic Materials. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Johari, Anis Syamimi (2019) Effect of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) to the growth of fungi on Singgora Roof tile. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Johari, Norma Ira (2019) Effect of Hevea brasiliensis Sawdust on the properties of thermoplastic starch plasticized by Ethylene Glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Johari, Siti Juliana (2019) Geology and paleontology of Sungai Relai North, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jong, Cheu Hann (2015) Production of cellulase by bacillus substilis through solid state fermentation using Lignocellulosic waste. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Jordan Ang Tien Yoong and Mastura Azhar and Nur Syasya Syazwani Mohd Nasir and Wan Nurul ‘Atiqah Wan Mohd Fauzi (2024) Formal disposal e-waste practices: a study on residents in Bukit Sentosa, Rawang, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Judith Embang Liban (2022) Identification of gastrointestinal nematode species in an equestrian park in terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Judylyne, Johny (2019) Kajian Terhadap Keberkesanan Kaedah Pameran Koleksi Dalam Muzium Adat Istiadat Istana Jahar Sebagai Tarikan Pelancong. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Julaikha Qistina, Ibrahim (2020) Characterisation of Mulberry Leaf Pellet as Rabbit Feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Juliah Surip (2014) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity extract of polygonium minus and etlingera elatior. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Juliana Jamaluddin (2013) Antioxidant activities and phytochemical analysis of muntingia calabural and cynometra cauliflora. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Julius, Yumiemarnie (2020) Sabah youth entrepreneurs' participation in halal food product labelling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Jusoh, Mohamad Shafiq (2018) Optimisation of zinc ion removal from aqueous solution by rice husk biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kadri, Nur Aqilah (2018) A comparative study of nutritional values between chicken eggshells and cockle shells. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kalai Selvan, Ramasamy (2015) General geology and rock engineering analysis for road construction project (2nd Phase) at Kampung Berdang — Sungai Rual, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Kalaimaler A/P Gopi, . (2012) Factors that influence students to purchase apparel: a case study in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Kamal, Muhammad Amal Yazmi (2018) Synthesis of reduced rGO-Fe203 Nanocomposite for Photocatalytic Activity of Methylene Blue Degradation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kamaruddin, Nadia (2018) The effect of physical factors on the production of α-Amylase from isolate 1B using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kamarudin, Farrah Izzatul Ain (2019) Preparation of Banana peel powder-silver nanoparticle for antibacterial activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kamarul Azwan, Razali (2015) Merekabentuk kerusi perpustakaan pelbagai guna yang menerapkan motif ukiran melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Kamarul Bahrin, Siti Nur 'Aliah (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Setempat Dalam Pemuliharaan Tapak Warisan Di Taiping, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kamisan, Batriya (2018) Generation of putative biosurfactant producing mutant by β-Lactam Mutagenesis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kamrul Zaman, Siti Nurdiyana (2019) Effect of relative humidity on mechanical properties of paper produce from Sesbania grandiflora pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kanageswary A/P Chantiran and Nur Hazwani Khairunnisa Rosli and Wan Adzilah Wan Mohd Faris (2022) The factors that influence physical activity involvement among universiti malaysia kelantan (umk) kampus kota students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kang, Ai Ting (2015) Preparation and properties of thermoplastic starch-Ti0₂-Al₂O₃ nanocomposite. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Kanggadevi Murthi, . (2011) Entrepreneurship as a career among business students and non business students in UMK and UITM (Kota Bharu). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Kanmani Rajandran (2022) Perception and awareness of veterinarians and pet Owners towards telemedicine system in veterinary health Care service in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kantharao, Prema Lata (2018) Green synthesis of biogenic silver nanoparticles using Rhinacanthus nasutus plant and its antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Karen Lenggiau Anak Augustine Tujoh (2015) The study of callus induction from mature seed of rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivar MR219. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Karim, Aina Syafiqah (2021) Citra Wanita Dalam Harga Sebuah Maruah Karya Azizi Haji Abdullah Aplikasi Kritikan Feminisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Karthika Siva Kumar and Laila Maisarah Zailani and Nur Syazwani Mohd Iazon Wan and Samihah Wan Azri (2024) Factors affecting unemployment among graduates in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Karunakaran, Tharmadurai (2014) Synthesis and interaction of b-carotene capped cdse nanoparticles with deoxyrybonucleic acid. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Kasi Raja, Kirija (2018) Biological synthesis Of Silver nanoparticles using Piper Betel leaf And stems and its antidiabetic activity in vitro. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kasthuri A/P Tulasimani (2018) Geology and geological interpretation based on remote sensing imageries of Nglanggeran area, Bantul residence, special province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kasthuri Loganathan (2014) Estimation of vitamins from ten selected weeds and local plants at Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kasturi A/P Ragunathan and Lee Sook Yee and Melissa Anak Henry and Mohamad Asri Zulkifli Amin (2022) Factors that influence customer satisfaction in 3-star hotels in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kasyifah Ibrahim (2013) Study on the sterilization method and micropropagation of rubber tree. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kathiresan Narayanan and Nur Ain Syafiqah Muhamad Zamri and Nurul Akma Abustaman and Saranyah Krishnan (2023) Customer satisfaction towards food delivery applications: A case study among household in Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kausilia, Raman (2015) Integrated geological studies to recognise the potential of Lata Telaga Bijih area, Tanah Merah district, Kelantan as a geotourism site. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Kavitha Kumari A/P Ramamoorthy (2012) Student intention on entrepreneurship at University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Kee, Yang Ling (2013) Characterization and Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter (PM₂.₅) in Selected Rural, Sub-Urban and Urban Area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Keong, Ying Jiea (2016) Utilization of roasted coconut water (RCW) as microbial culture medium. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kerk, Hui Shan (2015) General geology and petrography of volcanic rock in Hospital Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Kerk, Wenn Hui (2015) Preliminary study of Isolation Escherichia coli from the fermented cabbage, brassica oleracea against pathogenic bacteria. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kesavan Thiyagarajan (2019) Human-macaque conflict and pest behaviours of longtailed macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) in Terendak Camp, Melaka, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kevin Heinrich Pesch (2020) Geology and geochemistry evolution of igneous rock in Carita, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kew Hui Wen and Nur Aini Mustafa Kamal and Nurul Aqilah Fatwa Mohd Akbal and Siti Nor Mustarizah Juwanan (2023) Factors of online shopping cart abandonment based on the product category perspective towards gen Z. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khadijah Mohammed Faiseol (2022) Effects of locally available ingredients on haematological composition, physicochemical properties, proximate analysis and sensory of Hybrid chicken. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khadijah Solehah, Abdul Hamid (2015) The effect of different dietary level of vitamin E on growth rate, feed efficiency and lymphoid organ weights of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) from day old to 42 days old. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khaidil Ismail (2021) Rekabentuk Perabot Meja Penceramah Di Masjid UMK Beridentitikan Budaya Kelantan Menggunakan Teknik Epoxy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Khairatun Nisaa’ Abu Bakar (2020) Comparative efficacy of estrus synchronization between modified herbs and commercial herbs in goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khaire, Nurul Izzati (2019) Preliminary characterization of Methanolic extraction crude from leaves of Kaempferia galangal and Curcuma longa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairi, Nurul Izzati (2020) Bioethanol production from mangosteen peel using Saccharomyces Cerevisae and Escherichia Coli through separate hydrolysis and fermentation (shf) technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairil Aminuddin, Lailatun A'rifah (2019) Usaha Memartabatkan Seni Khat Dalam Tulisan Jawi Sebagai Seni Warisan Melayu Di Malaysia : Kajian Kes Di Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Khairil Aminuddin, Lailatun A'rifah (2019) Usaha Memartabatkan Seni Khat Dalam Tulisan Jawi Sebagai Seni Warisan Melayu Di Malaysia : Kajian Kes Di johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Khairina Safi Mohd Marzuki (2022) Improvement of Rabbit pellet formulation developed using pineapple leaves. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairiza Afiqah Mohd Said (2024) Penciptaan Karya Kreatif Melalui Media Digital: Satu Penelitian Terhadap Teknologi Ai Berdasarkan Kajian Lepas Menerusi Teknik Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairol Ikhwan Idris, . (2011) Star impact: exploring the effect of celebrity endorsed advertising in Malaysia banking sector. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Khairul Aizad Abdullah (2015) Analysis of protease activity in Ananas comosus, psidium guajava and Mangifera indica extracts by agar plate technique and meat quality assessment. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khairul Anam, Mohd Jarkasi (2015) Pembangunan animasi 2D "Pantai Iramaku Bersih" tentang kepentingan menjaga kebersihan di kawasan Pantai Irama Bachok,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Khairul Anuar, Farah Aina (2020) Optimisation of tissue culture protocol using nodal part of napier grass (Pennisetum Purpureum). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairul Anuar, Mohd Khairudin (2015) Live broiler transport into east coast via Jeli district. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khairul Anuar Abu Bakar (2017) Synergisms of RN-222 reduction emanations with different thickness plaster from red brick. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairul Anuar Mohamed (2016) Nutritional value of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khairulnazirah Mohd Tarmizi (2012) A study of the factors that influence of online shopping in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Khairun Izzaty Khairulaini (2022) Knowledge, attitude, and practice of veterinary practitioners Towards radiation safety in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khairunajeha Fazil (2015) Callus induction from leaves of polygonum minus (kesum) - an important medicinal plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khairunazrah Abdul Razak (2015) Mereka bentuk perabot kontemporari berunsurkan Baba Nyonya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Khairunnisa Athirah Binti Che Ismail (2021) Synthesis And Mechanical Properties Of Production Bioplastics Using Starch From Zea Mays L. With Different Amount Of Glycerol. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN.
Khairunnisa Baharuldin (2021) Rekabentuk Perabot Bilik Guru Multifungsi Di S.M.K. Sultan Ismail Menggunakan Bahan Lebihan Kayu Di Industri. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Khairunnisa' Amiera Sulaiman (2021) Optimization of ultrasonic - Assisted Enzymatic Extraction of Tannic Acid from Chromolaena Odorota sp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khalida Khairusalleh (2019) Geology and geochemistry of rocks in Kampung Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khanan, Nur Izyan (2020) Effect of kaolin-alumina ratio on physical and structural properties of ceramic porcelain. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khavinisha Silvakumar (2022) Preparation of ready-to-eat oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Pulmonarius) soup in the retort pouch packaging. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Khazanah Mohd Wi (2017) Improvement on strength properties of mahang wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khidarshini Ravidaran and Muhammad Azam Raizal Shakroni and Muhammad Khalis Rafie and Muhamad Shahrin Muhamad Ali Hassan (2019) Consumer’s attitude towards counterfeit products among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khir Johari, Suhaiza (2021) Unsur-Unsur Metafora Dalam Jangan Bunuh Rama-Rama Karya Noordin Hassan: Aplikasi Teori Stilistik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khirrun An Nisa Bahaudin and Mohd Izzham Hakim Samuri and Suraya Ismail and Muhammad Amzar Abd Aziz (2021) Identifying motivation factors of students choosing tourism and hospitality programs in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khong, Wai Wei (2018) Characteristics of ground level ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide concentrations during critical transformation time in urban area. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khoo, Wei Ying (2015) Environmental knowledge, concern and practices among students of Chinese independent High School in Klang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Khoo Ming Heng and Shamundeswary Shanmugam and Jescy Phua Mei Li and Norfijah Sidoh @ Madrin and Norhani Syafina Abdul Razi (2024) Factors that affect the selection of funding option to implement digitalization among SMES. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khor, Hui Min (2016) Potential of eggshells as low cost adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue dye. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khor, Yee Heng (2015) Antioxidants activity of various extracts of curcuma longa linn (pucuk kunyit), Syzygium polyanthum (daun samak) and Diplazium Esculentum (pucuk paku). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Khor Choo Shan (2021) Extraction Of Crude Enzymes From Spent P. Ostreatus Substrate And Its Potential Use In Dye Remova. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Khor Hai Ling (2012) Entrepreneurial intentions of undergraduate students in Malaysia : the motivational factors. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Khor Hai Ling, . (2012) Entrepreneurial intentions of undergraduate students in Malaysia: The motivational factors. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Khor Jia Yen (2017) Investigation of structural, physical and thermal properties of bio-composite thin film from waste banana peel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Khuzaifah Ahmad @ Mat Ali (2017) Comparison between traditional and slip casting mambong pottery. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kirbakaran, Mauthialagan and Low, Ian Zhung and Abdullah Sirajuddin, Muhammad Majdi and Terence, Anthony Bateman (2015) The level of entrepreneurial behavior between first year and final year student in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Kirthekka A/P Balachandran (2022) Isolation, identification and assessment of antibiotic resistance of common bacteria in pork meat in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kirthiga Selvaraju (2015) Pollen analysis of honey samples collected from various regions of Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kirubahshini Krshunan (2016) Antioxidant properties of Fragrea Acuminatissima Merr. using selected alcoholic solvents extraction. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kishan Raj Pillai, Mathialagan (2015) General geology and groundwater quality assessment in and around Kampung Batu Gajah, Tanah Merah district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Kiu, Ling Yien (2013) Antibacterial activities of ten local medicinal plant methanolic extracts against four types of enteric bacteria, vibrio sp., pseudomonas sp., escherichia coli and salmonella sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Koay, Soon Seng and Selvarajan, Punita and Vallaithum, Umasangkkari and Sedik, Nurul Syuhada (2015) Factors that influencing interest of undergraduate students in franchise business. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Kogila A/P Murugan and Nur Fatiehah Natasya Syamsul and Che Muhammad Danial Che Ibrahim and Nur Rindiani Munaya Nazran (2023) The factor that influences sleep quality among students’ universiti malaysia kelantan, city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Koh, Hui Yi (2016) Isolation of actinomycetes from soil collected from flooded area in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Koh, Kay Sam (2018) Distribution andinitiation of Callus Culture from root of polygala paniculatausing BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Koh Bao Jia (2019) Formulation and Quality Assessments of Topical Herbal Cream Incorporated with Piper sarmentosum Aqueous Extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kok, Woei Lin (2014) Identification status of pesticide residues and their effects on soil physiochemical properties at paddy field in Kuala Kedah, Kedah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Kong, Hui Sam (2013) Phytochemical analysis of selected tropical fruits (averrhoa carambola L). and pomelo (citrus maxima). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Kong, Weng Sam Yvonne (2014) Characterization of epoxy filled 1,3, and 5 years old gigantochloa scortechinii and salacca sp. hybrid composite. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Kong Mei Yee and Muhamad Hafizuddin Khusini and Noorsyazana Ishak and Nor Hidayah Ismail (2016) The influence of store environment on consumer purchasing behavior in supermarket. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Koo, Wai Kit (2015) Treatment of oily waste by using activated carbon from agriculture waste. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Koo Zhong Han and Nadiah Asngari and Nur Zulaikha Zabidi and Nor Asyekin Mohd Yazid and Nurul Hafiza Sidik (2024) Intention of e-payment services among elderly group in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kosheilasri A/P Subbaraoo (2023) Retrospective study of sporotrichosis in companion animal cases presented to veterinary teaching hospital, university malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ku, Ji Wan (2016) Investigation of electronic dance music (Electro House) on peppermint (Mentha piperita) plant growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ku Boon Hong (2019) Effect of stocking density on the growth performance of red tilapia and water quality in zeolite supplemented closed system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ku Mohd Shahabudin, Ku Nur Asmida (2022) Transkripsi Keupayaan Teksdealisme Dalam Mengangkat Keunggulan Karya-Karya Thriller Ramlee Awang Murshid. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ku Nur Adila Ku Hasan (2017) Physical parameter and microbial screening in Lata Janggut, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ku Roseli, Ku Muhammad Amin (2022) Kubu Kebal (Pillbox) Di Negeri Kedah Darul Aman. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ku Saw Leim, . (2011) A study on knowledge, attitude, and future perception of ecotourism among the students in Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business (FKP). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Kubendran, Kirrthana (2018) Petal (Parkia Speciosa) pod as adsorbent for removal of congo red dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kuek, Sue Wei (2020) Investigation the properties of silicone based and oil palm based antifoam. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kuguna Sundari Partiban and Mohd Jazali Farhan Mohd Rizal and Nur Aishah Nabilah Mohd Shamsudin and Siti Maimunah Mokhtar (2023) Exploring the factors of e-commerce adoption Covid-19 pandemic among small business. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Kumutha Mauganasondram and Loo Jia Yean and Mohd Fauzul Ibrahim and Noor Akmar Anis Abd Ghani (2016) Crisis and disasters affecting travelers intention to travel. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Kunjo Raman, Kirubashini and Kamaruddin, Nur Farahdiana and Abdullah, Nur Farahin and Tan, Mei Yin (2015) Satisfaction of generation Y on railway transport in central region of Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Kyra Alyssa Shahrol Niza (2019) Antioxidant potential and phytochemical screening of mature leave of Flemingia macrophylla (willd.) Merrill (leguminosae). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lo, Annie (2011) Optimization of protease production from Bacillus sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lai, Car Men (2015) Callus induction and maintenance of callus culture in andrograhis paniculata nees-an important medicinal plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lai, Yin Teng (2019) Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from foxtail palm fruit for potential dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lailatol Atiqah Yunos (2016) Effects of dietary palm oil with or without vitamin C on growth performance, abdominal fat pad weight and crude fat content of thigh Meat in Japanese quails (Coturnix cotumix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lak Ong’a A/P Udom (2023) Isolation of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) from pork meat in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lam, Choong Her (2013) Analysis of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium content in dry and wet commercial cat foods available in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lam, Keat Ying (2016) Optimisation of activated carbon fabrication derived from spent coffee grounds for malachite green removal. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lam, Pei Yee (2015) Dubia cockroach (Blaptica dubia) as an alternative protein source for animal feed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lam, Zheng Kang (2019) Production of bioethanol from guinea grass (Panicummaximum) and ragi tempeh as Fermentation starter using bioreactor and shaker. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Latiman, Nor Adlina (2018) Synthesis of Polysorbate 20 catalysed by Carbon/silica Precursor from rice husk for production of 2-Chloroethyl Benzoate. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Latipah Muhammad Shah (2019) Landscape change and landscape fragmentation analysis in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Latna Mageshwary A/P Thanakodi (2016) Chemical constituents and fiber dimensions of Malaysian Native Wood. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lau, An Nee (2016) Investigation of quality assurance and halal practices of food industries. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lau, Ye Ting (2016) Antibacterial and antifungal activities of plant extracts for development of liquid soap. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lau, Pin Zhen (2013) Determination of Solar Radiation Distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Lau Yan Yee and Ng Siuw Yin and Siti Nur Aqilah Zulkarnain and Siti Nur Asiah Mohd Razali (2023) Explaining Singaporean acceptance of congestion charging: Malaysia and Singapore border. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lavaniah Jaya Kumaran (2016) Physico-biochemical and antioxidant properties of selected unifloral honey sample. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lavanya Malini Vythalingam (2014) Comparative study on total antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of (Lansium Domesticum) fruit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Laveda Kelly Logington (2022) Observational study of breeding behaviour in malayan tigers at the national wildlife rescue centre, sungkai, perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Law, Macrina Mei Chin (2015) Biology and pest assessment for sap beetle, Haptoncus luteolus (Erichson), a stingless bee pest. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Law, Mer Rei (2016) Geology and Petrography of Subong, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Law Siew Bee and Nik Alia Nadhirah Mat and Nurul Nasuha Zulkeflee and Nuraziema Shahirah Saidin (2024) Exploring green entrepreneurship in the sharing economy: Intentions to utilize collaborative vehicle programs among Malaysian residents. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lawrence, Denise Anne Sinnappan (2018) Petai (Parkia speciosa) pod as adsorbent for removal of malachite green dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Le, Leong Wei (2016) Screening of antioxidant activity of betel leave (Piper betle) extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Ming Yeaw (2014) Extraction and biological activity of extract from acacia powder. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Lee, Zhi Hau (2013) Protein profiling of carapace of mud crab, scylla serrata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Bee Young (2014) ICP-OES analysis of heavy metals in Malacca River Basin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Lee, Chong Yu and Sanwari, Rusnani and Pratapan, Viniisha and Abd Samat, Siti Fardiana (2015) Consumers’ perception towards hotel online reservation website: a case in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Lee, Chun Eng (2019) Optimisation of proteus mirabilis strain PI18 β-Glucan extraction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Colin Teck Guan (2013) Study on growing of tagetes patula and tagetes erectus and their effects on root-knot nematodes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Ee Ven (2014) Compositional variations in organic acids of selected local fruits at different maturity stages. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Han Tiong (2015) Geological mapping and major ion survey with silica analysis in and around Kampung Jakar, Tanah Merah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lee, Hui Ru (2014) Proximate analysis of different parts of salacca zalacca at different maturity stages. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Jia Mean (2019) Isolation of methylobacterium sp. (Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs) from paddy (Oryza sativa) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Kian Wei (2014) Comparative assessment of selected heavy metals in fish and shellfish collected from Selangor and Kuantan Area, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Lee, Mei Chee and Mohd Yusof, Mohammad Saiful Amri and Md Tamrim, Mohd Nurazwan and Alias, Noor Hazatul Hasni (2015) The effect of service quality, food quality and accommodation and facilities on hotel guest satisfaction: a case of three star hotels in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Lee, Mei Yuan (2020) A Study on the chemical and physical properties of bioplastic from Dioscorea hispida (Ubi Gadong) starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Poh Peng (2014) Extraction and antioxidative activity of essential oil from star anise (Illicium verum). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Siew Chen (2013) Screening of rice varieties resistant to drought. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Tian Zhu Wallace (2020) Tourist satisfaction on ecotourism facilities and services in Taman Negara National Park, Sungai Relau in Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Vui Hua (2018) General geology and slope stability assessment of cut rock slope in Paloh, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Wah Hock (2016) Modelling and simulation of break system for wheat flour production using superpro designer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Wei Jie and Hoo, Bee Hua and Yaakob, Husna and Abd Rashid @ Rashdi, Juhairah (2015) The implementation of green logistics between the logistics service providers in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bharu : the perception of lecturers in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lee, Yen Chen (2015) Petai belalang biomass as adsorbent for malachite green dye. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lee, Yik Bing (2015) Developmental biology and nutrient content in black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: stratiomyidae) larvae. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Yik Sin (2018) Bioethanol from pineapple peels using Saccharomyces cerevisiae through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee, Zhu Ming and Lee, Qin and Mohd Basri, NurAisha and Khosim, Siti Maisaroh (2015) A study on traffic congestion in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lee, Bai Qin (2013) Analysis of selected micro minerals in some commercially available cat food in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lee, Heng Ee and Ismail, Noorulfarahiah and Hamsah, Nurul Kamalia (2015) The impact of restaurant service on customer satisfaction: a case of restaurant industry in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Lee Kai Yang (2022) Microbiologically Induced Corrosion of MIG Welded SPCC Low Carbon Steel by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Under Different Growth Condition. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Lee Rui Ying (2018) Chemical pretreatment of rice hull and coconut hull using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee Rui Ying (2023) Isolation and characterization of potential phages against vibrio alginolyticus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee Shall Ting (2018) The study of different feed on growth and behaviour of hamster, Phodopus sungorus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee Shi Qing (2020) Potential of Epipremnum aureum in reduction of COD in industrial wastewater. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lee Soon Zi, Sally (2015) Case study of promoting Chinese calligraphy through infomercial mini documentary in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Lee Yi Ling and Ain Nadiah Roslan and Karamjeet Kaur Lakbir Singh and Mohamad Luqman Hakim Mohamad Azam (2016) Tourists perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty toward ecotourism destination image: the case of Refarm, Kampar. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Leelanayagi, Ramalingam (2011) Assesing the impact of rice cultivation on Sungai Dendang in Ketereh, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Leelavathy Kanagarajan and Nik Luqman Aqif Jahri and Luqman Haqim Sabri and Masyitah Ahmad and Umairah Shamsul (2024) The awareness on zakat distribution among university student: A study in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Legaloshini, Sathiyasiva (2015) Physical and chemical properties of schizostachyum brachycladum in different parts of Year 1 and Year 5. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Leong, Hong Yeng (2011) Removal of heavy metals from different effluent sourcer by using water hyacinth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Leong, Marieanne Christie (2013) Spatial Pattern of Rural Socioeconomic Condition in Ayer Lanas, Jeli,Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Leong, Wai Hong (2015) Growth enhancement of tissue culture plantlets at poly-bag nursery stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Leong Jia Shan (2019) Identification of an albino squirrel (Sciuridae) using DNA barcode (COx1) and phylogenetic analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Leow, Mei Shan (2016) Effect of different drying treatments on the chemical and proximate contents of the fresh maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Leslene Poh Hwei Ching (2021) Effect Of Graphene Oxide On The Properties Of Fabricated Polymer Inclusion Membrane For Extraction Of Methylene Blue Dye From Aqueous Solution. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Lessiana Anak Panyau (2016) Sedimentary facies and depositional environment of Pos Blau And Gunung Ayam, Lojing, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Liang, Donny Khai Chiun (2015) Antioxidants activity in different parts eleiodoxa conferta fruit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Liaw Chee Tong and Kavitha Sangaralingam and Nurfitrah Azira Zainudin and Nur Qafreena Natasya Rahman (2024) Examining the impact of artificial intelligence adoption on improving user experiences of mobile E-Commerce. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lidiya Rozaile (2021) Impak Pembangunan Pelancongan Warisan Terhadap Komuniti Setempat Di Kampung Teluk Gedung, Pulau Pangkor, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liew, Fei Ling (2013) Residual activity of glyphosate in three soil types on germination and establishment of mung beans. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Liew, Jing Xian (2019) Determination of optimal duration for Hypochlorite Bleaching for Sesbania grandiflora pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liew, Kar Fai (2020) Proximate composition and antinutrients of black sesame (Sesamum Radiatum) leaves in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liew Hong Khang (2023) Knowledge, attitude and practice survey of horse keepers towards tick & tick-borne diseases. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liew Kuen Harng (2012) Isolation of genomic difference of rubber trees with different Susceptibility to Common Disease in Field. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Liew Wee Lun and Syaza Liyana Rosli and Nur Adilah Ali and Syuhada Farhana Adnan (2016) Sustainable rural tourism development at Gunung Stong State Forest Park (GSSFP) from the perspective of external tourism stakeholders. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Liladewi Munusamy (2014) Degradation of seed storage protein in different varieties of lentils (lens culinaris) during germination. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lilly Azleena Azreen Bahrin (2019) Geology and granitoid geochemistry of Bandar Utama Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Cee Kee (2020) Improvement of mixed matrix ultrafiltration Polyethersulfone Membrane blended with functionalized Titanium Dioxide / Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for humic acid removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Hui Tin (2013) Geology and microfacies analysis of Gua Pagar, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lim, Jin Hui (2012) Determination of heavy metals in selected vegetables sold in Pasar Siti Khadijah, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim, Joe Chien (2019) The conductivity properties of Manihot esculenta (Cassava)-coated zinc for zinc-air fuel cell application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Kah Min (2013) Identification of Pollutants associated with runoff from the Highway in front of UMK Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Lim, Kit Siang (2018) General geology and soil slope stability assessment in Kampung Paloh, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Shi Yunn (2016) Bioethanol production from cogongrass (Imperata cylindrical). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim, Shuang Rong (2017) Phytoremediation of aquaculture wastewater by Limnocharis Flava. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lim, Wai Liang (2017) Phytoremediation of iron from red soil by Ipomoea aquatica. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Wan Sin (2017) Use of ionic liquid for improvement of glucose yield for ethanol production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Zai Wen (2019) Effect of Aluminium Oxide addition on physical and mechanical properties of YBCO superconductor prepared by co-precipitation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim, Zhen Fei (2015) Isolation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from soil samples. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim, Zheng Jun (2016) Effects of music on egg production of the quail, eggshell thickness, egg weight, body weight, growth rate, feed consumption and feed efficiency of the quail from point of lay until 50% of Production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim, Zhi Yong (2016) Bioethanol production from corn stover. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim, Sen Siang and Mustaffa, Muhammad Fakhrul Amin and Mesman, Nur Azratul Azrahana and Jamaludin, Zubaidah (2015) The efect of visual merchandising on consumer buying behavior in Pantai Timur Hypermarket. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lim Carmen and Tchey Guat Nee and Muhammad Adam Mohd Shaffe’e and Muhammad Mustaffa (2021) Tourist behaviour among Malaysians during covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Chai Hui and Mohd Abdul Rahim Muhamad and Raja Norfaizah Raja Bongsu and Shafika Hamzah (2021) Factors that motivate recreation participation among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Chee Chee (2023) Antimicrobial activities of endophytic fungi and bacteria from ipomoea aquatica, manihot esculenta, and coleus aromaticus on extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl)-producing escherichia coli and methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Chien Yee (2022) Molecular identification of eimeria spp. Oocysts from broiler chickens in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Jiea Wern and Nor Khairul Nisa Sarafudin and Nor Shafira Norhisham and Nur Ezete Fazlina Zulkifli (2016) The effectiveness of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) on consumer purchase intention among Generation-Y. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lim Ke Vin (2019) Cod removal by rice husk activated carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Khai Wei (2012) Adoption of internet banking among the community in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lim May Lee (2017) Public service awareness (PSA) on promoting healthy nutrition knowledge for primary school students through paper cut stop motion animation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Lim Mei Lian and Nur Amirah Syazwani Zulramli and Nurul Khairunnisa Nadia Mohd Azad and Siti Norlieyana Yasmin Abdul Muwi (2023) A quantitative study of behavioral intention to use ICT among micro-enterprises in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Shi Ning and Nur Ain Farhana Azmi and Suhaira Mohamad Idris and Suria Idayu Burhanudin (2016) The factor that influence the vacation choices. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Lim Siew Hui (2012) Remediation of textile industry wastewater effluent by using Kenaf as waxes absorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lim Sze Fang and Nur Anis Amirah Othman and Nurul Izzah Ahmad Supian and Siti Nur Aida Ali @Alimin (2023) Factors influencing the use of E-Wallet as a payment method among students in University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Sze Fey (2018) Behaviour study of colour modified environment on male american guinea pig cavia porcellus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Wei Li (2022) Assessment of different types of anesthetic agents in oreochromis niloticus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Xin Min and Low Jun Xuan and Luqman Nur Hakim Rahmat and Maisarah Ghzali (2023) The relationship between memorable experience, travel satisfaction, and tourist expectations on revisit intention among tourists in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Ying Han (2019) Efficiency of Meretrix Lamarckii activated carbon in malachite green dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lim Ze Wen (2022) Influence Of Ph On Optical And Structural Properties Of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticels By Hydrothermal Method. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Lin, Pei Wen (2018) Photodegradation of Metamifop Using Titanium Dioxide-Alumina-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Liow, Xiao Hui (2020) Isolation and characterization of Pectinolytic bacteria from kenaf retting effluent & Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) sediment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liu, Dick Hong (2020) Characterization of respiratory capabilities of Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 Fe (III) reduction deficient mutants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Liyana Mohd Zuhar (2012) PCR optimization for isolation of resistance gene analogues (RGA) in Mustard Green (Brassica juncea). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Liyana Yusoff (2017) Investigation of Sesbania Grandiflora leave extracts as eco friendly anti termite agent for wood panel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lizawati Hamdan (2015) Video informasi "pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang". Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Lo, Lan Sin (2015) Characterization of bacteria in smoked Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea, with emphasis on its Antibiogram. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lo, Shea Ling (2017) Species richness and diversity of mammals across elevation gradient in Gunung Stong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Logananthini, Muniandy (2015) Extraction and biological activity of extracts from different plants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Logapriya Arridas and Muhamad Afiq Mohd Puhad and Nur Anis Faqihah Muhammad Muntasir and Nurul Liyana Madon (2023) A study on the use of online food delivery service among University Malaysia Kelantan undergraduates. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Logaraj, Ramakreshnan (2015) Assessment on the distribution of Araceae at different altitudes and forest types in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Logeswaran Baskaran and Nurul Noor Murnie Mat Nasir and Siti Nur Hatika Shaikh Salim and Syazwani Abd Shukur (2023) Factor influencing of gold investment awareness among generation Z. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Logeswari Mahindren (2014) Study of gentic diversity in snake beans (vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis) collection from Kelantan using RAPD Markers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Logeswary Balakrishnan (2024) Nilai Moral Dalam Puisi Tamil: Kajian Terhadap Teks Thirukkural. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loh, Chek Swee (2019) Effect of bleaching duration of Hydrogen Peroxide on Sesbania grandiflora pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loh, Shu Jing (2020) Comparative studies of physicochemical and texture profile analysis of sweet potatoes (Ipotnoea Batatas) cookies from different variation of sweet potatoes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loh, Shu Jing (2020) Comparative studies of physicochemical and texture profile analysis of sweet potatoes (Ipotnoea Batatas) cookies from different variation of sweet potatoes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loh Huey Qi (2022) Evaluation of physicochemical and antioxidant activity of Rosa Damascena and Osmanthus Fragrans infused rambutan vinegar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Loh Yi Yi (2021) Production Of Natural Silica From Oil Palm Trunk (Elaeis Guineensis) Core (Optc) As A Novelty Material In The Antifoam Formulation. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Loi Kuan Wai (2019) Investigation of Fluid Characteristic of Chicken Blood. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lok, Veronica Li wen (2013) Quantitation of bioactive compounds in cultivated fruit crops. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Loke Sze Lean (2017) The effectiveness of illustration on food waste management among the local hawker. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Lokman, Nur Hanisah (2019) Mechanical and physical properties of non-woven Kenaf Fibre Mat reinforced polypropylene composites prepared by compression molding. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loo, Jazween (2020) Bleaching efficiency of low concentration hydrogen peroxide on Sesbania Grandiflora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loo Qiao Ling and Nur Anis Sofiya Mohd Azmi and Nurul Qurratul Aini Mohd Zahawai and Siti Nur Zakirah S Ismail (2023) Factor affecting purchase intentions in generation Z towards hipster cafe in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Looi, Kah Shien (2015) Effect of microwave assisted extraction (MAE) on the phenolic content (TPC) and total flavoniod content (TFC) of three Malaysian plants curcuma longa linn (daun kunyit), syzygium polyanthum (daun salam) and diplazium esculentum (daun pucuk paku). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lorans, Prevena (2020) Removal of metanil yellow from aqueous solution using kenaf core fibre as biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Loshini Dio Ganesan " (2021) The Study Of Nutritional Factors In Biosurfactant Production From Locally Isolated Bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Lou Chan Hui (2018) The effect of dietary mulberry leaves (morus sp.) And feeding frequency on growth performance in the growing rabbit (orytolagus cunniculus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lovelin Fo (2024) Nilai Pendidikan Menerusi Karya Tangon-Tangon Masyarakat Kadazandusun: Satu Tinjauan Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Low, Cin Hwa (2021) The Study Of Appeal Principles On Kobushi (2012). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Low, Keat Long (2016) Utilisation of non-composted oil palm waste materials in the cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Low, Miao Wen (2014) Modeling of pllutant loads on buloh river due to the development of new Faculty of Earth Science. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Low Kean Hong (2019) Geology of Tasik Pergau Jeli, Kelantan and rock slope mass rating along Gerik-Jeli Highway. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Low Li Ting (2021) A Study on Corporate Identity Design For “Mam Mam Pet Treats”. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Low Xue Yi and Mohamad Ezam Zaferi and Nor Fartini Mokhtarulbari and Nurul Fadzilah Akma Ismail (2024) A study of factors affecting brand loyalty among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lu, Man Hong and Mohamad, Muhammad Salyhyn and Md Yusoff, Nur E'zzati and Sazali, Nur Fatin (2015) The impact of perceived risk towards customers' attitude in online shopping. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Lui Xin Yen (2023) Design, validation and implementation of schematic diagrams and illustrations as a learning tool for blood and faecal samples collection in goats and cattle. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lum, Chee Kong (2013) General geology of Sungai Terang cascade in Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia and seismic stratigraphy of middle moicene to holocene siliciclastic deposits in central luconia province offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Lum, Shuet Yeng (2015) Optimization of quercetin extraction from cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lum, Su Zan (2015) Geology and Sedimentology of Gua Cha, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Luqman Hakim Al-Hafiz Saari (2020) Geology and urban analysis of Gua Musang city by using GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Luqman Nul Hakim Khairil Anwar (2014) DNA cleavage studies of mimosa pigra extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Luqmanulhakeem bin Noorisham (2024) Sastera Digital dan Aspek Komersialisme Berdasarkan Teori Strukturalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lydia Anak, Lawrence Latit (2015) Effect on decoction on antioxidant activity in stem of Plectranthus amboinicus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Lye, Swee Chin (2020) Efficiency of low concentration hypochlorite on characteristics of paper derived from Sesbania grandiflora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Lye Yi Yan (2022) Occurrence and intensity of tick infestation on stray dogs in Kelantan and Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nazri A Rahim, . (2012) A descriptive correlation study on students’ satisfaction towards services provided by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
M M Kamal Yassin Abdul Rashid (2014) The water quality analysis in tap water between University Malaysia Kelantan campus Jeli and campus Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
MAT RAPI, NORHASLIZA (2016) DETERMINATION OF SELECTED HEAVY METALS IN SOIL FROM FLOOD AFFECTED AREA IN KELANTAN. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Ma, Sze Hui (2014) Effect of natural colourant and synthetic colourant on pH value of lipstick. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mad Daud, Noor Shuhada Ezzatie (2020) Dominance behaviour of Macrotermes Gilvus, Globitertnes Sulphureus and Odontotermes Sarawakensis towards commercial wood (rubber wood). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Madihah Binti Abdul Karim (2022) Optimization Of Sintered Glass Ceramics From A Waste Glass. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Madina Mohamed, Anis Fathima (2018) Study of Rn-222 emanations from fabricated composite bricks based on banana stem fibre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Madzari, Fatin Nur Iffa (2022) Impak Pandemik Covid-19 Terhadap Peniaga Makanan Tradisional Kecil-Kecilan Di Kuala Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Magandran, Sai Dharshini (2020) Investigation of surface sterilization method and callus induction for napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mah, Choon Hong (2018) General geology and rock slope stability analysis in Kampung Paloh 1&2, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mah Hassan, Nur Fathin Afifah (2020) Biomass Carbon Density (BCD) estimation in mangrove of Kuala Selangor Nature Park, measured with spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahamad Shubli, Nor Azmin Huda (2020) Diversity and activity pattern of ungulates in state land forest, Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahathir Rahim and Mohamad Haiqal Hakimi Ibrahim @ Ismail and Mohamad Aidil Aqil Abd Halim and Mohamad Nassruddin Abdullah (2024) Exploring factors influencing cash waqf management: A study among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maheen Neekan Ali Neekan and Mogen Selvaraja and Nor Hafizah Mohammed and Tan Wan Er (2016) Factors that determine the intention to travel for gastronomy tourism among university student in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Mahendra Abiyoga Hidayat (2021) Geology and landslide hazard zonation by using GIS of Gedangsari Area, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahfuzah Mahmud (2022) Enzymatic degradation of lignin by Trichoderma Reesei extract using ethyl acetate solvent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mahira Asilah Norkhalis and Kumuthavalli Supramaniam and Nor Adila Hanis Mohamad Nasir and Nor Syafiqah Shamsuri (2023) Factors influencing customer satisfaction on public transport sector among bus consumer in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahirah, Mat Yasim (2015) Growth performance of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var capitata cv Delta Green and Ky Cross) under netted rain shelter using fertigation system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mahirah Mahather (2020) Geology of fault analysis in Palanro kec Mallusetasi keb Barra, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahishasuramartini, Sathiveloo (2015) Effects of physical factors on production of lipase by isolate LJK 2(1)2. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mahmud, Siti Nur Muslihah (2022) Analisis Penerapan Teori Estetika Bersepadu Dalam Lirik Lagu Zuhud Dan 7 Nasihat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahmud, Ummu Mumtaza (2018) Avian community parameters of Gelam Forest Ecosystem at Bachok Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mahyidin, Muhamad Faiz and Aziz, Najah Nurul Jannah and Mohd Noor, Noor Aznieza and William, Tan Wai Loon (2015) The effects of personal experience, advertising and public relations on electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) of the consumers towards the Air Asia Airlines reputations. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mahyun, Nur Zafirah (2019) Optimization study of heavy metal removal by activated carbon from oil palm trunk (E.Guineensis) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maisarah, Abdul Hamid (2015) Geology and flood exposure at Rantau Panjang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Maisarah Othman (2015) Media interaktif pendidikan islam tingkatan lima. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Maisarah Alias (2017) Characterization of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Melastoma malabathricum extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maisarah Jaferi @ Wahed (2016) Physical and chemical characteristics of Delta Sediments, Tumpat (Western Sungai Kelantan), Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Maisarah Khalisah Binti Zaiddel (2023) Serological detection of leptospirosis among dogs in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maisarah Musa (2021) A study of residential water consumption in Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maizathul Amiera Norzaimi (2019) Geology of Bayat Area, Klaten and Volcanic Hazard of Mount Merapi, Central Java, Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maizatul Afiqah Mohd Zaki (2019) Forest health mapping in Gunung Basor permanent forest reserve by using unmanned aerial vehicle. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maizatul Najiha binti Norizam (2024) Adat Temenggung dalam Novel Seseorang Untuk Aku: Teori Sosiologi oleh Emeli Durkheim. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maizatul Vanisha Masril (2019) Postharvest Technology Acceptance at the Handling and Storage Level among Fruit Vegetable Farmers in East Coast Economic Region (ECER). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maizura Che Mat @ Mohd Laludin (2019) Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Azolla pinnata plant extracts. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mak Chee Fong and Muhammad Aiman Mohd Tuah and Nur Anissya Mohammad Noralim and Siti Nursyafiqah Muhammad (2023) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on online purchasing behavior among university students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Makhtar, Zata Alwani (2022) Peranan Pihak Berkepentingan Dalam Pemeliharaan Permainan “Gendang” Tradisional Di Kampung Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maliki, Ibrahim (2015) Pembangunan Motion Graphic dalam pengenalan atap Singhora. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Maliki Ibrahim (2015) Pembangunan motion graphic dalam pengenalan atap singhora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Maliney Pohs (2019) Geology and landslide susceptibility mapping of Kampung Long using geographic information system (GIS) In Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Malisa Ilyana Mohd Alias (2017) A survey on fish diversity in Tasik Pergau Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Malisa Kong Chee Wai and Nor Aniza Husin and Nurul Najihah Noordin and Siti Norainshah sa’arani (2016) Underlying effects of destination image on trip behavior among millennials visitor: a case of Langkawi Island. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Malissa Shamimi Hassan (2018) Comparative effect on application of crustacean foliar and commercial fertilizer on maize (zea mays) growth performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Manassvinee Gunasegaran (2019) Removal of metanil yellow dye from aqueous solution using cassava peel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Manimaran, Jeevanya (2021) Menggunakan Bahan Kitar Semula Dalam Pakaian Wanita Yang Siap Dipakai (Ready-To-Wear). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mansor, Ahmad Mustaqim (2018) Photocatalytic properties of T102-Al203 based nanocomposite prepared by hydrothermal method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mansor, Nur Faizah Afiqah (2018) Optimisation of Adsorption Parameters Using Bamboo Biochar For The Removal Of Methylene Blue Dye by Response Surface Methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mansor, Nur Fatin Amira (2020) Preparation, characterization and optimization of biochar from oil palm empty fruit bunch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mansor, Nur Nadzirah (2016) Speciation Analysis of Elements in Surface Water Sample at Kelantan River, Kota Bharu by ED-XRF. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mansor, Rohana and Bachan Singh, Sarguna and Yamin, Sharifah and Mohamad Rodzi, Shuhaida (2015) Level of acceptance towards consumer in the shariah compliance hotel in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Marathandavar, Reeta Roopini (2020) Removal of congo red from aqueous solution using kenaf core fiber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mardhiah, Mohd Puad (2015) "iBooks Rukun Iman" Pendidikan Kanak-Kanak Prasekolah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mardhiah Mat Yusof (2021) Geology and petrology of granite in Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mardini Zahidi Baki (2019) Risk Identification and Risk Assessment of Banana Plantation in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mardzukee, Mohamad Khairul Aiman (2016) Preparation of activated carbon from kenaf fiber and rubber wood sawdust produced by microwave processing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Maria Luciana kola Stika Philipus (2024) Kajian ke atas Pengurusan Pemuliharaan Tapak Warisan: Batu Sumpah Keningau. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mariah Al-Qibtiyah Omar (2014) Antioxidant activity and heavy metals analysis in purple pigment extracted from gynochthodes sublanceolata leave. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Marimuthu, Logenthiran and Naga, Merom and Michelle Lee, Yueh Jia and Ghani, Mohammad Aman (2015) Factors affecting food waste at fast food restaurants in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mark Anthony, Ireene (2018) Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using different parts of Moringa oleifera and their in-vitro antidiabetic and antioxidant potential. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Marni Adibah, Mior Akram Azmi (2015) General geology and soil mechanics analysis of highly to completely weathered rock along KM 118.3 - 123.9 East-West Highway. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Marshida Mohamad, . (2011) Celebrity endorsements: effectiveness on white goods purchase. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Martina Mohd Irwan Khoo (2013) Screening of crude extract compound from the gills of female mud crab, scylla serrata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Marwan, Abdul Basher (2011) Pembangunan cakera padat multimedia interaktif Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Maryam ‘Alyaa’ Sudin (2020) Effect of Pineapple By-Product Silage on Growth Performance of Goat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maryanne Tong Ying Ying and Mohamad Syafie Sugianto and Siti Nur Azeera Sha'ri and Siti Nur Halimah Md Yunos (2021) Branding Malaysia as food tourism destination among tourist. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Marzaain Mat Nasir and Ummi Nadia Syazwani Mohd Taufik and Nurul Nadia Mohd Nadzli and Nor Fatin Hazwani Pauzi (2022) Factors influencing the FKP student’s acceptance of e-learning during Covid-19 Pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mas Assyiqim Mahassan (2019) Geology and fault analysis of Pos Blau, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Maslinda, Alias (2015) Physical factor affecting decolourisation of remazol red by bacteria consortium. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mastura Binti Rahim (2014) Pengumpulan kraftangan masyarakat orang asli suku Jakun : perkampungan orang asli Semanggar Dalam, Kota Tinggi, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mastura Mohd Razali and Nur Fatin Afini Md.Fua’ad and Nur Sharmimi Eliya Anuar and Nur Syuhaila Mohd Salleh (2023) Mental health among students of the universiti malaysia kelantan, kampus kota. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mastura Nazirah Mustapher (2019) Effect of Substitute Pellet with Napier Grass on Feed Intake, Growth Performance And Carcass Composition in Weaned Rabbit. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Masturah Nabilah Muhamad (2024) Unsur-Unsur Islam Dalam Novel Puteri Duyung Berdasarkan Teori Takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mat Ghani, Nurfatihah and Othman, Nursuhana and Ramli, Nurul Ain and Ee, Peng Sze (2015) Explore the customers satisfaction in fast food restaurant case in: Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mat Hussin, Syaliatie (2019) Development of tea waste reinforced unsaturated polyester biocomposites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mat Isa, Siti Aishah (2019) Persepsi Mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok Terhadap Tulisan Jawi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mat Jusoh, Fatin Fakhira (2019) Extraction and preparation of cellulose Nitrate from oil palm empty fruit bunch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mat Nafi, Muhammad Izzat Hakimi (2020) Activity pattern of wild fetid in state land forest Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mat Roni, Azwati (2015) Promosi kraf anyaman mengkuang melayu tradisional. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mat Zain, Nur Syafiqah (2020) Examining the Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behaviour of Instant Food among Residents in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mat Zain, Nuramirah (2020) Above ground biomass and carbon stock estimation using optical remote sensing in Gunung Basor Forest Reserve. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Matiasin, Walimatul Quliyyah (2022) Transkripsi Perwatakan Wanita Dalam Novel Hatimu Aisyah Karya Zurinah Hassan : Perspesktif Feminisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Matthew, Chai Xujie (2017) A study of hollow colloidosomes using poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid), PMMA-co-MAA via two step solvent evaporation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mawaddah Shukri (2013) PERFORMANCE OF PEARL GRASS AS RIVER SILTATION CONTROL ASSOCIATED WITH RUNOFF. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Maya Izati Afida, Shaharin (2015) Geology and flood hazard in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mazfiqqa Ramali and Nor Adzim Hafifi Jainuddin and Siti Nur Athirah Nazari and Zaidatul Afiqah Zamri (2023) Weight management of obesity among student in universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mazlan, Fatin Allia (2020) Consumers' perception towards meat substitution as a protein source in Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mazlan, Fatin Allia (2020) Consumers' perception towards meat substitution as a protein source in Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mazlan Radzwan and Muhammad Aslam Mohamed Hasan Farook and Nadirah Mohd Pera’aid and Usamah Sahrudin (2021) Social media influence on destination choice: A study among students of University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mazlena Mohd Shah (2011) Eksperimentasi enam prinsip animasi melalui animasi dua dimensi (2D) : "BeBoy". Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mazri, Nor Hidayu (2020) Diversity of pteridophytes in Agro Techno Park Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mclaren Robert (2023) Isolation of potential phages against Aeromonas veronii. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Ariff, Hazirah (2020) Determination of heavy metal (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) in instant noodles by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Daud, Fatin Najihah (2022) Kepentingan Perlindungan Dan Pengurusan Warisan Kompleks Makam Diraja Langgar, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Isa Md Yusof, . (2012) Consumers buying behavior on apparel retailing businesses in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Md Puzi, Norsyazleen Laily (2020) Synthesis of nickel doped Zinc Oxide via solid state reaction method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Rosli, Nurul Afikah (2018) Effect of Strontium doped with barium titanate on the dielectric constants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Saad, Abdul Aziz (2022) Nilai Kepentingan Pemeliharaan Sejarah Dan Budaya oleh Pihak Berkuasa di Jeti Clan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Sabri, Siti Norsyahira (2022) Unsur Didaktik Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Penelitian Pendekatan Moral. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Md Shaiful Bahari Mohd Noor (2010) Persepsi minat masyarakat terhadap Seni Silat Gayong. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Md Yusoff, Nurul Farhana (2016) Study of Environmental Awareness (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices) Among Secondary School Students at Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Md Zulkifli, Muhammad Luqman Hakim (2020) Preliminary Assessment of Utilizing Wood Sawdust as Pore Forming Agent in Porous Ceramic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Meharajan Krishnan (2016) Effect of extraction time on antioxidant properties of Fragrea acuminatissima. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Menti Saysa Harmen (2014) Antifungal activities of methanol extract from syzygium chlorantha and hopea spp. against pycnoporus sanguineus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Michelle, Lim May Yee (2015) Facial cleanser made of Eleiodoxa conferta (Kelubi) extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Michelle Mona Henry (2017) General geology and land use development of Taragong area, Garut, Indonesia using remote sensing anaysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Michelle Slan (2019) Phytochemical studies of Sesamum radiatum seeds. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mimi Fatima, Mohd Zaid (2011) Pembangunan "cakera padat' multimedia interaktif tempat bersejarah negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mimi Lovianna Bitlius (2020) Determination of microplastics in sediment in Kelantan and Pattani, Bay. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mira, Panadi (2015) Influence of parity and body condition score on response and conception rate of saanen cross by Estrus Synchronization with CIDR. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Miskam, Nurfadhilah (2016) Determination of Quantification of Elements In Mud and Soil Samples In Two Different Environment: Dabong, Kelantan and Royal Belum, Perak by Using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mismohid Mohd Ishak (2018) The effect of different feed on the growth rate and behaviour of rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Miza Asma Syahirah (2018) Removal of Methyl Red in Wastewater by Activated Carbon from Rice Husk. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Miza Sabrina Mohd Radzi (2022) Assessment on morphometric characteristics measurements and population of Boer goats in Perlis using linear regression model. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mocktar, Nurfarah Aini (2018) Study of Rn-222 emanations from fabricated composite brick based on treated oil palm fibre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mogan Raj Krishnasamy (2013) General geology, microfaces analysis and diagenesis of limestone in Gua Ikan, Dabong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Ahmad Adam Muqri (2022) Analisis Penulisan Skrip Dalam Filem Adaptasi Terpilih Berdasarkan Pendekatan Estetika Bersepadu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Azman (2015) Reka bentuk perabot collapsible beridentitikan permainan tradisional gasing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Nabihah (2020) Diversity of viverridae species in state land Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Norfarha Shahera (2018) Phytochemical analysis and anti-inflammatory activity of wild Yam Dioscorea Hispida Dennst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Suhaimi (2020) Extraction of gallic acid from Chromolaena sp. using ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad, Sunaini (2018) Evaluating the growth and changes of Rhizophora species in five different islands, Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Adi Syakirin bin Mohd Rashid (2024) Bangunan Warisan Masjid Kapitan Keling: Kajian Terperinci yang Merangkumi Aspek Keistimewaan dan Keunikan serta Impak Kewujudan Terhadap Masyarakat Tempatan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Aidel Abu Bakar (2013) Geology of Kampung Meranto and analysis of rockfall hazard at Km D29 Jeli — Gua Musang road. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Aikar Derahman (2014) Khasiat dan pemprosesan kelulut : satu kajian kes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Aiman Haikal Ismail and Mohamad Azrul Fadzil and Mohamad Nafizal Zaini (2023) Factor affecting the intention to use digital banking service among University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Mohamad Aizat, Padir (2015) Antioxidant activity of mangifera indica of chok anan and lemak manis peel extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Aizat Amir Mohd Anuwar (2016) Analysis of nutrition profile of fermented corn meal on ornamental gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus). UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Aizat Mohd Nordin (2021) Penjenamaan Semula Identiti Korporat Bagi Syarikat Kicks Printing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mohamad Al Sidek Teramuji (2014) Preliminary study on properties of oil palm fronds from agricultural residues as a material in generating biomass energy. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Ali, Nur Basyirah (2020) Weeds Diversity In Oil Palm Plantation At Segamat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Alif Mohd Zailani (2021) Kajian Penghasilan Video Korporat Bagi Syarikat Wawa Printing Di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mohamad Alliff Che Rahim and Mohamad Israfel Mokhtar and Mohamad Nor Afiq Mohd Nor Khalid and Mohamad Shafiq Ikhwan Maidi (2023) The relationship between accommodation, food quality, and customer relations towards tourist satisfaction in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Amin, Mohammad Adli and Elias, Siti Norasyikin and Therumurthy, Thulasi and Loo, Chee Soon (2015) The influence of service quality website towards customer loyalty on Maybank online banking in University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Kampus Kota,Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Amin Ibrahim (2018) The effect of spirulina (arthrospira platensis) towards the growth performance of Asian Clam (corbicula fluminea). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Amirul Zulmajdi and Nur Sajida Peduka and Nur Shakirah Ab Rahim and Nurul Nadia Juharei (2021) Factors influencing students volunteer satisfaction in volunteering activities in rural area of Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Amirulsyafiq, Mohd Khairi (2015) Pembangunan Seni Arca Media Baru Menggunakan Teknik Pemetaan Video. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Asrol, Kalam (2015) The effect of dietary level of Vitamin E on Humoral Response Quail (Cortunix cortunix Japonica) against newcastle disease vaccination. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Basri, Mohd Noor (2015) The potential of soy pulp (Okara) as alternative protein source to tilapia fish (Oreochromis spp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Danial Mohammad Dasuki (2013) General geology and geological information system of Kg. Sungai Bayu, Chiku, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Danial Zulkefli (2021) Pengaplikasian Animasi 2D Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Sejarah Kemunculan Tamadun Awal Manusia Tingkatan 4 Pelajar Sekolah Di Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mohamad Dhoiyaul Mukmin Al- Muiynuddin Berhim and Najah Mohd Noor and Nor Hazwani Anuar (2023) The effect of online gaming on students’ mental health, finance and academic performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fahmy Amry Mohamad Noh (2012) Examining financial problems faced by university students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Faisal Zamri (2020) Analisis Penggunaan Kesan Bunyi Dalam Filem Seram Munafik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Faiz Mohd Zainuddin (2017) Non-volant small mammal diversity assessment in Lata Bijih and Lata Janggut using cage trap technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Faizhan Mohd Fauzi and Nur Ain Hakimah Kamal and Nur Ain Solehah Ghazali and Nur Athirah Azman (2023) The factors influencing nurse mental Health in hospital raja perempuan zainab ii (hrpz ii). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fakhrul Amin Yeop Zainuddin (2022) The effect of ethanolic plant extract, centella asiatica against salmonella typhi and streptococcus agalactiae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fakhrulhakim Mohd Daud and Hemalatha Muniandy and Nursriana Basri and Nursyamimi Sulaiman (2023) The determinants of saving behaviors among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fasran, Razali (2015) Eksplorasi rekabentuk jentolak masa hadapan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fatihi Abdul Patah (2015) General Geology Of Kg Kalai And Geomorphology Characteristic Relationship With Gold Occurrence In South Jeli Kelantan By Using Geographic Information System (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fauzi, Anuar Fareez and Lim, Shyang and Ramachandran, Karunakaran and Che Mohd Asri, Nur Afifah (2015) The relationship between entrepreneurship attributes and student performance at University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mohamad Fikree Jamaluddin (2018) Effect of wood vinegar on survivability of Nile Tilapia, oreochromis niloticus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fikri Haikal Mohd Nasir (2016) Flood Vulnerability in Dabong using Geographical Information System. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Firdaus Ibrahim and Siti Nur Farah Shaharuddin and Siti Nurhajarriah Md Tahir and Siti Rahimah Muhamad Don (2022) The attributes of customers behavior to use of Ar- Rahnu in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Fuad, Nurul Hanis and Nurul Shazween, Suhaimi and Zulkfley, Siti Norhidayu and Yong, Tsuey Jing (2015) Factors influence visit to shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur among youth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hafizi Mat Lazim (2013) Comparative Behavioral Study of OrangUtan Pongo Pygmaeus in Captive and Natural Habitat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hafizudin Mohd Nasarudin (2012) River tourism: A potential in Pergau River, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hakim Abdul Mukti and Ng Si Wei and Nor Izzati Johari and Nurul Hamizah Zaini (2024) The study of factors affecting behaviour digital marketing among University Malaysia Kelantan student’s. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hakim Rosli (2016) Participation of livestock producers towards a good practice of farming system in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hanafiah, Nur Hasira (2019) Biocomposites based on Citric Acid modified starch as the binder filled Kenaf fiber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Hilmi, Mohamed Nawawi (2015) Antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of leaves from three variety Melastoma Malabathracium. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Ikhmalreza Ishak (2019) Species diversity of mammals by using camera trap at Gua Setir, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Ikmal Tajuddin Abdul Hadi (2022) Effect of continuous mating on maternal and mating behaviour, conception rate, gestational length, litter size and kit’s growth alive in New Zealand White rabbits. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Izaini Bin Rozali (2013) Rekabentuk beg penyediaan alat bantuan awal kecemasan kes lemas. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Jalin, Nur Hafizah and Wan Din, Wan Zaidiyana and Mohamad Isa, Mohamad Iskandar (2015) The implications of co-curriculum activities towards students academic performance: the case study in Institut Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) at East Coast. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Juhazman Jamaluddin (2017) Removal of methylene blue from contaminated water by newly prepared nickel catalyst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Kamal, Siti Sarah (2020) Optimization of protease-treated Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for broiler feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Khairi, Norizzati (2020) Consumers purchase intention towards dietary health supplement product in Ipoh, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Khairi Mt Isa (2012) A study on habitat adaption of schismatoglottis in eastern part of Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Khairul Ridzwan Abdul Hafidz (2019) Novel Tulang-Tulang Berserakan: Satu Analisis Koordinat M.H Abrams. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mohamad Mahdie Azriel Junaidi (2021) Satu Kajian Kes Terhadap Penjenamaan Semula Reka Bentuk Identiti Korporat Bagi Syarikat Payangs Ecommerce Global Di Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mohamad Mahfuz Shaharudin (2013) Antibacterial, antioxidant and brine shrimp lethality activity of latex of pterocarpus indicus (Angsana). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Muhyiddin Hassan (2013) Assessmnet of Management Practices of Oil Palm Cultivation on Peat for Smallholder around the Peatland of Raja Musa Forest Reserve. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Muslim Mohd Hazam (2015) Pembangunan laman web monumen bersejarah di bandaraya Kota Bharu,Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Muzakkir Mustaffa (2019) Geology and demarcation of groundwater Potential Zone By Using Geophysical Method At Kg.Sungai Batu, Dabong Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Nabil Razali (2022) Manipulation of the pineapple leaves for the development of silage suitable for the cattle feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Naim bin Ibrahim (2024) Kajian Terhadap Pelestarian Khazanah Warisan Jambatan Guillemard bagi Tujuan Pemeliharaan yang Memberi Impak Kepada Masyarakat Setempat di Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Najib Md Khatib (2018) Geology and monitoring vegetation greenness based on temporal climate variability in Aring. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Namirul Shafiq Mohd Nawi (2015) Pembangunan laman web warisan terpinggir di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Nasrul Mohd Baki (2016) General geology and assessment of extraction of drainage pattern in Jelawang River, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Nazri Isa @ Esha (2011) Mempromosikan penggunaan beg kertas kepada pengguna di pusat membeli belah di sekitar Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Nazri Mohamad Liwon (2015) Kajian tentang kempen kebersihan melalui penekanan mesej islam dalam lingkungan kawasan pasar di negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Nizam Yaakob (2021) Analisis Patuh Syariah Dalam Filem 7 Petala Cinta (2012) Berdasarkan Garis Panduan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia Bilangan 4 Tahun 2015. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Noor, Badariah (2015) Mengkaji rekaan perabot kafe yang berimejkan Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Noor Irfan Mohd Faridz Hilmy (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility mapping using geographical information system (gis) at Temangan, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Nor Syamin Nor Azman and Nurul Shuhaida Mohd Basri and Nurulfaizah Farahin Judi and Siti Hajar Abu Bakar (2022) The factors that influence individual’s intention to purchase family takaful among the community at Felda Keratong 1. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Nur Arifuddin Mad Yusof (2017) Phylogenetic analysis on family muridae using cytochrome b. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Rafieq Mohd Nawi (2015) Mengkaji reka bentuk perabot moden berunsurkan rumah melayu Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Rahimi Akmal Mat Hassan (2021) Keistimewaan Senibina Rumah Dato’ Haji Ahmad Maher Sebagai Khazanah Warisan Yang Perlu Dipelihara. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Rahmat Abdul Kadir, . (2012) The impact of internet usage among University Students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Ramzi Ab. Rahim and Muhammad Nizamuddin Shaharudin and Nor Nabihah Zakaria and Nur Syuhada Ahmad (2023) Awareness and knowledge of right to disconnect after work among lecturers in university malaysia kelantan (kota) : a qualitative study. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Razapi, Nor Fatihah (2018) Study of Rn-222 emanation from fabricated composite brick based on treated sugar cane fibre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Redzuan Mohammad Darus (2016) Characterization of Empty Fruit Bunch under Torrefaction process. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Ruddin, Noor Zulai’ha (2020) The influence of drying temperature on preservative penetration in Sentang wood (Azadirachta excelsa). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Rusydi Mohamad (2016) Antioxidant activity of daun jambu air (Syzygium aquem) leaf extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Saiful Haffiz Rahman (2014) Determination of the calorific value of acacia mangium Ssecies by wood pellet biomass producing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Senusi, Nur Aiman (2019) Microwave synthesis of silver Graphene Oxide for enhanced antimicrobial performances. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Shafik, Che Harun (2015) Merekabentuk Bangku Berkonsepkan Warisan Melayu (Awan Larat). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Shaheen Sharun (2018) The acceptance towards assisted reproductive technologies (art) among ruminant farmers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Shareef, Mohd Hafiz Mani (2015) Assessing feed and feeding protocol of the beef cattle in Agropark, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Kampus Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Sharizal Rusli (2015) The effect of fermented Coconut Cocos Nucifera pulp as feed supplement for Gourami Trichogaster sp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Solihim, Norliyana and Ghani, Normazlina Zalwani and Mustafa, Norhidayah (2015) The willingness to purchase Takaful among Islamic Banking and Finance students in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohamad Syafiq Mat Said (2017) Sesbania Grandiflora leave extract as the eco-friendly anti-fungal agent for wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Syahid Farhan Mohd Zaki (2022) Microbiological assessment on water quality consumed by community in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamad Syahmi Ilman Halim (2013) General geology and characteristic of igneous intrusion in Ulu Lalat, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Taib, Atiqah (2018) Comparative in-vitro antioxidant potential of various sweet potato extracts (Stokes Purple and Johorean Blue). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Taufik Mohamad Saad (2014) Anti-Fungal Activity of various concentration of sodium chloride on infected batagur affinis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Taufiq Mohd Jafar (2015) General Geology and Potential of Groundwater in Granitic Area and Carbonate area Using Resistivity Method at Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohamad Thani, Najaa Syuhada (2016) Oil Removal in Aqueous Solution Using Eggshell and Banana Peel as Biosorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohamad Yazid, Aina Azureen (2019) Study on required ergonomics space-saving bookcase for kids in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Yusri, Khairulnissah Asilah (2020) Comparative study of VitAto flour and wheat flour on proximate analysis and the effect of addition of wheat flour to VitAto flour. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Yusri, Khairulnissah Asilah (2020) Comparative study of VitAto flour and wheat flour on proximate analysis and the effect of addition of wheat flour to VitAto flour. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zahid, Abdul Rahman (2018) The study on cassava properties as gel polymer electrolyte in zinc-air battery. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zaidi, Nur Zulaikha (2020) Preparation and characterisation of bioplastic from oil palm trunk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zamri, Sofiah (2020) Estimation of liana infestation above canopy in state park Gunung Stong, Kelantan using unmanned aerial vehicle. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zulfahmi Mohamed Osmi (2014) Comparison of anthocyanin content in mangosteen (garcinia mangostana linn) and red dragon fruit (hylecereus polyrhizus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zulhakiim Abu Mansor (2016) The effect of different sucrose and coconut water concentration on micropropagation of Vanilla planifolia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamad Zulhilmi Mohd Salleh (2016) Development of citrus scented crystal salt deodorant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohamed, Dalila (2022) Pemuliharaan Pertukangan Tembaga Di Kampung Ladang, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed, Nor Shahira (2019) Hybridization of insect repellent using Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Oil and Citrus Hystrix (Kaffir Lime) Oil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Ali, Nik Mohamed Aisamuddin (2018) Chemical properties of Goniothalamus velutinus and potential prevention on wildlife. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Azizan, Nurul Amirah (2020) Compositional analysis of various local food waste. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Faeez, Kamarulzaman (2015) Mempromosikan Makanan Tradisional Kuih Akok Melalui Penjenamaan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Fazzelan Mohd Razali (2021) Mael Totey (2020) Penerimaan Penonton Terhadap Dialek Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohamed Nasir, Nur Aliaa (2019) Development of Nanoemulsion containing Piper betle Essential Oil as an effective natural insecticide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Nawi, Ain-Nashuha (2022) Impak Covid-19 Terhadap Rewang: Kajian Kes Di Felda Kumai, Bera, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Yusof, Norsazliyana (2022) Peranan Kesusasteraan Melayu Dalam Bidang Pendidikan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohamed Yusoff, Nur Adila (2020) The physical and mechanical properties of particleboard manufactured from rubberwood bonded with phenol formaldehyde. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad, Mushriha (2018) Characterization of In-Situ Copper alloy reinforced by Graphene via powder metallurgy technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aidil Amir, Sohaimi (2015) Extraction of gelatin from bones of red tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) and tamban ( clupeidae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aiman Khuzairie Mahazir (2024) Penciptaan Lirik dan Melodi Lirik Lagu Melayu Menerusi Naratif Lisan: Penelitian Terhadap Nilai-Nilai Murni Suatu Pengemblengan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aimi Mohd Zubir and Nur Qistina Suhaimi and Nur Salsabila Mohd Israj and Nur Syafika Jailani (2022) The challenges of implementing Islamic finance products and services practice in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aizuddin Awang (2017) Assessing the growth performance of Hibiscus sabdariffa under different light intensity and fertilization level on bris soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Ajwadil Hadi Abdul Halim (2019) Antimicrobial activity of chromolaena odorata and screening bioactive compound for the development of new phytopharmaceutical. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Ali, Nurilisha (2021) Ikon Kepimpinan Dalam Cerita Jenaka Melayu Menggunakan Teori Pengurusan Henry Fayol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Alieff Aiman Rusmizi (2018) Geology and application of remote sensing and GIS in forest cover change in Lebir Forest, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Alif Bakri (2022) Therapeutic effect of commercial probiotic lactobacillus on avian colibacillosis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Ameer Farhan Rosli (2021) Geology and landslide hazard zonation by using gis at Kampung Kundur, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Amiruddin Ismail (2017) Determination of condition factor (cf) and Hepatosomatic Index (hsi) of Pangasius sp. from Jeli market. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Amsyar Mohammad Hatta (2016) Morphological characteristics Of mantis shrimp, Squilla sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aniq Syazwan Mohd Samiza (2021) Peranan Video Promosi Dalam Meningkatkan Pemasaran Perniagaan Syarikat Amira Grafik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mohammad Asari, Siti Atikah (2020) Effect of milling parameters on brass- alumina nanocomposites prepared by high energy ball milling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Aszrul Emir, Mohd Faizal Praphakeren (2015) Purification of thermostable alkaline protease from recombinant e.coli BL21 pLysS 50a Strain. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohammad Auzaie Afandi (2023) Isolation of bacteriophage with lytic activity against aeromonas hydrophila. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Azam Borhan and Mohd Amin and Mohd Azmier Hafiz Lamri and Mohd Hafizan Arsani (2022) The factors influence employee satisfaction in the hotel industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Azlan Rosman (2021) Potential health risk of metal concentration in fish species to Batek Tribe in Merapoh Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Azrul Kamarulzaman and Nor Shafiqa Suhana Shaharom and Nurul Izzati Farhana Mohd Kamal and Ong Joo Hoon (2024) Determination of key factors influencing data analytics course awareness among bachelor students in the east coast of the peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Faez Mohd Sofian (2017) General geology and prediction of limestone geohazard by using electrical resistivity imaging (eri) at Kampung Lepan Jaya, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Fauzi, Hamid (2015) Videografik : Kepuk Pusara. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Firdaus Herman (2023) Awareness and perception of first aid measures of snakebite among veterinary students in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Hafiz Aiman Abdul Hadi (2022) Effect of different inclusion rate of pre-treated BSFL on physical and nutrition composition as feed for Macrobrachium Rosenbergii larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Hasif Hafizi Mohd Shukri (2022) Texture analysis of sawdust for animal feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Idris, Abu Bakar (2015) Kajian Tentang penjenamaan Semula Identiti Korporat Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Irfan, Abd Quddus (2015) The study on soil compaction in the cattle integration in oil palm project. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohammad Iskandar Dzulkarnain Mohd Hatta (2017) Effect of zinc addition on the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7 ceramic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Khairul Bin Mohd Shukri (2014) Animasi infografik sejarah perkembangan Makyung di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohammad Nazmie Ariff Azlan (2021) Pembangunan Laman Web Perniagaan Dalam Mempromosikan Produk Di Syarikat AMN Creative Centre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mohammad Razak Ramlee (2012) A study on habitat adaptation of Chamaecladon Supergroup (Araceae) in eastern part of Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohammad Rohaimi Abdul Aziz (2022) Effect of feeding Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and Anchovy by-product on egg weight, fertility, hatchability and embryonal mortality in Japanese quail. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Roslan, Aisyatul Madihah (2020) Production of organic fertilizer from wet market food waste by composting method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammad Safwan Ariffin (2012) Modification of grassy weeds as potential used cooking oil absorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohammad Shaari, Amirul Ashraf and Mohan, Kannigamalar and Lim, Hui Shan and Mu, Yue Lun (2015) Entrepreneurship in informal economy: a study in Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mohammad Shahmin Mejah (2023) Kontradiksi Aspek Didaktik Dalam Puisi Terpilih Usman Awang: Kajian Daripada Teori Semiotik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohammad Syafiq (2015) General Geology and Sedimentology of Gua Tahi Bintang, Merapoh,Pahang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohammad Syahir Jalaludin (2024) Kajian Sosiobudaya Dalam Filem Bumi Manusia Adaptasi Daripada Novel Bumi Manusia Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohammed Iqbal Abu Bakar, . (2012) Perception of job environment among potential university graduate. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohd, Haziq Amri (2019) Mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid non-woven Kenaf Fibre Mat-Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Polypropylene Composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd, Mohammad Khairul Farhan (2019) Development of hyper flexible table manufacturing design. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd, Siti Hajar (2020) Effects of styrene butadiene rubber on physical and mechanical properties of kenaf core fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Abdul Azim Sam'un (2013) STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BASIC DENSITY WITH AGE OF Gigantochloa scortechinii IN JELI, KELANTAN. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Abdul Khadir Mohd Azahar (2011) Katil: kajian terhadap penggunaannya di rumah pangsa/rumah kos rendah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Adam Syakir, Sidek (2015) Pemetaan Projektor Sebagai Muzik Video. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Adenam, Norfatihah (2020) Biodegradable active packaging film with Cinnamomum Porrectum wood extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Adib, Mohd Nafi (2015) A survey on weeds management practices among the paddy growers at Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Adib, Nur Ain Najwa (2020) Vegetation analysis based on pleiades images at UMK Agropark. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Adnan, Amni and Ahmad Munir, Ani Mahirah and Shahmuri, Annis Nor Fathihah (2015) A study on awareness of Zakat income in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohd Afandi, Nur Aina Aqilah (2020) Effect of plasma flow in plasma metal inert gas welding process to microstructure formation at heat affected zone of as welded carbon steel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Afif Zul Aizat Kinjang (2016) PCR optimization for amplicafication of anti-lipopolysaccharide factor of redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Afizul, Ngadnin (2011) Perluasan perniagaan aksesori wanita (kristal) dari sudut komunikasi visual. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Akief Zainol Abidin (2020) Monitoring Silver Catfish (Pangasius sp.) Demands and Red Tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus sp.) in Jeli Kelantan 2019. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Alif Mohamad Nasir (2015) General Geology and Petrography of Gua Kalung,Merapoh, Pahang Darul Makmur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Alif Zamri (2018) Hazard Identification of Laboratories Practice Incorporates with Particulate Matter (Pm) Concentration and Chemical Composition in University Laboratory Ambient. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Alwi, Nurnabihah (2018) Utilisation of bamboo leaves as carbon/silica precursor to convert polymer waste into 2-chloroethyl benzoate. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Amin Mohd Hatta (2013) COmparative studies of lipase form germinating and non-germinating coconut (cocos nuciefera linn) kernel powder. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Amir, Noraidah (2018) Alumina-Titania-Reduced Graphene Oxide nanocomposite photocatalyst prepared by hydrothermal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Amirul Rosli (2014) Quantitation of phenolic compunds of three varieties of sweet potato extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Annual, Nur Nadhirah (2020) Optimization of DNA extraction of enriched iron-reducing bacteria from tropical freshwater stream sediment for metagenomic analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Arifin, Siti Syaidatul Nisa (2020) Log production by states in peninsular malaysia: a 10 years review. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Arina Aizuddin Abd Rahman (2016) Participation of smallholder on implementation of cattle integration project in oil palm plantation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Arshad, Nur Amni Husna and Khaidzir, Asyiah Kamilah and Idris, Az-Adhibah and Bee, Yong Hooi (2015) Perceptions of Islamic Banking and Finance students towards ASB investment in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohd Asadullah Che Mohamad (2016) A preliminary study of different concentration of crude proteinfrom green buffalo leech, Hirudinea manillensis on time of blood clotting. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Ashraf Rafiq Mohd Rasu (2017) Geology and petrography of igneous rock at Panggung Lalat, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Asri, Ahmad Syukri (2018) Effect of calcination time on calcium hydroxyphosphate (Hydroxyapatite) From tilapia fish bones and scales for protein enhancement in wheat flour. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Asri, Hannis (2020) Production of compost using food waste from cafeteria, UMK Jeli campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Asri, Hannis (2020) Production of compost using food waste from cafeteria, UMK Jeli campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Asrul Sani Nordin (2021) Pengaruh Media Massa Dalam Konteks Seni Catan Surealisme Di Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Mohd Azam, Aizza Husna (2021) Kajian Tentang Penerimaan Generasi – Z Terhadap Seni Warisan Dikir Barat Di Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azam, Dinie Azri (2022) Kajian Terhadap Pemuliharaan Istana Sepachendera, Alor Setar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azan, Yusoff (2010) Kajian motif dan bentuk tembikar Mambong di Negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Azfar Aizat Dipungang (2017) Abundance of roadkills along Jeli-Gerik road and Jeli-Rantau Panjang road. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azim, Abidin (2015) Proximate composition and consumer preferences of different types of Mangifera indica (Mango). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Azir, Mohd Nawi (2010) Kajian terhadap jenis-jenis dan corak wau di negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Mohd Azley Abdul Jari (2024) Unsur-Unsur Konflik Dan Kaedah Penyelesaiannya Dalam Filem Pulang Arahan Kabir Bhatia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azman, Muhammad Aiman Hakim (2020) Life cycle assessment of particleboard. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azmi, Mohamad Aszrafin (2019) Analisis Gambaran Masyarakat Dalam Teks Drama Terpilih Anwar Ridhwan : Satu Pendekatan Realisme Sosialis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohd Azmi, Nik Nur Alisa (2019) Optimization study on removal of Methylene Blue by using activated carbon from oil palm trunk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Azray Azman (2013) Study about toxicity of tongkat ali putih, euryconia longifolia (Jack, 1822) and its potential for the masculinization purposed by using brine shrimp, artemia salina. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Azreeyandi Mohd Sadih (2024) Representasi Watak-Watak Yang Terdapat Dalam Novel Silir Daksina Karya Nizar Parman Berdasarkan Teori Budaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Badrisam, Nurul Syarina (2019) Pemeliharaan Warisan Cara Pembuatan Kraftangan Labu Sayong Secara Tradisional Di Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mohd Basri Aziz (2010) Kajian terhadap penggunaan unsur-unsur kepercayaan dalam mantera melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Darus, Norfatin Fazlyn (2020) Distribution and anatomy of Etlingera spp. in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fadli, Rudi (2011) Penggunaan kesan khas "particle illusion" dalam iklan kempen anti merokok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fadzil, Siti Fadzliana (2020) Population size determination using photographic estimation for the conservation of nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea) at Gunung Reng, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Faizal, Zulkifli (2015) Study the effect of different feeds on reproductive growth and culture in Monopterus albus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Faizal Mat Rani, . (2011) A study on managerial practices among small medium enterprises in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Mohd Fakkerul Iman Razali (2017) Potential distribution of white handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) using ecological niche modelling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fareezman Zamzuri (2022) Technology improvement on artificial Incubator system for tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) egg. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Farisfitri Md Suhaimin (2013) Isolation and characterization of hylocereus Sp.; pathogenic microorganism in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Faslan, Ab Ghani (2015) Penghasilan Muzik Video "Resah Pena" dengan Menggunakan Teknik Sinematik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fauzi, Siti Aishah Hanani (2018) Investigation on optimum salt content for singgora roof fabrication. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fazli, Aliff Akhmal (2020) Optimization Of Rice Husk Ash (Rha) As Partial Replacement Of Cementing Material In Concrete Using Statistical Experimental Design. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fazli, Nur Fathin (2019) Analysis of temperature and dissolved oxygen on fish pond based on smart water monitoring system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Fazril Mohd Zayadi (2012) Effect of type of soil and depth of sowing on the seeding emergence, growth and yield performance of long bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Fikhri Abdullah (2019) Geology and depositional environment of limestone facies at Felda Chiku 2, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ghazali, Saidah Najihah (2019) Elemental and crystallinity determination of Torrefied oil palm empty fruit bunch biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Haery Fahmy Mohd Tajuddin (2016) Detection of protease activity in peeI,stem and leaf of Musa paradisiaca extracts by agar plate technique and physicochemical property of meat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Hafiyyan Mahmud (2013) Assessment of Man-Made Lake Water Quality at Kepong Botanical Garden Lake, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Hafiz Affandy (2010) Konsevasi Bangunan Masjid Lama Mulong: analisis kaedah dan pendekatan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Hafiz Ibrahim (2012) Pleliminary study on phylogentic of wild banana in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Hafizuddin, Yusoff (2015) Harvesting method of stingless bee honey (trigona sp). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Hafizuddin Abd Rahman (2011) Satu kajian tentang permainan gasing uri terbang negeri Terengganu Darul Iman. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Haluan, Aesah and Harikrisnan, Hemalatha and Lai, Xuan Yu and R Mamat, Raja Fitriah (2015) The impact of minimum wages on job satisfaction, job performance and job commitment among Small Medium Enterprise in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mohd Hamerul Haizat, Namelan (2010) Muzium Negeri Kelantan : Struktur organisasi dan keberkesanan dalam memberi khidmat terhadap masyarakat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Hamezan, Intan Syafiqah (2019) Study on acceptance of urban garden in bamboo seating structure in Ipoh, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Hanif Bin Muhd Nasir (2023) Suai guna semula ke atas nilai warisan: kajian kes rumah agam Cheong Fatt Tze. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohd Haniff Hassan (2016) Effect of sources of dietary oil on laying performance of quails from point of lay to 50% egg production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Hariz Shafee (2016) Geology of Kampung Batu Papan, Gua Musang and maturity assessment of petroleum crude oil from Field 1. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Hazifie, Mohd Fauzi (2011) Susunan ruang dan reka bentuk pada rumah tradisi melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Haziq Izzuddin Nor Muhamad (2016) Antimicrobial activities of Dokong(Lansium domesticum Correa) extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Husainie Jipin (2016) Geology and structural analysis of Sokor Utara, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Ibrohim Abdullah (2017) Synergisms of Rn-222 reduction emanations with different type of coating from interlocking brick. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ibrohim Abdullah (2017) Synergisms of Rn-222 reduction emanations with different type of coating from interlocking brick. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Idris, Muhammad Hidir (2018) The study of physical properties and chemical composition of Dioscorea hispida dennst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Idris, Nurul Intan Nadirah (2019) Removal of methyl orange by using activated carbon from oil Palm Trunk (OPT). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ikhwanuddin Khairuddin (2012) The effect of Echinochloa crusgali density on the growth and development of paddy. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Irfan Sahibul Barkri (2014) Effect of the flavour to the production of soft bean curd (tofu). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Iskandar Ramli (2011) Kajian mengenai rekabentuk kereta dorong bayi (stroller) dan cadangan rekaan baru. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ismail, Norhashimah (2018) Noise level response to the number of vehicles at low traffic area Kelantan Highway. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Izwan, Omar (2015) The study on rat damages on the fresh fruit bunches in cattle-oil palm integration project. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Izzuddin, Kamarudin (2015) Nursery establishment technique for mass propagation tapioca (Manihot esculate Crantz). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Izzuwan B Jafri (2011) Kajian pengguna bekas makanan (Tray) terhadap mangsa banjir terhadap mangsa banjir di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Joseph, Masdiana (2022) Pengurusan Koleksi Alat Permainan Tradisional Wayang Kulit Di Muzium Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Kamarul 'Aripin Kasmori (2011) Osmotic dehydration of banana fruit slices using honey as osmotic solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Khairul Azman Che Ibrahim (2011) "Padi: inspirasi kreativiti dan inovasi dalam masyarakat Melayu". Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Khairul Azman Che Ibrahim (2010) "Padi: inspirasi kreativiti dan inovasi dalam masyarakat melayu". Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Khairul Shukri Abdul Rashid (2011) Kajian konsep kerusi menunggu bagi premis sukan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Khairulizan Abd Majid (2010) Masyarakat Orang Asli Kampung Punjut dan pencapaian pendidikan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Ladin, Luqman Haniff (2020) Effect of Welding Process to the Porosity Formation in as Welded Carbon Steel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Luqman Haqkim Mohd Noor and Muhammad Rahimi Deraman and Muhammad Solehin Hakimin Ismail and Nur Hasnina Kamarina Abdol Rashid (2023) The study of factors influencing the preference among public university students in Malaysia towards Islamic banking. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Mohd Mahlawi, Abdul Yaarus (2011) Keberkesanan visual billboard terhadap produk HPA kepada pengguna-sejauhmana kebenarannya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Manaf, Mansor (2015) Mengkaji Rekabentuk Van Untuk Perniagaan Bergerak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Mazlan, Mohd Ismail Fahmi (2010) Kajian sukan tomoi di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Muaz Muhammad (2013) General geology and geochemistry survey surrounding Gua Maka and Gua Setir, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Najeh Ramdzany Mohd Salehuddin (2014) Quantitative assessment of Sabah endemic species using species distribution modelling. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Najmi, Abdul Razab (2011) Pembangunan cakera padat multimedia interaktif fotografi perkahwinan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Najwan Nawi (2013) Preliminary study of safety evaluation for commercial fermented food:yogurt drinks. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Nasir, Nur Nusaibah (2021) Keistimewaan Rumah Tradisional Tiang 12 Yang Wajar Dipelihara Sebagai Warisan Nusantara Yang Berharga. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nazeri, Nurul Izzah (2019) Geology of Sungai Chepuan, Kuala Betis, Gua Musang and Petrology of Granitoid Rocks. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nazmi Syah Malik Faisal and Mohd Zaquan Fikri Mohd Zaki and Muhamad Fathuddin and Mugilan A/L Ganas (2023) Factor that influences tourism demand in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nazri, Arina Nazihah (2020) Biochar and Graphene Oxide as electron mediator for reduction of Fe (III) using Shewanella oneidensis MR-I. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Noor, Siti Noridayu (2010) Unsur-unsur animisme dalam seni persembahan main puteri. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Nor, Hazwani (2019) In-situ production of Alumina-Titania-Graphite composite by mechanical milling and sintering. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nor, Muhammad Nasirruddin (2019) Study of Nanoemulsion containing Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil for treatment of Fungi related diseases in wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nor, Nurul Hazwani (2018) A study on solidification kinetics of gelatin using avrami model. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nor Azhar Juranai (2011) Kajian penggunaan bekas makanan sejuk dan panas (Penempatan Mangsa Banjir Kelantan). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Nur-Iman Mohammad Naim (2013) Geological mapping and rock strength assessment with application of schmidt rebound hammer at Bandar Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Paraouq Umar Idris (2011) Keberkesanan kempen beli barangan tempatan kasut berjenama Bata melalui pengiklanan akhbar di sekitar Kuantan Pahang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Pauji, Aini Farina and Ismail, Izyan Syazwani and Lee, Yee Nee and Krisnan, Tamilrasi (2015) The influence of entrepreneurship trainings on enterprise knowledge and skills among graduates in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Mohd Pauzi, Mohammad Izzuddin (2022) Kepentingan Beting Beras Basah Dalam Institusi Kesultanan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan Kepada Masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Rashdan Ab Halim (2016) Callus induction of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus l.) anther, ovule and ovary. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Razi, Noor Azmeera (2018) Phytochemical screening and potential values of banana rowers (Musa Sp.). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Redza Alfiz Bin Mutti (2015) Memperkenalkan alat seni muzik warisan melalui buku ejaan kanak-kanak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohd Redzuan Ab Halim (2010) Kajian terhadap fungsi dan makna aksesori orang asli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Rhimi, Mohd Safie (2015) Antibacterial activity of dioscorea hispida collected around UMK Campus Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Ridzuan, Norsyuhada (2019) Kajian Pengekalan Fasad Rumah Kedai Di Jalan Ismail, Kota Bahru. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mohd Ridzwan Rahimi (2016) The perception of local youths in FELDA scheme of east-coast Peninsula Malaysia towards the prospect career in oil palm plantation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Rifqi Goh Yew Hwa (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility on top of Fraser Hill, Pahang using Geographic Information System (GIS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Rodzi, Nuraida (2020) Factor influence generation z purchase behaviour towards soft drinks in Kuala Muda, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Rosdi, Nurul Ainnabilah (2020) Study on characterization of thin film based on Glutaraldehyde modified starch and propylene glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ruzaini Abdullah (2011) Apresiasi arabesque dalam rekaan tekstil dan fesyen. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Ruzaini Alias (2013) Antioxidant of herb plants in nasi kerabu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Saad, Siti Noradilla (2018) Analysis of antioxidant activity in different part of wild yam (Dioscorea hispida dennst). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sabri, Fatin Nur Amirah (2018) Parameter effect on Chitosan beads prepared via water-in-oil emulsion crosslinking methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sadli, Wajihah (2018) Effect of foliar applied fertilizer on the growth of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) budded seedlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Saharuddin Aini (2011) Pengiklanan bergerak beras Era Bernas di sekitar Kota Bharu: sejauhmana keberkesanannya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sahrum, Siti Nurul Ain (2020) Food preference of Macrotermes Gilvus and Globitermes Sulphureus termites from oil palm plantation in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Saiful Jamil and Nurfatin Syafiqa Norman and Nor Jumaiza Aziz and Wee May Yee (2021) Mobile Wallet App: The determinants influencing consumers’ behavioural intention to use in restaurant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Salahuddin, Nur Izzati (2019) Study on potential of multipurpose desk for small space hostel in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Salim, Nurul Najwa (2020) Influence of time on Zinc Oxide growth by hydrothermal method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Salim, Nurul Najwa (2020) Synthesis of sodium alginate graphene oxide-silver thin film for antibacterial activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sallehin, Farah Ainaa (2018) Comparative study on physicochemical properties of Malaysia and Thailand fish sauce. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sallehuddin Anuar (2014) Household waste generation and management in Bukit Subang, Shah Alam. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Mohd Shahdan Ramli (2017) General geology and geomorphology of limestone at Felda Chiku 7, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Shahir, Mohd Zahari (2011) Pembangunan animasi dua dimensi (2D) Puteri Saadong. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Shahrir Ermy, Sapani (2012) Penggunaan buku menu makanan di restoran khususnya di Malaysia dalam konteks makanan masyarakat melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Sharul Nizam Bin Madin (2023) Unsur alam dalam novel Salina karya A. Samad Said: satu penelitian menggunakan teori naturalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohd Solahuddin A. Kasim (2016) Nutritional feed content of commercial broiler feed quality sold in Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Soteri, Nursalwa Fakhira (2019) Chemical characteristic of fibre between coconut husk (Cocos nucifera), rice husk (Oryza sativa) and commercial cotton. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sufian Hamzah (2011) Pembangunan laman sesawang perniagaan batik di pasar Siti Khatijah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sufian Ismail (2011) Keberkesanan poster pelancongan sebagai daya tarikan di kalangan pelancong luar Kelantan ke Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Sufian Ismail (2011) Keberkesanan poster pelancongan sebagai daya tarikan di kalangan pelancongan luar Kelantan ke Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Suhaimi Mat Rasat (2017) Geology and geochemistry of water discharge from sand mining at Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Suhairi Mohamad (2010) Kajian terhadap unsur seni dan prinsip rekaan pada patung wayang kulit Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Sukri Jalapar and Preeti Sochitro Kumar and Nor Shazwani Md Rodzi and Nurul Maisarah Lan Hawari (2024) A study of cybersecurity awareness of the Tiktok application among Generation Z in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Syafiz Mat Desa (2016) General Geology and Groundwater level Trend in Domestic Shallow Well in Kemasin part of Bachok Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Syauqi Shaari (2019) General geology and landslide susceptibility of Patuk Area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Syazni Ruslan (2016) Development of vegetable-flavoured ice cream. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Taib, Farah Ilyana (2020) Characterization of silica derived from Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba) and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Tarmizi, Fatin Sufina (2020) Preliminary Study on The Effect of Zn Additions on Sn-0.7Cu Lead-Free Solder. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Tarmizi, Mohd Yusoff (2011) Pembangunan prototaip laman web e-pembelajaran bagi Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Mohd Toha, Bella Halida Putri (2020) Microbial β-glucan exopolysaccharide production in media supplemented with coconut water as carbon source. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Yatim, Rozita (2018) Preparation of raw oyster shell for removal of crystal violet dye from aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Yazid, Arifah Amalia (2019) Identification of molecular marker for genus etlingera based on internal transcribed spacer (its) region. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zaim, Ibrahim (2010) Kajian terhadap unsur-unsur nasihat dalam lirik dikir barat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zairul Nizam Mat Saat (2015) Merekabentuk kotak minuman susu kambing : keberkesanan terhadap industri kecil dan sederhana. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Mohd Zaiz, Muhammad Abdul Alim and Mariman, Nor Fatimah Laily and Mohd Yahaya Koddri, Nor Izrinda and Mohd Jelani, Nur Izzati (2018) A study on the relationship between restaurant atmosphere and consumer purchase behavior. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zaki, Iliyana Athirah (2020) Usage of virgin coconut oil for production of low glycemic rice. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zaki, Iliyana Athirah (2020) Usage of virgin coconut oil for production of low glycemic rice. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zaki, Nurul Nabilah (2020) Improved bioplastic properties of modified cassava starch (Manihot Esculenta) with graphene oxide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zaki Mohd Yamin (2010) Satu kajian tentang bidang rawatan pemulihan patah tradisional Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zamri, Mohammad Syazmin (2021) Usaha Meneruskan Keunikan Warisan Pembuatan Keris Di Pengkalan Nangka, Besut, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zamri Zaini Muhamed (2011) Peranan media dalam modenisasi Dikir Barat. Final Year Project thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zazmiezi, Mohd Alias (2015) Determination of poaching spots in Gunung Basor forest reserve, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd Zharif Ramli (2013) Study of shelf life of beef treated with union. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mohd Zin, Mohamad Redzuan (2020) Fabrication and characterization of PVC/MWCNT Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs) for malachite green removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zin, Norfarayana Amira (2018) Effect of calcination temperature on synthesis of calcium hydroxyphosphate (Hydroxyapatite) from tilapia fish bones and scales for protein enhancement in wheat flour. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zuki, Rabiatul Adawiyah (2019) Preparation of cellulose nitrate from pineapple leaf. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zulhar, Mohamad Ezhar Ithdzzuddin (2022) Unsur Realisme Dalam Ranjau Sepanjang Jalankarya Shahnon Ahmad: Aplikasi Teori Fungsionalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zulkafli, Nor Nadia (2020) Determination of riparian vegetation species abundance along the river site in Lata Keding, Jeli using transect method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohd Zurairi, Raini (2015) A diversity and ecology of araceae in Gua Keris, Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mohd. Al-Affiz Abdul Shukor (2018) The occurrence of coccidiosis and OPG (oocyst per gram of faeces) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) under two different housing systems. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Moheinndrain Suria Kumar and Muhammad Hafizuddin Badiuzaman and Nurul Syaza Tapak and Thenmalar Ramesh (2024) The influencing factors of customer satisfaction on online textile products among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohmad Nasir, Izzati (2018) Study on the effect of Plasticizer (Propylene Glycol) on the properties of Glutaraldehyde Modified Starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mohmad Nor, Muhammad Syafiq (2020) Diversity of wild felids in Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mok, Chi Yan (2018) Study on solidification phenomenon of hot-extracted virgin Coconut Oil (HEVCO) and cold-extracted Coconut Oil (CEVCO) (Cocos nucifera L.) using the Avrami model. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mok, Min Zhe (2020) Extraction of virgin coconut oil from coconut milk through different treatment of coconut milk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mok See Yan and Nurul Alia Maisara Sobri and Shanmugee Kunasaigaran and Muhammad Ramaddan Mohd Rawi (2023) The impacts of disposable PP plastic food box on consumer buying behaviour among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mona Kasthury Krishnan (2021) Geology mapping in Dabong and groundwater quality analysis of quaternary aquifers in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mooi, Wei Chien (2013) Isolation and identification of nematophagous bacteria in soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muammar Qardhawi Abdul Rashid (2017) General geology and distribution of metal deposit in stream sediment Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamaad Syazwan Mohamad and Muhamad Alif Iqbal Mohd Zawawi and Muhamad Syafiq Shajarupi and Muhammad Afiq Aiman Roslan (2024) Factors affecting student awareness towards online scammers/financial crimes. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Affwan Mohamad Sharif (2016) General geology and geochemical mapping of stream sediment for mineral exploration in Sg. Chepuan area Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhamad Akmal A Rasid (2011) Kota-kota lama di sepanjang sungai Johor dalam industri pelancongan warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Alif Ramli (2017) Geology and geoheritage of Bukit Marak, Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Aliff Omar Abd Rahman (2010) Kajian terhadap unsur-unsur kasih sayang dan perlambangan dalam lirik lagu-lagu Ghazal. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Muhamad Aniq Arifin Mohd Zin and Premla Palanivelu and Norazila Arbain and Nurul Nadia Syahirah Mat Nazri (2024) Factors influencing unemployment for fresh graduates after Covid-19 in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Anis Shamsudin (2016) The development of Torrefaction System for upgrading Biomass resources. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhamad Ashrul Hanif Fauzi (2021) Kempen Kesedaran Salah Laku Papan Kenyataan Melalui Video. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhamad Asri Yaakub and Shamalah P. Vijayan and Norfarani Syaharudin and Nurul Najwa Mohd Rizal (2024) The effect of increasing the expenses on business performance among microenterprises Hawker in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Azrul Amin Yahaya (2014) Novel nursery technique for multiple propagation of musa acuminata cv. berangan planting material using water sucker. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhamad Azrul Hadi, Mohamad (2015) Pakaian sporty untuk masyarakat aktif. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Muhamad Faiz Fadzilah (2022) Konservasi Bangunan: Pendokumentasian Struktur Bangunan Warisan Istana Batu Di Jalan Tengku Puteri, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Farid Mohd Zin (2022) Effects of Black Soldier Larvae (BSFL) and earthworm feeding to the growth performance of Betta fish (Betta Splenders). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Fateh Mustafa (2014) Isolation and identification of novel bacteria producing cellulase. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhamad Firdaus Azhari and Nur Asiyah Ralmi and Nurul Soffiyah Mahzan and Song Yuen Ching (2023) The most contribution factors of entrepreneurial leadership in higher education institution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Firdaus Kamaruzaman (2023) Fenomena Sosial Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Ghazali Mahat (2023) Peranan Galeri Dato Onn Sebagai Institusi Pendidikan Tidak Formal Di Batu Pahat, Johor Darul Takzim. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Hafiz Mohd Radzi and Nur Mahfuzah Musa and Nur Nasirah Abu Yamin and Slow Jee Chui (2016) Factors influencing consumers’ perception towards counterfeit luxury brands in clothing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhamad Hafiz Mohd Razi (2018) Geology and depositional environment of Nglanggeran Formation in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Hafizul Zainul Asri (2021) Pengenalan Alphabet Untuk Kanak – Kanak Tadika Yang Berusia 4 Hingga 6 Tahun Dengan Menggunakan Kaedah Board Game. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhamad Haikal Asyraf Muhammad Hayattuddin (2021) Kajian Penggunaan Dialek Negeri Sembilan Dalam Skrip Filem This Is Pilah 2018. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Haikal Iskandar and Nur Atieyra Sharmila Mohamad and Nurul Syakilla Ramli and Ong Li Wen and Nur Farah Diana Mohd Azlimie (2023) Online shopping behavior among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Hairul Farhan, Tumiran (2015) Kerusi Vertebrae : Kerusi Rehat Untuk Pekerja Pejabat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Hakimi Abdullah Muhamad Ibad Hassan and Muhamad Ibad Hassan and Muhammad Aiman Hakim Zaidi and Muhammad Fahmi Amin Husni (2022) Factors that influence customers satisfaction towards robotic service restaurant in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Haniff Hilman bin Rosnarta (2024) Aspek-Aspek Psikologi yang Terkandung di dalam Komik Upin dan Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Haris Aiman Mohd Rofide and Noor Syazwani Narzuwan and Nurul Solehah Mohamed and Sobhna Narayanan (2021) Customer satisfaction towards online food delivery in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Imran Norul Azmi (2016) General geology and geomechanical characterization of metasedimentary rock at Kampung Gong Genua, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhamad Irfan Hakim Azmi (2022) The efficency of growth chamber towards Orchid tissue culture acclimatization. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Izhar Abu Bakar (2017) General geology and karst geomorphology of Padang Kuala Semor, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Khairuddin, Noor Effa Zulyanie (2019) Isolation of Nanocellulose from two different part of Kenaf Fibre via Acid Hydrolysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Luqman Hakim Mohd Lizan (2013) General geology of Kg Kuala Long and soil erosion emphasizing on the slope mitigation of KM8 Simpang Putat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhamad Muqri Salihin Mohamad Nor (2017) General geology and the potential of limestone geohazard at the northern eastern part of Kampung Ipoh, Jeli by using electrical resistivity imaging (eri). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Mustakim, Mahmud (2015) Merekabentuk Sebuah "Kitchen Island" Untuk Kediaman. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Najib Abdul Rahman (2017) Characterization and antibacterial activity of synthesized copper nanoparticles from Melastoma malabathricum leaves extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Najmi, Mohd Zamri (2015) Study on the potential of banana waste as adsorbent for dye removal. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhamad Naufall Abd Kadir (2014) Homestay kampung Pasir Raja, Terengganu satu pusat pelancongan warisan dan budaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Nor Firdaus Muhammad and Mohamad Afifuddin Mohd Noor and Danish Kumar Munasamy and Siti Nur Izzati Ismail (2021) The effects that influenced tours and satisfaction of unregulated ecosystem in Kampung Sungai Melayu, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Roslan, Amira Shahika (2022) Persembahan Ulik Mayang Di Kuala Terengganu: Satu Kajian Sejarah Dan Kepercayaan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Shah Ikhwan Shahrum and Muhammad Aidiel Anwar Andri and Muhammad Aiman Mohd Sabri and Muhammad Irfan Mohd Altifaizal (2024) A study on the relationship of intention to use fintech the case of digital payment among Malaysian users. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Sharifuddin, Syifa’ (2019) Effect of Calcium Copper Titanate (CaCu3Ti4O12) addition on the properties of epoxidised natural Rubber 25 (ENR-25) composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Shazwan Zulkefli (2017) Diversity assessement of chiroptera at Lata Bijih and Lata Janggut by using mist netting technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Syabil Izzat Mohd Sakri and Nur Fahada Rahim and Nurul Syazwa Abdul Jalil and Poornihmaa Ramamurthy (2023) Determinants of technology denial: A study among millennials in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Syafiq Aiman Alias (2014) Effect of age and sex on the carcass characteristics of ikta quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhamad Syahrul Naqib Ahmad (2023) Pameran koleksi : suatu kajian pengurusan koleksi warisan Bugis di Muzium Bugis, Pontian. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhamad Syazwan Sani (2013) General geology and petrography analysis of Ulu Sokor, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhamad Worksha, Muhamad Akashah (2020) Design of enzymatic retting system for kenaf bast fiber using SolidWorks and SuperPro Designer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Zaid Mohamad Rozali and Noor Nabilah Abdul Razak and Sharon Celine Krishnan and Nurul Ain Syafiqah Jamil Sulong and Nur Laila Atira Zahari and Mohamad Razin Mohamad Ridzuan (2023) The factor that influence the intention to use E-Hailing services among UMK students IN Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Zaidani Zakaria and Nuha Mohamad Fadzil and Nurul Natasya Aziz and Sharmila Palany Samy (2024) The influence of E-Commerce live streaming on customer purchase intention among student in UMK Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Zaki Zulkifli (2017) Geology and demarcation of potential aquifer zone in karstic terrain using surface geological mapping in Kuala Nerus area, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Zarif Zafran Muhd Yusuf and Nur Syahirah Riduan Apindi and Nuraliah Rashidi and Siti Aisyah Jemani and Wan Syaza Athirah Jasmaidi (2023) Obstacles to intent in mobile commerce adoption; Perception of gen-x in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad Zulhilmi Md Nasir (2021) Rumah Lindungan Di Raja : Penerokaan Seni Bina Rumah Tradisional Di Raja Di Sedim, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamad hidayat saidon (2022) Haematological and serum biochemical changes in the rat model induced with mannheimia haemolytica and treated with sea cucumber (stichopus horrens) extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhamed, Nor Shafiqah (2019) Finite element analysis of wind turbine blade using solidworks® simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad 'Afif Jamisabran (2016) Nutritional assessment of wild and farm-reared Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad A'kif Abdul Rahman (2018) Hormonal treatment and rooted cutting technique for vegetative propagation of Sungkai (Perenomo canescens Jack). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Abdillah Abdul Shukor (2019) Comparison of Beef and Mutton Fats In Relation to Fat Extraction Yield, Melting Point, Iodine Value and Viscosity. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman (2013) Comparative studies of lycopene from Malaysian coloured chilies paste. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Adam Iskandar Ab. Wahab and Nur Adiha Mohamad Yunus and Nurul Syahidah Ahmad Kusairi and Siew Kai Ern (2024) Impact of digital marketing on customer loyalty among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Pengkalan Chepa students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Adib Othman (2019) Effect of Moringa oleifera Based Total Mixed Ration on Parasite Infestation in Meat Goats. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Adli Hakim, Dzulkamal (2015) Pembangunan video dokumentari,jawi dan milenia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afdhaluddin Hassan (2022) Antibacterial effect of centella asiatic ethanolic extract on staphylococcus aureus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afi Hazwan Nasaruddin (2021) Bangunan Bersejarah Residen British Dijadikan Sebagai Muzium Sultan Abu Bakar, Pekan, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Afieq Amrie Mazlan and Nur Afiqah Amira Roslee and Nurul Syahran Rosli and Tan Chee Wei (2024) Factors influencing the purchase intention on social commerce platforms among undergraduates students at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afif Aflah Mohd Yusri (2020) Geology and geochemistry of granites in Panggong Lalat, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afif Shazwan Mohd Shahidan and Muhammad Afiq Afnan Zakaria and Muhammad Aimannurrahman Saidi and Muhammad Arif Ahmad Suzaine (2023) The level of understanding of faraid among University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afifi Rahim (2017) Phylogenetic analysis on family chiroptera using cytochrome B gene sequences. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Abdul Kahar (2021) Geological mapping in Kuala Krai and landslide susceptibility assessment using Geospatial Analysis of Remote Sensing and GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Alif Kamarulakmal (2021) Assessment the impact of forest cover change on rainfall in Kelantan River Basin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Amran (2022) Application of liquid fertilizer as suplementary foliar spraying for green mustard Nft hydroponics farming. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohamad Ali (2017) Identiti korporat dalam perusahaan Coconut King 1769 di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Afiq Idzreen Mohd Nor (2021) Penggunaan Material Epoksi Terhadap Rekabentuk Meja Kanak-Kanak Di Tadika. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Safiuddin Bukhori (2016) Study the early life cycle of Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens spp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Yusuff and Tan Chew Mei and Nur Ain Alwanie Jefrry and Nurul Syahzanani Md Tahiri (2024) Factors influencing consumer purchase decision on E-commerce platforms among undergradutes students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afiq Zahri (2022) Effect of feeding of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and anchovy waste on egg production of Japanese quail. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afisi Rozeman (2016) Aromatherapy by grass. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afnan Azhari and Supadly Lahidu and Nur Fatihah Mohd and Qamar Ainiah Ahmad Kamal (2023) Factors influence entrepreneurship intentions among the young generation in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Afnan Iman Kamilan (2021) Geology and landslides survey using electrical resistivity imaging method at Fraser Hill, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aidil Yaakub and Siti Julaiha Mohd Daud and Siti Nur Zakirah Mohd Nawawi and Norsyalina Abdullah (2022) The factors that affect online banking usage among students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Faculty Of Entrepreneurship And Business (FEB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aiman Aziz and Rinnie Rizwana Mohd Ridzuan Lim and Rossilawatie Che Hamat and Amirah Aqilah Mohd Akhir (2022) Income zakat compliance behaviour among muslim members in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aiman Idris and Mursidah I.Salim and Mursyidah Amaludin and Wan Nurfarah Ezzati Wan Zahari (2022) Factors influencing Muslims compliance behaviour in paying zakat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aiman Mohd Zain and Nurul Syazwani Hazman and Nur Ain Nadirah Abd Rahaman and Tan Jia Le (2024) Factors that influence users' purchase intention towards E-commerce platforms among Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business (FEB)’s students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ajmal Haidir (2021) Mengkaji Persepsi Pelajar Mengenai Kandungan Inovasi Animasi 2D Dalam Kursus Pengenalan Kepada Kejuruteraan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Akmal, Ibrahim (2015) Optimization of medium component for cellulase production from bacillus cereus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Akmar, Ali (2019) Kajian Tentang Simbolik Terhadap Persembahan Tarian Kuda Kepang di Kulai, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Akram Mohd Noordin (2014) Anther and internode culture of kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Akyas Hazri (2022) Study on effect of different light intensity on growth of butterhead in indoor farming. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Al - Azim Abd Aziz (2017) Geology and Hydrological Potential of Kampung Wakaf Raja, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Al-Syafiq Abdul Halim (2023) Elucidating the physicochemical characteristic and cytotoxic activity of chitosan based nanoparticles with gynura procumbens extract as a new modular treatment against canine mammary gland tumor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ali Asghar Amirullah and Nurul Amirah Norrizan and Nursyazwani Mohamad Riah and Salwa Subri (2023) The impact of price, time, trust, and convenience on customer purchase behavior on shopee platform in east coast Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Alif Hakimi Muhammad (2022) Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kelangsungan Upacara Wangkang di Melaka Ketika Penularan Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Alif Syazwan Mohd Basree (2022) The effect of ethanolic plant extract from cosmos caudatus against salmonella typhi and streptococcus agalactiae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aliff Azhar and Nur Farah Nabilah Aina Ruslan and Lim Pei Xin and Mohamad Syafiq Mohamad Nyeesa (2021) The comparison between the homestay program and kampung stay program: case studies at Parit Bugis Homestay and Kampung Stay Desa Murni. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aliff Hakimi bin Mohd Khairul Anuar (2023) Analisis Struktur, Kerosakan dan Strategi Pemeliharaan Bangunan Simpanan No 1 di Bukit Besi, Dungun, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amin Mezan (2021) Geology of Kampung Sungai Tupai, Gua Musang and assesment of groundwater quality parameters in The Coastal Aquifers of Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aminur Nazif Mohd Nayan (2021) Chemical safety awareness among science students in UMK Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amir Afham bin Rozi (2024) Analisis Filem Bukit Kepong: Kesan Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Pelajar Kesusasteraan Warisan di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amir Azmi Mohd Salleh (2022) Development of mushroom (Pleurotus Soju-Cajo) patty integrated with different binders (dried tofu, tvp and soy pulp). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amir Mat Nuri (2020) Geology and rock slope stability analysis on moderately weathered rock of Gunung Ayam, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amir Zakaria @ Halim (2019) Geology and assessment of soil strength using Mackintosh Probe in Bandar Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amiruddin Safwan Abd Samad (2020) Geology of Mukim Rusila, Marang and seismic interpretation of Kapal field of Terengganu offshore. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Abdul Karim and Muhammad Muaz Zamri and Siti Syazwina Abdul Hamid and Taatchini Mathavan (2021) Domestic tourist’s perceptions towards Malacca heritage as a tourism attraction in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Aiman Che Abd Hamid and Muhammad Farhan Khairuddin and Noor Aiman Mohd Noor and Nur Anasuha Mohamad (2023) The study on factors affecting intention to continuously use financial technology (Fintech) among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students post Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Aiman Hamery (2023) Pelestarian Bangunan Warisan Sekolah Tinggi Muar Terhadap Komuniti Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Amirul Alimin Mohamad Razali (2016) General geology and geomechanical characterization of limestone at Gua Musang Town, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Ariff, Azizam (2015) Tocopherol and total phenolic content in virgin coconut oil (VCO) extracted from three varieties of coconut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Fikri Mat Nasir and Nur Fatimah Bakri and Nurul Syazwani Zaini and Syamhudi Hafifudin (2023) Students on entrepreneurship education: Entrepreneurial intention among IPTA students in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Fitri Hassan (2018) Study of Potential Geopark At Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amirul Shafiq Mohamad Rodzi (2021) Kajian Tentang Kritikan Sosial Dalam Filem Melayu Rock Oo (2013). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Ammar Arham Alias and Muhammad Baihaqi Isa and Muhammad Hairie Maznon and Muhammad Haziq Daniel Shaharudin (2024) The failure of recycle behavior among public university students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ammar Thaqif Rosli (2022) Perception of halal products on animal feed among fish farmers in Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ammirul Harith Nawawi and Muhammad Aqil Abd.Rahman and Muhammad Arif Hakimi Abdullah and Muhammad Ariff Baharudin (2023) Factors determining intention to use smart tourism technology among young tourists in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amrydzad Mat Tua'am (2016) Study of acclimatization media and response towards Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc-TR4) in Musa gracilis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Amyrul Hadi Suhaidi (2023) Kajian Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Masjid Kapitan Keling, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Amzar Roslan and Nur Aina Nasuha Zainuddin and Nurul Syuhada Mohammad and Tan Yong Chyi (2024) Understanding the behavioural intentions to use cashless payment transactions among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students at City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Anwar Ahmad (2016) Free radical scavenging activity, total phenolic and flavonoid content studies of Phaleria macrocarpa (Sheff).Boeri. fruits. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Aqil Mohd Zaki (2021) Geology and geochemistry of granite at Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Arief Mat Shukri (2013) Designing a Suitable Landscape Areas for Tiger Habitat in Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Arif Yaakob (2022) Keberkesanan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Dalam Pemuliharaan Bandar Sungai Lembing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Ariff Mohd Rasli (2016) Geology and geochemical analysis of top soil in Kuala Krai Area, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ariff Syakirl Hairol and Muhammad Ashrof Ridhuan and Muhammad Azam Ezaidi Marzuki and Muhammad Fairul Daniel Izhar (2022) Factor that build youth’s intention to do adventure tourism in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ashraf Ahmad Shukri and Nur Aina Syahiirah Salim and Nur Amani Hurain Aliyas and Nur Qurratu’aini Azhar (2023) Factors affecting customers’ satisfaction in using foodpanda delivery service during Covid-19 Pandemic among SAB students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ashraf Mohd Rosdi (2019) Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Farm Animal Welfare and Willingness to Pay for Welfare Friendly Meat Products among Students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asraf Mohamad Sayoti and Tang Shee En and Nur Ainin Sofiya Mazlisham and Nurul Syuhaidah Muzaffar Feisal (2024) Awareness of adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asyraf Firdaus Dhalim (2024) Adaptasi Novel Ke Filem Dilan 1990 Karya Pidi Baiq: Satu Penelitian Prinsip Paralel Dan Modifikasi Menerusi Teori Intertekstualiti. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asyraf Hanafi (2013) Floristic Diversity, Composition Richness of Lowland Dipterocarp Forest in Gunung Stong State Park, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Nasrum (2019) Antibacterial Activity of Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Waste (Peel and Crown). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Salleh and Nur Amalina Amran and Nur Amalyna Zainal and Ong Poh Suan (2016) Factors that influence consumers’ intention to adopt apparel fashion among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Asyraf Nordin (2018) Speciescomposition & diversity of liverwort at different altitudes at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azam Majnon (2023) Serological detection of akabane virus in dairy cows from selected farms in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azamuddin Mohd Seberi (2021) Konsep Rekabentuk Rak Kasut Ergonomik Mengikut Keperluan Dan Kehendak Pengguna Di Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azfar Bin Dolmat (2011) Muslim awareness on the implementation of halal certification at food premises. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azhar Fadilah (2021) Mengkaji Kesenian Struktur Binaan Dan Pengurusan Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan Dalam Melestarikan Masjid Kampung Laut Di Nilam Puri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Azim Bin Muhammad Azri (2022) Physio-Thermal Analysis Of Active Film Prepared With Chitosan And Sacha Inchi Leave Extract. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azlan, Mohd Johari (2015) Pembangunan motion graphics "Balance" sebagai medium instruksi mengenai sikap antisosial dalam generasi Z dan generasi A dengan menggunakan elemen piktograf. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azlisham Bin M. Aris (2021) Merekabentuk Rehal Yang Ergonomik Untuk Pelajar Tahfiz. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Azmi Mohammad Asri (2013) General geology and landslide susceptibility zonation of Limau Kasturi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azrul Deraman (2011) Nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dalam cerita rakyat hasil koleksi Zakaria Hitam. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azrul Deraman (2011) Nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dalam cerita rakyat hasil koleksi Zakaria Hitam. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Azwi Mehrat (2014) Perbandingan kisah Puteri Saadong di antara sumber bertulis dan sumber lisan di Bukit Marak, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Baihaqi, Rosli (2015) Eksplorasi rekabentuk kereta sport masa hadapan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Danial Arif Nor Azli (2014) Constraints analysis in the farming of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Danial Khaleq Mohd Ali (2018) The effects of salinity on the development of giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Darussallam bin Abdul Mutalib (2024) Kajian Mengenai Sejarah, Komponen dan Bahan Binaan serta Tahap Kerosakan Jambatan Gantung Sultan Ismail, Kuala Krai. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Dzulhafiq Iqmal Md Noor and Thevaprisha Bala and Nur Amira Amelia Amran and Nurul Zahratul Husna Shaari (2024) Mitigating water pollution on implementation of green innovation in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi, Basar (2015) Preliminary study of isolation bacteriocin producing bacteria from fermented cabbage brassica oleracea. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi Adli Mohd Fazli and Nur Anis Aqilah Rozaidi and Nurwazani Johari and Togeswari Ganeson (2024) Effect of funding method on digitalization among MSMEs. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi Aizat Elias (2019) The potential of mixed dyes of Morus nigra L. and Sargassum binderi as photo absorber layer in solar cell devices. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi Ramli (2022) Larvicidal effects of metarhizium anisopliae Blastospore against aedes albopictus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi Zaki and Nur Izzati Aqilah Mohamad Hisham and Nur Nadhira Zainol @ Dali and Nur Naimatul Salsabila Mohd Razif (2022) A study on customer satisfaction toward online banking in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fahmi Zulkifli, . (2012) Intention to start a business. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiq Irfan Ismail and Livenniya Sivagumar and Nor Farah Syahira Mohd Kamal and Nurul Anisa Husna Azman (2024) Empowering undergraduates’ students: Digital talent development through self-directed learning. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faisal Akbar (2021) Perancangan Garis Panduan Identiti Korporat Bagi Syarikat Bina Masyarakat Peduli. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Faisal Azizan (2016) Leucaena Leucocephala Biomass treated with Penton reagent as adsorbent for dye from contaiminated water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiz Akif Fairus and Muhammad Faiz Fitri Abdul Rahim and Muhammad Fakhri Norazman and Muhammad Fakhruddin Che Khalid (2022) Factors influencing intention to use smart mobile apps Among local traveller in east coast. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiz Basir Ahmad (2016) Preliminary studies on Triphasia trifolia as potential ingredient in development of Nail polish. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiz Kamarul Zaman (2022) Molecular detection of leptospira spp. In soil from wet market in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiz Md Fauzi (2016) An effect Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) of phenolic compounds from Java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faiz Suliman (2016) Effect of dietary soybean oil and vitamin E on growth performance, abdominal fat pad weight and crude fat content of breast meat in quail (Coturnix japanica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faizul Hakimi Kamaruzzaman and Noorsyuhadah Shahrel and Nur Aliah Abdul Shukor and Wong Hao Jun (2021) Tourism images and tourist response behaviour: A case of Sabah, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fakhri Abu Bakar (2013) General geology of Kg. Gemang emphasizing on the susceptibility to shallow landslide based on shalstab model. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fakhrul Aswad Muhamad Kamarazzaman (2016) Study on effect of gas stunning on proximate analysis and blood loss of Gallus gallus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Farhan Abdul Rani (2024) Potensi Bukit Keteri Sebagai Kawasan Arkeopelancongan: Kajian Ke Atas Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Potensi Arkeopelancongan Di Bukit Keteri, Perlis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Farhan Hilmi Rameli (2013) Study on the anatomy features of local leeches, Hirudinea manillensis (green leech). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Farhan Ismail (2023) Kajian Terhadap Pemetaan Rumah Tradisional Melaka Yang Memberi Kesan Terhadap Persepsi Masyarakat Di Tiga Kampung Kawasan Masjid Tanah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Faris Anuar and Muhammad Harith Aiman Azlan and Muhammad Hidayat Abdul Razak and Muhammad Illieyass Mohd Nor (2023) Factor of the acceptance of online banking transaction among undergraduates of University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faris Aziz (2014) Novel nursery technique for multiple propagation of musa aciminata cv. berangan planting material using crown sucker. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faris Bin Zulkpeli and Siti Aqilah Binti Za’aba and Siti Azuany Binti Azman and Siti Aisyah Binti Hassan (2022) Knowledge, awareness, perception and intention to use cryptocurrency. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Faris Shahfiq Mohd Thowila and Niran Nadaraja and Ragini Ramanathan and Sam Wei Xiang and Siti Aminah Daud (2024) The effects of influencers role on tiktok platform live streaming toward purchase intention among consumers in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fariz Shahnon and Nur Emalina Shahlan and Nur Farahin Morat and Pushpanayakar Sukumaran (2016) The influence of brand preference among UMK (Pc) student’s on purchasing behavior: a comparative Nike and Adidas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fauzan Bin Mohd Nasir (2022) Clay-Based Porous Ceramic Made From Peanut Shell (Arachis Hypogea) Shell Waste. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fauzan Bin Mohd Nasir (2022) Clay-Based Porous Ceramic Made From Peanut Shell (Arachis Hypogea) Shell Waste. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fauzzi Kamaruzaman (2018) Geology and geomorphological constrains of town development in Bandar Kuala Krai, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fayyard Mohamad Rosdi and Nanthini Lingam and Nik Intan Ikhwani Shafie and Nor Fara Hana Ab Aziz (2022) The intention of purchase behaviour toward family takaful in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fazhar Sharin (2015) Dynamic Analysis of Geological Structure of Kampung Kalai, Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fikri Abdul Manan (2014) Synthesis of bio-ethanol from corn stalk by fermentation process. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fikri Akmal Mohd Anura and Muhammad Farez Nabil Abd Wahab and Muhammad Harriz Erfan Zamani and Muhammad Faisal Arif Rosdi (2023) The viral marketing role in directing customer purchasing decision regarding food in tiktok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Fikri Hakimi Zurkifly and Nur Hidayah Marzukhin and Nurulatiqah Jamhari and See Pei Wen (2023) The influence of emotional intelligence on job performance among hotel employees in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Firas Hamizan Hassan (2019) Agricultural Internet of Things (IoT) Acceptance by Farmers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Firdaus Abdul Karim (2013) Land Use Changes in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Firdaus Hamid (2019) Colour, Microbial and Sensory Effects of Food Paste with Jasmine Flower ins Fish Fillet. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Firdaus Helmi Shafee and Nur Ilyana Syafiqah Zulkifli and Nurulezzah Zolkafli and Tan Eng Ping (2023) Live streaming influences consumer’s purchase intention in social commerce. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Firdhaus Othman (2021) Kajian Terhadap Alat Muzik Serunai di Dalam Wayang Kulit di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Furqan Fawze (2023) Kajian Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Istana Kuning, Alor Setar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Hafiy Hamizan Md Rife (2018) Effect of raw and boiled mung bean seeds (vigna radiata l.) On flesh texture of Nile Tilapia (oreochromis niloticus, linnaeus 1757). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafiz Hafzam Ahmad (2014) Performances of 2 and 4 years-old culms of gigantochloa scortechinii (Buluh Semantan) in short term durability study. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafiz Mohd Yani (2016) Post-harvest physiology induction of fruit ripening in banana harvested at different maturity stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizuddin, Mohd Zin (2015) The effect of anti-stress nutrients Vitamin C and transportation hours on the transportation stress in broiler chicken. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizuddin, Mohd Toha (2015) Kajian terhadap reka bentuk bangku di dalam pusat membeli belah One Utama. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizuddin Mzari (2024) Kajian Tentang Alat Muzik Tradisional Gedombak Yang Di inovasi Memberi Manfaat Terhadap Masyarakat Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizuddin bin Abdul Rashid (2024) Kajian Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Bangunan Kolonial Di Bandar Taiping: Muzium Perak Sebagai Kajian Kes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizul Naim Ahmad Nidzam and Nor Amirah Shazwani Subri and Nor Atikah Mohd Yusoff and Rishi Kumar Manikapadiachi (2022) The impact of modern technology towards Malay traditional foods preparation and cooking processes among chefs in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hafizzuddin Mohd Haili (2016) Activated carbon based coconut fronds as adsorbent for removal of methyl orange. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haikal Fauzi (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS) at Aring 5, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haikal Hazman (2013) Study on factors affecting the embryo cultureTechnique of musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haikal Nor Azmi (2022) Peranan Perak Man Dalam Industri Pelancongan Tapak Arkeologi Lembah Lenggong, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohamed Suji Penerapan ciri-ciri warisan melayu dalam rekabentuk perabot hotel. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Muhammad Hakimie Abdullah (2020) Comparison of Nutritional Value Between Kefir Milk (KM) and Fresh Milk (FM) in Goat Milk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Halim, Hamdan (2015) Optimization of quercetin extraction from onion leaves (Allium cepa L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hamizan Tasnim Jasni and Nurul Annisa' Abd Kadir @ Jaafar and Nur Uswatun Hasanatul Ezzatii Md Rafi'i and Nurul Farahuda Omar (2022) Behavioral intention to use financial technology among Malaysian. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hanif Abdul Hamid, . (2012) Intention to purchase Halal food among students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hanif Mohd Khazaruddin (2022) Corn farmers intention towards internet of thing (IOT) for agricultural production in Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haniff Ahmad Basir (2014) Microbiological quality of vegetable salads (ulam) from food stalls and markets in Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Harith Azmi and Nur Iman Syakirah Abd Razak and Nurzaatul Barakah Zakaria and Sathishwary Uthaya Kumar (2023) Dominance of tiktok in online purchasing intention among students of University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Harith Haiqal (2024) Penerapan Didik Hibur di Dalam Filem Zombi Kampung Pisang Melalui Kehidupan Masyarakat Melayu Sebagai Pengajaran Berdasarkan Kritikan Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Harundin Shaik Abdul Kadir and Nik Nursahira Nik Lah and Nik Nur Rafifah Zaimah Mohd Ridzuan and Nik Nurul Amirah Nik Fa (2022) The implication of transparency in Islamic finance towards zakat institutions among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hasnain Yusoff (2021) Konservasi Serangga: Kaedah Awetan Terhadap Kumbang Tanduk Menggunakan Resin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Hazim Harun (2018) Geology and study of soil variation as a vector for mineral distribution at Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Aminuddin (2017) Removal of Zinc (zn) from textile wastewater by using sawdust as an adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Azizan (2013) General geology and petrography of igneous rock at Pergau lake, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Hamdan (2015) Characterization of non-treated & chemically treated sawdust (oil palm trunk & rubber wood). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Ismail (2022) Antimicrobial activity of stachytarpheta jamaicensis against fish pathogenic bacteria and its toxicity on brine shrimp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Ja’afar and Nur Arisha Najwa Muhamad Sukri and Nurzukrina Rahayu Mohd Zaini and Vianie Messy Leban (2024) The influence of future ready commerce curriculum on the undergraduate commerce students commitment. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Mohd Kamal (2014) Biochemistry studies of different part on water spinach (ipomea aquatica) on leaf, petiole and stem purchased from wet market, Jeli Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Haziq Razak (2017) Geology geology and fault analysis of Kampung Tualang, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Helmi Kamarudin, . (2012) Evaluating the influence of entrepreneurship education on students’ intention towards entrepreneurship in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hisham Buyong Surja and Muhammad Haiqal Solihin Mat Salleh and Muhammad Faries Khairul Hasni and Muhammad Firdaus Abdul Jalil (2022) The factors that influence the malay community in the use of accommodation technology applications in kota bahru, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Hisyam Sharmin (2020) The uptake and effect of Formaldehyde on Jasminum sambac plants using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Idam Mustapha and Muhammad Irfan Aizat Zuraini and Muhammad Izzat Mohd Daud and Muhammad Kamal Danial Wirazimi (2022) Impacts of ecotourism development toward quality of life among local communities in dabong, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Idham Firdaus Hassan and Nur Asyiqin Nasuha Mohd Yassin and Nuur Nabiihah Atiirah Mohamed Othman and Yap Shee En (2024) Analyzing consumer preferences and financial behavior: a comparative study of e-wallets, debit cards, and credit cards. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ihad Yahya (2024) Sistem Sosial Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Penelitian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ijaz Hassan (2013) General geology and petrography of igneous & metamorphic rocks at Bandar Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ikhwan Salim and Nur Farahin Zakaria and Nur Hafieza Hassan and Queenie Yow Min Zia (2016) The relationship between brand equity and customers’ purchase intention in local fast food franchise. A study in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ikram Nazli (2019) Checklist of Piperaceae in Bukit Bakar Forest Eco Park, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Imran Kadir and Nurul Syafiqah Zambri and Nurul Adilla Mohd Yunus and Nurul Husna Abdul Halim (2023) Adopting a healthy lifestyle: it’s a choice. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Imran Mohd Zuhuri and Nur Syazwina Md Ibrahim and Nurul Amira Amat Amran and Nurul Aisyaa Syafiqa Mohd Zaki (2022) Factors influencing unclaimed properties in Shah Alam, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Imran bin Ishak (2024) Kepentingan Kearifan Tempatan dalam Konsevasi Warisan: Kajian Mengenai Kerambit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Iqbal Ali Akbar (2015) Study on The Comparison of Soil Properties in Grazing And Non-Grazing Cattle Integration Oil Palm Project. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Irfan, Jalalludin (2020) Effect of difference salinity on growth quality, survivality and flesh diameter of Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Irfan Abdul Hadhi (2017) Treatment of leachate sample from Kok Bedollah dumpsite using Scirpus Validus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Irfan Depanaik (2022) Peranan Muzium Nelayan Dalam Pelestarian Identiti Komuniti di Tanjung Balau, Kota Tinggi, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Izad Mohd Noor (2022) Knowledge, attitude and practices of pet owners on indoor plant poisoning in pet cats in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izat Mohd Nasir (2015) Geology and Mineral Prospecting of Panggung Lalat, Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izham, Suhaimi (2015) Pembangunan laman web warisan motif ukiran keris di Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Iznul Fahmi Husaidi and Muhammad Anas Rosli and Lim Jing Xuan and Tey Jin Wen (2021) Domestic tourist satisfaction and perceived quality of Kelantan food. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzat Farhan Mohamad Asri (2021) Kedinamikan Citra Masyarakat Dalam Novel-Novel Remaja Terpilih : Satu Penelitian Pendekatan Kemasyarakatan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzuan Zabidi (2013) Identification of best technique in germination of musa gracilis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzuddin Abdul Manan (2017) General geology and determination of potential limestone geohazard by using gis at Kampung Gunong Batu Melintang, Jeli , Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzuddin Faiz Ab Razak and Syazlinda Rosdi and Tuan Nurizati Tawan-Asae Tawan Koh and Wan Nooralwanis Wan Zakaria (2022) Factors influencing cash waqf giving intention among muslim donors in Panji, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzuddin Mazlan (2019) Geology and delineation of groundwater potential of Kuala Betis by using remote sensing and GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzul Afiq Zulkifli and Nur Imaziah Abu Bakar and Radhiatul Hasanah Abu Azmar @ Abu Azhar and Tan Sin Lee (2023) A study on the intention to formally dispose E-Waste among residents in Taman Bahau, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzulhisyam Fakrul Amin (2021) Aplikasi Teknologi Augmented Reality(AR) Pada Rekaan Grafik Pada Pakaian Dan Kad : Kajian Kes Ke atas Syarikat Dua Lapan Ink Enterprise. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Izzuwan, Ismail (2015) Kempen mengenai tanda-tanda awal wabak demam denggi melalui media baru. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Jasman Salwisol (2017) General geology and petrography of ignimbrite in Temangan, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Junairi Nawi (2021) Ekplorasi Reka Bentuk Motif Kain Batik Kelantan Sebagai Subjek Kajian Dalam Penghasilan Karya Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Kasyfi Mohd Yazid (2023) Establishing an intensive black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) farming system as a protein supplementation for smallscale poultry production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairani Shahrel (2024) Analisis Perwatakan Wanita Dalam Novel Badai Semalam Karya Khadijah Hashim Menurut Perspektif Feminisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairi, Bakar (2015) Evaluation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of different medicinal plants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairi Kapli (2013) Study on optimum parameters (pH, salinity, formalin and temperature) with emphasis of the hatching rate of climbing perch, anabas testudineus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairudin Jorani and Muhammad Naufal Hanapi and Muhammad Syahmi Amsyar Shamsul Amri and Muniroh Abu Bakar (2023) A preliminary study on the relationship factors between the intentions to use online zakat payment in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairul Arif Ahamad (2019) The study of purchase intention on anti-monkey trash bin in Terendak Camp, Malacca. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairul Azmi Mahmud (2011) Pendidikan warisan ketamadunan melayu: satu tinjaun perlaksanaan di muzium Negeri Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairul Hakim Helmi (2020) Geological mapping in Kpf Blau Plantation and identify sea water intrusion of coastal aquifer Tumpat Area Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Geochemistry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Khairul Ikmal Bin Mohd Lazim and Noor Akmasyhirah Binti Ramlee and Noor Iylia Maisarah Binti Azman and Nur Rasyiqah Binti Nordin (2022) The efficiency of Islamic Banking: Bibliometric Analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Luqman Abd Jalil (2013) Packaging methodologies & processing technique to extend shelf life of local banana (musa paradisiaca corniculata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Luqman Hasbullah (2016) Optimisation of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) protocol for identification of molecular markers in selected wild banana species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mahzuz Malim and Muhammad Naufal Sulhi Abdul Sukor and Muhammad Nurhafiz Herman and Muhammad Zahiruddin Azman (2023) Factors influencing the usage of online food delivery service among university student in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Marwan Mohd Azlan (2013) A study on the anatomy features of local leeches, hirudinea manillensis (Dark leech). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Miqdad Razak (2013) Immobilization of protease onto graphene oxide and rice husk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mirza Zulkifli and Nur Intan Shuhada Azli and Rosewann Ateera Mohamed Ridzuan and Teh Hwee Yee (2023) A study on E-Waste disposal practices among retailers in Taman Bendahara, Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mohd Yusof (2018) Geological mapping and localization of promising sites for groundwater exploration studies using electrical resistivity imaging in Kampung Pulai, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Muhaimin bin Mansor (2023) Teknologi Tiga Dimensi (3D) Dalam Pelancongan: Penilaian Kesedaran Pelancong, Kepuasan dan Pemahaman Sejarah Terhadap Pillbox Perang Dunia ii. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Muqles Rozman (2022) Evaluation of hydroponic barley (hordeum vulgare) fodder on growth performance in New zealand white rabbit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Muqri Mohd Trajuddin Muhammad and Fadlan Haraki Mohd Fauzi and Wan Syaza Nurafiqah Wan Mohamad Iskandal (2021) Determinants of behaviours intention on e-wallet usage among tourist in Malaysia during pandemic Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Muslim Zakaria and Muhammad Nazifi Yaakub and Muhammad Mustaqim Aling and Muhammad Nurhafiz Ramlan (2022) The impact of tourism development towards quality of life among local community at pulau suri kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mustaqim Hamdan (2013) The geology and geomorphology of Gua Setir, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mustaqim Md. Tujudin (2013) Preliminary study of masculinization of brine shrimp, artemia salina (linnaeus, 1758) using black tongkat ali, eurycoma longifolia (Jack, 1822) stem. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Mustaqim Mohd Rosli (2013) General geology of Gunong Rabong forest reserve, Gua Musang and wind influence towards shoreline movement at Pantai Sabak, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nabil Mihat (2017) Extraction and characterization of nanocellulose from (oil palm wood). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nabil Mihat (2017) Extraction and characterization of nanocellulose from (oil palm wood). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nadzmi Abdul Ghofur (2015) General Geology and Surface Investigation of Groundwater Potential Zone Using Geological Mapping and Geographical Information System (Gis) at Telaga Bijih area, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nadzmi Nazam and Noor Adilah Abdul Aziz and Noor Aida Mohd Halim and Nur Atikah Azmi (2022) The structure of Islamic bank through bibliometric analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Naim Sakeri (2021) Kajian Mengenai Teknik Pencahayaan Dalam Filem Munafik Mempengaruhi Emosi Penonton. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Naim Yusof (2021) Geology and flood analysis of Kuala Pergau Town, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Najib Ikmal Mohd Sabri (2019) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and physical properties of non-woven kenaf fibre mat reinforced polypropylene composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nazhif Mohd Hamidi and Nur Kamila Mohd Nasir and Suhaila Sanusi and Tengku Azzrul Haqimie Tengku Azharizan Shah (2023) Determinants of financial worry: A study among millennials in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nor Nasarudin, . (2011) Evaluating the student knowledge of the government business support services intension to venture a small medium enterprise. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Norfazli Jasni (2021) Kajian Tentang Alat Muzik Tradisional Geduk Dalam Persembahan Wayang Kulit Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Norhidayat, Mohd Yunos (2015) Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Celosia argentea, Allamanda cathartica and Mangifera indica as medicinal plants in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nuh Ezhar, . (2011) The application of e-commerce among SME’s in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nukman Ghazali (2014) Studies on the pollen analysis of the airborne samples collected from different locations in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nur Iqbal Firdaus Norden (2024) Pelestarian Busana Tradisi Suku Kaum Kedayan : Kajian Di Kampung Sungai Lada, Labuan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nuramir Asyraf Azaman (2019) Geology and depositional environment of sambipitu formation in Beji Area, Yogyakarta. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurasyraf Mohd Salim and Muhammad Ridhwan Zulkarnin and Muhammad Saiful Arif Afzan Yaakub and Muhammad Shahril Aiman Kamarudin (2023) The elements that impact the usage of online zakat payment among muslim in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd. Kharim (2012) The preliminary survey and study on java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.) in Southern Thailand. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurfathi Mohd Rapi (2016) Geology and analysis of age and depositional environment using Mollusca fossils in Felda Aring 9, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurhakeem Mohd Yusof (2018) Geology and soil indexproperties of Paloh, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurhelmi Norasid and Nur Lyana Mastura Mohamad Shuhari and Thian Xin Ni and Ummi Afiqah Abdullah (2023) Factors that influence the usage of E-Payment towards online shopping decisions among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurnazmi, Mohd Tahir (2015) Penghasilan kesan bunyi dalam novel grafik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Nurwafiy Bin Nordin (2022) Finite Element Analysis Of Various Type Of Drainage Cover On Different Materials Approach. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Omar, Muhammad Navin (2020) Biosorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution using kenaf derived biochar: batch and desorption studies. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Putera Lukmanal Hakim and Ong Teik Huat and Shanthiny Sivakumar and Siti Aida Syakira Mohd Khairol (2021) Factors influence tourists toward dark toursim engagement in Penang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Qayyim, Mohd Mokhtar (2015) Antioxidants activity of the extraction of carapace from mud crab (Scylla serrata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Rafiq Fahmi Abd Rahman and Muhammad Shafiq Adam Shamsulazwadi and Muhammad Shahrul Nizam Iskandar Md Noor and Muhammad Syamil Afiq Azaham (2023) Tourist perceptions of kuala terengganu as an islamic tourism destination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Rasydan, Razali (2015) Kajian Terhadap Rekabentuk Set Meja Makan Jimat ruang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Razi Mt Ali (2019) Kesenian Warisan Negeri Pahang : Dikir Rebana. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Ridhwan Zainuri (2014) The estimation of protein contents from selected weeds and herbs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ridzuan Hisham (2022) Physicochemical effects of rabbit meat fermentation using LAB. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ridzuan Mohd Ahdil (2021) Teguran Masyarakat Melayu Dalam Koleksi Seloka Terpilih. Satu Analisis Model Smcr Oleh Wilbur Schramm. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Riezman Fariezuddin Azhar and Yee Kar Boon and Nur Fatin Syazwina Ibrahim and Raja Nur Samihah Raja Mat Suhaimi (2024) Factors influencing intention in using ChatGPT by students for educational purposes: A case study in Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, UMK. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Riswan Bin Burhan (2018) Kesenian kecapi Bugis di Tawau, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Rizam, Abdul Razak (2010) Persepsi masyarakat terhadap kepentingan pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan bangunan bersejarah di sekitar Kota Bharu,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Ruzaimi Amiruddin (2018) Morphometry of Lebir River using the geographic information system (GIS) application. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Safiq Mohd Zahel (2017) General geology and prediction of limestone geohazard at Kg. Taman Rusa Using Eri, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Safriezal, Zamri (2015) Kajian Reka Bentuk Motosikal untuk Perniagaan di Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Saifudin Ismail (2021) Geology and terrain analysis at reserved forest Gunung Rabong, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Shahin Kamarul-Anuar (2023) Efficacy of graphene oxide as an antiviral alternative against equine herpesvirus-1 (ehv-1). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Shahrim Sehak and Fatin Liyana Siap and Siti Noor Mariam Ab Talib and Suhaida Abdul Halim (2022) The factors influencing the satisfaction among University Malaysia Kelantan students from Islamic Banking and Finance Program (SAB) 3rd year make online purchases at shopee application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Shahrizan Rosli (2021) Kajian Terhadap Penjenamaan Semula Identiti Korporat Syarikat Azkia Printing Trading Di Daerah Lembah Sireh Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Shakir Abdul Aziz (2015) Determination of radical scavenging activity of murraya koenigii and carica papaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Shamir Abdullah (2021) Kajian Rekabentuk Sofa Dalam Pemahaman Neuroaesthetic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Shammeem Putra Shamsul @ Kamar (2023) Antioxidant level of Azolla spp. With different solvent extraction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Sharafiq Bin Nor Sharif (2017) Keberkesanan mempelajari sejarah kerajaan Melaka dalam permainan video. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhammad Sharil Akimi Baharuddin (2016) Investigating the effect of jazz music to the physical growth of Mustard Plant (Brassica Juncea L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Solehan Zakaria (2022) Prototype development of mobile application (pettrack) for easier pet health management. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Sulaiman Bin Samsudin Characterization Of Microstructure At Heat Affected Zone (Haz) Of As Welded Carbon Steel. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN.
Muhammad Sulhi Mohd Ameer and Nur Shahirah Shaari and Nur Syahira Haifa Md Yusof and Ong Chee Hoe (2016) The determinants of brand equity: an evidences of Kelantan tourist. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syafarin Kamarudin and Nur Syahirah Idayu Rahim and Nurhaziqah Ismail and Ooi Zhi Ni (2016) Perception of UMK's tourism students in choosing tourism as a career path. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syafiq Aizat Muhamed Abdan and Nor Farzana Johari and Nor Hanani Mat Noor and Nor Hassyikin Hasbullah (2022) Peer influences on financial literacy: A study of Islamic banking students in University Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus during pandemic Era. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syafiq Fakhri, Abd Samat (2019) Citra Masyarakat Melayu Islam Menerusi Kumpulan Gurindam Warisan Ibunda:Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Syafiq Iqbal Mohd Baharum and Nur Shahira Musa and Vaishnavi Sivakuma and Wan Nor Farhana W.Mahamud Shudi (2023) The effect of green entrepreneurship on the sustainable development of entrepreneurship education. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syafiq Rohaizat (2021) Penghasilan Video Korporat Teaser Webinar Dalam Mempromosikan Centre For Engineering Education (CEE) Kepada Orang Awam Melalui Youtube. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhammad Syafiq Suhiza and Nor Hanisah Mohamad Hanafi and Tan Richard and Tiew Yee Shan (2021) Antecedents of sports tourism participation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syahirudin Salim (2021) Transkripsi Teks Undang-Undang Berdasarkan Teks Undang-Undang Kedah (1893): Satu Analisis Elemen Islam. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Syahmil Haziq bin Zukri (2024) Unsur-Unsur Kemasyarakatan dalam Filem Jogho Karya U-Wei Hj Saari: Satu Penelitian Teori Sosiologi oleh Emile Durkheim. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syauqi Mat Zawawi (2022) Transkripsi Lagu Rakyat Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Analisis Nilai-Nilai Murni Berdasarkan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Syazwan Abdul Latif (2018) Identification of Terrestrial Wildlife by the Use of Camera Traps at Gunung Ayam, Gunung Stong State Park. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syazwan Awang Hussin and Norsabrina Badrul Hisham and Norsyafiqah Nasarudin and Norsyahira Yahya (2022) The influence of service quality towards AIRBNB customer satisfaction in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syazwan Che Ghobi and Nur Syafizah Hazirah Mohd Gani and Rabiatul Adawiyah Hasan and Wan Izzuddin Wan Mohamad (2023) The effect of green entrepreneurial intention on sustainable reporting. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Syukri Amir Zainuddin (2022) Effects of differences in physical properties of the earthworm and the Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) in fish feed towards the growth rate and performance of betta fish (Betta Splendens) with commercial feed as control. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Talhah Zulkilpi and Nur Syahirah Mazlan and Shahirul Najeema Mohammad and Zulkifli Mohamad Rasid (2023) The determinants factor of buying online fake products: From UMK'S student experience. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Tamliqa, Norazman (2015) A documentation on medicinal plants and their uses among the Jahai ethnic group in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Taqwa Salleh (2011) Pembangunan web galeri interaktif busana melayu Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Tarmizi Jamil and Norhaslieza Mohd Zaidi and Nor Syamimi Norainizam and Nor Syamimi Mohamad Nasir (2022) The factors influencing the intentions of SME’s in choosing Islamic finance in Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Taufiq Moh Suhdi and Aiman Balqis Md Zain and Nur Hanis Jamil and Rania Maisarah Mohamad Farok (2024) Exploring predictive factors influencing entrepreneurial performance among undergraduate of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Taufiq Tarmuzi (2023) Effect of feeding black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) larvae meal on the haematological, serum biochemical, and meat quality of local village chickens. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Termizi Hasni (2011) Konservasi makam si bongkok tanjung puteri (Produk Pelancongan Warisan Johor). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Termizi Sapri and Muhammad Nur Hamizuddin Haron and Nafisah Fauzhe and Noor Ashira Abdul Malek and Intan Salwani Mohd Nawawi (2019) The factor of hedonic shopping motivation in online shopping without thinking. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Uwais Al – Qarni Azmi and Shafiqah Shazleen Shamsul Aswadi and Deborah Joseph and Nurul Zazliana Zemi (2021) The impact of Covid-19 towards Malaysian university students travel pattern and trends. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Uzair Ismail and Aisyatul Amaniyah Musa and Nur Hawa Ainafatini Mohd Fadzil and Roslina Alimuddin (2024) The impact of entrepreneurship education, role model, and university support on the entrepreneurial mindset among university students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Wafi Ahmad Nazri and Syazana Husna Abu Samah and Gan Wei Li and Nurshamira Abdul Samad (2023) Factors influencing the intention of choosing an electric vehicle in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Wahiduzzaman Mohamad Azaimmi and Nur Adauiah Mohd Yosri and Nur Adibah Zainual Abidin and Nur Aliya Farhana Ramli (2022) The effect of online restaurant menus on consumers’ purchase intentions in Klang Valley Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Muhammad Wardi, Muhammad Aliff (2019) A study on Chitosan formulation to prepare microsphere via ultrasonicator probe. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Yusri Adib Samsudin (2013) Toxicitty and chemical profiling of phyllanthus niruri, orthosiphon stamineus and andrographis paniculata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Yusrizalafiq Muhamad Yusri (2017) Study on colour changes in appearances based on two drying process of Gigantochloa Scortechinii. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zahin Akmal Kamrulzaman and Anis Fadzleen Jamari and Nur Iffah Aqilah Supian and Rosnawati (2024) Factors influencing business resilience post Covid-19 pandemic among Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zahin Shahidan (2017) Effect of hydrogen peroxide on photodegradation of Metamifop with presence of Fe(ii) ions. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zakil Abdullah (2017) Comparison of potential habitat of genus anadendrum and apoballis in Kelantan based on different qualitative methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zakin Haziq Mohamad Zamberi (2022) Pendigitalan Sastera : Suatu Proses Pemeliharaan Sastera Rakyat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Muhammad Zal Hasmi Udin (2023) Detection of fungi in faecal samples of domestic chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) in selected poultry farm. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zarul Izat Azam (2016) Sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics of limestone in Koh Formation, Sungai Relai, Aring, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zarul Syafik, Ismail (2015) Kajian Penghasilan Muzik Digital Gabungan Irama Rebab Tradisional dan Muzik Moden dalam Video Muzik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Za’im Mohd Asri and Nasihah Mohd Rodzi and Natasha Ismail and Muhammad Zaimuddin Zunaidi (2022) Measuring perceived service quality towards customer loyalty in malaysia’s fast food restaurants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zikri, Tarmizi (2015) Antioxidant & phytochemical analysis of virgin coconut oil (VCO) from MATAG coconut seed using freeze-Thawing extraction technique. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zufayri Saufi Bustamam and Saidatul Hakma Shahdan and Tengku Nursyazila Tengku Asmawi and Voon Yee Ling (2021) Factor influencing fast food consumption among hospitality student in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zuhaili Abdul Jaabar and Muhammad Naqiudin Husna Md Liza and Muhammad Afiq Aliff Zolkofle and Muhammad Syahmi Afkar Mohamad Fauzi (2022) Political awareness and knowledge amongs student in universiti malaysia kelantan campus kota : a qualitative study. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zuhairy, Zakaria (2015) Kajian Terhadap Rekabentuk Kerusi Makan di Kopitiam. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulfahmi Omar (2013) Market survey of potential musa gracilis and other ornamental bananas for landscaping. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulhasri, Abu Bakar (2015) Kajian untuk Mempromosikan Kraf Tangan Gasing Uri Kelantan sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Bahan Cenderamata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulhelmi, Zolkipli (2015) Antibacterial activity of wild piper betle leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulhilmi Shaharudin (2012) Distribution of Rafflesia in Sungai Dukong, Lojing Highlands, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulkarnain Mustafa (2019) Characterization of non-structural carbohydrate of two cultivars of Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammad Zulwaqor Ahmad Ehsan and Nabila Ismail and Nasrin Auni Mohd Nasir and Naziha Mohd Arifin (2024) The effect of financial literacy on personal financial management among university students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammd Hisam Mohd Nawawi and Muhammad Aizat Mohamad Sayoti and Muhammad Amir Izzat Mohd Sharif and Muhammad Ammar Mohd Arifin (2022) Factors influencing tourist satisfaction while traveling among students At universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhammed Iizzakkuan Muhammed Zizi (2021) Kepentingan Kearifan Tempatan Dalam Konservasi Warisan : Kajian Mengenai Keris. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Muhd Aizat Syarafi Abdul Mutalib (2021) Geology and soil erosion assessment using geographic information system at Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhd Al-Khawarizme Mohamed Zawawi (2021) Kajian Kritikan Sosial Di Dalam Filem “ Man Laksa”. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muhd Hafiezz Yacob (2013) Isolation and identification of beneficial bacteria for seed priming. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muhd Hafizi Sharom (2011) Pembangunan video dokumentari wayang kulit Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Muhd Najib Rani and Najwa Edliena Hashim and Nasreen Nadhirah Mohd Zuki and Nayli Fatini Zuel Azwar (2022) The effect of perceived economic impact, social impact and environmental impact on tourism development in sabah, malaysia among indigenous people. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhmmad Nur Imran Ismail (2016) The comparison of modelling techniques for selected Genus Hopea in Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Muhsein, Anis Masturah (2022) Keunikan Karya Lukisan Dinding Di Sekitar Georgetown Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muhsin, Abd Razak (2015) Bioethanol production from agriculture waste (Oil Palm Frond). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mumtaz Jihan Mohamed Abdul Kadir (2015) Geology and Structure Geology at Kg Lawar, Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Mumtaz M.Sultan Suhai Buddeen (2013) The development of mimusops elengi as cosmetic ingredient. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muna Izzah, Ahmad (2015) Antifungal activity of actinomycete isolated from water samples. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Munirah Abd Rauf (2015) Identification of Types of Compound from Piper longum (Piperaceae) Extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Munirah Mohamad Zain (2017) The effect of heating and cooling sintering rate on CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) formation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Munirah Mohd Nasir (2013) Preliminary screening of antibacterial activity on medicinal plant extractions against isolated bacteria from aquaculture. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Muniswaran S/O Jagatheesvaran, . (2012) The key success factor of enterprise resource planning (erp) system implementation in manufacturing sector in Malaysia towards company performance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muniswary D/O Anchan, . (2011) The influence of marketing mix on consumer decision making in restaurant business in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muniyappan, Gayathry (2020) Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and cytotoxicity activity of Muntingia Calabura (ceri kampung) fruit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Munusamy, Vegrashrma (2014) The effect of breed, season and age of bulls on the quantity and quality of fresh bull semen. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry.
Murga, Meeravaahinee (2021) Contemporary Modest Wear With Pre-Consumer Textile. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Murni Husna Muhamad Jehka and Nur Syafiqah Zahari @ Ahmad and Rajtheeban Muthuraman and Siti Noor Aisyah Mohd Basri (2021) Factors that influence visitors’ purchase intention toward Kelantan cuisine. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mursyida Mohd Nazri (2019) Changes of Physicochemical, Antioxidative and Sensory Properties of Pre-treated Slice Pear Cultivar During Frozen Storage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Murugeson Pillai, Priyadharsheniy (2018) Cassava peel as adsorbent for Rhodamine B dye removal of Rhodamine B Dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Musni Suryani Sarazudin (2019) Investigation of Proximate Composition in Two Different Treatment of Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) at Selected District in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Musril, Nuraini (2018) In vitro antimicrobial activity of stokes purple and johorean blue sweet potatoes (Ipamoea Batatas (L.)) extracts. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustaffa, Ahmad Mukrim (2018) Suitability of flood early warning system in Pergau River, Kuala Balah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustaffa, Iffah Nazihah (2020) Potential of Cinnainonium iners (Medang Teja) wood on its chemical composition and biological activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapa, Farah Emira (2020) Study on characterization of thin film based on Glutaraldehyde modified starch with plasticizer (Ethylene Glycol). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapa, Syufiah (2022) Pembuatan Dan Pemuliharaan Kerambit Di Kampung Hutan Pasir, Ketereh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapai, Mastura Edayu (2020) Area coverage of Globitermes sulphureus termites in oil palm plantation of Felda Kemahang, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapha, Ahmad Shahreen Ezainy (2018) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and physical propertie so kenaf fiber mat reinforced unsaturated polyester composite with the presence of graphene as nano filler. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapha, Nor Diana (2019) Pengekalan Kraftangan Warisan Menerusi Anyaman Mengkuang: Kajian Kes Di kampung Bukit Tanah, Pasir Puteh. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Mustapha, Nurasyidah (2020) Incorporation of herbs Serai Kayu (Eugenia polyantha) in noodles and its effect on the proximate composition, physical and sensory properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustapha Faidzul, Aisyah Humaira' (2022) Keindahan Perlambangan Alam Dalam Peribahasa Melayu Melalui Teori Keindahan Braginsky. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Mustaqim Bin Sapian (2022) Analysis Of Commercial Compost And Compost Produced From Household Food Waste With Its Effects On Soil. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Mustazah, Nur Masturina and Rajab, Nur Nabila Aishah and Azid, Nur Qhasyyatillah (2015) The level of customer satisfaction on Ar-rahnu services. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Muthaloo Thines Rao (2015) Improvisation of heavy duty vehicle on military tanker armoured personnel carrier. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Muzaidi, Nur Alya Syamimie (2020) The preparation of Tri-Hybrid Nanofluids (CuO-SiO2-TiO2) in water-ethylene glycol mixture for solar thermal application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muzairah Aqilah Abu Bakar and Siti Ainatasneem Izzatty Nazari and Yasmin Zulaikha Roszaidi and Yuvaneswary Muruganathan (2023) The factors influencing UMK City Campus students on online purchasing satisfaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Muzaitul Akma Muhamad Daud (2012) Influence of vermicompost and vermiwash on the producction of java the (Orthosiphon stamineus) and hempedu bumi (Andrographis paniculata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Mythili T Mohan (2022) Effect Of Graphene Oxide On The Properties Of Polymer Inclusion Membrane For Crystal Violet Extraction. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Norwahidah Fauzi (2013) Estimation of weed seed bank of soil under different soil conditions. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hafizah Azemi (2013) General geology of Kg Telekong Baru, Kuala Krai and development of database for landslide susceptibility assessment at Pergau hydropower watershed area, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Sakinah Haji Wahbi, . (2012) Influence of selected demographic towards saving behaviour: school teachers in sri aman, Sarawak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
N M Ramzi, Nik Amanina (2018) Anatomical structure and properties of Neolamarckia cadamba (Kelempayan). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
NORILYANA AZUAR BINTI ROSLEY (2022) Mechanical And Thermal Properties Of Graphene Nanopletelet /Kenaf Core Fibre Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Resin Biocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
NUR SYAZANA HUSSIN (2023) Kajian Mengenai Penerimaan Masyarakat Jawa Di Kampung Rahmat, Tanjung Labuh, Batu Pahat, Johor Terhadap Seni Persembahan Hamdolok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
NUR ZAFEEQAH ZAHARUDDIN (2023) Suaiguna Semula Bangunan Muzium Masjid Sultan Abdullah Pekan, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
NUR ‘ABIDAH FATIMAH BINTI SARUDIN (2022) Kepentingan Pemeliharaan Rumah Kutai Di Pasir Salak, Perak Yang Memberi Impak Dalam Sosiobudaya Masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Naafizah Naim Adbarsah, . (2012) Effectiveness of Kelantan tourist information centre(KTIC)service dimension towards tourist satisfaction. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nabeelah Ahmad Husni (2017) Geological and major ion analytical studies of groundwater in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabihah Md Amin (2018) The effects of cadmium metal on the bioaccumulation and histopathology of macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabihah Najlaa Zamri (2021) Keberkesanan Laman Sesawang Sebagai Medium Promosi Kepada Muzium Orang Asli di Gombak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nabil Fikri Abdul Rani (2013) Geological mapping and determination of rock mass mechanical properties using geological strength index classification system in Kampung Lakota, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nabil Fikri Mohamad (2012) Customer satisfaction towards bus express services in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nabila Huda Adnan (2018) Participation of youth in Kelantan towards agro entrepreneurship in fertigation system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabila Najat Shabli (2011) Isolation, identification and antibiogram characterization of Edwardsiella tarda in red hybrid tilapia (Tilapia sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nabila Rosdin (2018) Laboratory incubation assessment of amending phosphate fertilizers with rice straw biochar in improving soil phosphorus availability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabilah Mohamed Nazri (2016) Isolation of potential biosurfactant producer from Juru River, Penang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nabilah Mohd Khair (2018) Geology and sandstone provenance of the Sambipitu Formation in Nglipar area, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta special province, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabilah Mohd Na’im (2020) The removal of Malachite Green (MG) using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)-based Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nabilah Mohd Shamsudin and Natasha Nadia Saleh and Nur Saidatul Umira Badrul Hisam and Manjula Manivannan (2021) The effect of social media on students’ academic performance (CGPA) among higher education students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadhirah Afiqah Ismail (2019) Toxicity of Ruta angustifolia (Rutaceae) Leaves Extracts Using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadia Liyana Khairul Anuar (2013) Floristic Diversity, Composition and Richness in Recreational Forest of Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nadia Nazira Huzaini, and Nazriuddin Asmari and Nur Aliyatul Hasnida Tarmizi and Nur Atikah Kamaruddin (2024) The use of E-Wallet among Malaysian university students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadia Ramli (2021) Geology and exploration of groundwater potential in hard rock using Resistivity Method (ERI) at UMK, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadia Shafika Mohd Zuki (2019) Geology and depositional environment of the sambipitu formation in the Bunder Area, Gunung Kidul Regency, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadia Syahida Amdi (2017) General geology and cut-slope stability analysis of soil using slope/w at Kampung Jabir, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadiah Afina Tajul Mulok (2016) Effects of dietary palm oil with or without vitamin E on growth performance, abdominal fat pad weight and crude fat content of breast meat in Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nadiah Anuar (2018) General geology and geophysical analysis of groundwater potential zone in Cipada, West Java, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadiah Mohd Aris (2011) The effect of potassium on performance and production of groundnut grown on Rudua series soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nadiatul Aishah Ruslan (2019) The Effect of Pineapples (Ananas comosus) Waste Extract on the Growth Performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) Fingerlings. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadiatul Sarah Binti Azahari (2013) Pembungkusan kuih tradisional bahulu di Kelantan dan keberkesanannya kepada pengguna luar Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nadirah Syamimi Yusof (2019) Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) Disease Progress on Tomato Fruits in Different Packaging. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadrah Binti Ibrahim @ Hashim (2012) Job satisfaction among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan(UMK) staffs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nadwatun Najihah Najmuddin (2023) Nilai-Nilai Moral Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nadzira Ab Razab (2017) Geology and sedimentology of sandstones in Teluk Kalung area, Kemaman, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadzirah Khalisah Mohd Zakari (2018) General geology and characterization of framework silicate in Ulu Sokor, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadzirah Rosdi (2018) Elephant Road Usage Estimated using Dung Count and GIS at Gunung Basor, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nadzirah Shamsuddin (2016) Evaluation of Hibiscus Cannabinus for Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with zinc and lead. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nafishah Binti Abd Rishah (2022) Effects of Titanium Dioxide (TiOz) on the Characteristics of Fabricated Polymer Inclusion Membrane for Removal of Reactive Orange (RO16) dye ABSTRACT. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nagakanmani Muniandy (2013) Screening of crude extract compound from carapace of male mud crab,scylla serrata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nagarajan, Sri Shamini (2020) Seed germination of wild Sesamum Radiatum with optimised temperature and chemicals treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nagendran Selvanathan (2015) Dye adsorbent by pineapple parts activated carbon. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nahdhttunnissaa' Bashiron (2021) Geology and fault analysis of Temangan, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Naimah Abd Malek (2018) General geology and flood risk analysis in Sg. Sam, Kuala Krai, Kelantan using remote sensing and GIS technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Naimah Ismail (2021) Penerapan Warna Alam Pada Pakaian Kasual. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Naizalaila Mustapha (2019) Analisis Cerpen Terpilih Karya Zurinah Hassan Menggunakan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Naizatul Nazira Abdul Aziz (2022) Representasi Lirik Lagu Rap Kmy Kmo Dan Luca Sikta Satu Analisis Kepengarangan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Najiehah Mohd Akhir (2020) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) reduction in industrial wastewater using activated carbon prepared from foxtail palm fruit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Najihah Rawiah Rahman (2016) Antioxidant activity of two varieties of Centella asiatica sp collected in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Najihah Yusof (2019) Nutritional value in fresh and smoked Corbicula fluminea (Etak) tissue via traditional smoking process. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Najma Afrina Azmi (2017) General geology and depositional environment of the semanggol formation in Bukit Kepah, Kuala Nerang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Najwa Ayuni Shafiee (2022) Proximate analysis and antioxidant activity of watermelon rind powder. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Najwa Bari'ah Mohd Tabri (2019) Classification of Citrus (Rutaceae) by Using Image Processing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Najwa Ibrahim and Naziraazima Mahiruddin and New Yen Sin and Mohd Najmi Md Khatib (2016) Factors influencing online travel service satisfaction among Public University students in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Najwa Nabila Mahat (2018) General geology and landslide investigation by using electrical resistivity survey in South Aring 6, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Najwatul Huda Kamaruzaman and Nazatul Syifa Jamaludin and Nik Nur Afiqah Nik Mahadi and Noor Adibah Puzi (2023) The importance of zakat contribution in improving the students’ quality of life. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Naqibah Balqis Badrulzaman (2021) Degradation of empty fruit Bunch by locally Isolated Pectin Degrading Bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Naresh R Ravi (2016) Effect of honey as natural preservative on total aerobic plate count (APC) of fresh ground chicken meat stored under refrigerator conditon. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nareshkumar S/O Duraisamy, . (2011) Measuring service quality and customer satisfaction of private health care industry in Kuala Lumpur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nariendiran Mohan (2020) Geological mapping and potential seawater intrusion in Kelantan using electrical resistivity imaging method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nashrul Azriq Nasahruddin (2014) Preparation and characterization Of bamboo flour reinforced epoxy composites. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nasihah Ahmad (2022) Influence of breadfruit flour on physicochemical properties of the muffins. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nasrol Farhan Abdul Wahab (2012) Classification of water in view of agricultural utilization in Kampung Tunjung, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nasuha Izati Najir Mohd (2012) The effect of the rice bran particles size on the cultivation and yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nasuha Yahaya (2017) Pengaplikasian identiti korporat dalam perniagaan ZSM Batek di jajahan Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Natasha Rozana Nasir (2019) Mapping of emerging deforestation hot spots in Kelantan using Geographical Information System (GIS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Natrah Lali@Zailani (2019) Estimation of Flood Hazard Impacts on Road Network in Kelantan Using GIS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Navina Siva Sangkaran Nair (2021) Geology of Kampung Lawar and Water Quality Assessment of Jeli and Tok Bok Hot Springs. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nawwal Livana Badri (2021) Recovery of total Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds from Aloe Benbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) using ultrasound-rosisted extraction (UAE). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nayli Farzana Mohd Zulkifli (2022) Microbial safety of street food (fish satay) in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nayli Nur Addina Nordin (2022) Determination of phytochemical in the seed and seed coat of (Gnetum Gnemon L.) Melinjo fruit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Naz Hamiza Mohd Siher (2010) Kajian terhadap makanan Kelantan nasi Kak Wok di Kampung Lundang,Kota Bharu,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Naz Tasya Atillia Azman (2016) Isolation and identifacation of amylase producing bacteria. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nazatul Akmal Mohd Ropek, . (2012) Psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs’ performance in Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nazatul Amirah Roslan (2022) Pemeliharaan Perahu Tradisional Melayu di Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nazeerdin, Mohamed Mustakim (2022) Kajian Terhadap Pemuliharaan Masjid Lama Pelangai, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nazifah Md Padzin (2013) General geology, geoheritage resources and geotourism potential of Lata Janggut, Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Naziha Nordin (2019) Geology of Kp.Cipeuteuy, Bandung West Java and petrology of its volcanic products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nazima Mat Nawi (2022) Household awareness of recycling food waste as fertilizer for agriculture in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nazira Binti Mohd Zahir (2022) Synthesis And Characterization Of Cuo Doped Zno Composite Photovoltaic Thin Film: Effect Of Cuo Content. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nazirol Sama’ail (2012) Customer satisfaction of service in grocery shop at Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nazmi Mohammad (2019) Identification and characterization of biosurfactant producing bacteria from Sungai Dungun. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nazurah, Dolah (2015) Kreativiti Penggunaan Bahan Kitar Semula pada Tekstil dan Fesyen. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nek Asmadi, Nik Nurul Izzati (2022) Pelestarian Warisan Tapak: Kajian Kes Di Gua Cha, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nekmat, Ahmad Zaki (2018) Preliminary study on bio-film formation in various conditions. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ng, Jin Sheng (2011) Optimization of PCR conditions using RAPD primers for genetic diversity study of java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ng, Kelly (2014) Species diversity of stingless bee reared by the bee farmers in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ng, Lu Wei (2018) Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of copper (II) adsorption in aqueous solution using rambutan peel powder biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ng, Peggy and Gee, Sie Yun and Ng, May Wei and Md Akhir, Rusmawati (2015) The impact of internship on students' knowledge in real industry: a study on SIEP program among UMK students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ng, Sieh Lee (2018) Isolation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) producing bacteria from hot spring. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ng, Wei Hong (2011) Phyico-chemical investigation of industrial wastewater. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ng, Zhi Lei (2019) The effect of endogeneous soil humic acids on microbial Fe(III) reduction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ng, Kei Vinn (2015) Antibacterial mechanism of borreria laevicaulis plant extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ng Eng Chen and Rina Shahirah Saidari and Shahiera Adina Mahadi and Siti’ Aisyah Baharudin (2016) Consumer behavior affecting consumer willingness to visit franchise convenience store in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ng Pui Sie (2022) Effect of extender supplemented with date palm pollen grain on caprine semen qualities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ng Yi Jie (2022) Heavy metal analysis and health risk assessment of heavy metal in selected soft drinks in local market of Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nick Mhthir Bitis and Nur Atiqah Mohd Yacob and Nur Atirah Izzati Suzuki and Nur Azmira Natasya Azhar (2022) Individual perceived security and privacy of mobile application in hospitality industry. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nik Ahmad Fadhil Nik Mayudin (2014) Growth and development of fruit bunch in musa acuminata cv. berangan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Ahmad Ikhwan Pauzi (2016) Geology Paleoclimatology and Paleoenvironment analysis using plant fossils at Paya Peda, Besut, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nik Ahmad Luqman Aizad Nik Asri and Nur Izzati Najwa Abdullah Azid and Nur Syuhada Zaharuddin and Nurtutiana Isrina Yacob (2021) Relationship between innovation capabilities and innovation performance in SME tourism in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Arizal Akma Zulkeply (2013) Isolation and characterization of bananas's antagonistic bacteria in Jeli, Kelantan against ralstonia solanacearum. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Athirah Nik Adib (2019) Diversity of termites (Order: Blattodea) in Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Atikah Suhailah, Nik Sazila (2015) Determination of heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Pb, & Cu) in five selected freshwater fish species in UMK Jeli using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Azim, Nik Amalia (2020) The effect of Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 on Microbial Influenced Corrosion (MIC). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Azmi, Nik Mohammad Ridhuan (2018) The use of chemically modified cellulose for copper ions adsorption. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Emi Rosyaida, Raja Nik Lah (2012) Peranan poster dalam mempromosikan industri pelancongan negeri Kelantan.Sejauhmanakah ianya berkesan kepada para pelancong. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Nik Farihim Zakiran Mahadi (2024) Kajian Terhadap Strategi Pengkomersialan Wayang Kulit Kelantan Kepada Masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Haliza binti Sanusi (2024) Emosi Watak Kanak-Kanak dalam Novel Budak California Karya Mass Ruhaiza Ali Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Kecerdasan Emosi Goleman. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Haneez Amizan, Nik Rosdi (2015) Effect of biocomposite materials to enhance the mechanical strength of selected wood species (Intsia palembanica miq, Neobalanocarpus heimii, Shorea plagata) in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nik Hasinah Izzati Nik Azizi (2022) Evaluation of different pre-emergence herbicides for early-stage planting of Pineapple (Anonos Comosus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Hassan, Nik Muhammad Sabri and Ikhsan, Siti Nurul Hazlinda and Ibrahim, Siti Nur Syameme and Wong, Chee Tang (2015) Personal traits perception towards implementing green hostel among UMK student. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Nik Kamal Khairi Mohd Rasidi (2016) Effect of dietary palm oil on growth performance and stress response of broiler chickens. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Kamaruzaman, Nik Qalbee (2020) Modification of common starch into resistant starch in cassava through optimization of physical and chemical treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Lah, Nik Mohd Izzani and Ahmad, Noor Asmani and Ismail, Noor Azzianie (2015) Trend and relationship between collection and distribution of zakat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nik Mohamad, Nik Nur Amirah Farhana (2018) Hydrothermal synthesis of reduced graphene oxide paper based nanocomposite for water treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Mohd Kamaruzaman, Nik Fatin Qharanie (2020) Analysis of antimicrobial activity of ampicillin combined with Geniotrigona thoracica honey using Kirby-Bauer method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Muhammad Adam Baihaqi Abdul Aziz and Noor Syahirah Ghazali and Nor Atilah Asim and Nor Aziemah Che Ya (2022) Student satisfaction towards quality service at Islamic banking in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Mukhlisah Mohamad Zamri and Nik Nur Syafiqah Zakaria and Nor Alia Aina Jantan and Nor Aqilah Samsuri (2024) The role of social media in the acceptance of fintech among entrepreneurial students at University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nabila Shuhada Nik Ghazali (2017) Eggshell as adsorbent for bromophenol blue dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nadiah Mustaffar Bakri (2013) Preliminary study on masculinisation of brine shrimp, anemia salina by using ubi jaga, smilax myosotoflora A. DC. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Noor Syamimi Ismail (2018) The study of dermatophytes and saprophytes isolated from stray cats in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nor Ashikin Supie (2016) General geology and determination depth circulation of Tok Bok Hotspring in Machang Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nik Nor Shahida Nik Pa (2013) In vitro flowering of ethnomedicinal plant: borreria laevicaulis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Norain Nik Hassan (2019) Aboveground biomass and carbon stock of necromass in 200m2 at Gunung Basor Forest Reserve. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Norasmalinda Mohd Rashid (2016) Antibiogram, heavy metal resistance of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis Spp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Aidawatie Nik Mat (2023) Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) from oropharyngeal swab sample of cats in kelantan by using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (rt-lamp) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Ainun Nik Yusof and Nik Nurul Nabila Nik Baharuddin and Mohd Hisyam Ezidi Raimi and Teo Yi Ling (2022) Factors influencing local food consumption among domestic tourists in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Akmal ‘Aliah Abdul Rashid (2022) The effects of fish meal substitution with Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and earthworm on growth performance and water quality of Betta fish (Betta Splendens). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Madihah Hassan and Noninordiana A/P Mat Sol and Nik Nur Shuhada Ariff and Nik Nur Amirah Nik Lukman (2023) The influencing factors of online reviews affecting customer visit intention towards food and beverage establishment in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Nabila Syazwanie, Mohd Suki (2015) Pengaplikasian Elemen Wau Bulan ke dalam Rekabentuk Perabot. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Najihah Nik Mohd Azrihan (2023) Therapeutic effect of kaempferia parviflora (black ginger) towards scabies in cat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Nur Safiah Nik Omer (2021) Rekabentuk Identiti Korporat Produk Pks Tempatan: Wan Nik Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nik Nur Syaza Nik Mansor Adbi (2022) Nutrient analysis and antioxidant activity of dates powder (Pheonix daetylifera). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nik Nurasikin Binti Nik Hassan (2022) Synthesize Zinc Oxide Nanostructure By Hydrothermal For Antibacterial Activity. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nik Nurfazlinda Nik Lah (2010) Ukiran Perak: satu kajian terhadap rekabentuk barangan seni ukiran perak di Kelantan dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadapnya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nik Nurzahira Natasha Fauzi and Nur Athirah Tompang and Raja Maizatul Akma Raja Ahmad and Suhaili Shahirah Abdul Basib (2021) Food waste awareness among hospitality students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Rasidah, Nik Leh (2015) Cadangan Rekabentuk Pembungkusan Serunding di Kampung Laut,Tumpat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nik Rawe, Nik Nurul Asniera and Che Husin, Nur Akma and Kamarudin, Nuraniza (2015) The motivational push factor for visiting reenactment site. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Nik Rosdi, Nik Aida Hamizah (2020) Effect of epoxidised natural rubber on physical and mechanical properties of kenaf core fibre reinforced polypropylene composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Roshdi, Nik Wardah Sofiah (2020) Expression of recombinant protease gene from Bacillus subtilis 50a in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) harbouring pGEX. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Shaerah Nik Mustafa (2010) Kajian terhadap nilai-nilai yang terdapat di dalam Gurindam Dua Belas karya Raja Ali Haji. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Nik Syazana Nik Alias (2012) Effect of moisture stress on long bean growth and development. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nik Zakaria, Nik Nur Anis Ayunee (2020) Comparative of intercropping and mono-cropping system on growth performance Ananas comosus L. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nik Zulina Lili Hayati, Mohamad Yusoff (2015) Kajian Rekabentuk Alat Pengesan Kebakaran di Rumah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nir Muslim Jaafar (2018) Consumer preferences on egg purchasing among local residences in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nirhoshan Vharmhan Nair (2023) Adat Istiadat Kesultanan Melayu Kelantan Dalam Teks Syair Kesultanan Melayu Kelantan : Satu Penelitian Dokumentasi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nishalani Thivakar (2019) Phytochemical and Toxicity Screenings in Different Parts of Eleiodoxa conferta. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nishalline Manoharan (2013) Screening of Crude extracts compound from carapace of female mud crab, scylla serrata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nisrina Nadia Maizatul @ Maizatu (2019) Nickel (Ni), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) determination in Asian swamp eel, Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) collected from paddy fields in Pasir Mas and Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nita Nabila Kamarudin (2015) Identification of Caryophyllene in Essential Oil from Various Parts of Cinnamomum Iners (Lauraceae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nithiyasri Thirumurthilu and Komathi Tiagoo and Nur Amirah Nabilah Kamarudin and Puteri Anis Natasya Megat Zaberi (2023) Factors that affecting customer satisfaction on online shopping among the students of University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Niwashini Saundararajan (2014) Comparative study on antioxidant activity and to total pheonolic content of three varieties of bell pper (capsicum annuum var. L). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nizamuddin Shah, Umi Nurulain (2018) Study on effect Of plasticizer (Urea) on the properties of Glutaraldehyde modified starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Adeny Binti Muhamad Rosli (2014) Perkembangan seni persembahan dikir barat di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Noor Adilah Said (2016) The effect of Termites Coptotermes Sepangensis on different parts of Leucaena Leucocephala (petai belalang) woods. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Noor Afifah Mohd Nasir (2015) Microbiological quality of packed vegetables. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Aida Nizra Abdul Rahim (2012) The impact of different planning method and amount of fertilizer towards java tea (orthosiphon stamineus) plant growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Aima Suri Noor and Noorbasirah Yaacob and Muhammad Abid Mat Lin and Pavithrah Shanmuganathan (2022) Food safety: An assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice toward fast-food operators in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Noor Aini Massyitah Baharuddin and Nik Alif Fahmi Nik Mohd Assri and Nazirawani Mohd Zariea and Nik Hannani Abdul Aziz (2022) Analysis of the impact on halal tourism towards Tourism students at universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Aishah Ahmad, . (2011) Personal finance literacy among Students in institutions of higher learning. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noor Aisyah Nik Abd Halim (2018) General geology and electrical resistivity survey for landslide in Aring 4, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Aiza Izzati Mahmod (2021) Assessment of risk perception on microplastics pollution in drinking water sources. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Akmaziatul Amira Che Mat (2016) Enhancement of tissue culture plantlets with proper shading at pre-nursery stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Aliya Annesa Abdul Rahman and Che Salman Che Zuhar and Nurmaisarah Osman and Lee Swet Teng (2024) Relationship between motivation, mental health, learning style and academic performance among SAK students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Amalina Khairon (2016) Isolation of potential biosurfactant producer from palm oil mill effluent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Amira Samsudin (2021) Transkripsi Analisis Pemikiran Shahnon Ahmad Dalam Novel Sampah Dengan Mengaplikasikan Teori Spb4k. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Noor Amirah Ahmad Udin (2013) The Study of Waterbirds Diversity in Paya Indah Wetland, Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Noor Amirah Syamimi Binti Mat Radzi (2021) Preparation And Characterization Of Piper Betle Nanoemulgel. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Noor Amri, Noor Fatin Azura (2018) Preliminary screening of Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Kenaf) leaves for development of functional food. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Aqeela Shazleen Saiful (2022) Pengurusan Konservasi Terhadap Koleksi Artifak Perang Dunia Ke II Di Muzium Perang Bank Kerapu, Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Noor Arita Johari and Nur Husna Tarmizi and Siti Nurfazilah Sakri and Wong Kok Kuan (2023) Factors that influence SME business performance in Kelantan during MCO. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Asmaliza, Abdul Mutalib (2011) Fungsi Green Screen dalam bidang periklanan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Noor Asmiza, Abdullah (2010) Kajian terhadap pengaruh Islam di dalam dikir barat Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noor Athirah Che Amran (2021) Inovasi Rekabentuk Bangku Kantin Sekolah Menengah Bagi Tujuan Multifungsi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Atika Ali (2019) Mass Selection for Improvement of Pod Length and Yield of Snake Bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.) in the Fifth Generation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Atin Isma Ali (2016) General geology and determination on the effect of water quality based on geochemistry of stream sediments of Jeram Gajah, Lojing,Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Noor Atirrah Anuar and Noor Shafawani Nordin and Noor Syamimi Mohd Noor and Noorshahida Abdullah (2023) The effectiveness of technology use among tourist satisfaction in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Auni Azwa Mohamad (2023) Persembahan Silat Gayong Dalam Masyarakat Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Azira Mohammad Mohtar (2022) Nutritional composition and antioxidant activity of mushroom by-product vs. Fruiting bodies. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Azni Naziera Mohamed (2019) Optimization of In Vitro micropropagation of Acmella uliginosa using different concentrations of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Azura Basarawi (2011) Student conflict in choosing the suitable career for their future life: Case study in University of Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noor Azwani, Darus (2015) Pembangunan Web-Penerapan Motif Batik Melalui Produk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noor Azwani Mohammed Ariffin (2013) New antibacterial agent from ten local plants for aquaculture use. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Ezanna Khamidun (2016) Enrichment of iron-dependent anaerobic ammonia oxidizer microbial communities from tropical forest soil and paddy field sediments. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Ezuwani Ibrahim (2013) Biochemical studies between premium, normal and economy wet cat food in Malaysian market. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Fahani Atiqah Jamrin (2016) Physical and Biochemical assessments on banana in different postharvest storages. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Farahin Kamarul Baharin (2013) THE STUDY ON THE LEVEL OF SATISFACTION OF LOCAL COMMUNITY TOWARDS THE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AYER LANAS. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Noor Farhafiezah Nor (2017) General geology and influences of regional structural pattern with slope failure at Kampung Sungai Asap, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Fasihah Waspan, . (2012) The marketing mix and it’s influence towards consumer decision making. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noor Fatihah Suhadah Zulhisham (2021) Motion Grafik: Media Untuk Mempromosikan Produk Di Syarikat Fizzy Creative Lab Sdn. Bhd. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Noor Fitriaquriatul Aini Sudin (2011) Teknik dan falsafah pemakaian busana tradisional melayu, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noor Fitriyyah binti Zulkapli (2024) Kepercayaan Ritual Mandi Bunga di Malaysia: Perbandingan Antara Masyarakat di Kuala Krai dan Petaling Jaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Hafiza Mohd Yasim (2013) Abundance of mites on odoiporus longicollis (coleoptera: curculioidae) as potential biological control and toxicity tests with fipronil and malathion. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Hafizah Ahmad Nasir (2018) Actinomycetes Potential Application for Biological Control of Banana Crop Disease. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Hafizzah Mohd Jais (2013) General geology of Kampung Setong, Dabong, Kelantan and coastal changes study along Kuala Besar to Kuala Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan by using gis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Noor Hamzah, Nureen Azian (2019) Synthesis and characterization of undoped and Samarium Gadolinium doped Lead Zirconate Titanate piezoelectric via solid state reaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Hayani Zulkifli (2011) Teromba sebagai alat kawalan sosial. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noor Hazreen Army (2016) Activated carbon based coconut fronds as adsorbent for removal of malachite green. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Hazwani Che Amad and Noor Kamilah Manap and Noor Liana Ahmad Zamri and Noor Shasha Amira Mohd Zawawi (2023) The preliminary study of the factors influencing the financial management among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Noor Hidayu, Hussin (2015) Peacock Mantis Shrimp Inspirasi Pakaian Santai. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noor Iffa Hanis Zakaria (2019) The Response of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Woody Borreria (Hedyotis verticillata Lam.) Towards Aqueous Curry (Murraya koenigii) Leaves Extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Izra Jamaludin (2012) A study on customer satisfaction of nasi ulam restaurant at Padang Tembak, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noor Khalidah Mohd Khairuddin Effendie (2016) Study on the nutrition analysis of fermented fish meal and its effects on growth rate in Red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Minzam, Fatin Iwana (2016) Study of Petai Belalang Biomass Treated with Fenton Reagent As Adsorbent for Dye From Contaminated Water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Noor Naimah Muhammad (2015) General Geology and Petrography of Volcanic Rocks in Kampung Keroh, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Noor Sahidah Mohamad Khalim (2018) General geology and geoheritage potential of fossils conservation in Aring 4, Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Sahirah Muhazeli (2017) Extraction and characterization of nanocellulose from mahang wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Salehah Jefferi (2013) DNA cleavage studies of two Malaysian tropical fruit extracts as a preliminary step towards anti-cancer drug development (Nephelium lappaceum & Artocarpus heterophyllus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Salina Mohd Roslan (2019) Kajian Terhadap Pemuliharaan Courtyard Dalam Penyesuigunaan Semula Rumah Kedai di George Town, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Noor Suhada Sulaiman (2015) General Geology of Kg Tumbi Rapat and Geomorphology on Potential Gold Occurrence in North Jeli,Kelantan by Using Geographic Information System (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Noor Syafiqah Arshad (2021) Penggunaan Media Animasi Campuran 2D Dan Stop Motion Dalam Penghasilan Video Pengiklanan Produk Keluaran Syarikat Fizzy Creative Lab Sdn. Bhd. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Noor Syafiqah Zawawi (2017) Geology and heavy metals analysis in stream sediments of Pergau river, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Syafiza Mohd Khalim (2020) Geology and geochemistry of stream sediment in Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Syahila Md Salleh (2017) Geology and hydrochemistry of shallow aquifer in Kubang Gadong, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Syakirah Abdul Khalid (2019) Macrofungal diversity at Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Syakirah Haron (2014) Documentation of caring practices of oratory bird species: common myna (acridotheres tristis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Syazwani Ismail (2017) Effect of organic manure (cow manure) addition and soil moisture variation on the growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) on BRIS Soil. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noor Zahanim Zainotdin (2022) Efficacy of soil treated with seaweed extract on the growth and yield of indian mustard [Rrassica juncea (L.) Czernjaew]. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Noor Zaharah Zulkipli (2013) Packaging methodologies & processing technique to extend shelf life of sweet potatoes (ipomoea batatas lam). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noor Zariana Kasim (2019) Effects Of Bokashi And Application of Monosodium Glutamate (Msg) As Foliar Fertilizer On Soil Characteristics And Growth Performance Of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nooraini Ahmad (2015) General Geology and Petrography of Volcanic Rocks in Kusial, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nooraizzati Ahmad Puat (2023) Kajian Nilai-Nilai Kemanusiaan Menerusi Sajak Terpilih Suara Wirawan Negara Bangsa: Analisis Berdasarkan Teori Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nooralieya Natasha Abdul Aziz (2021) Geology and landslide investigation using Resistivity Survey Method at Kampung Sungai Tupai, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noorarfah Mohd Noor (2024) Gaya Bahasa Dalam Cerita Rakyat Sabah: Penelitian Terhadap Teks Magis Sang Manuk Bura. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nooratikah Ismail (2022) Keberkesanan Penyesuaigunaan Semula Di Dalam Pemuliharaan Rumah Tokoh Kajian Kes Warisan Pahlawan Resort. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Noorazizah Tahir (2018) Effect of Different Fish Diets on Mustard Production in Aquaponic System Associated With Tilapia Culture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noorazlina Natasya Mohd Kamaru Hisam (2022) Kajian Terhadap Pemuliharaan Batik Dan Kepentingannya Pada Generasi Masa Kini. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nooremylia Abdullah (2011) Drying characteristics of cucumber slices using hot air and sun drying. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noorfitri Muzakir (2022) Kepuasan Pengunjung Terhadap Pengurusan Bukit Malawati Sebagai Tapak Pelancongan Warisan di Kuala Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Noorhamizah Kamaruddin (2022) Knowledge and attitude of consumer towards adoption of biodegradable food packaging in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noorhelriyani Mat and Nor Ibtisam Hazzwani Che Daud and Norasmida Farhan and Nordiana Mainin (2023) The influence of workplace deviant behavior towards employee performance in malaysia hotel industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nooriman Aina Noorazman (2020) Geology and granitic rock analysis in Kampung Rabbana, Jeli Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noorita Jaafar and Nor Hanan Mohd Azlan and Nor Sahira Ismail and Nor Salsabila Mat Saluwi (2023) Factors influencing the preference of customers toward using the products and services of Islamic banking in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Noorkhalilie Che Abd Aziz (2017) Distribution of water microbes from three different depths of Sungai Kelantan at Kuala Krai. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noorliana Redzuan (2013) Fertigated rock melon production under netted rain shelter and outside. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noorlisa Muhamed, . (2013) Student satisfaction on facilities provided at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Hostel (Campus Kota). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noorsuhada, Baharudin (2015) Aplikasi mudah alih pengajaran tulisan Mandarin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noorsuhada Binti Sulaiman (2014) Pengaruh ciri-ciri fizikal seni bina wakaf tradisional melayu terhadap seni bina wakaf moden di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Noorul Bariyyah Izani (2012) The effect of different sources of fertilizer on the production and growth of amaranthus gangeticus in different harvesting time. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noorzaiba Nadia Abu Bakar (2013) General geology of Kg. Pauh, Machang, Kelantan and flood harzard mapping in Kota Bharu, Kelantan by using gis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Adira Omar (2015) Isolation of endophytic fungal from Thai Basil Leaves (Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora) and determination of their antimicrobial activity. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Afida Abdul Salam (2017) Water quality assesment of physico-chemical and microbiology parameters of groundwater quality at Kampung Paloh, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Afifah Ahmad and Nor Ain Natasya Awie and Nor Amalin Najwa Mohd Alarakan and Nor Farah Hazney Nor Azmi (2022) Factors influencing visitor’s awareness level and visitor’s satisfaction level towards safety in tok bali, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Afifah Hanim, Ag Lah (2015) Kajian dalam mempromosikan kuih tradisional Jala Mas Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Afizah Ariffin (2021) Analisis Mesej Dakwah Yang Terdapat Dalam Filem ‘Munafik 2’ (2018). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Ain Farhana Talib (2018) Radical Scavenging Activity of Crude Extract from Muntingia calabura. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Ain Fatihah Mohd Azizi (2019) A study of morphology and bonding analysis of Torrefied Biochar from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch(OPEFB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Ain Md Sabri (2019) Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction of Clitorea ternatea. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Ain Nadia Lokman (2022) Impact of covid-19 outbreak on consumers’ grocery purchasing in east coast of Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Aini Abdul Rahman (2016) General geology and characterization of iron deposit in Ayer Lanas, Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Aisya Akma, Razali (2015) Kajian tentang pembungkusan dodol kontemporari. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Akila Akma Izanim (2014) Adsorption performance of mangosteen shells as activated carbon to reduce heavy metals concentration in aqueous solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Alia Farahin Roslan (2023) Kajian Terhadap Teknik Dan Motif Sulaman Kelingkan Di Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Amalina Mazlan (2018) Species composition and diversity of herbs at different altitudes of R.E.A.C.H biodiversity centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Amariya Mat Nor (2015) Penjenamaan Semula Kasih Rabiatul Cake House. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Amiera Syahida Arsyad (2017) Effect of chemical treatment on production of activated carbon from Cocos Nucifera L. (coconut) shell using microwave irradiation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Amilia Din (2019) Study on the Effect of Organic Fertilizer in the Growth Performance of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) In MARDI, Cameron Highland. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nor Amirah Mohd Hashim (2018) Diversity of dung beetle associated with elephant dung at Gunung Basor Forest Reserve, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Anis Adila Mohamad (2016) The effect of Coptotermes kalshoveni Kemner towards Melaleuca Cajuputi (Gelam) Wood and Acacia Mangium Wood. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Aniza, Jusoh (2015) Use of sawdust bedding on the growth of caged Japanese quails, (cortunix cortunix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Aqilah Mat Resad (2016) Trichoderma spp. communities in paddy fields at Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Aqma Fazlin Shahidin (2023) Bahasa Kiasan Dalam Pantun Lisan Berdasarkan Kurik Kundi Merah Saga: Aplikasi Pendekatan Gunaan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Unpublished)
Nor Arina Mohammad Aris (2012) Identification and evaluation of potential tourism area based on landforms in Jeli district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Ashikin Deraman (2021) Memperkasakan Tulisan Jawi Dalam Bidang Pengiklanan Kreatif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nor Asira Mat Nafi and Nor Farahana Mohd Farid and Nor Fazua Najihah Subri and Nor Nasuha Zali (2024) Investigate the factors of debit card usage among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Asmira, Ahmad (2015) Ukiran pada Rumah Gadang Minangkabau sebagai motif pakaian resort. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Asmira Abu Bakar (2014) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity in fresh leaves of plecranthus amboinicus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Asmira Musa (2015) Potential production biomass of donax canniformis under plant growth stimulant treatment. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Atikah, Abd Aziz (2015) Influence of activated carbon as filler on the mechanical properties of wood composites by using solidworks simulation and experimental methods. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Atikah, Mahadi (2015) Adaptasi nilai estetika Keris Tanjung terhadap pengolahan reka bentuk perabot kontemporari. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Atikah Abdullah (2022) Peranan Muzium Komuniti Dalam Pengekalan Identiti di Melaka, Tapak Warisan Dunia Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Atikah Mohamad Hamka and Nor Afifah Abd Kader and Muhammad Ammar Faruq Abu Bakar and Evelyn Rovena Edi (2022) The customers perception of service quality toward Operation spa in pengkalan chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Atikah Mohd Abdullah (2016) The food nutrition label toward rural customer in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Atikah binti Razali, - (2012) The effect of different amounts of NPK fertilizer with combination of organic compost for optimum stevia growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Atira Mohamad (2019) Konservasi Warna Alam : Satu Kajian Eksperimental Warna Alam Terhadap Tekstil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nor Ayuni M. Aris (2023) Pembentukan Sosioemosi Kanak-Kanak Melalui Teks Kumpulan Cerita Sang Kancil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Aziea, Ariffin (2015) Kesan persepsi visual pada corak fesyen pakaian remaja. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Aziean Alias and Nor Faznina Hashim and Muhammad Haris Danial Sawani@Saidulahad and Seek Zhi Wei (2022) Malnutrition and it’s consequences among University Malaysia Kelantan city campus students: The qualitative analysis. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nor Azimah Kamalrudin (2018) Study of The Effect of Plasticizer (Triethanolamine) on The Properties of Glutaraldehyde Modified Starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Azlina Binti Mohamad Fauzi (2013) Kajian tentang peranan muzium diraja dalam penyampaian maklumat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Azrina Zainal (2012) Morphological & physical properties of wild grown of Gigantochloa Scortechinii found in the Pergau jungle area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Azwan Yahya (2016) Effect of dietary coconut oil on growth performance and stress response in broiler chickens. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Azwani Pausi (2016) Isolation and identification of thermostable lipase producing bacteria. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Azzila Binti Zawawi, - (2012) Genetic diversity of snake bean (vigna unguiculata) as a basis for mass selection breeding. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Diana Mohamad (2016) Effect of hormonal priming on Seed germination and Seedling growth of Akasia (Acacia Mangium Willd.) and Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Effi Afizal Norisman (2019) Modeling of bio-methanol production from chicken manure using aspen plus® simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Eka Sabrina Mohd Shahril (2013) Student Awareness on Waste Disposal Issue In Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Ellyna, Razali (2015) Determination of Heavy Metal (Cd, Zn, Pb and Cd) in Bivalve Mollusk Species using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Evy Shazwani, Mahasan (2015) Peranan grafik dalam identiti dan pembungkusan makanan ringan.Keluaran IKS : Perusahaan makanan ringan rempeyek Mariah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Ezzah Farhana Anang (2013) The sensitivity of pseudomonas sp. isolated from smoked asian clam, corbicula fluminea against selected antibiotics. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Fadila Rosli (2013) General geological mapping and petrography study of Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Fadilah Mohamad Ali (2014) Study on the moisture content. basic density And volumetric changes in bambusa vulgaris (Buluh Minyak) at different age groups. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Faezah Abdullah (2016) Antioxidant activity of mature leaves, young leaves and bark of Syzygium polyanthum. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Faezah Mohd Noor (2015) Effect of incubation temperature on hatching characteristics and parental sex ratio on fertility of Japanese Quail (Cortunix cortunix japonica) eggs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Faizah Ahmed Fadzair (2022) Kepentingan Pemuliharaan Koleksi di Muzium Sultan Abu Bakar Dalam Kalangan Generasi Muda. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Faizah Ibrahim @ Yusoff (2016) The effect of sago and tapioca starch ratio on the linear expansion, oil absorption, and hardness of tilapia fish crackers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Faizah Ismail (2022) Kajian Terhadap Lagu-Lagu Rakyat Yang Popular di Negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Faizah Saudin (2013) General geoloay and geochemical prospecting analysis using gis in Pulai, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Farah Isnairah Shafae and Nor Rafizah Abdul Majid and Nor Sitti Wasimin and Noralia Mohd Nor (2023) The effect of destination attributes on Tourist loyalty aftermath of the Crisis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Farahim Lazim (2013) The influence of crown sucker ages at planning on growth and development of banana musa acuminata cv. berangan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Farina Mohd Fauzan (2021) Mengkaji Keberkesanan Medium Animasi 2D Sebagai Pengiklanan Program Sijil Multimedia Kreatif di Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nor Fatimah Kamarudin (2015) Geology and Sedimentology of Paya Peda, Jertih. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Faziela Dorman (2012) Study on morphology and physical characteristic of wild grown Schizostachyum brachycladum from Pergau area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Fhatin Husna Shuhaimi (2017) The effect of ionic liquid pretreatment on sawdust. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Hafizah Binti Mohd Sidek (2021) Kajian Rekabentuk Kabinet Dapur Menggunakan Sistem Modular. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Hafizah Haron (2013) The study of antibacterial activity of honey at different initial PH. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Hamizah Diana Wan Abd Hamid (2013) Assessment of Surface Coastal Water Quality in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Hashirah Nabilah Rusli (2016) The effect of 2,4-di-tert-buthylphenol combined with nitrogen source for weed control in aerobic rice system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Hatika Abd Halim (2017) General geology and groundwater prospecting at Kampung Rahmat, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Hayanis Mohd Saufi (2018) Monitoring river side along Sungai Lebir, Gua Musang, Kelantan based on remote sensing image. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Hazirah Abu Bakar (2018) The study of ear mites (otodectes cynotis) in stray cat at Jeli Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Hazirah Mustaffa (2022) Kajian Nilai Sejarah Terhadap Seni Bina Rumah Warisan Pahlawan Resort, Kuala Berang Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Hazreen Hazani (2018) Assessment on tour Operator perception of ecotourism in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Hazwa Azlin Mohd Nor (2019) Penghayatan Alam Dalam Puisi - Puisi Muhammad Haji Salleh : Satu Pendekatan Ekologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nor Hidayah Ishnin (2011) Reka letak visual pada permukaan majalah remaja dan penerimaannya oleh golongan remaja: sejauh manakah ke kreatifannya? Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Ilani Awang Omar (2010) Unsur alam dalam pantun melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Intan Shazlin Mohamad Rojali (2019) Geology and depositional environment of Gua Musang formation in the Perasu area, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Ismira Ishak (2014) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of ethanol extract from gynocthodes sublanceolata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Izzah A.Wahab (2023) Penerapan Bahasa Halus Dalam Filem Melayu Klasik Terpilih Tahun 60-an : Lambang Kesantunan Masyarakat Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Izzati Amirrudin (2023) Peranan Pihak Berkepentingan Terhadap Pemuliharaan Menara Lama Surau Tengkera, Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nor Izzati Fazleen, Khairi (2015) Kesan reka bentuk permainan dalam perkembangan kanak-kanak Autisme untuk meningkatkan kemahiran komunikasi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Izzati Liyana Muhd Yasin and Nik Nor Huda Hafiza Nik Sim and Chia Choy Cheng Crystalbel and Ummi Syazana Japeri (2021) University students’ intention to use visual learning for hospitality education in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Izzati Mat Sapar (2016) Assessment on Physical Ecology of Rafflesia in Lojing Highland, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Khairiyah Azra Kamiran (2017) Study on production of Cocos Nucifera L. (coconut) shell as a bio-briquette. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Liyana Hassan (2018) Development of Nanoemulsion Containing Extract of Sireh as Antibacterial Eco-Friendly. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Liyana Nor Azman (2016) General geology and heavy metal distribution in soil of Kg. Renok, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nor Mahirah Tajuddin (2016) Antibiogram and heavy metal resistance of streptococcus spp. on tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Mastura binti Rahim (2018) Determination of Chemical Characterization in Rice Husk (Oryza saliva) treated with Sodium Hydroxide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Mazalfala Aridzi (2016) Design of rapid screening technique for identification of Shewanella oneidensis iron-reduction deficient mutants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Mazatul Akmal Mohamed and Nor Nabihah Harun and Muhammad Hisam Haili and Sita Dewi Veera Kumar (2022) Fast-food consumption among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (Campus Kota) : A qualitative study. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nor Munirah Yasmin Mazlan (2013) General geology of Kg. Sg. Batu, Dabong, Kelantan & sedimentary facies analysis of well x-1, north malay basin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Najihah Adnan (2022) Pemuliharaan Seni Ukir Sebagai Identiti Warisan Melayu: Tinjauan di Kampung Raja, Besut, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Najihah Johari (2019) Geology and Geochemistry of Rocks in Kampung Kuala Renok, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Nasibah binti Mohd Jamil (2012) Soil residual activity of glyphosate on seedling emergence and crop establishment of three local vegetables. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Nasuha Allyia Mohd Shabrry (2017) Determination of indoor disturbance level using noise monitoring deviceat Jeli hospital. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Raihan Suhaimi (2018) The geology and weathering analysis of igneous rock of Kampung Keroh, Kuala Krai. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Rashidah Asa’ari (2018) Diversity and distribution of Collembola in Gelam forest, Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Rohiman Binti Abdullah (2022) Bamboo Biochar As Filler In Epoxy-Graphene Composite: Effect On Mechanical Properties Of The Composite Bamboo Biochar As Filler In Epoxy-Graphene Composite: Effect On Mechanical Properties Of The Composite Bamboo Biochar As Filler In Epoxy-Graphene Composite: Effect On Mechanical Properties Of The Composite. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nor Roziman Jamain (2010) Lukisan Gua: kepentingan terhadap penyelidikan arkeologi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Safiyah Anuar, . (2012) Customer satisfaction towards Sabasun Hyperruncit Sdn. Bhd. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nor Safiyah Anuar, . (2012) Customer satisfaction towards sabasun Hyperruncit Sdn. Bhd. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nor Sahira Edi (2019) The Comparison of The Quality Of The Paper Between Ginger, Banana, And Sugarcane Waste. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Sahwalti Khalid (2021) Kempen Kesedaran Kepada Kanak-Kanak Melalui Buku Ilustrasi: Adab Menghormati Orang Yang Lebih Tua. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Sakinah, Mohamad (2015) Dramaturgi dalam iklan majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Salihah Abdul Manas (2017) Characterization of non-treated sawdust and ionic liquid-treated sawdust. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Shaf Reena Lizawardi (2019) Effect of TAPzyme 50a formulation on different fabrics in detergent spray application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Shafawati Arifin (2019) Determination of awareness on proper waste disposal method among people in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Shafiqah, Ismail (2020) Persepsi Masyarakat Lembah Bujang Terhadap Potensi Lembah Bujang Sebagai Kawasan Arkeopelancongan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Shahida Abd Wahab and Nor Syahirah Abdul Rahman and Nur ‘Aqilah Ismail and Nur Afifah Hairoul Nizam (2024) Assessing the perception of University Malaysia Kelantan on gamification in financial education. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Shahida Said and Siti Murni Rashid and Yee Han Wei (2016) The economic impact of cultural event towards host community in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Nor Shahirah Abdul Nasir (2018) General geology and land use change analysis by using remote sensing in Aring, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Shakirah Ramli (2017) Water microbe screening from river bank along Lata Janggut, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Sharul Azwan Shariman (2014) Production of bioethanol from kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) waste as an alternative source of energy. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Shazwana Badrul Zaman (2015) Isolation of nitrogen fixing bacteria from sea water sample. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nor Suraini Md. Noor (2011) Kajian terhadap unsur alam dalam reka corak songket Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Suraini Md. Noor (2011) Kajian terhadap unsur alam dalam reka corak songket Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nor Syafiqah Roslan and Nur Ezatul Iranie Shuib and Nur Fakhira Izzati Faisal and Nurul Najihah Mohd Zambri (2023) Customer satisfaction towards traditional & complementary medicine among the community in pengkalan chepa, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Syahirah Ahmad (2018) Study the Properties of Azolla Pinnata Mixing With Recycle Paper in Papermaking. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nor Syahirah Mohd Ruzi (2017) Comparison of potential habitat of genus rhaphidopora in Kelantan based on different qualitative methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Syahirah Samsuddin (2017) Microwave synthesis of silvergraphene oxide for determination of mercury ion (HG2+). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Syairah Atiqah Mohamad Hanafiah (2018) Effect of physical pretreatment of oil palm frond on parasite infestation and blood metabolite profile in boer goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Syarifah Syahirah Andry and Noraishah Salim and Norfazlinie Mahadi and Norlaina Nordin (2023) Level of knowledge on zakat among residents at Wilayah Persekutuan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nor Syazwana Azrulnizam (2024) Kesantunan Akhlak Dalam Novel Salju Sakinah Karya Zaid Akhtar: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Syazwani Nordin and Vaneesa Bibi Juti and Nor Syafirah and Muhammad Nasrul Akimie Zakaria (2022) An awareness of halal logo in restaurant in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nor Syuhada Mat Daud (2022) Nilai Murni Dan Pengajaran Dalam Teks Drama Dunia Belum Kiamat Dan Menunggu Lampu Hijau. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor Wardah Mohamad Senusi (2017) Characteristics of torrefied empty fruit bunches using microwave heating. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nor Zulaikha, Ab Talib (2015) Kubu kebal British. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
NorHisam, Mubarak Ali (2020) Decolourisation of Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) dye by free and Immobilized Bacillus UMKDG-1 cells in batch culture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nora Azreena Ismail (2015) Optimum condition for rearing giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Post Larvae. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norafarrahim Rahim (2022) Kajian Mengenai Revitalisasi Muzium Awam Kecil- Kajian Kes di Muzium Dungun, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norafifah Binti Saat (2014) Struktur seni persembahan Mak Yong di Gunong, Bachok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norafiza, Awang (2015) Pembangunan motion graphics sebagai medium kempen kesedaran buli siber (cyber bullying). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Norailah Abdul Sahak (2011) Busana pengantin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Noraina Najiwa Asfulrizal and Noramira Hanum Mohd Nasir and Nur Farisha Elyana Mohamad Asri and Nur Hasna Zahirah Mohd Zaki (2023) Unhealthy lifestyle among youth in kedah and johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noraini Baharuddin (2015) General Geology and Sedimentology of Paloh-Lebir Highway. Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Noraini Daud (2013) Geology of Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan and coastal changes analysis along Pengkalan Datu to Kemasin coastline. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Noraini Mat Deris (2017) Geology and determination of rock mass strength at Kampung Lubok Bongor, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noraini Samsudin (2013) Ectoparasite infestation on katjang goat, capra hircus in a village in Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noraishah Fathin Che Azmi, . (2011) Consumers’ perception, awareness and acceptance of dark chocolate effect consumer buying dark chocolate. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Noraishah Ismail (2023) Kajian Mengenai Pemuliharaan Rumah Pura Tanjung Sabtu di Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Noramalina, Mohd Abas (2015) Isolation of nitrogen fixing bacteria from termite gut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Noraqilah Balqis Norhisham and Nur Afiqah Kamil and Siti Nurfatiha Hanim Hamdan and Tharma Shangar Gunusegran (2023) Factors influencing customer satisfaction toward E-Hailing services in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norashidah Muhammad Yan (2012) Online business:factors that affect customers trust. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Norashidah Muhammad Yan, . (2012) Online business: factors that affect customers trust. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Norasmaazie Johari (2011) Analisis botol susu kanak-kanak untuk kegunaan dalam perjalanan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norasmi binti Basir (2015) Study on handling stress in Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Post Larvae during transportation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norasyidah Hj. Mahamad (2016) Effect using effective microorganism (EM) on quality of corn stover (Zea may L. var rugosa). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norasyikin Mohd Sarap (2022) Adat Dan Pantang Larang Kematian Dalam Masyarakat Rungus Kajian Kes: Kampung Bavanggazo, Kudat, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norasyikin Norazainan (2016) Study on the awareness of smallholders in east coast Peninsular Malaysia on basal stem rot disease in oil palm plantation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norathirah Mat Isa and Noratiqah Suhaimi and Norazira Binti Ismail and Norfilza Haris Fadillah (2022) Identification of innovation elements in homestay programmes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norathirah Md Noorzed and Chang Wen Sin and Siti Nur Hidayah Abdul Rahman and Siti Nur Syafiqah Ku Azlan (2016) A study on relationship of determinant factors with backpackers motivation to travel in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Noratikah Jamal (2021) Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Pengekalan Wakaf Lama Tuan Farrer, Pasir Puteh Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Noratikah Kamal Baharin (2017) Determination of water microorganisms diversity in Sungai Kelantan, Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Noratiqah Masri (2016) Physical water quality of circulating water in double tier planting tray aquaponics system in integration of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norayuni Azura Mat Ail (2011) Kajian terhadap temenggung dan perpatih satu perbandingan adat istiadat perkahwinan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norazian Syafira Mohd Nazan (2017) General geology and kinematic stability analysis of cut slopes at Kampung Pulai, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norazila Miswan (2022) Preparation of mango leather and quality analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norazila Muhammad @ Mat Ghani (2021) Prinsip Pergerakan Dalam Seni Silat Melayu Melalui Media Campuran Bagi Penghasilan Karya Seni. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Norazli, Najieha (2018) Antimicrobial activities of Centella Asitica and Ocimum Basilicum against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norazlisham, Puteri Nur’ain (2019) Modeling of bio-methanol production from waste biomass using aspen plus® simulation via gasification process. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norazman, Nur Atikah Izzati (2020) Production of biogas from palm oil mill effluent in anaerobic condition using water displacement method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norazrena Mohmad Jan (2015) The distribution of araceae in riverrine areas of Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nordin, Nor Muhammad Shahir (2022) Unsur Mitos Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nordin, Nur Haikal (2019) Geology and potential of rock slope failure using kinematic analysis method in Anabanua Village, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norfadhilah Ismail (2015) Isolation and screening antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungal from african blue basil (Ocimum kilimandscaricum) leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norfadila Huda Binti Yusof (2013) Keberkesanan rekabentuk pada pembungkusan serunding dalam pasaran kepada pengguna. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norfadila Huda Yusof (2013) Keberkesanan rekabentuk pada pembungkusan serunding dalam pasaran kepada pengguna. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norfahana Mohd @ Mat Ghani (2018) Geology and geoheritage potential of Kampung Tanah Puteh, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norfahana Zakaria (2014) Short term effects of schumann resonance (7.83hz) on the crowing of mungbean [(vigna radiata (l.) wilzeck)]. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norfarahatul Najjah Sudin (2019) Antibacterial and DNA cleavage activity of silver nanoparticle using Sesamum radiatum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norfarahhani Mohamad Kamal (2015) Genaral Geology and Geochemistry of Soil at Karnpung Alor Pasir, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Norfarahnasirah Zainal Abidin (2021) Kesan Celupan Warna Alam Pada Fabrik Sutera Dan Kapas (Batik). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Norfatin Mat (2015) Microbiological quality of ready-to-eat tilapia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norfazlina Iwanis Rifin (2024) Kajian Terhadap Watak Dan Perwatakan Dalam Wayang Kulit Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norfazwani Binti Che Hasan (2011) Pembangunan CD multimedia interaktif adab dan akhlak islamiah dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan islam bagi pelajar tingkatan 5 di dua buah sekolah daerah Kuala Krai. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norfitriyah Shakirah Mohamad and Norsyafiqah Suffri and Nur ‘Aisyah Abdul Razak (2023) Customer satisfaction and willingness to use self-service kiosk in Genting highlands hotel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norhafiza Mohd Azizan (2019) Elemen Dramatik dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Estetika Pementasan Teater The Miracle Seed Sempena Festival Teater Kelantan (FTK) 2017. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Norhafizah Ghazali (2014) Genetic analysis of selected banana cultivars in Peninsular Malaysia by using rapd markers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhaliza Shahari (2016) Study on the presence of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli in Babylonia areolata. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_postgraduate" not defined] thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhanim Syuhana, Azmi (2020) Potensi Bangunan Bersejarah Di Ipoh Perak Sebagai Tarikan Pelancongan Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norhapija Timhar and Norsyafiqah Mohd Ali and Thinosha A/P V. Krishan and Wan Nur Amy Suraya Wan Muhammad Zaki (2022) Factors affecting stress among first-year students fakulti hospitaliti, pelancongan & kesejahteraan (fhpk) at universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norhashimah Jusoh (2010) Kajian terhadap motif ukiran pada artifak melayu tradisional. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norhashimah Azemi (2011) Kajian rekabentuk baru tong tuala wanita di kolej kediaman wanita, institut pengajian tinggi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norhasikin Ghazali (2014) Penghasilan video stop motion bagi kaedah pembuatan wau bulan bagi kalangan remaja Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norhasmimi Mat Hussin (2017) General geology and influences of grain size distribution on permeability of soil at Kampung Sungai Terah, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norhayati, Awang (2015) Pakaian lasak bermotifkan struktur kejuruteraan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Norhayati Mohamad Noor (2013) Testing mixtures of paranox 13 and monosodium glutamate as an effective weed control. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhazlida Zakaria and Norhaslina Nordin and Norhafizah Rubai and Muhammad Saiful Syazwan Shahri (2022) Factors influencing customer perceived value to use food delivery apps in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Norhibayu Rashid (2014) Peranan main puteri dalam upacara perubatan tradisional masyarakat melayu di Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norhidayah, Mohd Yunos (2015) Mereka bentuk alat pembungkusan untuk mengekalkan kualiti buah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Norhidayah Mohamed (2011) Kajian kes warisan dan pelancongan Taman Negara Pahang, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norhidayah A.Rahman (2011) Sejauhmanakah keberkesanan imej korporat minyak masak cap athlete kepada pengguna. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norhidayah Ab Ghani (2014) Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of acetone extract of pitang (gynochthodes sublanceolata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhidayah Seman (2013) Antibiogram of pathogenic bacteria salmonella sp. isolated from smoked asian clam, corbicula fluminea. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhidayah Yacob (2019) Antagonistic Activity of Trichoderma parareesei and Trichoderma harzianum against Colletotrichum sp., a Causal Pathogen for Anthracnose Disease in Chilli. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norhidayah Zakaria (2014) Short term effects of classical music (bach) on the growing of lettuce (lactuca sativa l.) in hydroponic system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norhisyam Mohd Basarom (2015) Antifungal Activity of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norifazirah Ideris (2019) Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi di Kedah : Kajian Kes di Baling, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Noriqmal Afiq Norhisham and Al Ameen Hamid and Nurul Aqilah Husni and Ariff Ahmad (2023) The factors that influence online food delivery and customer satisfaction in University Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norizan, Loman (2019) Konservasi Tekstil Dalam Satu Kajian Penghasilan Produk Gantungan (Hanging). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norizati Sharip and Faten Farhanie Johanuddin and Nur Sabryna Kaswadi and Satish Raj Rajasekaran (2022) The acceptance of Ijarah among bachelor of business administration (Islamic banking and finance) students in UMK. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Norjannah Rahamathullah (2015) Effect of variety and surface of Ripeness on Banana Springs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norlaila Azua Roslan (2022) Garlic-infused olive oil as meat preservative to control bacterial spoilage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Norlaila Mat Yusof (2021) Pemetaan Terhadap Masjid Lama di Negeri Pahang Sebagai Bukti Keprihatinan Masyarakat Setempat Terhadap Aset Warisan Yang Perlu Dipelihara. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norlelawati Abd Majid and Nursyahida Abd Munir and Nurul Farhana Mohd Khaiqhir (2022) The preferences of investor for their investment avenues during pandemic coronavirus among group B40 and M40 in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norlelawaty Haron (2010) Kajian terhadap asal usul, nama, warna, bau, rasa, bahan-bahan yang di gunakan serta resepi kuih tradisional Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norlina Saniman (2013) The existence of vibrio sp. in smoked Asian clam, corbicula fluminea, with emphasis its antibiogram. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norliza Abd Manaf (2011) Experimentasi nilai-nilai murni filem (Ibu Mertuaku) menerusi filem pendek 'Tempayak Retak'. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Normashitah Haja Abd Hamid and Norsyafiqa Syarmimie Mohamad Sofi and Nur Afiqah Athirah Nazir and Nur Ain Nadila Mat Salimin (2023) The factor influencing personal financial management skills among students in Faculty Of Entrepreneurship And Business AT UMK. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Normasliyana Zuraini (2017) The potential of nature tourism activities at mangrove areas in Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Normazuiha Suhana Mohd Salleh (2015) Queen Development of Stingless Bee, Geniotrigona thoracica. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nornadia Abdul Wahab (2011) The importance of self image among professionals:A case study at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nornadillanadia Abdul Rapar (2019) Efficacy Of Tricompost On Maintenance Chilli Plant Growth. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsahwani Mohmad Azmi (2016) Antibacterial activity of Cinnamomum iners (Lauraceae) extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norsakinah Sabarudin (2017) Determination of condition factor (cf) and Hepatosomatic Index (hsi) of Barbonymus Schwanenfeldii from the Sungai Galas, Dabong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsalmira, Mohd Nordin (2015) Booklet pesta wau antarabangsa 2014. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Norsamah Mohd Kassim (2018) Application of Remote Sensing in Detecting Changes of Land Use Impact of Flood in Delta Tumpat. Post-Doctoral thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshabira Noradlan (2017) Diversity of beetles (order: coleoptera) at Gunung Reng, Jeli Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshafika Abdullah (2020) Geology and assessment of groundwater potential zones using GIS method in Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshafiqah Binti Shahbudin (2019) Decolorisation and degradation of reactive black 5 (RB5) dye by coImmobilized dye degrading microbe with spent coffee ground biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshahida Abdullah Thani (2012) Customer satisfaction towards service quality of public transportation: bus express case study in Kota Bharu Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Norshahira, Ab. Rahman (2015) Pembangunan web interaktif Wan Su Othman dalam seniman ukiran. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Norshahira Murad and Nur Afifah Atan and Nur Afini Rahim Omar (2016) Factors that influence consumers to repurchase from groupon and online shopping website in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Norshahirra Abd Rashid (2018) Morphology of Collembola in Jeli and Bachok Districts, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshamsiah Ishar and Nabihah Baharuddin and Neisya Syazreen Othman and Noorfarahamira Ithnan (2023) The factors influencing intention to join gig economy among hospitality and tourism students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norshashaerilia Ahmad Sabri (2011) Penerimaan masyarakat melayu Kelantan terhadap persembahan main puteri. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Norshazwani Muhamad Shariman Determination of Oxalic Acid by HPLC and Silica Contents by Conventional Method in Different Varieties of Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Norshidah Yunus (2016) General geology and determination of potential limestone geohazard by using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) at Batu Neng and Batu Machang, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Norsuriati Abdul Khamad (2022) Adat Dan Pantang Larang Dalam Aspek Perkahwinan Masyarakat Tidung, Kajian Kes Di Kampung Kalabakan, Tawau. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Norsyafika Mohd Zahari (2019) Preparation of Raw Oyster Shell For Adsorption of Methyl Red Dye In The Aqueous Solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsyafika Mohd Zahari (2019) Preparation of Raw Oyster Shell For Adsorption of Methyl Red Dye In The Aqueous Solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsyahira Nafisyah Azman and Kalaiyarasi Annathurai and Siti Khadijah Alias and Mohammad Fakhrullah Majid and Muhammad Erwan Hakim Alias (2023) The study of factors influencing online purchase intention in tiktok among generation Z. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsyakira Mat (2015) Study of enhancement of shoot regeneration derived from banana (Musa acuminata cv. Berangan) rhizomes under in vitro. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norsyamieza Zulaika Mohd Zaikimi and Norsyifa Ayuni Kamaruzaman and Norzianah Mohd Jefri (2023) Exploring the potential of staycation making to travel during and aftermath of the covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norsyamimi Norman (2013) Determination of paraquat (herbicide) residue level in sandy clay loam soil using high performance liquid chromatography. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Norsyamira Osman (2021) Pengaplikasian Motif Bunga Melur 3 Dimensi Menggunakan Teknik Sulaman Dalam Proses Penghasilan Reka Corak Pada Produk Aksesori. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Norwahidah Nasarudin (2017) General geology and structural analysis of Kampung Sungai Batu, Dabong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Norzatul Iqma, Mohd Noor (2020) Nilai Kemelayuan dalam Himpunan Drama Melayu Popular Terpilih di Malaysia: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nor’ain Abdul Ghani (2021) Pancaran Status Sosial Dalam Novel-Novel Terpilih Masyarakat Minangkabau: Satu Penelitian Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nubailah Annur, Noordin (2015) Pembangunan laman sesawang sebagai informasi kesedaran kepada bekalan air di Taman Budaya,Batu Pahat,Johor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nue Nazihah Zakaria (2015) Microbiological analysis of fresh red Tilapia in Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur 'Adilatul Fitry Jamaluddin (2018) Geelogy and fossil distribution in Aring, Gua Musang Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Adeeba Zakiah Binti Che Yusoh Zaki (2022) Different Concentration Of Sulphuric Acid Affected Hydrogen Induced Cracking In A304 Pipeline Stainless Steel. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Adibah Mohd (2017) The development of hybrid binder using cassava starch-epoxy resin blends. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Adila Syakirah Mohd Redzuan (2017) General geology, depositional environment and provenance of Bukit Panau, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Adilah, Azaha (2015) "Jawi dan Milenia" an animated documentary:rotoscoping approach. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Adilah Binti Che Kub (2015) Urut tradisional : kajian di daerah Bachok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Adlin Aziz (2020) Pelletization and density optimization of oil palm empty fruit bunch pellet for biomass energy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Adlina Ariffin (2021) The Shawshank Redemption: The First-Person Narrator And His Effect On Audience’s Consciousness And Experience. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Affiqah Binti Abd Azis (2015) Pembangunan CD interaktif pembelajaran eBook iqra'. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Affiqah Zulkifli (2022) Evaluation of biopesticide against Sitophilus Oryzue L. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Afifa Hanani Sabarudin (2019) Micro Fertigation System Using Arduino Mega in Outdoor Vertical Garden. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afikah Fendy (2019) Geology and studies of hyperaccumulator plant in Ulu Sokor, Tanah Merah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afikah Mohd Yussof (2015) Fertigated Cauliflower Production under Netted Rain Shelter by using Soilmix System for Brassica oleraceea L. botrytis. using Fl Hybrid 882 cultivar and Fl Hybrid 307 cultivar. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah, Che Norazman (2015) Comparison of behavioural patterns in captive Javan Rusa or Sunda Sambar (rusa temorensis) and chital Deer (Axis Axis) At Campus Bachok, University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah, Mat Jali (2019) Pengurusan Ekosistem Hutan Paya Laut Dan Kesedaran Masyarakat Setempat Terhadap Pemuliharaan Hutan Paya Laut Di Pusat Pendidikan Hutan Paya Laut Matang, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Afiqah Ab. Wahab (2019) Optimisation of Response Surface Methodology (Rsm) For Estimation of Broiler Quail’s Basal Diet. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Ariffin and Nur Anis Aqilah Suhaimi and Nor Zahirah Mustafa and Muhammad Syahir Danish Sopiri (2022) University students perception towards hipster café in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Azman and Lim Mui Ling and Suzanna Saraf@Sharif and Syafiah Ayunni Hussain (2016) Tourism destination readiness in facing disaster and risk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Azman and Nur Afiqah Mohd Salleh and Nur Afni Fitriani Sufian and Nur Aiman Haina Hamidon (2022) The impact of memorable eco-tourism experience on behavioral intention among tourists who took train trips to dabong, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Baharom (2022) Peranan Pihak Bertanggungjawab Dalam Pengurusan Bangunan Warisan di Kampung Cina, Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Afiqah Bakri (2017) Morphology and bonding analysis of torrefied material. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Md Rashid (2014) Documentation of caring practices of songbird species: red-whiskered bulbul. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Afiqah Zulkiffilee (2020) Correlation between substrates organic matter with number, size and age of Corbicula fluminea. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aika Surial (2021) Kajian Inovasi Alat Bantu Berjalan Untuk Orang Tua. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Aiman Najihah Abu Bakar and Nur Alia Shafiqatul Nabiha Mohamad and Nur Atikah Nor Azlin and Nur Iryane Mohamed Zi (2022) Intention to purchase halal products among university’s students: The application of theory of planned behavior (TPB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aimi Amanina Che Hanafi (2016) Species composition, aboveground Biomass and Carbon stock estimation in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Aimi Zafirah Md. Akkir (2019) Quantification of green space landscape structure for sustainable land use planning in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aimie Nadiah Mazlan (2017) The diversity of birds in Gunung Reng, Jeli, Kelantan. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Anisya Mohd Nor Aripin and Nur Ain Fazarina Ibrahim and Nurin Eliana Jasmeen Mohd Johari and Nurfatin Athirah Ibrahim (2022) Exploring success factors influencing the effectiveness of wellness initiative activities in the university. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Aznon (2022) Persepsi Terhadap Makanan Tradisional Bugis Sanggar Pappek Dalam Kalangan Penduduk Parit Makuaseng. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Ain Haris Abdul Haris (2015) Effect of sulfate content in soil towards the external corrosion of water-pipeline. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Husna Adbullah (2018) Noise Level Response to Number of Vehicle at a High Traffic Area in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Mat Yasin (2013) Study On The Diseases Of Fresh Water River Terrapin ( BAT AGUR AFFINIS) in Artificial Pond. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Nabihah binti Suharia@Suhairi (2023) Kaedah Pengesanan dan Perlindungan Tembaga daripada Serangan Makhluk Perosak: Inovasi dan Kajian Keberkesanan Dalam Pemeliharaan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Shafiqah Dzulkefli and Nur Aisyah Huwaida Mohd Nor and Nur Aisyah Huwaina Mohd Nor and Nur Amilya Nasuha Amran (2023) Impact of event experience towards satisfaction among e-sport event’ participants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Suhaila Che Ujang (2022) Identification of ectoparasites in grouper fish (Epinephelus spp.) From 2 commercial farms in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ain Wahida Shahar Shahaimi (2016) General geology and delineation of aquifer zone in Kg. Asahan Hulu, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Anoar (2017) General geology and study of iron oxide in Temangan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Azmi (2019) Geology and land suitability analysis for urban development using GIS in industrial area of Gua Musang town. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Hazirah Sahrol and Nur Amira Suhaida Mohd Adanan and Nur Amnah Mohd Nor and Nur Ashikin Mat Nawi (2023) The study of the factors influencing user acceptance towards cashless society among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) city campus students. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Rizal and Nur Aina Ezatul Husna Zakaria and Nur Alia Amyra Zainun Arifin and Nur Alya Syafiqah Alim (2024) Understanding of hibah knowledge among Bachelor Of Business Administration In Islamic Banking And Finance (SAB) STUDENTS IN University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Shahira Norazami (2019) Geology and UAV-based for landslide risk area mapping of Kampung Penduk, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Syahirah Mohd Zamani (2018) Geology and use of remote sensing and GIS to analyze drainage system in flood occurrence at Aring, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aina Yusof (2024) Kajian Mengenai Revolusi dan Keunikan Boria di Pulau Pinang Dulu dan Kini. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ainaa Nadhirah Binti Azman (2021) Extraction of PHA from Haematococcus Sp. By Using Sonication Process for Bioplastic Application. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Ainin Sofiya Azmi and Nur Sarah Aina Mubaderishah and Nurshabila Huda Abdul Halim and Syed Azim Syed Abdul Hamid and Nurul Nadia Mohamad Naim (2023) Factors affecting technology adoption and intention to use technology for searching tourist destination among malaysian adults. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ainul Akmal Abdullah (2011) Wayang Kulit: satu kajian biografi Pak Usop dan Pak Nasir sebagai pewaris ilmu perdalangan Hamzah Awang Amat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nur Ainul Farisah Saipudin (2022) Oecophylla Smaragdiaa for biological control and pest population in lime Orchard. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Ainul Syafina Abd Karim (2018) The geology, petrography and geochemistry of granite in Bukit Sukat, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aisahtul Batrisyia Mohd Kasuhairi and Nur Al Aiman Mohd Firidaus and Nur Alya Hidayah Abdullah and Nur Alya Syahirah Shazli (2022) The antecedents of brand love toward starbucks in kuala lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aisya Rozi and Nur Amira Husna Zulkifli and Ummi Saleha Aqilah Ramli and Wong Pei See (2021) The level of affective commitment among international students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aisyah Azma Azelan (2023) Kajian Mengenai Faktor Keterikatan Tempat Dalam Mempengaruhi Penglibatan Komuniti Di Pusat Pelancongan Bukit Jugra, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Aisyah Noor Azman (2022) Pollen analysis of kelulut honey collected from different bee in Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Aisyah Zulkafli (2022) Persembahan Seni Muzik Ghazal di Kalangan Masyarakat Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Aizat Kamarulzaman (2013) Estimation of Soil Erosion in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Aizatul Aifaa Rohadi (2021) Penjenamaan Semula Rekabentuk Identiti Korporat bagi Syarikat Chetaque Banner & Banting di Ipoh, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Akhmar Mahasan, . (2012) Impulse buying behavior of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Alawiyah Mohd Awalluddin (2023) Recent status of levamisole resistance in selected goat farms in kota bharu and bachok, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Alia Aqira Halib (2021) Determination of Heavy Metals in Core Sediment from Sungai Kelantan as a Indicator for River Pollution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Alia Aqira Halib (2021) Determination of Heavy Metals in Core Sediment from Sungai Kelantan as a Indicator for River Pollution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Alia Zakaria (2022) Bacterial assessment on vegetables and whim' sold in jell wet market, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Alia Zulkifli (2019) Geology and geochemistry of granitoid rocks in Panggong Lalat, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aliah Fatihah Rosdi (2019) Antibacterial activity of Ulam Raja (Cosmos caudatus). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aliah Syahirah Binti Che Alwa (2022) The Study On Stability Of Thermostable Alkaline Protease 50a (Tap 50a) Through Computational Approach. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Alina Mohd Najib (2022) Perbandingan Seni Silat Kura-Kura Dengan Seni Silat Moden (Pencak Silat), Kajian Kes di Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Alya Izati Saidin (2019) The synergistic effect of Alocasia longiloba Miq. Fruit’s Extract with Ampicillin and Tetracycline against bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Alyaa Balqis Azmi (2017) Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2-Al2O3-Carbon nanotube nanocomposite and its characterization. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Alyaa Izzati Mohd Kila (2018) Study on physical and mechanical properties of Sungkai wood Peronema cenescens and Rubberwood Hevea brasiliensis after heat treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology. (Submitted)
Nur Alyani Mohamad Amin (2022) Antibiogram of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from diseased Climbing perch (Anabas Testudineus) of aquarium shop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amalia Jury (2018) Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentration in Lokan from Sg. Geting, Tumpat, Kelantan and Associated Health Risk. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina, Roslan (2015) Study on washing condition and laundry performance using 50a Protease as a Detergent Additive. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina, Shahabudin (2015) Isolation and screening of antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungal isolates from lemon Thai Basil (Ocimum citriodorum Vis.) leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina Abdul Malek (2017) Removal of methyl red from wastewater using Banana Pseudostem fibers as an adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina Aziz Khan (2014) Relationship between free-radical scavenging activities and total phenolic compound of two selected timber species in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina Syahera Binti Che Abdul Ghani and Nur Ameira Atieka Binti Mohd Aris and Nurul Ain Binti Saad and Siti Hajar Binti Yusuf (2023) The association between family values and coping skills toward depression among 3u1i students of fhpk faculty in university malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amalina Zakaria and Nur Amira Mohd Asri and Nur Amirah Husna Mustafa and Nur Amylia Nirda Salahudin (2024) The role of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control in explaining the intention to engage in cash waqf. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amanina Jeffri (2019) Geology and paleontology of Sungai Relai East, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amanina Rasyidah Suhaimi (2017) General geology and hydrogeochemistry of groundwater at Terengganu river basin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amanina Zulkifli (2018) Study on the Potential of Azolla pinnata Powder as a Larvicidal of Aedes aegypti. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Amanina `Izzati Mohamad Rusok (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility assessment in South Of Aring 6, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amelia Farhana Zuraimi (2022) Estetika Dan Kebijaksanaan Dalam Pantun Melayu : Suatu Kajian Berdasarkan Puitika Sastera Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Amelya Mohammed Jamal (2015) Geology and Petrographic Study of Kg. Tadoh area in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Amiera Adila Mohd Rozaman and Nur Amisya Farhah Muhamad Hatta and Nur Hani Balqis Mohd Rafi and Widad Muhammad Suffian (2022) Factors influencing fast food consumption among students at universiti malaysia kelantan, city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amierah Afiqah Amri (2016) The effect of stocking densities on total bacterial count in walking catfish, Clarias batrachus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Aminalia (2015) Polyaniline as a Potential Adsorbent for the removal of Heavy Metals in Aqueous Solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amira, Muhammad Rosli (2015) Polyaniline as a potential adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue in aqueous solution. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amira Ezaty Mohd Tarmizi (2016) Isolation of nitrogen fixing bacteria from termite gut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amira Fatia Lokman (2015) Laying efficiency and egg quality in early laying phase of Hisex brown layer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amira Ismail (2022) Kota Kuala Kedah Sebagai Produk Pelancongan Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Amira Salehudin (2017) Physico-chemical assessment of water quality in recreational area of Lata Renyok and Lata Janggut in Kelantan,. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amira Shakila Mohamad (2016) Effect of feeding Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) on the quail performance in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amira Syakilla Shahrom (2022) Adat Dan Pantang Larang Semasa Kematian Suku Kaum Seletar, Kampung Teluk Kabung, Pasir Gudang, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Amira Zamari Aris (2017) Diversity of butterfly (order: Lepidoptera) at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre Forest, Cameron Highland. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amirah Adnan (2019) Synthesis of single cell protein from Lactobacillus sp. and saccharomyces cerevisiae using corn cob. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amirah Binti Rahim (2022) Quality Analysis Of Biomass Empty Fruit Bunch (Feb) And Efb Briquetted Charcoal By Using Proximate Analysis And Energy Content Analysis. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Amirah Nabilah Mohd Radzi (2019) Determination of background indoor air pollutants and thermal comfort in FSB new building. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amirah Syahirah Ibrahim (2016) Determination of organophosphorus pesticides using rambutan peel-based activated carbon as sorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Amirah Zakaria (2021) Merekabentuk Perabot Yang Berkonsepkan Moden Tradisional Dengan Mengaplikasikan Ukiran Warisan Melayu Di Hotel Peranginan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Amirah binti Mohd Zainol (2024) Kecerdasan Emosi Watak Wanita Menerusi Novel Olumnis Karya Dayang Nazirah Tahir. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Amni Athirah Jasura and Nur Anis Shahirah Othman and Nur Aqilah Tjuman and Nur Assyuara (2023) Investigation of bundle event experience and visitor satisfaction : a case of bundle pasar mek awe. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Andillah Binti Shamsudin (2012) Antioxidant activities of young and mature leaves of orthosiphon stamineus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Anis Athirah Mohd Ariffin (2016) General Geology and age analysis and depositional environment based on fossil (Mollusc) of Pos Belau, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Anis Fakhirah Mohd Fuad (2019) Bamboo as adsorbent for removal of methyl orange dye in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Anis Izzatti Noridzulhata (2022) Nilai Budi Dalam Cerita Asal Usul Melalui Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Anis Mastura Zainal Abidin (2023) Seroprevalence of bluetongue among dairy cattle in selected states in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Anis Nabila Mokhtar (2017) A study on two step preparation of PCL80 hollow colloidosomes at different oil to water phase ratio. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Anis Zainuddin and Nur Aqilah Norzli and Nur Asfa Izzati Abdullah and Nur Asmaawanie Ayub (2023) Factors that influence customers satisfaction toward fast food restaurant in kota bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aniza Mohmad Hanan (2020) Developing Flood Vulnerable Map in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ansyirah Abu Bakar (2015) General Geology of (Telong, Bachok, Kelantan) And Determination of Groundwater Quality for Public Safe Drinking Water in Mukim Telong Dumpsite. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Antasha Alias and Nur Nasirah Pe’in and Nur Fatihah Mohd Fitri (2023) The factor that influences the intention to buy eco-friendly packaging among young consumers on the development of the logistic industry in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Anthasha Billah Mohd Noor (2021) Geology and geoheritage study of Subong Area, Gua Musang, Kelantan using geodiversity assessment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqazah Bungsu Influence of organic compost on the growth of choy sum (Brassica rapa var parachinensis) and pak choi (Brassica rapa var chinensis). Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Aqilah Azmi (2021) Variation of ground level ozone concentrations and total column ozone concentrations over Klang Valley. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Hapiz (2022) Effect of aromatic material on feed storage condition. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Kamaruddin and Nur Arina Fasihah Mohd Fadzir and Nur Arreisya Umierah Shahrizal and Nur Athirah Mohd Joha (2024) The contribution of Tabung Haji to accomplish Islamic social finance (ISF) among the Islamic community in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Marudin (2024) Analisis Nilai Dasar Kebudayaan Negara Diterapkan Dalam Nazam Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Mohamed Noor (2019) The Effect of Mango Seed Extracts on the Nutritional Value of Fish Feed. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Nawayee (2022) Corn farmers intention towards IOT in agriculture production in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Aqilah Yusri (2017) Geology and groundwater quality studies of domestic well at Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Arfadina Sukri (2023) Analisis Unsur-Unsur Intrinsik Dalam Novel Di Sebalik Dinara karya Dayang Noor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Arina, Ismail (2015) Study of fertigated rockmelon production (Cucumis melo L. cv. glamour and golden champ ) under netted rain shelter using autopot and soilmix system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Arsyi Mohamad ZulKifli (2018) Effect of Commercial Feed and Azolla Pinnata on Water Quality and Growth Performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochrnmis Nilaticus). Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Asma Atikah Azhan (2022) Effectiveness of Artentisia Argyi in mosquito control. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Asma Natasha Che Ibrahim and Nur Asyira Ismail and Nur Atikah Normahazam and Nur Azwani Mohamad Akhir (2023) Muslim perception towards imported halal food in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Asma Nazihah Adull Hamid and Nur Athirah Abdullah and Siti Nur Hadaina Rajab and Nurul Atikah Mohd Razali (2023) The involvement factor with physical and fitness activities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Asmasyawati Kamarudin (2019) The Study on Growth Performance of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Reared in Earthen Pond Farming System. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Asmiha Muhammad (2013) General gelogy and rock quality model at Lakota, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Asmira Mat Din (2011) Kajian tentang nilai murni dalam lagu-lagu rakyat koleksi Aripin Said. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nur Asyikin binti Abdullah (2024) Isu dan Cabaran yang Dihadapi Pihak Berkepentingan Dalam Pemuliharaan Rumah Agnes Keith di Sandakan, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ataillah, Araffin (2019) Konservasi Tekstil : Suatu Kajian Mengenai Alat Sokongan Untuk Proses Penstoran Melalui Teknik Gulungan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Atassha Haizani Rosini (2022) Impak Pandemik Covid-19 Terhadap Pengurusan Dan Kepuasan Pengunjung Di Muzium Bugis Sungai Rambah Pontian Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Athilah Aziz (2018) The effect of two different breeds of quail on hatchability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Alias and Nur Atilla Alysha Mohamad Ridzuan and Nur Auni Mat Razid and Nur Farah Izzati Amzan (2023) Intention to eat kelantan traditional food among umk students at city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Aqilah Ariffin (2024) Kaum Cina Peranakan Di Chinatown, Terengganu: Kajian Ke Atas Penglibatan Komuniti Cina Peranakan Dalam Festival ‘Mek Awang’. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Barudin (2021) Pondok’s community participation on sustainable solid waste management. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Binti Abdul Fatah Determination Of Heavy Metal And Trace Element (Pb, Ga, Gn, Fo And Zo) In Milk Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Hazman and Nur Athirah Hussaini and Nur Athirah Mohamad Nordin and Nur Atiqah Amran (2023) The impact of memorable umrah and hajj experienceson the subjective well-being on pilgrims in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Mat Yusoff (2013) Meat consumption pattern among city dwellers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Mohamad Zaini (2018) Chemical characteristics of physical pretreated oil palm frond. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Mohd Azam (2018) The establishment of surface sterilization for the microprogation of ficus carica cv. Btm6 (brown turkey modified 6). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Mohd Raffik (2019) Survey of intestinal parasites found in long-tailed macaque (Macaca Fascicularis) at Kuala Selangor Nature, Selangor, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Athirah Nabilah Suhaimi (2022) Investigation of ivermectin resistance towards equine gastrointestinal nematodes in endurance horses in terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atieefah Yaakub (2017) A study of PCL10 at different oil in water volume ratio using polyvinyl alcohol, sugar ester as surfactant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atifah Mohd Mokhtarom and Nur Atikah Mohd Tarmizi and Nur Atiqah Anua and Nur Aziqah Alias Bhrom (2024) Gold investment intention among customers. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atika Husna Kamal Mohamed (2022) Formulation of poultry feed with supplementation protein content from Trichanthera Gigantea and Morus Alba leaves meal for Japanese quail (Coturnix Japonica). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atikah, Zainal Abidin (2015) Pakaian kerjaya bermotifkan foto perubatan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Amir (2021) Penjenamaan Semula Buku Katalog Jualan Berasaskan Digital Di Syarikat AMN Creative Centre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Ramli and Nur Awatif Abdul Rahim and Nur Azhien Mohamed Amin and Nur Azlinda Saiful (2022) Factors influence kelantan experience tourism among universiti malaysia kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Sulaiman (2016) The effect of additional application of foliar fertilizer on the growth and yield of fertigated rockmelon under netted rain shelter. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Surib (2013) Effect of nutritional factors on thermostable protease production by bacillus sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Zainal Abidin (2013) Efficiency of cocktailed herbicides paranox 13 with shampoo. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Atiqah Zainuren (2023) Pelestarian Kain Cindai: Satu Kajian Kes di Galeri Tenun Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Atiqah binti Umar (2023) Tapak arkeologi Sungai Batu: kajian terhadap penglibatan komuniti dalam pengurusan tapak arkeologi Sungai Batu di Lembah Bujang, Kedah, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Atira Bahrorogi and Najwa Izzani Laili and Nur Dinie Sapiee (2021) Factors that influence customers’ purchase intention and satisfaction in snacks purchase experience through social media. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Atirah Syafiqah Hamizi (2023) Kajian Terhadap Kesenian Persembahan Gamelan di Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Auni Muyassarah Mat Nasir (2024) Sifat-Sifat Kepimpinan Yang Terdapat Dalam Novel Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi Karya Syed Alwi Alatas Berdasarkan Konsep Kepimpinan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Auni Wahabi (2022) Consumer acceptance towards plant-based meat as meat alternative in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ayuni Esa (2018) Comparison between soil amendment pineapple peels powder and commercial organic fertilizer on growth performance of abelmoschus esculentus (okra) seedling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azera Md Salim (2017) Properties and thermal behavior of raw and torrefied empty fruit bunch (EFB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azifah Sahran and Norizzaidah Ahmad Zawawi and Moony Saleney Sawan and Muhammad Syahrul Fahmy Abd Razab (2021) The effect of coronavirus disease (covid-19) risk perception on behavioural intention towards untact tourism in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azimah Mohd Sahidi (2022) Protein hydrolysis of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) By using enzyme and fruit waste treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azleen Abdullah and Nur Azra Zulkifli and Nur Faizatul Athirah Zahari and Nur Fajrina Athirah Mohamad Fauzi (2024) The acceptance of community towards E-zakat worker in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azlin Muhammad Hisham (2021) Penelitian Unsur Alam Dalam Novel Suriati Karya Azizi Hj. Abdullah: Analisis Ekologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azmina Aiman Ahmad (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Pemuliharaan & Pemeliharaan Masjid Warisan : Kajian Di Masjid Pangkalan Kakap, Merbok, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Azmina Azhar (2022) Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cattle farming and its sustainable strategy in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azra Zainol Abidin (2019) Geology and slope investigation using resistivity method in Kg. Bukit Selar, Jeli Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azrin Shahir (2018) Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Antioxidant in Panicum sarmentosum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azwa Hamidi and Nur Dahlia Izzati Tagie and Nur Faqihah Amni Mohd Zaid and Nur Farah Farisha Sazlan (2022) Factors encouraging women participation in tourism. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Azyyate Baharudin (2021) Persepsi Komuniti Setempat Terhadap Keistimewaan Pura Tanjung Sabtu, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Azyyati Mohd Yusoff@Ramli (2015) Merekabentuk alat bantuan menukar tayar kereta khusus pada wanita. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur A’adilah Abu Hanifah (2022) Keunikan Seni Bina Rumah Kutai Di Kawasan Pasir Salak, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur A’ina Sofia Sufhian and Nur A’watief Mohd Nawi and Nur Afeeqa Ilani Norazuki (2023) The influences of hygiene attributes toward customers fear of covid-19 at thai restaurant in kota bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Balqis Che Ghani (2024) Penglibatan Pihak Berkepentingan Dalam Pengurusan Warisan: Kajian Kes Terhadap Dua Bangunan Rumah Kedai Lama Di Kampung Cina Kuala Terengganu Dan Kampung Budaya Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Bashiratul Khalidah Ismail Hisyam and Nur Cahaya Ot Ator and Nurul Atiqah Abdul Hafiz and Yang Hui Fong (2021) Factors that influence non-muslim domestic tourists’ intention to consume halal foods in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Dalila Che Omar (2017) Characterization and identification of heavy metal elements (PM10) sampled from urban and rural schools in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Damia Zahidah Khairil Amin and Nur Syahira Mustafa and Nur Zainina Hastiera Harun and Nurul Hidayah Hanis Rosli (2024) A study on the intention to use mobile fintech services among Gen Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Diana Hamzah (2022) Kajian Mengenai Simbolik Masakan Minangkabau Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Minangkabau di Hulu Langat, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Diyana Anis Md Suhaimin (2017) Geology and evaluation sea water intrusion in shallow aquifers using hydrochemistry in Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Diyana Mohd Rusuki (2022) Detection OF SARS-cov-2 (COVID-19) in bat samples in east coast malaysia by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Dzuratul Ain Mohd Sobri (2015) General Geology of Ulu Sat,Machang and Identification of Potential Landfill Zone for Sustainable Waste Managements by using Geographic Ingormation System (GIS) in Machang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Eastiharah Mohamad Hairin (2011) Characterisation of Escherichia coli from smoked "etak" (Corbicula fluminea). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Eleena Farihin, Redzuan Hafiz Boon (2015) Technique for mass propagation of Saccharum officinarum cv. betung planting material. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Eliana Ibrahim (2020) Disaster Resilience Education (DRE) towards flood disaster on secondary school at Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Elida Ab'llah (2010) Satu Kajian Terhadap Perbezaan Adat Perkahwinan Masyarakat Melayu Di Pantai Timaur (Kelantan, Terengganu Dan Pahang). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nur Elida Ab'llah (2010) Satu kajian terhadap perbezaan adat perkahwinan masyarakat melayu di Pantai Timur(Kelantan, Terengganu dan Pahang). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Nur Elisa Natasha Sukhairy (2022) Penyesuai gunaan Semula Bangunan Rumah Kedai Lama di Jalan Mendaling Kajang, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Elyana, Yahya (2015) Pakaian produktif untuk remaja. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Emy Amirah Zawawi (2022) Analisis Nilai Dan Pengajaran Dalam Buku ‘Pantun Berkait : Peri Loka Tanah Melaka’ Karya 'Azimin Daud. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Erieyana Hassan (2022) Kepercayaan Terhadap Cerita Asal Usul Dalam Masyarakat Kampung Gajah: Satu Kajian Naratif Lisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Erwani Mohamad Radzi (2019) Species Diversity of Asteraceae around Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ezanie Che Mat Zin (2023) Persepsi Pengunjung Terhadap Koleksi Pameran Di Muzium Negeri, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ezzatul Najwa Fauzi (2018) Diversity and abundance of bats using Mist Net at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre, Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fa'iqa Zamri (2011) Bioremediation of oily wastewater. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Fadhila Ibrahim (2021) Kajian Rekabentuk Rak Kasut Multifungsi Di Surau UMK Menggunakan Sisa Kayu Di Industri. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Fakhirah Azmi (2016) The effectiveness of graphene oxide in controlling Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from smoked asian clam, Corbicula fluminea. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Faqihah Ahmad Paudzi and Nur Fazilah Azhar and Nur Hamizah Akiruddin and Nur Haslina Mat Nawi (2023) Factors of saving intention in Islamic banking institutions among university students in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Faqihah Mohd ‘Asri (2023) Detection of vancomycin resistance genes in vibrio alginolyticus isolated from seabass, lates calcarifer on east coast, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Far'ain Mohamad Termezai (2015) Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on lipase production by bacterial isolate LJK2(1)2. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Fara Anisa Mustaffa Kamal and Nur Farhana Nor Umara and Nur Fatihah Abdullah and Nur Fatihah Najah Muhammad Faizal (2024) Antecedents factors in customer loyalty among depositors in Tabung Haji Malaysia in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farah Afiqah Binti Abdul Kadir (2022) Penggunaan Bahasa Bugis Di Kalangan Komuniti Di Kampung Batu Puteh, Batu Pahat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Farah Asyiqin Tajuddin (2018) Assessment of tourist perception on ecotourism in Lojing Highlands. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farah Hani Ahmad Zaidi (2018) Risks and perception of risk management towards fertigation among small farmers in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farah Hanis Jalalol Khaizi and Nur Dy’anna Nordin and Zainoor Sabrina Zainul Hisham and Joanna Ng Row Yee (2021) The effect of crime and safety program on tourist travel intention in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farah Syahida Mohd Sudirman and Nur Fatin Husnina Mohd Nazri and Nur Hashimah Ab Ghani and Nur Hidayah Zahari (2022) Customer satisfaction towards service quality in the fast-food industry at kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farahana Rosli (2019) Konservasi Tekstil: Torso Sebagai Bahan Sokongan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Farahana Zamri (2022) Isolation, identification, and antifungal resistance of candida spp. In cats from Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farahanim Aziz and Nur Fizatulnisa Bachik and Nur Hani Maisarah Muhamad Nizam and Nur Hanim Farisya Mohd Zain (2022) Intention to use metaverse in teaching among universiti malaysia kelantan lecturer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farahhin Mat Arsab, - (2011) Implication of water quality to the vegetable crops in besut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Farehah Binti Ghazali (2022) Keberkesanan Penggunaan Sistem "Virtual Museum" Dalam Pameran Koleksi Muzium Di Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Farhana Abu Kassim, . (2012) The impact of student’s characteristic towards organizational performance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Farhana Jamaludin (2019) Heterologous Expression of Lipase in Escherichia coli. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farhana Md Izham (2016) General geology of Kampung Bukit Pacat and determination of hilllslope stability using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) along Sungai Sam — Dabong — Jeli highway (km 20 — 30) Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Farhana Othman (2019) Customer Preferences Toward Interior Landscape in Urban Area. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farhana Syazwanie Binti Shahrul Nizam (2022) Keistimewaan Rumah Bujang Berserambi Selasar Di Manir, Terengganu. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Farieza Juhari (2020) Geology and geomorphological constraints of urban development in Parepare, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farihah Abd Manan (2019) Effect of Extender Supplemented with Olive Oil on Bovine Semen Qualities. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farihah Mohamad Isa (2017) Characterization of alumina- graphene nanocomposite produced by hydrothermal method for environmental application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farihah Rani (2016) Nutrition analysis of fermented okara, Glycine max and its effect on growth performance of Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Farihin Aman Zuria (2019) Effect on bokashi of growth yield of yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata var.sesquapedalis). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farina Roslan (2020) Geology and assemblages of fossil in Bukit Bucu, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farissa Najwa Binti Zakri (2021) Kajian Rekabentuk Rehal Berdasarkan Senibina Istana Jahar Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Farizah Mohamed Saberi (2022) Enriched nutrients of Napier grass using Aspergillus sp. through solid state fermentation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farizzatul Syakilah Nasir (2017) Effects of mixed metal ions on the photodegradation of metamifop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Farzana Hasrunlah and Nur Farahhani Saidin and Muhammad Syahidan Jalaluddin and Kang Hui Zhen and Jalaluddin Jamsuri (2023) Customer satisfaction on parcel delivery company. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fasihah Ab Khalid (2017) Distribution of Corbicula Fluminea at Gunung Reng River, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fathihah Suhaimi Kamal (2022) Cellulose enzyme activity from Trichoderma Reesel extract using Hexane solvent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Fathin Amalyn Nordin Ahmad (2015) Extraction of flavone and gallic acid from leaves of centella asiatica. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Fatihah Abd Halim (2021) Tinjauan Rekabentuk Elemen Animasi Memuatkan (Loading Animation) Untuk Laman Web Perpateh Tv. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Fatihah Aco and Nur Ummairah Mohd Rafee and Nur Syahidah Mohd Pazli Yusof and Puteri Norakmal Farahaziqah Megat Pauzi (2022) Factors affecting food waste at fast food restaurants in kota bharu kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatihah Azman and Nurul Farah Ain Mohamad and Siti Nor Farisya Ahmad Fodzi (2022) Factors influencing family takaful ownership among B40 segment in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatihah Mat Deris (2024) Transkripsi Cerita Rakyat ke Dalam Bentuk Sajak Berdasarkan Buku Seuntaian Naratif Lisan di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Analisis Nilai-Nilai Murni. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatihah Mokhtar (2019) Modelling and simulation of pasteurized milk production using superPro designer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatihana Mohamad Junaidi (2019) Comparative study of ground level ozone fluctuation in Urban, Sub Urban and rural residential areas. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Akilah Ahmad Afandi (2021) Kepentingan Penggunaan Ilustrasi Dalam Rekabentuk Pembungkusan Produk Tempatan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Fatin Akmal Jenuwa (2022) Molecular detection of flaviviruses in bat flies Of bats from Kelantan and Terengganu, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Aqilah Md Ayub (2019) Species Diversity of Fabaceae around UMK Jeli Campus, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Ezzeaty Mohd Nizar (2022) Effect of foliar aqueous garlic extracts on the growth and yield of indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czernjaew). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Fatin Hamizah Md Norman and Nur Rusfadilah Ruslan and Nor Azwani Anuar and Nur Athira Azman (2021) Influencing factors to visit dark tourism places. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Izyan Hassin (2013) Sterilization method for micropropagation of sandalwood (santalum album l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Nabila Amran and Nurul Wajihah Mohamaddi and Tan Chui Ting (2023) Factors of using the shopee application among teenagers in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Nabila Hamsan (2023) In-vitro efficacy of polyhexamethylene biguanide - graphene oxide nanoparticles against corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis isolates. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fatin Syafikah Mohd Zamri (2022) Improving potassium (K) retention in acidic soil by amending muriate of potash fertilizer with rice straw biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Fazilah Musa (2019) Development of In-Vitro Culture of Phalaenopsis Blackjack Orchid. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fazliyana Mohd Zin (2016) The growth and yield performance of cauliflower (Brassica oleraeae var.botrytis) using fertigation system under netted rain shelter. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Fazreena Md Fauzi (2020) The assessment of public perceptions and attitudes towards water quality in Sungai Kedondong, Batang Kali, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fazzira Mohd Yusoff (2018) Species composition and diversity of Ferns and Lycophytes at different Altitudes of R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fa’ain Affiqah Ishak (2021) Aktualisasi Tentang Estetika Seni Rangoli Kaum India Sebagai Subjek Utama Kajian Melalui Penghasilan Karya Seni Catan Pop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Firdatul Asyrikin Mohamad (2017) Comparison of chemical composition small diameter wild Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia mangium. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Fitriana Kadir and Nur Habibah Azid and Nur Haziqah Abdullah and Nur Irda Farahida Mohammad Izham (2024) Factors influencing customer acceptance towards online Islamic Banking transactions among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Habibah Zamil (2013) Customer loyalty towards fast food restaurant in Kuantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Habibah Mohamad Radhi (2016) Study on biochemical composition of enriched Artemia sp. with Nannochlorupsis sp., effective microorganism and Yeast. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hadirah Kamarudin (2019) Determination of Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Edible Aroid, Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hafeezah Md Adnan (2018) Phytoremediation of Aquiculture Wastewater by Azolla Pinnata. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hafiidah Yahimin (2017) The effect of green manure (leaves of Gliricidia maculata and Mimosa pigra) on the growth of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) grown on BRIS soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hafizatul Akmal Zakaria (2013) General geology and landslide susceptibility zonation of Kampung Sungai Mekong, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Haleeza Hanim Abdul Rahman and Siti Suraya Sho’ib and Elfiyana Irwan and Savitrie Wi Nai (2021) Hospitality students satisfaction towards blended learning in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Haliyana Abd Alim, Nur Haliyana (2019) Extraction of cellulose fiber from banana tree (stem and peduncle) using chemical method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hamizah Amzah (2019) Selected heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cd) uptake in Cymbopogon Citratus plant by using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hamizah Che Mohd Ariffin (2017) The effect of chemical fertilizer on growth performances of Arachis hypogaea under two light intensity on bris soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hamizah Mohamad Yacob (2024) Keunggulan Pengarang Dalam Mengangkat Unsur Pendidikan Sastera Menerusi Koleksi Cerpen Terpilih Komsas: Satu Penelitian Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanani Zulkifli (2022) Protein hydrolysis of rubber seed powder by using salts treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanim Mohd Nazrdzari (2019) Assessment on wildlife disturbance at Agropark, UMK Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanis Aliaa Zulkarnain (2019) Antibacterial activity of Leucas Zeylanica leaves extract in elimination of bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanis Athirah Rosazlan (2023) Sajak Sebagai Medium Mendidik Masyarakat: Satu Penelitian Terhadap Puisi Terpilih Zurinah Hassan Berdasarkan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Hanis Mohd Ramlee (2023) Unsur Patriotisme Dalam Novel Leftenan Adnan Wira Bangsa : Satu Kajian Berdasarkan Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Hanis Romli (2022) Shelf-life evaluation of total mixed ration pellet on its chemical composition for dairy goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanisah Masarudin (2019) The use of chemically modified cellulose for adsorption of copper ions. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hanisah Mohamed (2021) Kajian Mengenai Lebihan Kayu Yang Terhasil Di Industri Frim Untuk Menghasilkan Perabot. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Hanisah Zolkiflee (2019) Purchasing Behaviour of UMK Students Towards Natural Personal Care and Toiletries Products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Haniza Hizar (2017) Phytoremediation of aquaculture wastewater by Pistia Stratiotes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hannani S.Ali (2013) General geology and geoheritage potential of Gunung Reng Area, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hasni Falina Mohd Nasir (2016) The pod length and yield of snake bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.) in fourth generation of mass selection. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hayani Ishak (2024) Penglibatan Pihak Berkepentingan Dalam Pengurusan Victoria Bridge Di Kuala Kangsar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hayati, Saiden (2015) Kajian keselamatan mesin pencanai dan merekabentuk yang mesra pengguna. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Hayati Mahmudin (2014) Application of biological control to prevent siput gondang emas, pomocea sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hazerra Mohd Zakaria (2013) DNA cleavage activiti in two Malaysian tropical fruit for future nutraceutical development. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hazerra Mohd Zakaria (2013) DNA cleavage activity of two Malaysian tropical fruits for future nutraceutical development (Averrhoa carambola and Citrus maxima). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hazirah (2019) Penerimaan Masyarakat Mengenai Bahasa Banjar : Kajian Kes di Kampung Parit Tok Ngah, Parit Buntar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Hazirah Abdul Razak (2019) Effect of Steaming on Antioxidant Activity in Extracts of Ipomoea batatas Roots. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hazirah Mohd Fadzil and Nur Izzati Aqilah Osman and Nur Hazikah Mokhtar and Nur Ili Izati Ismail (2022) The relationship between adaptive Capacity and business performance among homestay operators in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hazlina Azlan (2016) Determining the sugar content of Oil palm frond (OPF) juice. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hazmira Nawi (2013) General geology and soil erosion risk assessments using gis intergrations in Chin Tick farm, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Hazwana Amran (2023) Kajian Jejak Warisan Yang Terdapat Di Daerah Bachok, Kelantan Yang Memberi Kesan Kepada Ekonomi Masyarakat Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Hazwani Abdull Hadi (2019) Mixture of Hydrilla verticillata (Order: Hydrocharitales) and Blaptica dubia (Order: Blattodea) as Fish Feed. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hazwani Dzulkafli (2018) Effect of Zeolite on Water Quality and Growth Performance for Nile Tilapia (Oreochramis niloticus). Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hazwanie Khairudin (2017) General geology and resistivity investigation of slope failure at Kesedar Renok, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayah Abu Kasim (2012) Determination of wild elephant movements in Gua Musang, Kelantan by using GIS. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayah Ismail, . (2012) Influences of price, quality of food and customer services towards customer satisfaction:a case study of cafe2u in Taman Bendahara, Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayah Mohamed (2016) Geology and geoheritage features of Bukit Panau Tanah Merah district Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayah Mohd Isa (2018) Mesh Material Feasibility Tests for Maximum Water Collection by using White PE Plastic Sheet, Black Polyolefin Mesh and HDPE Green Mesh. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayah Nabilah Zamri and Nur Husna Zahari and Nur Sabrina Bhogawi and Nur Sakinah Khalid (2023) Student’s behavior towards fast food restaurant at universiti Malaysia Kelantan (city campus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayanti, Ahmad Berori (2019) Kepentingan dan Cabaran Dalam Pemeliharaan Rumah Sri Saleiwangeng (Memorial Daeng Hadadek). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Hidayat Binti Che Musa, - (2012) Drying techniques of misai kucing (OrthosiphonstamineusBenth) using solar drier in plastic house, direct sun drying and oven drying. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Hidayath Mohd Rosli (2021) Kelebihan Inovasi Produk Kraftangan Terpilih Berdasarkan Teknologi Yang Digunakan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Husna Razimi (2018) The study of moth diversity (order: Lepidoptera) using the existing light (fluorescent lamp) at University Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Husna Syahirah Mohamad Khairi (2022) Grey oyster mushroom (Neuron's solar cap) spawn production using different grains. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Husnina Binti Mohd Saleh (2021) Kajian Reka Bentuk ‘Single Seater Sofa’ Berdasarkan Senibina Kubah Masjid Jamek Dato Bentara Luar, Di Batu Pahat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Husnina Binti Zahari (2022) Ungsur-Ungsur Dalam Keslaingfahaman Dalam Dialek Kedah Di Antara Generasi Tua Dan Generasi Muda Di Kampung Sungai Udang Yan, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Husnina Kamaruddin (2019) Kecerdasan Emosi Watak Lelaki Menerusi Novel Syabab Musafir Kasih : Karya Fatimah Syarha. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Husnina Mat Hussin (2018) Effect Of Grit Size On Contact Angle Surface Of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) And Sungkai (Peronema canescens). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ibtisam, Rozman (2015) Reka bentuk ringkas dalam penghasilan silhouette wanita bekerjaya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Idayu Izhab and Nur Hidayah Dahrial and Nurul Fatihah Badurdin and Yeo Li Ying (2021) Hygiene and sanitation practices on street food vendors in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Idayu Khusaini (2016) Estimation of Minerals, Carbohydrate, Protein and Fibre content of Malaysian native wood. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Iffah Hanani Khalid (2021) Kempen Kesedaran Kepada Kanak-Kanak Melalui Buku Ilustrasi: Kepupusan Hidupan Liar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Iffah Izzaty binti Muhamad Zulkurnain (2019) Physicochemical Analysis of Gelatin Extracted from African Catfish Skins using Nephelium lappaceum (Rambutan) Vinegar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Iffah Musfirah Binti Osman (2022) Kajian Mengenai Peranan Hari Mantai Di Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Ilyani Khairunnisa Omar (2017) Black tea waste as natural and eco-friendly adsorbent for methylene blue dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Imanina Nabila Hazman (2017) Geology and geochemical characterization of tarballs on beach along Batuburok Beach, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Intan Syazwani Rustami (2017) Geology and petrography of granite in Pulau Redang, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Ir Imani Ishak (2019) Optimisation of process variables by response surface methodology (RSM) for malachite green dye removal using spent tea leaves biochar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ismah Izzati binti Ismail (2017) Decolourisation of Methylene Blue using Activated Carbon from Coffee Residue as a Low Cost Adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Ismahani Binti Rosli (2022) Meneliti Fungsi Muzium Warisan Hang Tuah Dalam Memperkenalkan Warisan Ketara Dan Tidak Ketara Di Melaka. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Iszati Ismail (2015) Isolation of Actinomycetes from Lichen Collected from Trees around Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Jeli Campus, Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Ithnina, Rozano (2015) Kajian rekabentuk alat menoreh getah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Iziyan Athirah Farid (2019) Assessing Plant Growth Performance of Chrysanthemum Morifolium (Yellow Zambia Sunny) by using Different Rates of Organic fertilizer Applications at MARDI, Cameron Highlands. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izmahwati Abdul Rahman and Nuratiera Jassni and Samihah Sharudin and Siti Aisyah Yasin (2023) Factors influencing the intention to use fitness apps among generation z. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izni Musfirah Kamarudzaman (2022) Melissopalynology of Melaka honey collected from various bee forms located in Perlis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Izrin Rosli (2018) Species composition and diversity of tree seedling and sapling at different altitudes of R.E.A.C.H biodiversity centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzah Awaluddin (2017) Evaluating the effect of non-green buildings on urban heat: case study in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzah Azmi (2014) IRAP analysis of selected banana cultivars in Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Izzah Helwani Harisham and Nur Maizatul Akma Mohd Zailan and Nur Maliana Aida Rosnizam and Nur Qurrotu Najla Mohamad Jamaizi (2024) Factors that influence the trust of muslims to pay zakat to Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Ahmad (2015) Analysis of Potholes at Lata Chenai,Jeli District,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Binti Ramli (2022) Pengurusan Warisan Seni Bina : Tinauan Di Istana Balai Besar, Alor Setar. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Izzati Husna Mohamad Sobri and Nur Khadijah Abdul Aziz and Nur Masdaliana Rosli and Nur Mawardah Che Husain (2022) Factors that motivate student’s Willingness to involve in volunteer Tourism programs in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Iqlima Norazman (2013) Growth and yield performance of selected vegetables species under rain shelter cultivation in Agropark UMK Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Mohamad (2019) Determination of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Alocasia Longiloba Miq. (Araceae). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Mohamad Shukri (2017) Study of the preparation and characterization of activated carbon from cocos nucifera l. (coconut) husks and musa paradisiaca (banana) peel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Mohd Asri (2013) Study of geology and landslide susceptibility zonation system of Kampung Batu Papan, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Mustaffar (2016) Study about analysis nutritional profile of fermented soy pulp and its effects on growth rate in Ornamental Gourami, Tricagaster trichopterus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Najwa Binti Alpian (2022) Impak Pandemik Covid-19 Kepada Pengurusan Muzium Nelayan Tanjung Balau Kota Tinggi Johor. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Izzati Othman (2017) Finite element analysis of lamination of carbon fibre with aluminium (CARAL) of bumper beam in automotive industry using solidworks® software. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Salleh (2012) Effect of Fertilizer on Water Quality in Ketereh, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Shaefe (2019) Development of Moringa Oleifera Based Total Mixed Ration for Meat Goat. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Izzati Zainuddin (2015) Study of Geology and Karst Geomorphology of Ladang Chua, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Izzatul Aimuni Yusmadi (2022) Adoption of drone technology among paddy farmers in Perlis and Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Karimah Mukhtar, - (2011) Determination of heavy metals in selected vegetables. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Khairun Nisa’ Zunaidi (2017) Determination of disturbance level using noise monitoring device at residentials areas in the vicinity of Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Khairunnisa Ismail, - (2011) Effect of npk on the growth rate of ocimum basilicum. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Laila Azira Binti A. Jalila (2022) Tari Inai Anak Limbat, Kelantan Heritage Dance. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Laila Liyana Yusoff (2021) Kajian Motif Batik Kelantan Dan Eksplorasi Ilusi Ruang Dalam Penghasilan Karya Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Liana Firdaus (2023) Keberkesanan Pengurusan Pemuliharaan Penjara Lama Jugra Di Kuala Langat, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Liayana Che Jamil (2013) Study on geoheritage resource of Lata Renyok Cascade, Jeli, Kelantan: potential for geotourism development. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Ibrahim (2016) Effect of dietary level of soybean oil on the growth performances, abdominal fat pad weight and crude fat content of thigh meat in quails. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Masturah Zamri (2024) Elemen Didaktisisme Dalam Siri Animasi Upin dan Ipin: Aku Sebuah Buku. Satu Penelitian Melalui Teori Semiotik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Mohd Zubairy (2020) Willingness To Pay (WTP) of household to solid waste management services in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Rohaizad (2017) Daily activity budget of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) in captivity at Zoo Johor, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Shahira Zainol (2021) Kajian Tentang Pengurusan Koleksi Tekstil di Muzium Negeri Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Liyana Zarifah Zulkifli (2022) Development of watermelon rind jelly and its textural properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Madihah Mohd Isa (2019) Comparisons of water quality and heavy metals concentration between Lata Janggut and Lata Keding, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Maisarah Khairuddin and Jesicca Julian and Nur Fizatin Nur’ain Abdul Rahim and Nurul Husna Zulkifli (2021) Antecedents Of Traveller Satisfaction Toward Hipster Coffee Shop In Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Maisarah Razali (2024) Konsep Didik Hibur Dalam Pantun Pak Nazel: Indahnya Pantun Melayu Melalui Teori Keindahan Braginsky. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Majdina Aqilah Bt Hosamudin (2021) Optimization Of Mycelium Growth Condition Of Pleurotus Ostreatus Sp (Oyster Mushroom) For Seed. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Mala Binti Mat Husain, - (2010) Struktur adat perkahwinan masyarakat melayu di Kelantan, satu perbandingan antara empat daerah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nur Mazliana Binti Mazlan (2022) Analysis And Characterization Of Biochar From Different Bamboo Species Prepared Via Pyrolysis. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Mazliana Binti Mazlan (2022) Analysis And Characterization Of Biochar From Different Bamboo Species Prepared Via Pyrolysis. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Miza Syakirah binti Muhammad Ramze (2023) Experimental Adhesive in Paper Conservation: Comparison Between Starch and Soya Flour As The Main Ingredient. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Murnira Musthafa (2020) Kajian Terhadap Penggunaan Teknik Kolaj Menggunakan Bahan Kitar Semula. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Nabilah Aziz, - (2011) Characterization of a partially purified freeze dried mannanase from bacillus subtilis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Nabilah Mohd Razi (2021) Sindiran Halus Dan Lembut Dalam Peribahasa: Pengaplikasian Teori Relevans. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nadhirah Rosman (2018) Monitoring Mangrove Forests Changes Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nadia Nabila Azrin (2018) The effect of fish meal on the growth condition of Syrian hamster (mesoricetus auratus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najah Fatihah Khairul Anuar and Nur Nazirah Azizan and Nur Onie Izzatul Mahamud and Nur Saufinah Abd Rahman (2022) The effect of interpersonal skills Attributes towards motivation to Volunteer among youth in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najihah Aina Saparudin (2018) Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic content of Chritia vespertilionis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najihah Binti Hashaim (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Jawi Peranakan Dalam Pemuliharaan Budaya Perkahwinan : Kajian Di George Town, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Najihah Jamari (2018) Geology and fault analysis of Lembang West Java, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najihah Najwa Mamat (2019) Micropropagation of purple yam (Dioscorea alata L.) from nodal and petiole explants using different types of plant growth regulators. Post-Doctoral thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najihah Norzaiman (2014) Istana Jahar : ruang dan peranan ruang di Istana Jahar serta asal usul Balai Tarik dan Balai Lintang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Najwa Abdul Roni and Nur ‘Ain Zainee Jafri Zainee and Nurul Izzati Marzaidin and Khairun Nasuha Mohamad Tahir (2024) Islamic financial literacy among debit card users. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najwa Binti Kamarul Hikma (2022) Transkripsi Analisis Perjuangan Wanita Dalam Syair Zubaidah Dengan Mengaplikasikan Teori Feminisme. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Najwa Ibrahim (2018) Study on Anatomical Structure and Properties of Durian (Durio spp.) and Rambutan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Najwa Najiah Azmi (2016) Study natural dye from tuber of Purple Yam (Dioscorea alata) for biological stain and cosmetic colourant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Nasiha Muhamad Hasani (2018) Keunikan seni bina Istana Jahar dan kepentingannya kepada industri pelancongan di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Nasuha Mohd Layli (2020) Removal of Metamifop using foxtail palm fruits as potential activated carbon. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Natasya Farhana Amri and Nur Ridani Mohd Salam and Nur Saffa Atikah Roslan and Nur Solihah Abdul Halim Koh (2023) Determinants of online takaful purchase behaviour among M40 income earners. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Nazatul Najwa Muda (2018) Toxicity level of heavy metal mercury (Hg) to post larvae of giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nazihah Abdul Ghaffar (2019) Assessment of Soil Phosphorus Sorption and Desorption Characteristic of Tropical Acid Soil Amended With Rice Straw Compost. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nazihah Mat Pozian (2022) Effects of locally available ingredients on haematological composition, physicochemical properties, proximate analysis and sensory of broiler chicken. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nazihah Nordin (2017) Characterization of alumina titania carbon nanotube composite prepared by powder metallurgy method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nazurah Maryam Roslan (2022) Effect of pelleting on nutritional value of total mixed ration for Pre-weaning and Post-weaning goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nerina Aerisya Zameri (2022) Molecular detection of bunyavirus in bat flies in Kelantan and Terengganu, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Nisa Amira Binti Muhammad (2021) Characterization and Biodegradability of Bioplastic Produced from Haematococcus Sp. Residues. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Oistina binti Mohd Nordin (2022) Quality Analysis Of Bamboo As A Briquetted Charcoal By Using Proximate Analysis And Gross Calorific Value. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Qamarus Salikin Ahmad Farid (2013) Antibiotic susceptibility test of pseudomonas sp. (migula 1894) isolated From guppy poecilia reticulata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Qurratu’ Ain Razi (2023) Pelancongan Warisan Di Terrapuri Heritage Village: Tinjauan Terhadap Impak Ekonomi Masyarakat Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Rabiatul Adawiyah Abdul Talib (2014) Morphological differentiation of wild populations of giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Rabiatul Adawiyah Aris and Nur Rasyidah Abd Rashid and Nur Sabrina Mohd Najmi and Nur Salsabilla Syahira Ramli (2024) The study of consumers' perception towards cashless transaction mode in Islamic Banking among students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Rahiiqin Maktuum Baharuddin (2019) Evaluating Compliance of Commercial Stingless Bee Honey According to Malaysian Standard 2683:2017 – Physicochemical Properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Rahmah Rusly (2022) Investigation of benzimidazole resistance towards equine gastrointestinal nematodes in endurance horses. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Raihan Binti Hamizun (2022) Synthesis And Characterization Of Cacu3ti40.2electro Ceramic With Cobalt Additives. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Rajatul Azwah and Noor Safira Rumzi and Nurul Afila Muhammad and Nuraqila Athirah Rasdi (2021) Relationship between research & development, technology, entrepreneurial leadership, networking and innovation capability among tourism SME in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Rasyidah Muhammad (2016) Antioxidant studies of the banana leaves (Musa acuminata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Sabariah Berahim @ Abd Wahab (2017) General geology and petrography of igneous and metamorphic rock in Kg Baru Sg Rual, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Sabiha Sairan (2015) Preparation of activated carbon from fruit of Wodyetia bifurcate A.K irvine. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Safiah, Mohmad Zakir (2020) Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Menerusi Cerpen-Cerpen Terpilih dalam Seuntaian Rindu Firdaus Karya Ana Balqis: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Safrina Syafril (2019) Geology and GIS-based land slide hazard zonation and evaluation of Kg.Chas Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Safura Elias (2013) Removal of heavy metal ions using agro wastes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Sahira Zainuddin (2021) Kajian Kes Terhadap Pemuliharaan Bangunan Masjid Lama Kampung Tuan Yang Telah Melakukan Penambahbaikan Pada Struktur Binaannya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Saidatul Nadia Binti Abu Hasan (2022) The Function Of Sewang Dance In Medical Ceremony Of Jahut's Aboriginal Community At Kampung Kuala Terbol, Kuala Krau, Pahang. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Sakinah Binti Hj. Wahbi, . (2012) Influence of selected demographic towards saving behaviour: school teachers in Sri Aman, Sarawak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Salimah Mat Junoh (2016) Distribution of plant parasitic nematodes at selected orchard around Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Sazwana Che Mat (2014) Penggunaan hiasan kaligrafi dalam dekorasi masjid di Kelantan : satu kajian kes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Shafika Mohd Sharif and Nur Shafikah Zaki and Nur Syafiqah Zakaria and Nur Syifa’ Shamsudin (2024) Factors of the acceptance Islamic hire purchase (AITAB) among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shafikah Isehak and Nur Shahirah Rosli and Nur Shazana Shahrom and Nur Syafikah Nabila Abdul Mutalib (2023) Understanding success factor strengthen min house camp as a community-based tourism product in kelantan during post-covid. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shafinaz Abdul Malek (2022) Textural and sensory characteristics of retort-processed freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in paste medium. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shafiqah Baharom (2019) Diversity of phasmid (Order: Phasmatodea) at Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shafiqah Shahman (2017) Geology and petrography of volcanic rock at Kampung Bukit Besi, Temangan, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Shafira Shayful Azam (2017) Methyl red removal using activated carbon derived from orange peels as an adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahanim Mustafha (2022) Consumer perceptions on plant purchasing amid covid-19 pandemic in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Shahanim Shahadan (2018) Land covers classification using object-based image analysis (OBIA) technique in Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahi Nazreen Mohamed (2021) Pembungkusan Makanan Tradisional Dodol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Shahida Abdul Ghani (2016) Chemical properties of small diameter wild Leucaena Leucocephala species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Shahida Nafisah Buhaira (2022) Effect of sexual rest in buck and changes in maternal behavior on litter performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahidatul Azwa Abdul Rahim (2019) Diversity and abundance of bats at Gua Setir Complex. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahira Mat Yasim (2013) Effect of density of salvinia molesta on the growth and development of rice. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Shahira Mohd Subandi (2022) Effects of different inclusion rates of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) on physical properties of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii juvenile feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahirah Binti Shahar (2022) Investigations Of Ti02-Cu20 Composite Treated With Different Sintering Temperature As Photoanode. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Shahirah Elias (2021) Pengaplikasian Motif Bunga Mawar Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Sulaman Woven Wheel Stitch Pada Produk Totebag. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Shahirah Halim (2021) Kajian Terhadap Kempen Kesedaran Pencegahan Covid- 19 oleh Syarikat Friend Creative Design Di Geogetown, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Shahirah Md. Isa (2016) Isolation of dye degrading bacteria from soil and water contaminated with textile effluent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Shahirah Ruslan (2021) The influences of sustainable science student behaviour on the environment based on year of study. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shahirah binti Zulkeply and Nur Shuhada binti Roslan and Muhammad Aizat bin A Zani and Sundrella Chua (2016) Factors for preference in buying gadget in physical store in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Shahiza Jaafar (2014) Fertigated rock melon (cucumis melo l. cv. golden champ and glamour) production under netted rain shelter using autopot. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Shamsiah Shamsudin (2013) Estimating Land Surface Temperature Using Vegetation Indices Derived from Remote Sensing Data. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Shazleen Ashikin binti Khairi (2024) Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Filem Bisik pada Langit: Teori Psikologi Behaviourisme daripada B.F Skinner. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shazlin Mat Said (2018) Antifouling Activity of Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) Periostracum Extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shuhada Masran (2019) The distribution of Genus Hopea in Bukit Bakar Forest Eco Park, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shuhadah Azahari (2019) Determination of forest trees stress in 1 ha plot dipterocarp forest at Gunung Basor Forest Reserve. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Shuhasliza, Hanafi (2015) Pembangunan cd interaktif pembelajaran nombor bahasa Arab. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Solehin Sulaiman (2019) Physical Properties and Sensory Acceptability of Cracker Made from Pumpkin (Cucurbita mochata) Flour During Storage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Sueziana Mohd Rosman (2016) The effect of tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) and tapioca starch ration on linear expansion, oil absorption, and hardness of tilapia fish cracker. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Suhada Sahari (2024) Unsur Kesopanan Dalam Novel Maghfirah Karya Rehan Makhtar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Suhaddah Mustaffa (2016) General Geology and Metamorphic Petrography in Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Suhaida Kamarudin (2019) Diversity of pteridophytes At Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Suhaili Abdul Malek (2019) Physicochemical, Antioxidative and Sensory Properties of Muffin Using Different Drying Time of Cocoa Pulp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Suhaini Abdul Rashed (2016) The effect of the tilapia and otoshimi ration on the linear expansion, oil absorption and hardness of sago fish cracker. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Suwaibatul Aslamiah Kamarudin, . (2011) Customer Perceptions towards Zero Plastic. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Suzila Mohd Sabri, . (2011) Customers’ preferences towards hygiene restaurant among UMK students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Syafawati Razali (2018) General geology and geomorphology process of Felda Perasu, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syaffiqah Ismail (2021) Kajian Tentang Reka Bentuk Seni Bina Masjid Warisan Melayu Dalam Penghasilan Karya Seni Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Syafika Mohd Zakiron (2024) Persepsi Penduduk Setempat Terhadap Kepentingan Taman Serendah Sekebun Bunga, Ketereh Kelantan Sebagai Warisan Tidak Rasmi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafikah Mat Yusoff (2013) The Natural Durability of Bambusa Vulgaris in Short Term Ground Assesment. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syafinaz Zulkipli (2018) Development of Nanoemulsion containing Extracts of Ginger (Z. officinale) as Pesticide Eco-friendly. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqa Aisyah Sayuti (2019) Assessment of Gene Polymorphism in Terpene Synthase among Local Variety of Pineapple through Gene Sequence Analysis. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqa Mohd Daud (2019) Geology of Kg Kuala Betis and potential of gold deposits using heavy metals concentration. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqa Mohd Sabari (2020) Geology and geoheritage potential value of Kampung Jeram Gajah, Lojing, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Ahmad Niza (2017) Finite element analysis of conventional car door model for impact test using solidworks ®. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Binti Nor Huzaimi (2022) Keistimewaan Seni Bina Rumah Demang Abdul Ghani Sebagai Khazanah Yang Telah Dipelihara. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Syafiqah Imran and Nur Syafiqah `Ainaa Syahrul Nizam and Nur Syahirah Sabri and Nur Syaidatul Izzati Che Mohd Zamri (2022) Factors affecting revisit intention of community-based tourism in tok bali. Kelantan: tourist perspective. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Mohamad Supi (2018) Local community perception on nature tourism at Gunung Reng, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Naim Abd Rashid (2019) Establishment Of Callus Culture Of Purple Amaranthus (Amaranthus cruentus). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Razmi and Nur Syahirah Shaharudin and Nur Syahirah Yusri and Nur Syamim Arifah Mat Zali (2023) Determinants of purchase behaviour among family takaful participants. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiqah Shahidi (2018) Geology and geochemical characteristics of granite in Kampung Batu Balai, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafira Amalina Nor Ahmad and Nurul Amelia Shuhada Zulkiply and Durrga Tharani M. Ganesan and Ummi Syuhada Zamree (2021) Customer perception towards staying at capsule hotel in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafira Mohamad Pazol (2019) Above ground biomass and carbon stock of Liana in 1 ha Plot at Gunung Basor Forest Reserve, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syafiza Idayu Che Min (2019) Analisis Cerpen-Cerpen Terpilih Fatimah Busu : Satu Pendekatan Semiotik Iaitu Genoteks Dan Fenoteks. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Syaheera Amran and Nur Syahira Izzati Shahidan and Nur Syamimi Mohd Hanafi and Nur Syamsina Md Sabri (2023) Acceptance of street food among university students in universiti malaysia kelantan, city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahida Amira Rosmadi (2019) Potential of agricultural waste materials: (Ananas comosus) peels as biosorbent for heavy metals removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahila binti Abdul Aziz (2024) Kajian ke Atas Bangunan Rumah Kedai Lama di Tumpat Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahira Zainal Abidin and Nursyazwani Irdina Rozaiman and Nurul Atiqah Rosli and Siti Humaira Baharuddin (2023) Relationship between psychological need satisfaction and work engement among workers in tcm centre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Bitje Andrian Lucas @ Muhamad, . (2018) Study on Effect of Plasticizer (Ethylene Glycol) on the Properties of Glutaraldehyde Modified Starch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Che Azlan (2018) Geology and morphometry analysis of Subung river catchment area of Subung, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Idris (2018) General geology and geophysical investigation to groundwater potential by using resistivity method in Sungai Sam, Dabong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Mohamad (2018) General geology and geochemical study of topsoil in Sokor Taku, Tanah Merah. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Muhammad Shafiq Shashidharan and Yap Jia Lih and Shakirah Mohamad Zain and Muhammad Taufiq Rosley (2023) The factor affecting youth in Kelantan on product purchasing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Rosmadi (2018) Geology and paleoenvironment analysis at Doidoi area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Zainuddin (2017) Comparison of potential habitat of genus Scindapsus in Kelantan based on different qualitative methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahirah Zulaikha Romli (2019) Geology and karst geomorphology of Kampung Gua Air, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syahmina Hamdan and Erni Nadia Bakri and Athirah Mohd Faisal and Siti Nurhanis Abd Rahim (2021) Factors affecting tourist satisfaction towards tourism destination in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syairah Jamil (2013) Geology of Lakota, Jeli and slope stability assessment with application of rock mass rating (RMR) system at Politeknik Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syakirah Ikmal Hisham (2013) General geology and petrography of sedimentary rock at Kg. Keroh, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syakirah Murat (2021) Geology and geoheritage potential of fossil site in Aring 4, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syakirah Syahrain Mustakim (2022) A study of stability of kenaf leaves herbal tea integrated with Prunus Persica (peach) extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syakirah binti Shariff and Nur Syuhaidah binti Abdul Shukor and Muhammad Asyraaf bin Abd Halim and Tan Chee San (2016) The influence of perceived value, brand image, trust and perceived risk on the customer loyalty towards Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) services. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Syaliani Mohamed Rafflisman Zaidi (2017) Coconut coir as a reinforcement in polyester biocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamiera Najwa Napiza and Nur Syazwani Alin and Nur Syazwinaezzwin Hamiruddin and Nur ‘Ain ‘Adilah Che Zahir (2023) The impact of services quality airqual modeltowards malaysia airlines customer satisfaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Abd. Rahman (2020) The effect of disposal formalin fixed specimen by burial on earthworm. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Aziani Mohammad Azwan and Nur Shyamiza Md Zahari and Nur Najwa Nasuha Bharudin and Wan Aisyah Nabilah Wan Hamizu (2024) A study of intention to repay the PTPTN among public university graduates in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Che Mohammad (2021) Pemeliharaan Kaligrafi Jawi: Satu Kajian Di Sekitar Bandar Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Jumari (2019) Geology and delineation of groundwater potential zone using electrical resistivity method in Kampung Pulau Layak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Mohd Nor (2021) Kajian Mengenai Instalasi Seni Bersifat Imersif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Syamimi Selamat (2014) The isoezyme studies in different accessions of mas cotek (ficus deltoidea) by using protein markers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimie Abu Bakar (2021) Geology and a statistical comparison study on flood events in Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syamimie Azlin Binti Suhaimi (2022) Investigation on Effectiveness of Spent Mushroom Substrate for Production of Bio Compost. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Syanina Syazwani Roslee (2024) Kajian Teknik Pembuatan Alat Muzik Kulintangan di Kudat, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syaqira Abd Ghapar (2013) Characteristization of Morphological traits to study genetic diversity of java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Syarienna Razmi (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility analysis in Kampung Renok Baru, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syasya Nabilah Hanim Mat Isa (2023) Kajian Berkaitan Potensi Dan Cabaran Dalam Sektor Pelancongan Warisan Terhadap Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar Di Johor Bahru, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syatirah Binti Mohd Shaibi (2022) Keistimewaan Atap Singgora Sebagai Produk Warisan Tempatan Yang Memberi Impak Kepada Sosioekonomi Masyarakat Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Syaza Azahar (2019) Geology and depositional environment of Oyo formation in Ngalang Area, Gedangsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syaza Ramiza Radzuan (2019) Trend analysis of timber trade in Malaysia focused on wood-based industry sector. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syaza Syazwani Mohd Azhar (2022) Isolation, identification, and amr pattern of e. Coli isolates From pellet-fed and chicken-offal fed african catfish (clarias gariepinus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazana Md Saliman (2020) Geology and evaluation of groundwater sources using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) in Lojing, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazana Saidi (2017) General geology and depositional environment of semanggol formation in Ulu Muda Pedu at Kuala Nerang Kedah Darul Aman. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Syazanna Hadenan (2013) Food safety evaluation on commercially fermented food-bread. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani, Mohd Talha (2019) Konservasi Rotan: Kajian Tentang Kaedah Konservasi Produk Rotan Secara Moden. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Syazwani Abd Hamid (2019) Enzymatic retting of kenaf bast fiber: effect of enzyme combination, retting time and solid to water volume ratio. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Abdullah and Nur Umairah Mohd Raduan and Nur Zarith Sofiah Zahari and Nur Zulia Athirah Che Mohd Razi (2023) Factors influencing the awareness of zakat payment in the muslim community in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Athirah Zulkarnain (2019) Diversity and usage of wild edible plants sell at the traditional market in Jeli and Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Hashim (2014) Fertigated chilli (capsicum annuum l.) production under netted rain shelter by using autopot and soil mixed system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Jes Zamry (2021) Kajian Tentang Unsur-Unsur Pergerakan Dan Bentuk Keatas Karya Seni Arca Berinspirasikan Motif Geometri. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Mahamad Noor (2019) RAPD Analysis of Somaclonal Variation on Different Abnormal Morphological Characteristics at Post Planting Stage in Musa Accuminata cv. Berangan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Md Fadilah (2015) Geology and Petrographic analysis of Granitic Rocks in Kuala Long,Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Mohd Zukifli (2017) Water quality assessment on surface water and groundwater at Tanah Merah and Tumpat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Zabidi and Nurul Haniza Mohd Zikri and Nurul Aina Farhana Marzuki (2021) Factors that influence the adoption of digital technology among tourism SMEs in Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwani Zulkarnain (2022) Perception and the use of food bank among university student in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwina Dollah and Nurain Abdul Muti and Nurain Nabila Ahmad and Nuraina Nadia Adnan (2023) Factors affecting consumer preference to use online food delivery services in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syazwina Harun and Siti Fatimah Hambali and Wan Nur Nabila Rosuhaimi and Zaim Haiqal Shamddin (2023) Factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention among 2U2I students at University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syifa Adnan (2018) Fluctuational Behavior of Ground Level Ozone due to Traffic Volume Before, During and After Festive Holidays in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada, Kadir (2015) Pakaian santai yang menggunakan ciri-ciri harmoni. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Asmaini Mohd Asari (2023) Kajian Pembuatan Alat Muzik Tradisional Rebab Tiga Tali Di Tumpat Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Syuhada Kamalrudin (2016) Effect of different concentration of plant growth regulator on the morphology of Musa acuminata cv. Berangan plantlets. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Mohamad Asri (2018) Diversity of water birds and terrestrial birds at Mangrove area in Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Mohammad Rafei (2018) General geology and river morphology of Sungai Renok at Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Mohd Ghazali (2019) Potential Antioxidant Activity of Ripe Pandanus tectorius Fruits Extract in Different Solvents. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Sazali (2022) Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on socio- economic conditions of smallholder livestock farmers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhada Zulkifli (2017) Optimization of congo red dye removal using jackfruit peel as low cost adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhadah, Ya'acob (2015) Dokumentasi sejarah Masjid Kampung Laut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhaila Mohd Yusof and Nur Zafirah Adilah Roslan and Tan Chor Gee and Muhammad Firdaus Mohamed Kamil (2016) The critical factors that influence the new venture creation by retailers in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nur Syuhirunnisaa Johari (2019) Classification and spatial pattern changes of land use land cover in Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Taufiqah Ahmad Shuhimi and Nurhanis Sabrina Abdul Aziz and Siti Ain Nadiah Mohd Azlan (2021) The effects of post-mco towards travel preferences among students Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Umairah Binti Mohamad (2022) Mitos Beras Terbakar Di Langkawi : Satu Kajian Monomyth. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nur Ummi Hidayah, Ismail @ Musa (2021) Kajian Alat Bantu Bertutur Untuk Kanak-Kanak 6 Tahun Ke Bawah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nur Wahida Zawawi (2013) Comparison between traditional bahulu made from chicken egg and duck egg. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Yatimy Zamry (2021) Penyalahgunaan Cetak Rompak Hasil Karya Filem Mael Totey The Movie. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nur Yusra Izzati Che Mansor (2013) Geology and petrography Of igneous rocks at Lata Renyok, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nur Zafirah, Zulkifli (2015) Study on the weed seed bank of Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) weed in Batang Kali, Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur Zafirah Hani Mohamad (2019) Awareness to Avoid The Misuse of Antibiotic in Chicken Among Farmers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zahiraa’ Nabihah Jamburi (2024) Penelitian Unsur Disfemisme Aspek Kepimpinan Dalam Dialog Filem Tiga Abdul dan Pendekar Bujang Lapok. Satu Penelitian Teori Konseptual Kata Kunci. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zakiyyah Rosli and Nur Zuyyin Zayanah Mohamad Yussof and Nuraida Hanim Azeme and Nuraida Syafiqah Roslan (2024) Exploring the level of zakat payment awareness among undergraduate students in UMK. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zihan Zakaria (2022) Effect of paste additive on the physical properties of tilapia fillet. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zubaidah Baharudin (2021) Spatial and temporal changes of urban forest in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zulaika Jamaludin (2019) Kepentingan "Make Up Special Effect" Dalam Mewujudkan Identiti Perwatakan Watak : Kajian Terhadap 5 Filem Seram Box-Office Hollywood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nur Zulaika Mohd Jamani (2017) Finite element analysis of car hood model for impact test by using solidworks software in automotive application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zulaikha Zulkeflee (2021) Geology of Temangan and biogeochemical study of plant and soil in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur Zur ' Ain Rahim (2014) Documentation of training procedure of speech mimicry of oratory bird species: common myna (acridotheres tristis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nur ‘Arifah Zahirah Zaharin and Nur Adlin Farizah and Nur Adriana Husna Mohamad Isa and Nur Afifah Radzali (2023) The effect of a short vacation on work stress among tourism lecturers (qualitative study). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nur ‘Athirah Nazarudin and Nur ‘Atiqah Radzuan and Nur Adibah Mansor and Nur Afiqahizzati Poh Lee (2022) The effectiveness of E-Payment transactions using encrypted QR code. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
NurAzreen, Abd Rayof@Raof (2021) Light And Colour Dalam Penghasilan Sinematik Video Perkahwinan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
NurFarah Zainalibidin (2013) A Study On Food Preferences in Juvenile's BAT AGUR AFFINIS and The Response of Body Growth. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurafigah Mohd Yunus and Nurafni Balqis Mohamad Riping and Nuraini Helwa Syuhaidah Harnizat and Nuraisyah Atikah Nawawi (2023) Determinant for customer loyalty in Islamic Banking products and services IN Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurafiqah Izzati Zafriakma (2019) Distribution of genus Dipterocarpus in Bukit Bakar Forest Eco Park, Machang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurafyrra Joha and Diveiga Poobalan and Ainnur Arissa Abu Aris and Norazni Azikin Norhisham (2021) The influencing solo traveler constraints on personal development experience. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraida Karim (2011) Kajian terhadap empat buah kubu British di persiaran pantai Bachok, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nuraihan Syafinah Suwaizi (2020) Geology and geomorphological constrain of rural development in Kuala Betis, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraimi Izzati Binti Mohamad Rani (2021) Chemical Characterization And Antioxidant Activity Of Polysaccharide Extract From Spent Pleurotus Ostrials Subtrate. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nurain Adha, Normee Hadee (2024) Keunggulan Kepengarangan Dalam Novel Aku Bukan Raja Karya Raja Abdul Rahman Raja Basok Menerusi Teori Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurain Izatie Ab Rahman (2021) Persepsi Golongan Muda Terhadap Gaya Fesyen Mix And Match Pada Masa Kini. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurain Mohd Sabri (2012) The Consumer Decision Making Behavior on Imported Cosmetic Imported Cosmetic Product in Lppkn (Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara), Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurain Mohd. Najib (2013) The effectiveness of the selected antibiotics against aeromonas hydrophila isolated from diseased snakeskin gourami, trichogaster pectoralis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurain Saipolbahri (2020) Determination of microplastics in water body at Kelantan Bay and Pattani Bay. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraina Jasril (2015) Characterization of epoxy/ waste banana skin fruit with inorganic filler composite upon crack propagation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nuraina Shuhada Rozman (2024) Unsur-Unsur Kerohanian Dalam Teks Cerita Rakyat Kelantan: Himpunan Seluruh Jajahan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nuraini Abdul Zali (2018) Assessment of Health Risk from Metals Accumulation from Consumption of Carbicula fluminea. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nuraini Hussin and Nuralisha Nadia Mohd Khari and Nuratika Mawallil and Nureen Shahirah Mohamad (2023) “A study on tourist satisfaction towards ferry services in langkawi “. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraini Nordin (2014) Study on insect pest on paddy field:stem borer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nuraini Nordin (2014) Study on insect pest on paddy field:stem borer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurainun Sofea Najwa Hairun (2022) Larvicidal effect of metarhizium anisopliae conidia against Aedes albopictus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraisha Hana Nadzri (2016) Antifouling activity of Babylonia areolata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nuraisyah Fitrah Khalid and Nurarinnatasha Abdul Rahim and Nuratikah Shobirah Mat Sabli and Nurazlina Abdullah Sani (2023) The study of factors influencing customer’s perception towards Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) among Islamic Banking and Finance Program (SAB) students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuraisyah Nadhirah Mohd Rosdi (2023) Keberkesanan Sistem Interpretasi Warisan Kepada Pelawat Di Rumah Warisan Haji Su. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurakikaff Abu Hasan (2024) Analisis Keunggulan Kepengarangan Kumpulan Puisi Matahari Itu Jauh Rosli K Matari Melalui Teori Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuralyia Nazureen Ali and Nurfarah Hanim Zainal and Ennly Aina Ponji and Noorsally Izzaty Nordin (2023) Factors influencing attitude towards social commerce sites among undergraduate students at the Faculty Of Entrepreneurship And Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuramirah Azali (2013) Study of physical parameters for efficient production of thermostable 50a protease using 2 l bioreactor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurashikin Mohd Abdul Latif and Wan Ahmad Syahmi Hilman Wan Ahmad Khalil and Fatimah Azzahra Zainodin and Nur Amierah Mohd Sakri (2023) Factors influencing customer’s intention to continuously use cashless transaction mode among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurasiqin Mohd Bill (2016) Palynology of stingless bee, Tetragonula laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Meliponinae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurasyidah Mohd Rodzi (2015) General Geology and Sedimentology research was carried out at Gua Batu Madu, Gua Musang Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurathirah A Rahman (2022) Physical and chemical compositions of commercial available table eggs. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuratika Dolkefli and Nurulhuda Najihah Md Isa and Nurul Azarina Azfahani Mohd Aris and Syazwani Sahwandi (2021) Factors influencing volunteer tourism awareness among university students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuratikah Shamshurim (2020) Evaluation of knowledge, awareness, and attitude towards waste management practices among University of Malaysia Kelantan Jeli students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurazah Kaseri (2018) Mapping of Landslide Occurrences along Major Roads in Jeli Districts by using GIS application and Remote Sensing. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurazila Suhaila Razali and Rajes Sabapathiraju and Ahmad Mu’iz Muhammad and Shabirah Norasmawi (2023) Factors that influence the acceptance of drone usage in logistics services. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurazizah Saadon (2018) Effect of different concentrations of guava juice in extender towards the chilled semen characteristics of malin sheep. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurazmira Binti Azman (2015) Mengkaji tempat penyimpanan alat bantuan pembelajaran awal kanak-kanak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurazrin Mohamed Ghani (2021) Metal pollution assessment of sediment and water resources consumption to Batek Tribe in Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurazyyati Syarafina Abdul Manaf (2024) Keindahan Perhiasan Kepala Lelaki : Kajian Ke Atas Pemakaian Semutar Di Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurdiana Ab Halim (2022) Virulence-associated genes of vibrio alginolyticus Isolated from seabass (lates calcarifer) In east coast, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurdiyana Nadiha Ibrahim (2018) Diversity of fish at Pulau Suri, Delta Tumpat Mangrove area. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurdiyana Syahirah Mohd Zani and Nurfarhana Jamaluddin and Nurfarhanah Mohd Zin and Nurfathiyah Mohd Sofie (2024) Hibah takaful products in Kelantan: An empirical study of Muslim consumers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurdiyana' Aqilah Roslan (2013) The antibacterial activity of diluted "tualang" honey. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurdiyanatul Fathihah Abdul Jamil and Nurfaezy Suhaimi and Nurhamira Mohamad Yusof and Nurin Fitriah Mohd Azmi (2023) Factors influencing the understanding of Financial Management among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurdyiana Zambri and Nurhasidah Wahab and Nurnadiah Bahren and Nurul Ain Natasya Amirah Ismail (2022) The influence of youngster's satisfaction toward hipster food in kota bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfa Shahirah Seriger Mohd Jendi Seriger (2022) Consumption pattern of milk and dairy products among different income levels in rural, town, and city areas of Sabah, Malaysia during COVID-19 outbreaks. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfaezaa Binti Rosli (2014) Mak Yong Kelantan : kajian terhadap struktur persembahan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurfaezatul Akma Rofiee (2013) Occurrence of antibiotic resistance of salmonella sp. isolated from snakeskin gourami. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurfaidatul Mohd Arifin (2024) Pemuliharaan Warisan Menerusi Media Baharu: Kajian Ke Atas Pempengaruh Media Sosial. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfaizatul Fatieha Mohd Syukri and Nurfarisha Alia Bakri and Nurfitrah Akma Laila Azmi and Nurhanis Alia Isram (2022) Examining customer satisfaction towards quality service at zamburger hotel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfarah Ain Rosli and Nurhaffiza Sham Shaimon and Nurjannahtul Husna Razali and Tan Shi Wei (2016) Factors that effect customer’s revisit intention towards store atmosphere in cafe among Gen Y at Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurfarah Nasuha Binti Norhamidi (2022) Kepentingan Pemuliharaan Kompleks Sejarah Matang Di Perak. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nurfarah Wahida Abd Rahim (2016) The effects of fermented okara, Glycine max, on Growth performance of tilapia, Oreochromis sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurfarahim Mohd Zuki and Aiman Insyirah Kharudin and Ain Sabrina Azmi and Malini A/P Baloo (2023) Awareness and knowledge of academic burnout among student in university malaysia kelantan kampus kota: a qualitative study. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfarahiyah Marzuki (2013) Potential of Lemongrass as River Siltation Control Associated with Water Runoff. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurfarhana, Suib (2015) Biodiesel production from palm oil using homogeneous catalyst system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurfarhana Idahyu Binti Jaafar (2022) Pelestarian Warisan Mek Mulung Di Negeri Kedah Dalam Konteks Sosiobudaya. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nurfasihah Afiqah binti Mohamed Fauzan (2024) Analisis Komprehensif Ragam Hias Seni Masjid Jubli Perak Sultan Ismail Petra, Rantau Panjang, Kelantan: Kajian Pengaruh Budaya Melalui Estetika. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurfatin Che Samat (2015) General geology and petrography of volcanic rock in Bukit Gilat, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurfatin Nabila Azhar (2018) Assessment on Water Quality and Selected Heavy Metals Concentrations in Sungai Rual, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurferhana Ali and Nurul Aqilah Amalia Ibrahim and Nurul Farisha Mohd Nazari and Siti Nor Husni Abdullah (2023) The factor affecting internet banking usage among SAB final year students in semester 7 at UMK City Campus, Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhafiza Abu Yaziz, . (2012) Factors in accptance and rejection of inheritance in family business: UMK student, Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurhafizah Abdul Halim (2022) Heavy metal determination and health risks assessment of selected processed canned fruit products. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhafizah Hassan and Muhammad Izzat Adham Khairulzaman and Siti Balkis Zainuddin and Nurliyana Amira Zakaria (2022) Relationship between psychological need satisfaction and work engagement among spa workers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhafizah binti Mashari (2024) Pengurusan Pemeliharaan Tapak Warisan Budaya di Terengganu: Kajian Kes Terhadap Tapak Bukit Puteri, Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhaizan, Kamaruzzaman (2015) Exporting the potential of banana (Musa accuminata cv. Berangan) as Ornamental for in-house landscaping. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurhakimah Binti Esa (2022) Kepentingan Pemeliharaan Rumah Kutai Di Pasir Salak, Perak Yang Memberi Impak Dalam Sosiobudaya Masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nurhayati Hashima, Muhammad (2011) Pembangunan laman web lagenda Puteri Saadong. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurhayatie Adnan (2019) Performance Evaluation Of Drip Irrigation System and Water Use Efficiency of Rock Melon (Cucumis melo L.) at Netted Rain Shelter House. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhazirah Ehsan (2024) Persembahan Boria Di Pulau Pinang: Kajian Mengenai Nilai Murni Dalam Lagu Boria Omara. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhazirah Ishak (2019) Correlation of heavy metals content in shell and tissue of smoked Corbicula Fluminea (Etak). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhazwani Binti Othman, - (2012) Antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of syzygium polyanthum (serai kayu) leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurhidayah Abu Bakar (2013) Geology and geochemical prospecting for heavy mineral of Kg. Kalai and Kg. Tadoh, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurhidayah Baharom (2015) Determination of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) in selected fishes by using the atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurhidayah Saharizan (2019) Developing molecular marker using Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions for Zingiber spp. identification. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurhidayah Seman, - (2011) Characterisation of salmonella spp. from smoked etak (corbicula fluminae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurin Adilah Zawawi (2024) Pemuliharaan Warisan Tidak rasmi Di Bangunan Kajang High School Menurut Persepsi Pihak Berkepentingan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Che Azmi (2023) Determination of protein content in selected plants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Dalila Mohd Shobri (2020) Assessment of farmer exposure to pesticides applied in paddy fields using mathematical modelling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Elisha Zainurin (2016) General geology and structural analysis in Kampung Sungai Sam and its surroundings in Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurin Hazirah Razdi and Nur Fatihah Azmi and Najwa Nasuha Mohd Nordin and Nur Atiqah Abdul Rahman (2021) The relationship between innovation performance and innovation competency among tourism small and medium enterprise in Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Jazlina Mohamad Fauzi (2022) Dietary effect of mulberry pellet on Haematology and biochemical analyses of rabbits. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Nadhirah Ahmad Zaki (2024) Pendekatan Teksdealisme Dalam Kepengarangan Muzaf Ahmad Terhadap Kumpulan Puisi Sepasang Sayap Di Bahu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Nazifa Mahazir (2023) Deciphering the immunomodulatory and growth performance effects of trichanthera Gigantea extract adjuvanted chitosan in broiler chicken. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Qistina Mohd Zamri (2022) The potential of leaf extract from clinacanthus nutans as antibacterial agents. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin Syuhadah Mohd Radzuan (2022) Heavy metal determination and health risk assessment of edible mushrooms collected from selected market in Kelantan, Malaysia using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurin `Aqilah Syafiqah Mohamad Tarmizi (2024) Citra Wanita Dalam Karya Songket Ber-Benang Emas: Analisis Berdasarkan Teori Feminisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurina Hazirah Hilmi and Nursyahira Norizan and Wanesha A/P Chandramoorthy and Zainati Syazwani Zainul Abidin (2023) Determinants of consumer purchase intention toward organic beauty products among women in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuriylia Nabilah Othman (2016) Isolation of cellulolytic bacteria from termites gut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurizzati 'Imi, . (2012) Consumer's awareness towords Halal food. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurkartini Mohd Ariffin (2022) Study on the effects of organic liquid fertilizer on the growth of vegetable seedlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurl Nabilah Binti Shafee (2022) Pemuliharaan Kota Lama Duyung Di Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurliyana Yahya (2017) General geology and resistivity survey of pos hendrop hot spring, Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurliyana Abd Rahman (2021) Penjenamaan Semula Pembungkusan Produk Makanan Sejuk Beku Bagi Syarikat Durrani Legacy). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurliyana Bt. Anwar, - (2012) Analysis of antioxidant activity presence in methanolic extract of ITSIA SP. (Jenerih) leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurliyana Hanapi (2015) General Geology and Slope Stability Analysis of KESEDAR Renok, Gua Musang Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurliyana Khairudin (2016) Screening of antioxidant properties of white mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurliza Mohamed (2024) Unsur-Unsur Moral Dalam Cerita Legenda Terpilih: Satu Penelitian Terhadap Teks 366 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurmalina Hashim (2021) Ilustrasi Buku Kanak – Kanak Berdasarkan Modul Pendidikan Surah Luqman Ayat 13 -19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurmasayuni Erna Ismail and Nursyazwani Husna Othaman Alek and Nurul Aina Aminordin and Nurul Athirah Arifin (2024) A study on factors influencing loyalty intention towards the utilization of mobile banking among IPTA students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurmunirah Ismail (2017) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and water absorption properties of kenaf fibre mat-wood sawdust reinforced unsaturated polyester hybrid composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurmusyakkar Mohd Tahir (2021) Kajian mengenai penjenamaan semula rekabentuk identiti korporat syarikat Quantum Printing S.D.N B.H.D di Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurnadhirah Mohd Saufi (2018) Effect of ipil-ipil leaves (leucena leucocephala) extract on the growth performance of tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurnadiya binti Md Nordin (2023) Analisis Teknik Penyelenggaraan dan Penyimpanan Alat Tembaga: Kajian Terperinci Mengenai Proses Pembersihan, Kaedah Perlindungan, dan Faktor Kelestarian. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurnatasha Faizul (2017) Geology and geochemistry of water discharges from the sand mining at Bandar Baru, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurnikmah binti Zainuddin (2023) Pertumbuhan Muzium-Muzium Persendirian di George Town, Pulau Pinang: Dampak Kepada Industri Pelancongan dan Perkembangan Sosial Masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurol Hadi, Fatin Athirah (2018) Application of steam distillation and soxhlet extraction method in Lansium Domesticum Corr. Essential oil recovery and determination of its antibacterial activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurrul Azzeha Sulaiman (2017) The effect of green manure (leaves of Sesbania grandiflora and Gliricidia maculata) on the growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) grown on BRIS soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursalwani Muhamad (2015) Extraction of Gallic Acid and Flavone from Leaves of Vernonia cinerea. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurshafika Idayu Ahmad Shukri and Nursyahirah Mohd Ropi and Nursyahiyatul Anis Othman and Nurul ‘Ain Aqilah Azizan (2023) The awareness of takaful services among students of University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshafiza Rosli (2020) Identification of Formaldehyde in groundwater by using UV-Vis spectrometer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshahira Drahim (2019) Kepentingan Elemen Extra-Turns Tarian dan Nyanyian sebagai Satu Daya Tarikan Penonton Terhadap Persembahan Bangsawan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurshahirah Ayob (2017) General geology and depositional environment of the semanggol formation in Kota Putra, Kuala Nerang Kedah Darul Aman. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurshahiza Abd Kadir (2018) Histology study of Asian clam (corbicula fluminea) reproductive gonad. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshamimi Syuhada Yusairi (2022) Assessment of food handler’s knowledge, attitude and practices on food safety and hygiene in Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshamimi Zaini (2019) Efficacy of Coco Peat Mulch treated with Aqueous Curry Leaves Extract on control Woody Borreria (Hedyotis verticillata (L.) Lam.) at the Vegetative Stage. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshaziela Yaacob (2019) Diversity and Composition of Wild flowers around Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurshazlin Anuar (2021) Aplikasi Penggunaan Motif Fauna Dalam Rekaan Corak Pada Kaftan Menggunakan Kaedah Batik Canting Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nursyafiqah Mohamad Asri (2016) Impact of organic logo toward consumer intention to purchase in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nursyafiqah Shafi'e (2021) Characterisation of respiratory capabilities of newly isolated iron-reducing bacteria strains. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyahira Mat Hassan (2017) "Evaluation of plywood properties made using modified starch as environmental friendly binder. ". Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyahira Yazid (2024) Seni Persembahan Gambus di Johor : Isu Kelestarian Dan Persepsi Penggiat Seni. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyahirah Binti Md Nasir (2022) Komuniti Sebagai Pelestari Warisan Kebudayaan Rebana Kercing Di Kampong Laut, Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Nursyahirah Majdi (2020) The Removal of Methyl Orange (MO) using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)-based Polymer Inclusion Membrane (PIMs). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyahirah Zakaria (2017) Diversity of moth ( Order: Lepidoptera ) at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre Forest, Cameron Highland. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyahzelin Bt Nordin (2021) A Study Of Bioactive Compounds Of Hibiscussabdariffa L. Extract Using Soxhlet Extraction Method. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN.
Nursyahzelin Bt Nordin (2021) A Study Of Bioactive Compounds Of Hibiscussabdariffa L. Extract Using Soxhlet Extraction Method. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nursyamimiatikah Abdul Manan (2019) SCAR Marker Analysis of Somaclonal Variation on Different Abnormal Morphological Characteristics at Post-Planting Stage in Musa accuminata cv. Berangan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyamira Mohd Nor and Nurul Afifah Asraf Ali and Priskila Jaimi and Siddique Nain Zulkarnain (2016) Exploring the successful factors of homestay entrepreneurs in Kampong Sungai Haji Dorani, Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Nursyasya Izzati Abdul Jalil (2018) General geology and geochemical study of gold deposit using plant and soil sampling at Sokor, Tanah Merah, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nursyazwani Azmi (2022) Effect of fermented fruit juice (FFJ) and fermented plant juice (FPJ) on growth performance of hallo bentong (Englber Officinale Roscoe) using bench fertigation system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nursyazwina Izzati Azaki (2019) Kajian Pemuliharaan Bangunan Warisan Terhadap Keaslian Kota Kuala Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nursyuadah binti Samsudin (2024) Nilai Kemanusiaan dalam Novel Sungai Mengalir Lesu (2023) Karya A. Samad Said Menerusi Pendekatan Bidayatul-Hidayah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nursyuhada Ismail (2018) Analysis of Shoreline and Land Use Changes at West Coastal of Makassar (Tanjung Bunga) by Using Remote Sensing. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nursyuhada' Abdullah (2011) Mempromosikan produk nuriz kosmetik melalui poster: satu cadangan konsep rekabentuk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nursyuhada' Binti Abdullah (2011) Mempromosikan produk Nuriz Kosmetik melalui poster: satu cadangan konsep rekabentuk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nuruain Rosdi (2018) General geology and morphology analysis of Rek river catchment area, Laloh, Kuala Krai. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul 'Awatif Mohd Roslee (2016) Physical and chemical characteristics of delta sediment of Sungai Kelantan (eastern of Sungai Pinang), Tumpat,. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Adillah Farhana Ab Malek (2017) Structural and microstructural properties of in-situ alumina-titania-graphite hybrid nanocomposite via low energy milling. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Adzha Haji Hamizi (2022) The effect of aromatic materials and different storage conditions of feedstuffs. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aein Khairil Anwar and Nurul Aida Ahmad Nizam and Nurul Aida Lais and Nurul Aisyah Arfiqah Khairul Azmi (2023) A study on the awareness of the Islamic banking system among UMK student. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afifah Laili Sarimin (2019) Geology and depositional environment of limestone facies at Felda Chiku 1, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afifah Mohd Radzir (2013) Geology and karst geomorphology of Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Afiqah, Rabian (2019) Kajian Motif Ukiran Kayu Dan Keunikan Rumah Demang Abdul Ghani Merlimau,Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurul Afiqah Mohd Mokhtar (2017) Hydrothermal synthesis of silver-reduced graphene oxide (Ag-rGO) for determination of mercury ion (Hg2+). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afiqah Shamsuddin and Nurnadhirah Muhamad and Nurhidayah Mohamad Nasir and Nurhazirah Jabir (2023) Understanding the effectiveness of marketing communication towards tourist decision-making to visit min house camp. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afiqah Zulkefli (2023) Unsur Mitos Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afiza Ab Wahab (2011) Keberkesanan visual dan penambahbaikan dalam pengiklanan (outdoor signage) minyak masak Athlete terhadap pengguna. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurul Afizah Muhammad Afiq Wong (2018) Effect of leucaena leucocephala seed diet on nile tiapia (oreochromis niloticus) flesh texture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aida Mohd Ghazali (2017) Geology and analysis of heavy metals in chiku river sediment, Felda Perasu, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Aida Mohd Jafry (2013) Potential of ten local plants as alternative antibacterial agent against escherichia coli, pseudomonas sp., salmonella sp., and vibrio sp. isolated from smoked asian clam (corbicula fluminea). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Aida Siman (2017) Determination of oil and grease in water discharge from UMK Jeli cafeterias. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain, Mohamad Zawawi (2015) Participation level of lower income community towards urban agriculture. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain, Zakaria (2015) Sentuhan akhir tekstil berinspirasikan teknik gerus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Isa and Nurul Syafiqah Alias and Siti Nur Fatihah Amir Rasid and Wan Norhafikah Wan Rosdy (2021) Local community perception towards myths and legends, and shopping culture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Maarip (2012) Nature based tourism destinations and biodiversity conservation in South Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Md Jani (2014) Study of insecticidal activities of senduduk (melastoma malabathricum l.) and chilli (capsicum annum l.) towards the rice weevils (sitophilus oryzae l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Md Jani (2014) Study of insecticidal activities of senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum l.) and chilli (capsicum annum l.) towards the rice weevils (sitophilus oryzae l.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Md Nor (2014) Development of car fragrance from essential oils of pandan leaves. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Nadia Ahmad Zubaidi (2019) Penglibatan Komuniti Setempat dalam Pelancongan Warisan : Kajian di Pekan, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Najwa Razali (2023) Kajian Tentang Pengalaman Pengguna Terhadap Penggunaan Muzium 360 Darjah Di Muzium Negara, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Natasya binti Alias (2024) Kajian Sejarah, Nilai Warisan, Isu dan Cabaran Terhadap Istana Leban Tunggal, Pekan, Pahang: Kajian Komprehensif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Nazihah Kamaruddin and Nurul Ain Syafiqah Mat Said and Nurul Akmal Hayati Abu Bakar and Nurul Asyira Rustam (2023) Factors influencing visitors motivations in attending food festival in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Romli and Nurul Ainai Rosli and Nurul Aina Afifah Abdul Halim and Nurul Amirah Hamid (2023) Factor affecting tourist development in Kelantan before and after covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Saharuddin (2017) Abundance of rats (family : muridae) at food stalls and restaurants in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Sha’ari (2017) Diversity of Beetles (Order: Coleoptera) at R.E.A.C.H Biodiversity Centre Forest, Cameron Highland. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ain Zainudin (2022) Safety and health awareness in the workplace among oil palm plantation workers. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Aina Anisa Mohd Nor (2023) Teknik Pembuatan Rebana Anak Di Tanjung Malim, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Aina Halimah Abdul Rahim (2020) Geology and rock coatings as a record of climate changes of Kampung Kalai, Jeli. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ainaa’ Md Zuki (2021) Effects of BG11, SKM and MKM culture media on optical density of Spirulina platentis cultivation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ainon Bakar (2017) Synthesis and characteristic of titanium dioxide (TiO2) doped nickel oxide (NiO) dielectric materials. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aisyah Azmi (2020) The impact of urban expansion on land surface temperature and vegetation cover for climate change adaptation in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aisyah Deraman and Nurul Aisyah Zukery and Nurul Amalina Osman and Nurul Aqilah Zulkifli (2023) Factors affecting financial management behaviour among Faculty Of Entrepreneurship And Business (FKP) students in UMK. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aisyah Ibrahim and Nurul Syaadah Chik and Sharifah Nurul Hayati Syed Anuar and Siti Zulaikha Zolkurnain (2022) Factors that affecting mental health among 3rd year fhpk students at universiti malaysia kelantan, city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aisyah Shukri (2014) Fertigated rock melon (cucumis melo l. cv. glamour and golden champ) production under nettedrain shelter by using soil mix system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Aisyah Shukri (2014) Fertigated rock melon (cucumis melo l. cv. glamour and golden champ) production under netterdrain shelter by using soil mix system. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Akma Jamaludin (2016) Determination of Physico_Chemical properties of river bank soil from Sungai Galas (Gua Musang and Dabong), Kelantan after 2014 flood. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Aliyah Hani binti Nazri (2023) Satu Kajian Tentang Dokumentasi ke atas Teknik Konservasi Manuskrip di Muzium-Muzium di Semenanjung Berdasarkan Tiga Kajian Kes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Amalin Binti Zul Khairi (2022) The Effectiveness Of Torrefied Coconut Husk Using Conventional Heating. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nurul Amalina Deraman (2018) The Study of Effect on Different Feed of Growth and Behaviour of Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Amani Ab Ghani (2018) In silico study of the transcriptional factor binding site for rhodopsin in zebrafish (danio rerio). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Amira Ab.Aziz, . (2012) The impact of marketing mix concept towards consumer behavior of fast food restaurant: UMK Students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurul Amira Mohd Hasmidi (2017) A study of sugarcane bagasses as reinforcement in unsaturated polyester resin biocomposites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Amirah Azhar (2018) Satu kajian adaptasi dari teks ke filem Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'abah dan Laskar Pelangi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Amirah Gani (2015) Investigation on potential of Jeli clay to be commercialized as pottery products by considering the elemental and phases analyses. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Amirah Mohd Mazlan and Intan Suzila Mod Resedi and Maisarah Amira Mustafa and Mohammad Alif Nasuha Rofidi (2022) Analysis of family takaful and life insurance demand in Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nurul Amirah Nabihah Muhammad Khairi (2019) Geology and identification of potential groundwater location using Eri Of Dabong, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Anis Adlina Abdullah and Khayal Velee S. Ravindran and Muhammad Afizzudin Othman and Vik Shong Tham Eh Sook (2024) The influence of Eco-friendly marketing strategies on consumer behavior in purchasing green products: A case study among Generation Z undergraduates. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Anis Amira Cik Ghani (2021) The Synthesis of Lead Halide Perovskite Using Two-Step Sequential Deposition Method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aqiera Mad Zin (2016) Study on preference of consumers toward the banana product. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Aqilah Ismail (2019) Efficiency of foxtail palm fruit activated carbon in malachite green dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aqilah Mohamed Sohaimi (2022) Corn farmers intention towards internet of things (IoT) for agricultural production in Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aqilah Mohd Rasli (2019) Efficacy of nano-synthesized silver particles from Azolla Pinnata extract on aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Aqilah Zulkupli (2022) Producing local microorganisms (MOL) based plant booster and determining its efficiency on green mustard (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Ashikin Zulkepli (2010) Kajian terhadap tema, persoalan, nilai murni, falsafah dan pemikiran dalam cerpen majalah dewan sastera tahun 1999 hingga 2000. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ashikin Hassim (2017) Lead concentration in long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) hair in Kuala Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ashiqeen Hashim (2022) Effect of different booster on growth performance of Mokara orchid. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Ashiqin Mohd Noor (2019) Consumer Acceptance of the Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Dried at Different Temperatures. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Asiah, Abd Rahman (2011) Adaptasi motif ukiran melayu ke dalam batik sarung tradisional di negeri Kelantan dan Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nurul Aslinah Binti Asli (2022) Pengaruh Seni Bina Pada Bangunan Warisan Istana Jahar. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Asmat Sabiha Dzohari (2016) How big is the broiler industry in Kelantan? Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Asna, Mazlam (2015) Kempen pencegahan merokok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Nurul Athifah Binti Ramli (2022) Bentuk-Bentuk Kritikan Dalam Kisah Pelayaran Abdullah Ke Timur: Kajian Berdasarkan Pandangan Malay Centric. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Athirah Abdul Razak (2016) Activated carbon from rambutan peel-based for removal of dyes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Athirah Khairudin (2021) Aplikasi Motif Seni Bina Rumah Cina Peranakan Sebagai Rekaan Corak Kain Batik Sarung Melalui Batik Blok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Athirah Mohd Sukri and Nurul Husnina Jumaan and Nurul Insyirah Azhar and Nurul Izzah Gazman (2024) Factors affecting the use of e-wallet as a payment instrument among users in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Athirah Mohd Zuki@Rosli (2019) Optimisation of Ammonium Sulfate for Protein Purification from Kedah-Kelantan Cattle (Bos Indicus) Placenta. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Atikah Ismail (2019) The Effect of Addition Two Different Thickening Agent (Gelatine and Carrageenan) for Shelf Life and Physicochemical Properties In Grass Jelly. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Atikah Mohamad Radzi (2019) Development of Potential Antimicrobial Cream Incorporating with Cassia senna Infused Oil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Atikah Mohd Azehar and Nur Auni Mohd Fouzi and Nur Aziani Salikin Suhaimi and Wan Asma Alia Wan Ilias (2021) Motivation to participate in ecotourism activities during Covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Atiqah Ahmad Zahudi (2013) Geoheritage and geotourism potentials of Jeli hot spring, Jeli,. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Atiqah Binti Jamal and Rezanera Gregory and Wan Ruqaiah Adibah Binti Meor Khairudin and Yong Kai Ming (2021) The effect of risk perception on intention to travel during covid-19 pandemic among students in University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Atiqah Ismil (2016) Analysis of physical activities during preoestrus, oestrus, and postoestrus in Kedah-Kelantan crossbred cattle at Pusat ternakan haiwan pantai timur, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Atiqah Zol (2018) The Study of Atmospheric Water Harvester: Meteorological Effect on Water Collection. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Atirah Karim and Nurul Farhana Hishamuddin and Nurul Fatihah Najwa Mat Kholil and Nurul Hafizah Mohd Kashfi (2023) The factors influencing awareness of family takaful among the working community in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Awanis Uweishah Mat Noor and Nurul Athirah Azman and Nurul Ayu Wahidah Hanifah and Nurul Arisya Mohamad Ali (2022) The factors influencing the tourism development in genting highland. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Awatif Ghazali (2021) Geology of Sungai Subong, Gua Musang Kelantan and groundwater potential in hardrock by using electrical resistivity imaging method at Kuala Selangor, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Awatif Mohd Yusri (2023) Antibiogram of Salmonella spp. Isolated from diseased Blood-red parrot cichlid fish (Amphilophus Citrinellus X Paraneetroplus Synspilus) of aquarium shop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Azhar Mohd Rozali (2021) Kajian Penggunaan Continuity Editing Atau Suntingan Kesinambungan Dalam Filem Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah (2010). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurul Azira Muhamad Aznor and Rose Khaleeda Rosman and Zahidah Mad Loddin and Nooriffah Diyanah Matbali (2021) Investigating the level of compliance among domestic tourists towards new travel standard operating procedures (SOPs) during Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Azzah Masturah Abd Rahman (2017) Effect of soil moisture content and organic fertilizer on the growth of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa l.) grown on bris soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul A’idah Mohd Abd Basit (2023) Hubungkait Nilai Warisan Dengan Kehadiran Pelancong Kajian Kes: Muzium Sultan Abu Bakar, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Basyirah Aryani Abdul Rahman (2017) Study on potential mahang of local wood as a core in fiberglass reinforced polymer sandwich composite in naval structure. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Dayana, Mohd Dinar (2019) Kajian Terhadap Makanan Tradisional Masyarakat Bugis (Burasak) di Klang, Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurul Diyana Bt Abdullah Sham (2022) Recovery Of Gold From Low -Grade Ore Of Gua Musang, Kelantan Using Chenical And Biological Methods. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nurul Eizatty Ahmad Mistam (2013) General geology and geomorphology constraint on urban sprawl of Gua Musang town. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Eizaty Syahfieqa Md Shapei (2019) Evaluation of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum) Varieties on Mineral Composition by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ezah Shafiqah Mohamad Nazri and Nor Farehan Md Zin and Low Xuan Hong and Mohamad Afizzudin Che Abu Bakar (2024) The study towards quality service and passengers’ satisfaction level using bus terminal in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fadzianie Izzatie Muhamad Fadzil (2016) Effect of sources of dietary oil on the growth performance of quail. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Faezah Janamin (2011) Ikatan dalam pakaian. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurul Farah Diyana Ahmad Tahir (2013) Morphological Variation in Tupaia glis from the East and the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Farah Sabrina Binti Abdul Razak (2022) Pelestarian Seni Persembahan Tarian Kuda Kepang Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Di Parit Raja Batu Pahat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Farah Umairah Muhammad Rosol and Nur Alyamiza Ismail and Siti Nor Aishah Othman and Liaw Chun Ming (2023) The key drivers in using mobile payment (M-Payment) among student City Campus, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Farahana Yub (2013) A study on the factors that influence entrepreneurs to become successful in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurul Farehah Jalal (2015) Fossil site analysis of paleontological sites in Aring, Gua Musang District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Farhana Md Nordin (2013) Potential of Napier Grass in Preventing River Siltation Associated with Water Runoff. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Farhana Zaini (2018) Participation towards Livestock Industry among Youth in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Farhana Zolkafli and Nurul Fatin Nabila Kairun Nizam and Nurul Afiqah Aqwa Haslan and Wong Yong En (2016) Factors influencing customers acceptance toward self-service kiosk in Northern Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Nurul Farihah Hamzah (2023) Sistem Sosial Syair Puteri Alam Melayu Dalam Buku Kumpulan Puisi Syair Puteri: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Fungsionalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Farihah Zakaria (2017) The effect of compost and green manure on growth performance of Hibiscus sabdariffa.L (Roselle) and grown on bris soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Farisya Hanis Zakir (2018) Use of mung bean seeds (vigna radiata l.) As partial replacement of soybean meal protein in the diets for nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus, linnaeus 1757) fingerlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fasihah Subakir (2011) Sumber ekonomi masyarakat orang asli kaum Temiar di Kuala Betis, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurul Faten Izzatie Subery (2018) Factors influencing the intention of paddy farmers toward converting paddy land to development land in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatihah Abdul Nasir (2019) Geology and forest cover mapping using satellite data in Kuala Betis, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatihah Abdullah (2019) Antibacterial and DNA cleavage activity of Cadmium Sulfide (Cds) nanoparticles using Sesamum Radiatum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatihah Idris (2016) Effects of dietary level of Coconut oil on growth performance, abdominal fat pad weight and crude fat content of thigh meat in quails. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatihah Zulkifli (2023) Seroprevalence of q fever in dairy cows in farms from selected states in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatin Jamaludin (2016) A preliminary study on the efficiency of chin ball marker in estrus detection in Kedah-Kelantan(KK) crossed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Fatin Syahira Mohd Shopi and Nurul Hakimah Hanapi and Nurul Hamizah Shahrom Azaman and Mohamad Izarulhisyam Ismail (2022) Factors influencing Hibah giving behavior among society at Pengkalan Chepa in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fazilah Mohd Anuar (2020) Simbolisme Instrument Pemujaan Alam Mistik Melayu Dalam Karya Seni Instalasi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Fazira Binti Mat Yuti (2022) Isu-Isu Masyarakat Dalam Novel Tuan Direktur Karya Hamka: Aplikasi Teori Konflik. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Fazlina and Nurul Izzah Zulkefli and Nurul Hidayah Othman and Nurul Farhana Zuraidi (2022) The factors influencing tourist visitation among tourists a case study in kelantan, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Fitriah Othman (2017) Geology and water quality analysis of the Pulau Kapas and Pulau Bidong, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Hafawati Binti Azmi (2022) Simbol Dan Fungsi Patung Ukiran Kayu Orang Asli Jah Hut Di Kg. Kuala Terbol, Kuala Krau Temerloh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Haifaa Abdul Shakur and Nurul Hassfaliana Mohd Nassir and Nurul Husna Idris and Nurul Izzah Nazlan (2023) The factors that influence customers satisfaction of online transaction in Islamic banking system among UMK city campus students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Halawati Abdul Razak (2024) Pengaruh Budaya Melayu Terhadap Masyarakat Cina Peranakan Di Kampung Tokong, Ketereh, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Hana Mohammad Hatar (2013) The influence of water sucker ages at planting on growth and development of banana musa acuminata cv. berangan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Hanani Binti Al-Amir Mahmud Khalil (2022) Tarian Tradisional Negeri Pahang: Zapin Raub. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Hasanah, Yusof (2015) Kajian rekabentuk alat memetik cili. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kratif dan Warisan.. (Submitted)
Nurul Hasanah Ibrahim (2022) Callus induction anther culture of honeydew (cucumis melo) using Naa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Hasif Hashim (2015) Anaesthesia in river Catfish (Mystus nemurus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Hazirah Supie (2023) Kajian Tentang Peranan Galeri Darurat Bukit Kepong Dalam Membangkitkan Semangat Nasionalisme Dalam Kalangan Pelawat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Hazreen Mohamad Kusnin (2016) Isolation and identification of Trichoderma spp. in paddy soils at Machang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Hazwani Ahmad Sukri (2024) Analisis Gaya Bahasa Dalam Kumpulan Puisi Matahari Itu Jauh Karya Rosli K Matari Berdasarkan Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Hidayah, Azmi (2011) Pembangunan compact disc multimedia interaktif tempat-tempat pelancongan di Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Nurul Hidayah Shamsuddin (2017) Investigation of Leucaena Leucocephala leave extracts as eco-friendly antifungal agent for wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Hidayah binti Harun, - (2012) Effect of seed sowing depth on emergence and early seedling development of leafy vegetable, Brassica species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Hidayatusakinah Abdul Hadi (2019) Geology and lithostratigraphy of Pos Blau, Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Huda Azman (2023) Kajian Terhadap Pemetaan Rumah Tradisional Melayu Johor Di Daerah Muar, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Huda Hamdi (2018) Growth pattern of celery by using different amount of Bokashi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Huda Najhah Zulkefli (2020) Determination of Water Quality Index (WQI) of Lanas River, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Huda Sulaiman and Nurul Jannah Mohd and Nurul Rodziah Mohd Rodhi and Nurul Zakirah Muhamad Norrizan (2023) Factors that influencing customer’s satisfaction toward food trucks in kota bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Husna, Abdul Rashid (2016) Studies on the Characterisation of Agriculture Waste (Banana Pseudo Stem) for Bioethanol Yield Production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Husna Fatimah Md Noor and Siti Nur Izzahty Musari and Nurhasya Husna Mohd.Ismail and Nuraisha Fazrin Mohamad Teridi (2022) Student’s motivation after returning to university malaysia kelantan city campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Husna Mehad and Nurshafikah Ab Majid and Siti Noorhusna Rosli and Tan Chin Haw (2021) Visitor’s satisfaction visiting food festival in Penang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Husnanie Malek (2016) Study nutrition profile of fermented fish meal and it’s effect of on the growth performance of Ornamental gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Inani Rozaki (2018) Heavy Metals and Bacteria Contamination in Corbicula fluminea (“Etak”) Tissue Collected at Selling Point. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Izwa Zakaria and Wan Syairah Wan Yunus and Siti Hajar Wahidah Kasim and Nurul Wahida Ismail (2022) Factors influencing intention to repeat cash waqf contribution among Muslim donors in Kulim, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzah, Abdul Rased (2015) Grafik bergerak (motion graphics) dalam video korporat Petronas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kratif dan Warisan.. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzah Azri and Nurul Izzati Haslin and Nurul Najwa Shuhada Wahat and Wan Alif Fardhan Wan Sulaiman (2022) E-wallet acceptance as medium of payment among public university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzah Binti Mohd Yusoff and Amirah Balqis Binti Roslan and Nurhairunnisa Binti Hairul Nizam and Nurul Atika Khalid (2023) The association between parental Emotional styles and emotional Problems among preschool children. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzah Izzwa Mohd Ruzman and Nurul Izzate Azizan and Nurul Izzati Zakri and Nurul Najihah Abdullah (2023) The study of factors influencing the adoption of e-payment among youth in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzahte Ain Mohd Fauzi (2022) Preparation of pineapple leather and quality analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzati, Rosli (2023) Kajian Mengenai Ketokohan Ulama Tok Bachok (Uthman Bin Haji Muhammad) Berdasarkan Persepsi Masyarakat Di Daerah Bachok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzati Binti Ismail (2022) Ikan Perkasan Sebagai Makanan Tradisional Masyarakat Melayu Di Kuala Nerang, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzati Binti Mazli (2021) Mechanical And Physical Properties Of Cellulose Nanocrystal / Graphene Nanoplatelets Hybrid Nanofillers Reinforced Polylactic Acid Biocomposites. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzati Sokeri (2023) Molecular detection of piroplasms in cattle and its associated ticks in selected districts of Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzati Syuhada Abd Basir and Nurul Nabila Azman and Nurul Nabila Jamaluddin and Nurul Nadia Izzah Shafie (2023) Factor influencing the tourism Development in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Izzatul Afifah Mohd Noor (2017) Assessment of PM10 concentrations fluctuation in urban and rural school environment due to the influence of meteorological factors. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Janah Yunos (2014) Effect synthetic and natural colorant on the physical properties of lipstick in a comparison on the surface anomalies. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Abdul Halim (2023) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Cat Deworming Among Cat Owners in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Abdul Latif (2017) General geology and characterization of clay properties in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Binti Hassin (2022) Pengekalan Wayang Kulit Wong Di Parit Raja, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Binti Muin @ Zakaria (2021) Eksplorasi Depresi Manusia Sebagai Subjek Utama Kajian Dalam Penghasilan Karya Menggunakan Arang Bersifat Ekspresif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Holid (2016) Growth performance and aboveground Biomass estimation of Leucaena Leucocephala on two different soil types. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Verankutty (2015) General geology and petrology of volcanic rock at Batang Merbau, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Yop Zaiberi and Nurul Munirah Md Rameli and Nurul Nabilah Azami and Nurul Nashirah Abdul Rahman (2024) The factor influencing people intention to donate to the non-government organization among Malaysian. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Jannah Zainudin (2017) Assessment of social demand for conservation and development areas in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Liana Mohd Nasori (2018) Effect of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) Aqueous extract on seedling growth of okra (Abelmoschus esculentum L.). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Liyana Kamarulzaman (2017) Determination of selected metals in sediment from Terengganu and Nerus river. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Liyana Nazurah, Saaid (2015) Mengkaji kelestarian rekabentuk perabot menggunakan serat pisang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kratif dan Warisan.. (Submitted)
Nurul Nabila Razak and Nurul Syamimi Zainol and Roqiyah Ahmad Dasuki and Sashientharan Inthiran (2024) Application of Hibah principle: A study of takaful industry in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nabilah Abdul Rahman Adrin (2018) Partial replacement of fish meal with leucaena leucocephala seeds meal on nile tilapia (oreochromic niloticus linnaeus 1757) fingerlings. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nabilah Azme and Ruli Akhbar Hendi and Siti Maisarah Ahmadi and Siti Nur-Nadzirah Amanina Abdullah (2022) Impact of security factors towards E-Banking usage intention in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nabilah Rozman (2015) Isolation Of Biosurfactanct Producer Bacteria From Oily Waste Water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadia Aminuddin (2015) Study on antioxidant activities and total phenolic content of Leucaena leucocephala species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadia Jusoh (2018) The toxicity of cadmium (cd) on the giant freshwater prawn (macrobrachium rosenbergii), post-larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadia Ya’akob (2019) Participation of Pineapple Farmers toward MD2 Variety In Johor. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadiah Kamaruddin (2021) Kajian Terhadap Penjenamaan Semula Identiti Korporat Syarikat Friends Creative Design Di Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Nadiah Rozhan (2018) Study on the Potential of Azolla pinnata as Larvicidal of Aedes aegypti. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadiah Tajol Ariffin (2013) Screening of Agricultural Waste as Potential Industrial Absorbent for Dye Removal. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Nadihah Abu Bakar (2018) Observation on the growth and yield of hibiscus esculentus (L.) Okra using Bokashi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Naiemah Mior Hamdan (2023) Investigation of the presence of bacteria on swab samples taken from aseptic surgical site in different surgery duration at veterinary medicine teaching hospital universiti malaysia kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najiah Norman (2020) Comparison between the occupational exposures of paddy farmers to pesticide applied in granary and outside granary areas. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najidah Mustapa (2019) Rate of accidents in Forestry Sector in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najiha Yahaya (2021) Geology and landslide susceptibility assessment using Geographic Information System (GIS) in Aring, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najihah Harun (2016) General geology and geochemical mapping of main river at Jeli town, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Najihah Mazlam (2021) Rekabentuk Identiti Korporat Produk Pks Tempatan : Akok Cikgu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurul Najihah Ramli and Nurul Natasha Che Wan Sarif and Nurul Natasha Mohd Maliki and Nurul Natasya Mat Hassan (2022) The influence of smart tourism applications on perceived Destinations image in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najmin Azhari and Roszianna Hasni and Zakiyah Taharim and Nor Aiza Razak (2021) The influence of social media towards travel intention among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najwa Jamal (2018) Antimicrobial Activity of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum and Piper Betle against E.Coli and Mouth Bacteria. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najwa Othman and Nik Ahmad Lutfilhadi Ab Rahman and Muhammad Ramzi Harun and Nur Putri Ai'syahtun Balqish Sanusi (2022) Customer satisfaction of the airlines industry in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Najwa Zubaidi (2017) Study on relationship between basic density and various group age of Gigantochloa Scortechinii. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nasuha Ab. Aziz (2018) Geology and its correlation to geomorphology of Kampung Niroh, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Nasuha Ashyhak Ahmad and Nur Alia Atirah Che Aznan and Zuridayu Madius and Erina Yasmin Mohd Rosli (2023) Factors influencing green restaurant revisit intention among consumer in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nasuha Azizul (2021) Aplikasi Motif Terumbu Karang Dalam Reka Corak Pada Selendang Wanita Menggunakan Kaedah Batik Blok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Nasuha Noordin (2019) Diversity of cockroach (Order: Blattodea) at Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Natasha Izzati Mat Nazari (2020) Assemblage and distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrates at upper and lower reach of Lata Janggut, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nazhirah Zailan and Nurul Shafika Abd Gahni and Nurul Syahida Ahmad and Nurul Syamimie Idayu Abdullah (2023) The awareness of Islamic financial planning among UMK students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Nazleatul Najiha Mohd Nazif (2017) Assessment of chemical health risk and chemical safety awareness of laboratory operator in UMK, Jeli campus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Qamarina Mohd Rafi (2022) Effect of fermented plant juice (FPJ) and fermented fruit juice (FFJ) on growth performance of Kaempferia Parvillora cultivated using bench fertigation system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Saadah Binti Halim (2014) Pengenalan permainan gasing uri dalam CD interaktif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Sahira Hamzah (2024) Kajian Terhadap Pelestarian Konsep Ottu Kadai Sebagai Identiti Masyarakat India Di Little Indian, George Town Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Sahira Mohd Zan and Nurul Shahirah Maiyurizal and Nurul Shazwanie Mohd Zamin and Nurul Syairah Subhi (2023) Factors affecting gen y tourists’ purchase intention towards local food in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Shaadah Mohamad (2020) Geology and geochemistry of lava types in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Shafikah Che Pa (2016) The effect of sago and cassava starch ration on linear expansion, oil absorption and hardness of tilapia infused fish crackers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Shafiqah Abu Mazlan (2017) Removal of phenol from contaminated water by newly prepared nickel catalyst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Shahirah, Shah Abdullah (2015) Infografik memperkenalkan tenunan Pahang dalam kalangan remaja. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurul Shakira Abd Aziz (2016) The feasibility study of five clones of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Shamimie Mat Nafi (2013) General geology, facies and depositional environment of Kampung Temang, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Shuhada Muhammad Hazali (2018) Geological mapping and delineation of groundwater potential zone by using electrical resistivity imaging in Kg. Pulai, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Shuhada Safri (2013) The influence of water sucker density on growth and development of banana, musa acuminata cv berangan, established using water sucker planting material. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Sofiana Syafril (2017) Geology and use of remote sensing and gis to extract surface water drainage patterns of streams in Sokor, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Sufiana Jamian (2016) Geology and Geothermal Investigation of Hot Springs in Massepe area, Sidenreng Rappang, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Suhada Mhd Sukri (2017) Geology and determination of physicochemical parameters of shallow groundwater in and around Kangkong, Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Suhana Azpar (2022) Physicochemical effects and sensory analysis of fermented coffee beans by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syafarin Ghufran (2018) Bokashi as soil supplement and its influence on sweet corn growth development. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syafikah Mazli and Nurul Syafiqah Natasha Zainudin and Nurul Wardah Zurhaini and Rabiatul Adawiah Abdul Halim (2024) Factors affecting using e-wallet among University Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syafiqah Ismail (2022) Computer-aided approach for the development and characterization of bioplastic from orange peels incorporated with rice husk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurul Syaheerah Ghazlimi (2020) Kajian Terhadap Kritikan Sosial Dalam Filem One Two Jaga (2018). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Nurul Syahidah Mislal (2013) Analysis amount of vitamin B1 (Thiamin)and pH reading in selected commercial cat food product. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Syamimi Farhanah Ahmad (2019) Geology and foraminifera occurrence at Chiku 3, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syazana Binti Yusoff (2022) Suaiguna Semula Rumah Kelahiran Mahathir Mohamad Dan Sumbangnya Terhadap Pelancongan Warisan Di Alor Setar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Syazmira Roslan (2021) Geology and flood hazard analysis by using GIS of Kuala Krai Town, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syazwani Abd.Ghani (2021) Mengkaji Rekabentuk Kandungan Animasi 2D Adat Perpatih Bagi Upacara Meminang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Nurul Syazwani Ahmad Nizal and Nurul Zafirah Firzah Buang and Nurul Huda Jamil and Nurzalina Zali (2022) Factors that influence tourists’ intention to consume local food in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syazwani Sayuti (2018) Analysis of Physicochemical and Microbiological Parameters of Groundwater at SK Pendok and SMK Batu Melintang in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul Syifa Shaid (2022) Carbapenem resistance in escherichia coli from raw chicken meat, cloacal swab, environmental samples, and raw vegetable samples from Kota Bharu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syuhada Mohd Sharol (2024) Analisis Lagu-Lagu Rakyat Melayu Sebagai Satu Medium Tarikan Pelancongan Menggunaka Teori Sastera Budaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Syuhaddah Mohamad Kori (2016) The Diversity of Termite Fauna (ORDER:BLATTODEA) at Agropark, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Tasha Zuraimi (2024) Representasi Kesantunan Budaya Menerusi Novel Baromkeh Matamu Di Mataku: Analisis Pendekatan Ihya’ Ulumuddin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Thasa Nurain Binti Izra (2022) Implikasi Kepada Masyarakat Berdasarkan Kerja Pemuliharaan Di Masjid Kampung Tuan Dalam Aspek Pelancongan Di KEmaman, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Nurul Umairah Binti Mohamad (2024) Nilai -Nilai Insaniah dan Robbaniah Dalam Drama Quranburuk Berdasarkan Teori Taabudiyah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Umi Sha’ari (2018) Harvesting methods of microalgae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Ummah Yusof (2017) Investigation on the effect of using glutardialdehyde modified starch as Eco-Binder on the properties of plywood panels. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Wafa Sobri (2022) Antibiogram of Aeromonas Hydrophila isolated from diseased Blood red parrot cichlid fish (Amphilophus Citrinellus X Heros Severus) of aquarium shop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Waheeda Rusli (2016) Effect of Kenaf Fibre Mat Layer on mechanical and water absorption properties of Kenaf reinforced unsaturated polyester composites. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurul Wahida Safiyudin (2023) Kajian Keistimewaan Tipologi Rekabentuk Senibina Pondok Surau Tok Janggut (Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad) & Menara Azan Di Langgar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Wahidah Che Leh (2014) Study the morphological diversity of snake bean (vigna unguiculata) collected from Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Wahidah Che Leh (2014) Study the morphological diversity of snake bean (vigna unguiculata) collected from Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Nurul Zaffiqa Zamzuri (2017) Enhanced microwave absorption on formulated SIC/Feldspar composite susceptor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul Zakira Shamsul (2018) Callus Induction of Vanilla planifolia Orchid Using Different Concentration of Plant Growth Regulators. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul `Aqilla Mohamad Rosdi (2022) Examining the effect of online and vendor marketing on the product sales of Aqilla The Bake House. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul afiqah Mohd Talib (2018) Study on Water Quality and Selected Heavy Metals at Sungai Geting, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurul ‘Ain Abd Rahim (2022) Heavy metal determination and health risk assessment of selected canned sardine available in Malaysian market. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurul-Afiqah Mohamad Jemuri (2016) The fecalo oocyst count and blood parameter in goat fed with or without coccidiostat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
NurulAin Ab Ghani (2012) Customer perception purchase via online at Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
NurulAin Jasme (2016) General geology and subsurface investigation at Jeli Hot Spring, Jeli using resistivity method. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurulaim Asyikin Zakaria (2010) Unsur kosmologi dalam peribahasa: satu kajian semantik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Nurulain Mohd Zawawi (2019) Assessment on the Status of post- bloom stages of Rafflesia kerri Meijer in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurulhuda Mohamad Syarif and Gabriel Foong Le Xuen and Aishah Abdul Jala and Nur Afif Putra Abdul Razak (2021) Revisit intention of rural tourism among local tourist in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurulhuda Saidon and Prinah A/P Balakrishnan and Raihan Hanis Rusman and Rohaizie Azieyra Ibrahim (2023) Consumer perception of food safety at restaurants in kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuruljannah Ariffin (2022) Prediction of potential epitope within segment 1 of Tilapia Lake Virus (TILV) using In-Silico Immunoinformatic Approach. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurulmalika binti Zakaria and Nurzuliana binti Zainol Abidin and Puteri Norazimah Nabila binti Megat Zainuddin and Mickliney Mentul (2016) Determinant of customer satisfaction of franchise fast food restaurant in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nurunnuha Ghazali (2014) Watak-watak utama dalam cerita wayang kulit tradisional Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Nurus Syifa' Ahmad Nidhom Farchan (2016) Sedimentary facies and depositional environment of Felda Aring 4 and 5, Aring, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Nurzafirah Abd Halim (2017) General geology and joint analysis of Kampung Batu Mengkebang, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Nurzahila Abu Bakar (2024) Genius Masyarakat Dalam Penciptaan Teka-Teki Menggunakan Teori Puitika: Kajian Pantun Pak Nazel Berirama Dengan Teka-Teki. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nuurun Qamariah Mat Yunus and Purushotaman Pillai A/L Sannase Pillai and Puterie Anies Sofiea Mohd Asngari and Rasmi (2023) Push and pull factors of tourist participate in Outdoor adventure tourism. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Nyambang Anak Frankie Ted Edward Adong (2012) The role geo-information technology in conservation management (case study in Lojing Reserve Forest). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Oh, Guat Meng and Mohd Noor, NurFatin and Mohed, Sabariah and Mohd Kamal, NurulSalihah (2015) The factors influence customers decision towards online purchasing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Omar, Noor Hazimah and Mazlan, Noor Hairul Azmil and Hashim, Noor Hasmahan (2015) The study of employability skills levels among Islamic banking students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Omar, Syazrol (2018) The effect of garlic oil on the wood of Havea Brasiliensis as antifungal agent for White Rot Fungi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Omar Ali, Siti Nor Alya (2019) Utilization of treated coffee waste as adsorbent for heavy metal (Cadmium, Chromium and Lead) removal from synthetic water. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ong, Kian Soon (2011) The investigation of pesticide residue in agricultural soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ong, Kian Teck (2013) Studies on in vitro regeneration from leaf explants of andrographis paniculata nees. — an important medicinal plant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ong, Shiu Yeang Cindy (2014) The comparison between three different methods in composting harvested banana pseudostems. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ong, Siew Ming (2014) Effect of physical factors in protease production by isolate PJK22(1)2. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ong, Su En and Hamidon, Sajaratul Ashikin and Abd Wahab, Siti Aisah (2015) The relationship between entrepreneurial competitive and resilience towards business performance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ong Fei Fun (2018) Effect of transportation in liquid nitrogen on viability of bovine oocytes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ong Siew Zee (2022) Molecular detection of leptospira spp. In bovine kidney In Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ong Xiu Min (2022) Antibiogram of Escherichia coli isolated from diseased Flower horn fish (Cichlasoma sp.) Of aquarium shop. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ooi Saw, Choon shean (2018) Decolourisation of reactive orange 16 by locally isolated dye degrading microbe. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Osman, Nurul Amirah (2020) A Study on calcium Alginate Encapsulation of coconut frond biochar on methylene blue removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Osman Senawi (2011) Pengurusan koleksi muzium kajian kes di Jabatan Muzium Sarawak. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Othman, Abdullah (2020) Properties of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCL) Treated Sawdust-Reinforced Polyethylene Composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Othman, Mastura (2022) Nilai - Nilai Kemanusiaan Dalam Novel Srengenge Karya Shahnon Ahmad: Aplikasi Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Othman, Nur Shahirah (2020) Akal Budi Orang Melayu Dalam Cerita Rakyat Himpunan 366 Cerita Rakyat Malaysia: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Othman, Nurfazira (2018) Functionalising of carbon/silica composite from bamboo leaves to convert polyethylene glycol monolaurate into 2-chloroethyl benzoate. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Othman, Nurul Syamimi (2019) Optimization of process parameters in bio-retting kenaf bast fiber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Othman @ Seman, Zati Akhtar (2016) Cerambycids (Coleoptera: Cerambyddae) Assemblages in Bukit Gaharu, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Othman Ruknan, Mohamad Amirul Aiman (2022) Kajian Terhadap Pemeliharaan Permainan Tradisional Gasing Pangkah Di Mukim Sungai Pinang, Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Paing, Mike Tyson (2022) Kosmologi Flora Dalam Pantun Iban : Satu Kajian Etnobotani Di Sarawak Menggunakan Teori Ekologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Pam, Chee Yong (2015) Toxicity of testosterone undecanoate hormone to artemia naupli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Pang, Chee Hong (2012) The study of river management on Batang Arau and Kuranji Rivers in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Pang, Shene Ru (2011) Growing napier grass (pennisetum purpureum schumach) at varying level of sheep manure. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Pang, Sze Pui (2020) Determination of carotenoids content from varieties of food waste using solvent extraction method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Pavithrra A/P Ganeson and Rasyidah Razak and Reshmawary A/P Rajendaran and Siti Mardhiah and Siti Noranizan Mohammad Zaman (2023) Explore experiential learning factors in relation to 3u1i fhpk students’ performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Petel, Max Martin (2022) Pelestarian Tarian ‘Langgie Pingadap’ Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Bidayuh. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Phang, Min Jie (2015) Investigating factors affecting UMK students to become social entrepreneur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Phang, Min Jie (2015) Investigating factors affecting UMK students to become social entrepreneur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Pheen, Chee Leong (2014) Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of selected fruits at different maturity stages. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Philomena Rawa Lenang (2024) Unsur Mistik Dalam Puisi Tradisional Iban: Kajian Terhadap Teks Timang Benih. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Phoon, Jing Wern (2016) Development of herbal ice cream. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Phuang, Lynn Nie (2016) Isolation and characterization of metal-respiring-bacteria from tropical forest soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Phwan, Chai Kee (2014) Characteristics of leucaena leucocephala species as wood pellet for biomass energy sources. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Pirdaus, Nur Alfarina (2020) Study of Beta vulgaris (Beetroot) extraction in polar solvents for photoabsorber in dye-sensitized solar cells application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Pon, Heng Keat (2016) Modeling and simulation for production of crude palm oil by using superpro designer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Pou, Jun Jat (2018) Characterisation of locally isolated dye degrading microbe. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Pravina Surenthiran (2021) Kajian Perbandingan Kualiti Cgi Dalam Filem Magika 2010 Dan Filem Avatar 2009. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Priamalar A/P M. Genason (2016) General geology and groundwater quality around Kampung Gunong Timor, Bachok, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Priya Darshini Kanniappan (2015) Most propable number (MPN) and antibiotic resistance pattern of Escherichia coli from smoked Asian Clam, Corbicula fluminea. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Priyadarshini A/P Karunanadi (2016) General geology and geochemistry of soil in Kampung Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Priyono, Ameera Nur Afiqah (2020) Determination of antimicrobial activity by defence fluid of Macrotermes Carbonarius on selected soil microbes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Puspanathan Sandirasegaran (2013) Comparative studies on lycopene content from various Malaysian colour fruits. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Puteri Adiba Hasanah Mohamed Idrus (2019) Determining the Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Aroid (Alocasia farisii). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Puteri Najihah Mohamad Zamzani (2018) Geology and the control of lithology to vegetation change by using remove sensing at Takalar regency , South Sulawesi Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Puteri Nur Anis Megat Jaafar and Afina Mohd Seman and Aisyah Nabilah Khabil and Ezzatul Husna Aman (2022) The study on the effectiveness of dineserve on customer satisfaction in Kelantan hipster café. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Putri Nadzirah Abdul Karim (2016) General geology and potential limestone geohazard assessment using GIS at Gua Musang town, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Putri Natasha Syafirah Abdullah (2017) Geology and structural analysis of Limau Kasturi,Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Putri Nur-Anis Balqis Binti Yazik (2022) Transkrip Puisi Melayu Dalam Cerita Rakyat Melayu Berdasarkan Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Analisis Nilai-nilai Murni. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
P’ng Jia Qian (2022) Efficacy of tumeric On stray cats with notoedric mange. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Qaf Qastalani Hassan (2017) General geology and petrography of plutonic rock in Batang Merbau, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Quah, Soon Wei (2019) Co-sensitizer dyes from Eucheuma cottonii sp. and Hylocereus polyrhizus sp. by the hybrid approach as a photoactive layer in solar cell application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Qurratul Ain Qistina Ibrahim (2021) Geology in Kampung Sungai Batu, Dabong, Kuala Krai and a spatio-temporal analysis of rainfall data in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rohaslizawati Mohd Razali (2013) Comparison between embryo culture technique and the effect of acid and heat treatment of the germination of wild musa acuminata ssp.malaccensis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty Of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rosland, Nur Amirah and Omar, Nor Adlin Elina and Asri, Nuraqilah (2015) Political, safety and health and social issues that influencing tourist arrivals in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
RIVITRA A/P VINTISEN (2019) Allelopathic activity of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.) and Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) leaves extract on Goosegrass (Eleusine indica). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabaitul Athirah Ahmad Azhar (2019) Above ground biomass and carbon stock in 1 Ha Plot Of Gunung Basor forest reserve. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabi'atul Adawiyah Ismail (2014) Landscape ecological approach in managing ecotourism in Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Rabiatul Adawiah Md Tazali (2019) Insect association with Parthenium hysterophorus weed at different habitats of Sungai Petani, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabiatul Adawiah Othman (2014) Study on the effect of egg size, age of hen and storage period on fertility, hatchability, embryo mortality and chick malformations in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rabiatul Adawiyah Abu Bakar (2016) General geology and geochemical of soil in Kg. Kandek at Dabong,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rabiatul Adawiyah Mohamad Saharuddin (2024) Persepsi Pengunjung Terhadap Galeri Alat Telekomunikasi Di Muzium Telekom, Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabiatul adawiyah abdul shukor (2023) Curcuma longa (turmeric) an antifungal treatment for dermatophytosis: a systematic review. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabiatul ‘Adawiyah Azman (2023) Establishment of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (rt-lamp) method for the detection of virulent newcastle disease virus. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rabiatuladawiyah Ruzmi (2014) A survey on pests and diseases field management practices in Kada Areas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rabi’atul Adawiah Mat Jusoh, . (2012) Students’s satisfaction towards hostel facilities provided by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan(UMK). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rabi’atul’ Nadzirah binti Mohamad Rani (2023) Kajian Perbandingan Rumah Tradisional Melanau di Kampung Budaya, Kuching dan di Kampung Sok, Matu, Mukah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rachel Jane Joseph (2024) Perbandingan Adaptasi Elemen Naratif Dari Novel Ke Filem Menerusi Karya Tombiruo: Penunggu Rimba. Satu Penelitian Teori Intertekstualiti. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Radzali, Nurul Najihah (2019) Pemeliharaan Teknik Penghasilan Kraftangan Tekat Secara Tradisional Dalam Era Modenisasi Di Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Rafid Fauzi (2016) Dried beef: a preliminary study of consumer acceptance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rafiq Haikal Bin Mohd Ali Hussaini (2021) Water Filtration by Ceramic Water Filter Added With Silica-based Bambusoideae via Slip Casting Method. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Raghinhy Mohana Dass (2022) Absence of endoparasites among groupers (Epinephelus spp.) In commercial farms in Bachok and Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rahayu Amil, . (2012) Women inclination in business. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rahayu Mohamad Yusoff (2019) Optimization of Micropropagation for Curcuma longa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rahifah Abdul Rahman (2011) Keintelektualan Raja Ali Haji dalam Gurindam Dua Belas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rahim, Rohidah and Abdul Aziz, Rahimah and Omang @ Omar, Rafidah and Supanot, Raihana Tul Amalina (2015) Factors influence compliance intention behavior on zakat of income among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan staff. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rahimah Othman (2021) Kajian Warna Dan Bentuk Dalam Psikologi Manusia Dari Aspek Terapi Seni. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Rahimi Akmar Zakaria and Ong Wei Ching and Nur Atikah Athirah Ramli and Nur Atikah Mohd Zhari (2016) The factors influencing the E-Loyalty towards website among retailing students in University Malaysia Kelantan, Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rahman, Nor Hayati (2018) Preparation of raw Oyster Shell as adsorbent for removal of Congo Red in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raihan Desa, - (2011) Isolation, identification and characterization of antibiogram of (flavobacterium spp.) in red hybrid tilapia (oreochromis sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Raihana Amira Ramli (2019) Geology of Cawas and the Demarcation of Groundwater Potential Zone Using 1D Electrical Resistivity Method in Tancep, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raizan Raihana Asmawi (2021) Geology and speleotourism potential at Gua Puteri Pulai, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raja Ab Rahim Raja Mamat (2010) Kajian permainan gasing uri terbang di Wakaf Raja, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Raja Ainin Sofiya Raja Haniff (2019) Geology of Baleendah, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia and geochemical analysis of soil fertility. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raja Hishamudin, Raja Muhammad Hilmi (2020) Black soldier fly Hermetia illucens larvae as protein source for giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raja Ibrahim Ikhwan Raja Ahmad Ikram, - (2012) The investigation of pesticide usage in rice cultivation in Battambang, Cambodia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Raja Mahfudzah Raja Sulaiman (2013) The use of wild and berangan banana pseudostem extract as attractant of banana pseudostem weevil, odoiporus longicollis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Raja Mahmood, Raja Nora Ashikin (2018) Effect of fiber loading and chemical treatment on bamboo fiber reinforced polyester resin composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raja Nur Julaizzah Raja Ali (2019) Vermiwash as a soil supplement to improve the growth of leafy vegetable, pak choi (Brassica rapa var chinensis). Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raja Nurul ‘Amira Raja Anoro (2023) Effects of pet ownership on the mental health of veterinary medical students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rajaeswary, Thangarasah (2015) Tenggerese tribal Alliances with modern contemporary living. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rajendran Ramish and Norfazlin Karim and Huang Kee Kai and Nurul ‘Aqilah Mohd Yusof (2023) The post-pandemic effects on employee job performance in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rajidin, Siti Farah Hanun (2019) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of plastic bag production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rama Rao, Sharmila Devi (2018) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Garcinia mangostana Linn (GML) leaves extract and their antidiabetic and antioxidant activity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramadhan Ibnu Hassim (2020) General geology and geoheritage investigation value of nglanggeran area in special region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramarao, Lavania (2020) Synthesis and characterization of bioplastic of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpurem) cellulose with different type of plasticizers. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Hasna Hanis (2020) Production of organic fertilizer from hostel food waste by composting method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Muhamad Izzuddin (2022) Kepengarangan Shamsuddin Othman Dalam Kumpulan Puisi Taman Insaniah Menerusi Aspek Intrinsik Dan Pengaruh Retorik Dengan Pengaplikasian Teori Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Nur Asma Faiza (2019) Investigation of waste Banana Pseudo Stem (Musaacuminata) as potential raw material for Bioethanol production by fermentation process. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Nurul Hidayah (2019) The effect of synthesis condition on the growth of ZnO nanostructure via hydrothermal method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Rossilawati (2019) Geology and geoheritage potential of Kg. Star Baru, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ramli, Suzlyanna and Wangit, Syahirah and Samsudin, Syamimi and Tee, Yee Fan (2015) Factors affecting performance of homestay as entrepreneurial business: case in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ramomurthy, Thinesrraj (2022) Keistimewaan Kubu Kebal Kampung Ger Melawi Yang Memberi Kesan Terhadap Sektor Ekonomi Di Bachok Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ranjini K. Nagarajah (2013) Removal of congo red and acid yellow 36 dye using orange peel and rice husk as absorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rashidah Hanin Rafi (2015) General geology and cut slope stability assessment of highly weathered sedimentary rock in Kampung Sungai Terah, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Rasliza Abd Razak (2019) Geology and lithostratigraphy of Kapasiti Harapan, Lojing, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rasmini Binti Ladampang and Salman Sabar and Savivarthini A/P Venugopal and Seri Najwa Amira Hamirudin (2023) Factors influence tourists’ selecting melaka as holiday destination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rasyidah Nurain Noredzuan and Nursyuhada Anis Md Shaharon and Siti Nur Amirah Ismail@Hassan and Sharmitha Arivananthan and Yusuffizairi Abdul Aziz (2022) Factor on food heritage awareness among young generation in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Raudatul Raihana Ahmad (2017) Diversity of mollusca in disturbed and undisturbed mangrove ecosystems of Tumpat, Kelantan. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Raveenthiran A/L Rajan Effects of Particle Sizes on Reductive Dissolution of Iron Oxides from IImenite Ores by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Ravi, Suganthi (2020) Fabrication and characterisation of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Co-Hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-Co-HFP) Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs) for Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) dye removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ravichandran, Kuga Darsani and Hamid, Nor Fariha Wahida and Hamzah, Siti Nurnabila and Tham, Kar Yee (2015) Determining the factors to engage in batik business: a study among Kota Bharu’s batik entrepreneurs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ravikumar S/O Parumal, . (2012) A descriptive study on student’s satisfaction towards services provided in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ravindra, Mohana (2019) Effect on mechanical and physical properties of paper by variating ratios of OCC Pulps and Virgin Sesbania grandiflora Pulps. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Razaini, Nurul Qurratul 'Ainne (2018) Biochar from bamboo (Schizostachyum brachycladum sp.) as adsorbent for removal of congo red dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Razali, Nur Nadia Suhada (2020) Kelantan youth entrepreneurs participation in halal food product labelling. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Razali, Nur Syuhada (2016) Removal of Dyes Using Activated Carbon Derived from Palm Tree Empty Fruit Bunch. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Razali, Zaty Naadwaa (2020) Geology of Bukit Buluh, Marang, Terengganu and 3d seismic interpretation of abu field of Terengganu Offshore. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Razali Ahmad Saiful Azmi (2014) Nilai-nilai disiplin dalam seni persembahan Menora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Razilah, Rabiatul Fatimah (2016) Studies on the Characterization of Agriculture Waste (Sugarcane Bagasse) for Bio-ethanol Yield Production. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Renuka A/P Krishnan (2016) Geology and distribution of heavy metals in topsoil, Guchil, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Revathy Nadarajan (2013) Elucidation of somaclonal variation in banana tissue culture. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Revathy Sivaguru and Nor Aidah Tonmezi @ Tarmezi and Nor Akmalisa Azwani Hamadan and Muhammad Faris Mohd Saidi (2022) Interpersonal relationship, workload pressure, work environment, and job stress among hospitality internships. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Rexzana Rose Henry (2022) Inhibition of alpha and beta interferon by coronaviruses isolated from bats in east-coast malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rico, Norkiyo (2019) The importance of warm-up as a personal preparation of three stage-performer: Actor , dancer and singer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Riduwan, Mohd Firdaus (2022) Adab-Adab Pemerintah Dalam Bustan Al- Salatin. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ridzuan, Amzar Shahir (2018) Determination of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters in mechanically ventilated lecture halls and hostel room. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ridzuan, Nik Nurul Asfarina (2019) Nasi Kandar: Penerimaan Masyarakat di Seberang Perai sebagai Makanan Warisan Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Rijalman bin Husman (2024) Elemen-Elemen Konflik dan Penyelesaiannya dalam Filem Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Arahan Sunil Soraya Menggunakan Teori Konflik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rishaliney Selva, Rajoo (2020) Performing feeding trial on broiler chicken using different ratios of protease treated black soldier fly (Hermetic Illucens) larvae as partial protein substituent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rishikesan Vivekananth (2022) A systematic review of herbal extracts in treating urolithiasis in cats and dogs. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Risyon, Nadia Shavika (2018) Carbon Sequestration of mangrove forest in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rodi, Ismah Hasanah (2018) Study of effect of Grit size on Contact Angle Surface of Kelempayan (Neolamarckiu cadamba) and Petai (Parkia speciosa) wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rodiah Hamidi (2016) Determination of crude protein and crude fat content in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnixjaponica) Fed with Black soldier fly larvae. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rogini Sivalingam (2015) Morphological and Proreomic Analysis of Mas Cotek (Ficus Deltoidea) Population of Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Rohaida, Ramli (2015) Pakaian kerjaya bermotifkan sumber mata wang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rohaizat, Auzaie Asyraf and Pang, Yi Xiang and Verathan, Sharmila and Abdul Hamid, Shaza Murshidah (2015) Customer satisfaction towards public transport at Butterworth, Penang (case study on Konsortium Mutiara Bus). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rohaya, Ismail (2015) Pembangunan CD interaktif pengenalan Silat Cekak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rohayu Binti Abdullah (2014) Keberkesanan reka bentuk ebook untuk pemasaran keropok lekor di Kuala Besut. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Roma, Diah Nazirah (2020) Potential of the biodegradability & the characteristics of bioplastic from microalgae residues. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ronaldroy A Herman, . (2011) The effectiveness of training among UMK staff. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Roodhrn A/L Amirtham (2018) Diversity and abundance of non volant small mammals using cage traps at Regional Environmental Awareness (R.E.A.C.H) Biod Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ros Aidawati, Isa (2015) Mengkaji grafik pembungkusan makanan tradisional Sema. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rosani, Nur Aliah Hanis (2020) Development of a floor plan layout and 3d building model for GMP mini factory at UMKJELI Campus, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rosdayana Mohamad (2017) Removal of methyl red using activated carbon prepared from Parkia Speciosa Pod (petai) as a low cost adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rosdi, Fatin Noranneliana (2019) Persepsi Mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Terhadap Nasi Ambeng Sebagai Makanan Tradisi Masyarakat Jawa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Rosdi, Fatin Noranneliana (2019) Persepsi Mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Terhadap Nasi Ambeng Sebagai Makanan Tradisi Masyarakat Jawa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Rosdi, Rosaida (2018) Antimicrobial activities of hannah yams and jewel yams extracts. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rose Nadiah Abu Hasan (2020) Optimization of torrefaction on Torrefied Biochar from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) for potential biomass energy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roshini a/p Balakrishnan (2023) Interaksi masyarakat melayu dengan alam dalam pantun Ghairah Dunia Empat Baris : suatu pemahaman teori ekologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Roslan, Eiffa Yuhanis (2022) Unsur Nilai Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu Oleh Hashim Awang (1989). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslan, Nurul Nashuhah (2019) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marsh clams (Polymesoda Expansa) as bio indicator for pollution in Kelantan River, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslan, Nurul Syazwani Nadhirah (2018) Characterization and analysis of sugar content at difference storage time of Dioscorea hispida dennst. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslan, Rose Alifah Ellyana (2019) Effect of coupling agent on mechanical and physical properties of non-woven Kenaf Fibre reinforced polypropylene composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rosli, Muhamad Izzat (2016) Photodegradation of Metamifop in the Presence of Fe(II) Ions. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Rosli, Roziyanty (2016) A Study of Biomass and Carbon Stocks of Sesbania grandiflora. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Rosli, Shahirah (2019) Effect of different solvent and ratio towards algae oil production using soxhlet extraction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslie, Azzariani (2019) Antioxidant activities, morphological properties and physical properties of different species on Manihot Esculenta. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslies Yusdarlina Mohd Yusoff (2017) Chemical composition analysis of raw and torrefied empty fruit bunch (EFB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roslina Haji A Manaf, . (2012) Purchase decision made for national car. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Rosmaliza Remeli (2011) Kajian terhadap muzium dan warisan orang asli di Gombak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rosmawati, Bakar (2012) Cadangan rekabentuk pembungkusan yang lebih eksklusif untuk pasaran setempat dan sejauhmana penerimaan pengguna terhadap pembungkusan tersebut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Rosmawati, Bakar (2012) Cadangan rekabentuk pembungkusan yang lebih eksklusif untuk pasaran setempat dan sejauhmana penerimaan pengguna terhadap pembungkusan tersebut. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Rosmin, Aiman Syazwan (2020) The Optimization Study of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) By Finite Element Analysis of Car Wheels in Automotive Industry Using Solidworks® Simulation Software. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rosmizam Rezali (2011) Sayid Abdul Rahman Bin Muhammad Al-Aidrus (Tok Ku Paloh) lagenda keagamaan Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Rosyiha Sedik (2010) Nilai-nilai murni dalam lagu rakyat Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Roszulaika Binti Rosli and Ainaa Syafiqah Binti Abdul Manan and Noor Anissa Farhana Binti Kamal and Muhammad Amirul Faiz Bin Adnnan (2022) The factors that have influenced final year students’ university malaysia kelantan in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rozeman, Nurul Farisyah (2019) Study on comparison of the sweetness on Stevia rebaudiana with others sweeteners. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roziana Abd. Rahim (2017) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and water absorption properties of kenaf fibre mat reinforced unsaturated polyester composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Roziana Mat Rawi (2019) Pendekatan Teori Lichtenstein Dalam Penghasilan Poster Yang Berkesan Kajian Kes : Poster The Miracle Seed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Roziyanty, Rosli (2016) Study of Biomass and Carbon Stocks of Sesbania grandiflora. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Rozman, Luqman Hakim (2018) Removal of copper ion (Cu) from aqueous solution by adsorption on pandan leaves Biochar using response surface methodology. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ruban Raj Thangaraja and Ariff Lukman Yusoff and Muhamad Alif Syamil Mahadi and Nurul Izzati Harison (2023) The distribution challenges faced by the courier services in Kelantan – The special study with road transportation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Rube Atuladawiyah Mohamad (2018) General geology and fold analysis in Kg Paloh 3, Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Rubiah Ahmad (2016) General geology and structural analysis of Kemubu-Jelawang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Rupheeny Argenan (2013) Effects of physical factors on thermostable protease production by bacillus sp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ruqaiyah Shamsudin (2019) Pendekatan Filosofi 'Feng Shui" Rumah Tradisional Cina di Bachok,Kelantan Kajian Kes : Rumah Encik Un Hong Jee. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Ruslan, Ainin Sofia and Hosni, Ainayatul Ain and Hashim, Amilah Fadhlina and Ahmad, Nur Aqilah (2015) Islamic banking: awareness among Muslim and non-Muslim customer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ruslim, Hazlin Ashiqah (2019) Pemuliharaan Hadrah Sebagai Warisan Tidak Ketara di Negeri Perlis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ruzita Mustapha (2010) Pantang larang perempuan melayu bersalin. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Ruzy Rahayu Omar, - (2011) Comparative influence of vermicompost and vermin tea to growth and yields of mustard green (brassica campestris var.parachinensis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ryan Tan Chuan Shen (2021) Evaluation Of Plant Growth Promoting Activity Of Locally Isolated Methylobacterium Sp. On Mung Bean (Vignaradiata) And Thai Super Sweet Hybrid Fi Maize (Zea Mays L.) Growth. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN.
Satheraman, Kasthuri Redi (2016) Role of Meteorological-Gaseous Factors in Distribution of Coarse-Particles (PMI0) in Penang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Suzilawati Che Rani (2010) Penggunaan perkhidmatan perbidanan dalam masyarakat melayu:kajian perbezaan antara masyarakat bandar dan kampung daerah Tanah Merah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Sabaruddin, Shah Ikhwan (2020) Extraction of cellulose from oil palm trunk (opt) by water treated fibre process for bioplastic development. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sabila Rosyada Ismairi and Shaidatina Hafifah Shamsulbahri and Shaza Husna Muhammad Sidek and Siti Azimah Mahdi (2024) Factors of financial management awareness among university students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Safiee, Surayah (2019) Development and characterization of Nanocream containing Dukung Anak (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) Oil for antimicrobial activities. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Safwan Fathi Ab Latif (2013) Geological mapping of Laokta, Jeli and development of gabion wall spreadsheet calculator. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sahadariah Bakri (2017) General geology and geoheritage potential of Rammang-Rammang, Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Sahari, Nur Amalina (2018) Adsorption of copper (II) from aqueous solution by lime peels powder as biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saharizan, Nursyakirah (2020) Species diversity of pteridophytes in oil palm plantation at Segamat, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saharudin, Muhamad Shariman (2018) Physico-chemical properties of Sugarcane Bagasse (Saccharum officanarum). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sahira Binti Abdul Hadi (2021) Penerapan Ergonomik Dalam Reka Bentuk Kerusi Makan Pelbagai Fungsi Di Rumah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Sahliyuzie Ramli, - (2011) The uses of aroids as ornamental plants in kota bharu and machang districts in kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sahliziyan Ramli (2018) The geology and geochemistry of granitoid at Kg. Ulu Geh, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Sahuddin, Shazreen Farhah (2020) Analysis of heavy metal residues in marine fish muscles and heads at Jeli market using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Said Ismail, Nur Atikah (2022) Kaedah Pengurusan Muzium Diraja Istana Lama Seri Menanti Di Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saidah Izzati Mohd Shariffuddin (2020) Geology and landslide susceptibility assessment of Putat area, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Using Geographic Information System. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saidi, Siti Noraini (2022) Penggunaan Mantera Dalam Perubatan Tradisional Dan Persembahan Ritual Menerusi Buku Mantera Melayu: Analisis Teori Semiotik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saiful Anuar Zulkurnain (2015) Species diversity and mammals' conservation status in Jeli permanent forest reserve and Agropark University Malaysia Kelantan, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Saiful Ikhwan Nor Arifin (2021) Mathematical modelling of rice farmers’ exposure to pesticides with endocrine-disrupting properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saili@Suhaili, Sofia (2019) Pemasangan Kemudahan Asas Bangunan Dalam Aspek Pemuliharaan Bangunan Warisan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Saimeh, Nur Izyan Fathiah (2020) Picture Capture Rate Index and Activity Pattern of Malayan Sun Bear in State Land Forest, Merapoh, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sakinah, Shafie (2015) Kempen kesedaran pencemaran udara melalui media pengiklanan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Sakthy Nathan, Muthiah (2010) Kajian terhadap struktur menora. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Salbiah Mohd, . (2012) Customer satisfaction towards traditional culture entertainment of cd and vcd product (Dikir barat) in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Saleh, Nor Alia Syahira (2019) Geology And Fault Analysis Of Gedangan Area, Hargomulyo, Gedangsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region Of Yogyakarta. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saleh Mohd Kamal (2020) The assessment of tourist's awareness on the conservation of Lata Keding, Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sali, Sharlian and Abidin, Siti Mazlina and Sapie, Siti Nabila and Mat Hashim, Siti Norhamizan (2015) Factors that influence the use of wadiah product in islamic banking: perspective of students islamic banking and finance in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Salim, Siti Aminah (2018) A comparative study of sampling methods on bird species composition and feeding guilds at Gelam forest, Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Salimah Salleh (2018) Geological Mapping and Application of Electrical Resistivity Imaging in Evaluating of Groundwater Sources: A Case Study in Kg. Lepan Jaya, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Salleh, Azam Azfar (2020) Accumulation of heavy metals in surface sediments as indicator for pollution in Kelantan river. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Salleh, Hanis Suhaila (2018) Preparation of raw oyster shell biosorbent for removal of bromophenol blue dye in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sallehudin, Nur Ainnayati and Mohd Hatim, Nur Afifah and Ahmad, Nur Aisyah (2015) The awareness of Islamic investment among Banking and Islamic finance student in University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Salmi Azrila Mohamed (2011) Explorasi Penggunaan Bainder Dan Printing Paste Bagi Menghasilkan Corak Dalam Tekstil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Samah, Nurul Fatin Husna and Siti Madihah, Ibnuataillah and Ng, Pei Fang and Gopal, Yasotha (2015) Electronic logistics service quality (E-LSQ): a case study on Pos Malaysia website. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Samsidah Kulop Mat Nasir (2010) Dabus: satu kajian intrinsik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Samsuddin, Nurulaina Izzati (2021) potensi Bagi Pelestarian Bukit Melawati Sebagai Tapak Arkeopelancongan Di Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Samsudin, Azlin and Kau, Hui Lin and Lim, Soo Pin and Karin, Muhammad Fadhli (2015) A study on attitude of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students on choosing online shopping and offline shopping. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Samsudin, Rabiatul Adawiyah (2019) Corrosion study of Stanum-Bismuth-Copper Lead-free solder in acidic solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Samsuri, Nurul Solahah (2019) Unsur Ekstrinsik Dalam Pembentukan Sifat Mahmudah Menerusi Novel Stanza Cinta karya Nurul Halawati : Pendekatan Takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Sanggari Vadiappan (2014) Bioethanol production from sugarcane bagasse using fermentation process. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sangkeeta Periyasamy (2019) The development of oil Palm Petiolar Feltsheath based biosorbent for heavy metal removal in aquaculture wastewater. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sani, Nurul Asikin Amirah (2020) Finite element analysis of impact test on laminated carbon fibre composite with aluminium car door via solidworks® simulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sanun, Saliehan (2018) Production of biodiesel by Cucumis Melo Var. inodorus seed oil using alkaline catalyst of sodium hydroxide and sodium methoxide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sapar, Muhammad Syafeez (2018) Removal of Copper ion from aqueous solution by tree bark as adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sarah AlFakhri (2013) Distribution of heavy metals in Langat River. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Sarah Syazwani Hisham (2021) Geology and detection of groundwater potential using AHP in Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saranya muthu (2022) Physicochemical and sensory evaluation of snack made with Parkia Speciosa (stink bean). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Sarasijah A/P Arivalakan (2016) General geology and distribution of potentially toxic elements in topsoil, Kampung Damar, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Saraswathi A/P Regunathan (2012) Customer satisfaction towards online bankingservice quality. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Sareneeiah Lakshme Moorthy (2022) Malaysia small farmers risk management during Covid 19. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sarguna Devi d/o Santhosam (2017) Assessment on local community perception of Gunung Stong State Park and its role in income from sustainable tourism. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sarina, Awang (2015) Pakaian aktif untuk permainan silat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Sarip, Intan Sazima (2021) Wadah Pemikiran Dan Konsep Kepercayaan Dalam Sastera Lisan Bagi Masyarakat Asli Jah Hut. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sarmila A/P Rathamanalan (2018) Distribution and micropropagation of selected species of Zinfiberaceae at Lojing Highlands, Kelantan and Sungai Gadong, Tasik Temengor, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sashitharan Rajamani and Lim Kar Huay and Nur Amirah Junaidy and Nurul Husna Nadzri (2023) A study on the behavioural intention to use an e-wallet among students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan in Pengkalan Chepa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Satheraman, Kashuri Redi (2016) Role Of Meteorological-Gaseous Factors In Distribution Of Coarse-Particles (PM10) In Penang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sathiavatani Kandiah (2014) Study on chemical composition and Of hardwood And softwood of selected Malaysian timber species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Satishkaran A/L Balachandran (2023) Serological detection of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) in dairy cows from selected farms in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sau, Wan Ting (2020) A study on Mechanical Properties of Polylactic Acid (PLA) reinforced with kenaf fiber mat biocomposite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Saw, Sue San (2016) Potential of antibacterial and antioxidant properties on papaya leaves crude extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sazali, Mohd Firdaus (2018) Corrosion study of SN-BI lead-free solder in alkaline solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sa’adatul Adzmina Abdul Hadi and Maryam Sahla Che Mohd and Nur Sapinar Ab Razak (2021) Effects of perceived sexual harassment on women workers’ wellbeing in the hospitality industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Seah Rey Kar (2022) Application Of Tig-Mig Hybrid For Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (Waam). Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
See, Kwan Wern (2015) Assessment of Carbon Stock at Different Altitude in Gunung Basor, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Seik, Yean Suang (2017) General geology and prediction of groundwater resources using eri method at Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Semalatha Siva Kumar and Muhamad Nasrulzakwan Kamal Mohd Khir and Aleea Fatina Che Aziz and Khairunnisa Mahirah Khalil (2021) The Impact Of Covid19 To The Unemployment Rate Among Hospitality Students At University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sen Mei Lam and Leong Wen Qin and Michelle Hoo Yean Nee and Najwa Binti Ahmad Tajudin (2021) The intention to revisit the heritage sites and culture in Malacca among the young generation in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Seth, Suhaibah and Teh, Chin and Abd Razak, Ummi Hani and Mohd Ayob, Muhammad Al- Qayyum (2015) Factors affecting the customers satisfaction that patronize restaurant in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Sethuraman, Logesh Kumar and Chairullah, Radiah and Hassan, Siti Raihan and Wendy, Wong Hui Hui (2015) Relationship between green marketing tools' and consumer's purchase behaviour in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Sha'ari, Mohamad Allif (2018) In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of different hannah Yam extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shafei, Nurul Suraya and Pang, Kai Xin and Sufyan, Siti Aishah and Che Seman, Siti Zubaidah (2015) The factors influence entrepreneurial intention among undergraduates of University Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Shafika Sahidal (2011) Motif Murut Sebagai Motif Kontemporari. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Shafiqah Syahirah Hanafi (2022) Pathological changes in the organs of rats experimentally infected with mannheimiosis and treated with sea cucumber (stichopus horrens) extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shafiqah Syahirah Mohammad Zakaria (2020) Determination of formaldehyde content from disposal of formalin fixed biological specimen buried in soil by Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shafirul Azri Mohd Raffi (2017) Satu kajian masyarakat "Upcycle" konsep dalam rekabentuk perabot. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shafura, Mohd Lazim (2012) Pengaruh poster terhadap visual dan karakter dalam permainan video/komputer kepada remaja. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Shahani Wan Jamil Sulong (2017) General geology and the use of gis in urban analysis of Dabong, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shaharlina Abd Rasid (2018) Detecting Vegetation Losses in Tumpat Shrimp Farming Area using Remote Sensing Technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shaharudin, Mohd Amir Muizz (2018) Rubberized Glutardialdehyde modified starch plasticized with Propylene Glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shahidan, Nurzarihah (2018) Physical and mechanical properties of coconut shell reinforced unsaturated polyester composites with the presence of Titanium Dioxide as additional filler. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shahidatul Akmal Ab Ghani (2014) Penelitian terhadap pengaplikasian serta elemen emas dalam kalangan melayu Kelantan: satu kajian di bandar Kota Bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shahirah Ahamad (2019) Antioxidant Potential and Chemical Analysis of Fresh and Dried Young Leaves of Flemingia Macrophylla (Willd.) Merrill (Leguminosae). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shahirah Basyirah Mokhtar (2018) The effect of goat manure foliar on chilli plant (capsicum annuum) growth performance. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shahrayanis Sapi-in (2011) Kajian tentang pengaruh animisme, hindu-buddha dan islam dalam permainan wayang kulit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakullti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Shahreiny, Amran (2015) Penghasilan ilustrasi panel hikayat Merong Mahawangsa dalam novel grafik interaktif. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Shahriman, Nur Suhaila (2019) DEMORALISASI DAI-AM NOVEL HOTEL K KARYA KATHRYN BONELLA: SATU KAJIAN PSIKOLOGI. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shahriman Hassan (2016) A study of human-wildlife conflict in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Shahrin, Nur Syuhahdah (2018) Mechanical and thermal properties of kenaf fiber mat reinforced unsaturated polyester composites with the presence of graphene as nano filler. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shahruniza Zainal Abidin @ Mohamed (2010) Masjid Kampung Laut: Kajian Terhadap Struktur Dan Falsafah Senibina. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Shaidatul Akmar Zulkefli (2013) Fertigated tomato production under netted rain shelter and outside. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Shalini A/P Arsohgah (2018) Distribution and In Vitro Propagation of selected species of Araceae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shalini Rajeswara Dayal (2015) Quantification of selected heavy metals in commonly consumed marine fish and seafood in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Shamila Md Yahaya (2014) Keunikan rumah bujang berserambi berselasar di negeri Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shamimi Shoid (2024) Tradisi Memasak Bubur Asyura Sebagai Makanan Warisan Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu Di Kampung Tanah Merah, Jitra, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shamsuddin, Maizatul Akma (2022) Unsur Budaya Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shamsuddin, Maizatul Akma (2022) Unsur Budaya Dalam Teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan Di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan: Satu Pengaplikasian Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shamsuddin, Nurul Atiqah (2019) The encapasulation of banana psedo-stem biochar by using Na- alginate in removing methylene blue dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shamsudin, Nur Syafawani (2016) A Study on Particulate Matter Mass Concentration in Selected Indoor Environment at School Near to Quarry Area. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shamsul Kamar, Siti Nurullah (2020) Effect of sintering time to the properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 using enhanced microwave processing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sharifah Nor Azreen Suhaila Syed Mohd Anuar (2019) Analysis of heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg) distribution in Allium Cepa L. plants from soils by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Aas). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sharifah Norhaslinda, Syed Hamid (2015) Kempen obesiti remaja di Kelantan melalui poster bersiri. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Sharifah Nurin Wahida Syed Sabri Al Qabbani (2020) Geology and geochemistry of topsoil in Ngalang, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sharina Rose Mohamed Radzalan (2013) DNA isolation and standardization of PCR condition for rapd analysis of aglaonema species genetic variant ability. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sharipah Sakinah Sayed Abd Azam (2014) General geology and geotourism potential of Sungai Rual, Jeli district, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sharmini A/P Sunasee (2012) External morpology of the adult of grasshopper Valanga nigricornis (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sharom, Nor Amira (2022) Konservasi Koleksi: Fungsi Pemasaran Pameran Terhadap Koleksi Di Muzium Diraja Negeri Kedah Darul Aman. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sharon Rose Anthony Dass (2019) Geology and depositional environment semilir formation of Hargomulyo Area, Gedangsari, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sharul Hamizan bin Rani (2023) Kajian mengenai kesan pasca pandemik terhadap aktiviti pelancongan di Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shathees A/L Maniam and Rosyazleen Rahim and Roszieana Azwati Mohd Ludin and Sharifah Nur Afiqah Sy.Md.Zarrul Azmy (2023) Consumers knowledge, perception of food image and acceptance towards kelantan traditional food. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shawal Rina Mohd Yusop (2017) Geology and volcanic hazard zonation of Guntur Volcano, Garut Area, West Java Province, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shaza Shahirah Shehri Ghani and Siti Ainsyah Leni and Siti Mas Ayuni Ab Razak and Siti Nabihah Mohd Khusaini (2022) Factor influencing customer satisfaction among millennials toward homegrown cafe in kota bharu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shazliza Azzyya Yakup (2017) General geology and petrography of tuff of camba formation in Bili-Bili Area, Bontomarunnu Subdistrict, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shazuani Mohammad Zambri and Siti Azra Khairunnisa Zaidi and Siti Azyanadhirah Mohd Jailani and Siti Fatimatuzahrah Iliah (2023) Tourist satisfaction towards local heritage food in pulau pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sheikh Hanafi Sh Abd Rahim (2016) Suitable bed setting for hardening of banana tissue culture plantlets (Musa Acuminata cv Berangan sp.) at pre-nursery stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sheikh Kamal, Syarifah Haniera (2018) Aboveground biomass and carbon storage Of Rhizophora Spp. In delta Tumpat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shekinah Shamini Victor (2015) The effect of body weight, body condition score and parity on the intensity of oestrus expression in saanen does. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Shinthuranthi Myandran (2015) General geology, hydrogeology and major Ion concentration in and around Kg. Jelawat, Gunong, Bachok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Shioa Wei Tan (2018) Effects of sodium hydroxide concentration on properties of pulp and paper derived from Sesbania grandiflora. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shiyamala Devi Sivakumar (2014) Study on antioxidant activities and total phenolic compound of syzygium chlorantha and hopea odorata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shobana A/P Krishnankutty, . (2012) Factors that affecting entrepreneurial intention among students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Shomalla Thevar Sivaji (2016) Assessing the degree Of microbial load present in the small — scale slaughtering facilities with or without the usage of standard operating procedures (SOP) in Jeli and Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Shuaib, Nurul Ezzatie (2018) Effect of light intensity on cultivation of microalgae (Chiorella Vulgaris) for extraction of algae oil by using soxhlet extractor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shuhati, Siti Suhailah (2016) The Comparison of Modeling Techniques for Selected Genus Shorea in Peninsular Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Shukhairee, Nurul Amira (2019) Rencam Emosi Watak Wanita Dalam Karya Sastera Picisan Terpilih. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Shukri, Nur Adilah (2020) Investigation of light intensity, nutrient and carbon sources towards microalgae oil production via soxhlet extraction techniques. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shunmugam, Neetiaasree (2020) The effect of high dosage of starch in Sesbania grandiflora pulp in improving the paper properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Shurim Nazwar Mahamarowi (2023) Effect of graded molasses toward physicochemical of rice straw silage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sia Zhi Yuan (2019) Enhancing Plant Growth Performance and Fertiliser Uptake in Maize (Zea Mays) Cultivated on a Tropical Acid Soil Using Rice Straw Compost. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siah Ai Nee and Cameras Sakayam and Nurul Amera Norhisham and Nurul Aina Fatin Mohammed Nasir (2016) Factors that affected University Malaysia Kelantan student choose an airline services to travel: case study Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Sidek, Nur Azmina (2020) Effect of plasma current in Plasma-MIG welding process to microstructure formation at heat affected zone of as welded carbon steel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sidi Ahmad, Muhammad Sobri (2018) Synthesis of Titanium Barium Copper Oxide (TIBCO) doped with magnesium prepared by solid state reaction. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siew, Khai Siong (2020) Optimization of congo red dye removal from aqueous solution by encapsulated eggshell membrane using central composite design. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sigang Ung Shio Yien and Nurul Aida Nor Azhar and Nur Syazwana Zabidi and Nurul Syafiqah Ramlee (2021) Understanding determinant factors in promoting sustainability of ecosystem: the case of Sabah, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sila Mazlinda, Sukeri (2015) Kajian rekabentuk terhadap perangkap serangga terbang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknilogi Kreatif dan Warisan.. (Submitted)
Sim Voon Nee (2019) Production of fertilizer using food waste from cafeteria, UMKKJ. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Simon, Sharon Lina (2018) The Allelophatic Effects of Acacia mangium leaves on the Seed Germination and Initial Growth of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Rice (Oryza saliva). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sin, Kai- Xim (2016) Comparative studies of antimicrobial activities of sting bee honey and stingless bee honey. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Singh, Gurpreet Dhaliwal (2014) Variation on physical properties of 1, 3 and 5 year old (gigantochload scort echini) from the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Kelantan Agpr park nutural forest. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti 'Aisyah Zahrah Mat Ali (2016) Electricity generation by metal-respiring-bacteria in microbial fuel cell (MFC). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Aisah Mat Sharif and Siti Hajar Jasni and Siti Mariam Manaf and See Suk Chyi (2016) Factors influence final year students in selected public University Malaysia to select franchise business as career option. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Aishah Amirudin (2015) Mapping species distibution of selected species of Homalomena Genus( Araceae) in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Aishah Binti Suhaimi (2015) Ciri-ciri rumah tiang dua belas di negeri Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Aishah Mohamad Aini (2013) General geology at Kampung Bedal and flood vulnerability mapping at Kota Bharu by using geographical information system (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Aishah Mohamad Aini (2013) General geology at Kampung Bedal and flood vulnerability mapping at Kota Bharu by using geographical information system (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Aishah Zainol Rashid (2023) Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in selected goat farms in bachok and kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Azman and Siti Farzzanah Kader Ibrahim and Siti Sarah Aqilah Rudisham and Harini A/P Harikrishnan (2022) Awareness and knowledge of social protectionsamong gig economic workers in kota bharu, kelantan: a qualitative study. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Hanafee (2013) Screening of local freshwater microalgae producing biodiesel. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Hasbullah (2024) Emosi Lelaki Dalam Novel Tombiruo: Penunggu Rimba Karya Ramlee Awang Murshid Berpandukan Teori Kecerdasan Emosi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Jamaludin (2024) Kajian Perlambangan Dalam Novel Leksikon Ledang: Satu Penelitian Teori Semiotik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Pazim @ Fadzim (2018) General Geology and Fault Analysis of Paloh Tiga, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Razali (2015) Geological mapping and geochemical studies of groundwater in and around Kampung Berdang, Jeli Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Aisyah Shahran, . (2011) Shopping behaviour among UMK students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Alawiyah Jamal Abdul Naser (2018) Addition of pineapple flesh in the diets of red hybrid tilapia (oreochromis niloticus x oreochromis mossambicus): Effect on growth performance and survivability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Alina Haji Shahbudin (2014) Sequence boundary analysis of middle miocene to holocene clastic deposit in central luconia, Sarawak basin. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Aminah Ibrahim (2015) Biocomposite to enhance heat transfer of wood (Shorea faguetiana & Palaquim sp.) for green building in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Aminah Mohamed Zaini (2016) Isolation and identification of Trichoderma sp. in vegetables soils at Jeli,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Amirah Aspin (2017) Determination of selected metals in sediment from Besut and Dungun river. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Amirah Binti Abd Hamid, - (2011) Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Temiar Dahulu Dan Kini. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Anis Nabila Shaikh Siraj, . (2012) Website features as determinant for Online Shopper’s satisfaction. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Ayusah Mohd Zaib (2019) A Study of Growth Performance of African Catfish, Clarias Gariepinus in Hapa System. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Azlina Aziz (2011) Songket dalam pemakaian pengantin di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Balqis Mohd Raflis (2020) Geology and depositional environment of sambipitu formation in Pengkok area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Fairuz Ahmad (2014) Effects of different organic solvents on the solubility of formulated lipstick. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Farahaina Mohd Elias and Siti Nabilah Mohd Anuar and Siti Nor Syazwana ’Aqilah Mohamad Syawal and Siti Nur Alia Zahirah Mohamad Ziyad (2024) A preliminary study on the factors influencing Malaysian youths’ acceptance of takaful. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Farahanim binti Mohamad Nor (2023) Gendang sebagai alat muzik dalam persembahan silat : kajian dari aspek pembuatan dan jenis paluan rentak dalam persembahan silat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Faridah Mat isa (2010) Pendidikan muzium dan masyarakat satu kajian kes Muzium Negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Fariza Binti Sahaman (2018) Effect of different dilution rate of guava juice extender on malin ram spermatozoa at 4°c and room temperature. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Fatimah Ismail (2013) Water Hyacinth (eichhornia crassipe) as compost and enriched mulch. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Fatimah Mohd Hanipiah (2013) Production of bioprotein by aspergillus niger using solid state fermentation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Fatimah Zahrah Mat Ali (2013) Antibacterial liquid hand wash with active herbal extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Fazlin Othman (2013) Sedintentairy Nutrient Status anti Waiter Quality Assessment of Tumpat Mangrove Swamp Forest at Kelantan Delta. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Habibah, Abdullah Apandi (2015) Kempen jom basuh tangan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Rohaizad (2011) Revolusi struktur tenunan dalam penghasilan rekacorak kontemporari. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Ab Rahim (2013) Total plate count of escherichia coli isolated from smoked asian clam, corbicula fluminea with emphasis on its antibiogram. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Abdul Halim (2024) Persepsi Masyarakat di Kampung Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan Terhadap Alat Muzik Rebana Ubi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Ahmad (2021) Kempen Kesedaran Oleh Syarikat Excel Computers And Services Terhadap Pengambilan Vaksin Bagi Mencegah Wabak Covid-19 Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Hajar Binti Bas'sirin (2022) Pelestarian Tarian Dabus Ketika Covid-19 Di Kalangan Golongan Muda Di Kampong Gajah, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Binti Mohamat Tahir (2022) Kesan Pemeliharaan Bangunan Rumah Kedai Di Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur Dalam Menyumbang Kepada Ekonomi Masyarakat Setempat. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Binti Mohd Shukri (2022) Ritual Dalam Adat Sedanggu Bagi Meraikan Fasa Peralihan Hidup Anak Perempuan Dalam Masyarakat Chitti Di Perkampungan Chitti, Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Binti Zainuddin (2022) Kajian Semiotik Dalam Puisi Benih Harapan Karya A.Samad Said: Pendekatan Teori Semiotik. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Harun (2016) General geology of Panggong Lalat, Gua Musang and investigation of biological marker distribution in petroleum crude oil from field 1. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Jatri (2019) Assessing the status of Rafflesia’s Bud (Rafflesia kerri) in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar Mohd Azmi and Norshahira Jasni and Nor Hasimah Maliki and Nur Syuhaida Safiee (2021) Factors affecting the acceptance of medical tourism destination in Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar P Othman (2016) General geology and geomechanical characterization of schist at Jalan Baru Kusial, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Hajar binti Mohamad Fuzi (2023) Persepsi pengunjung terhadap pameran koleksi di Muzium Perang Bank Kerapu Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Halissa Muhamad Jamil (2019) Susun Atur Pemikiran Kepengarangan A Aziz Deraman Dalam Puisi Terpilih Gelora Nurani Menggunakan Pendekatan Strukturalisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Hanisa Binti Rusli (2022) The Staging Performance Of Ulek Mayang By JKKN Terengganu's Choreography. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Haslinda Mohd Zul (2010) Seni Bina masjid Tradisional Melayu Satu Kajian Perbandingan Masjid Sultan Zainal Abidin (Terengganu) Dan Masjid Tua Kampung Laut (Kelantan). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Haszaniza Azam (2017) General geology and petrography of magmatic intrusion in Bukit Panau, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Hawa Abd Jamil (2022) Pollen analysis of Kelulut's honey collected from different location in Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Hawa Mohd Sukri (2022) Microbial safety of local dried fruit, Garcinia Atroviridis (Asam Keping). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Hawa Roslan (2019) A camera trap assessment of terrestrial vertebrates in Gunung Basor forest reserve, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Hawa Wan Mustapha (2021) Rekaan Pakaian Pengantin Inspirasi Pakaian Tradisional Puteri Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Hazirah Aw Al Ud-din (2014) Characterization of bacteriocin producing bacterial strains from fermented vegetables. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Iryana Nordin (2011) Kajian penggunaan dan ikatan semutar di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Katijah Ismail (2013) STUDY ON NATURAL DURABILITY OF Schizostachyum brachycladum THROUGH SHORT TERM GRAVE YARD TEST. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Khadijah Abd Rahman (2021) Geology and geoheritage potential of Kampung Pulai, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Khadijah Kamal and Lai Yong Xin and Chin Jia Hao and Chong Jia Chyi (2021) The factors affecting the choice of transportation mode of students in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Khadijah Ramli (2022) Acceptance of biodegradable packaging among food operators in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Khadijah Shahidan (2021) Seni Cetakan: Kajian Mengenai Penggunaan Teknik Stensil Dalam Penghasilan Karya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Khatijah Mohd Salleh, . (2011) Customer satisfaction towards Pantai Timur Hypermarket in Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Laylatu Syarifah Munasir (2018) Characterization of Activated Carbon Prepared From Wadyetia Bifurcata Fruit and Its Application in Dye Adsorption. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Maisya Sallehuddin (2023) Lembah Bujang Sebagai Kerajaan Lama Berpusat: Satu Tinjauan Tentang Perkembangan, Peranan Dan Cabaran Dalam Membentuk Arkeopelancongan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Mardiah Mohamad (2010) Dikir barat Kelantan:satu kajian lirik. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Siti Mariam Azmi (2017) Potential of using fruit as natural dye. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Maryam Abd Aziz (2017) General geology and influence of structural pattern on cut slope instability at Pulai Chondong, Machang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Maryam Hanah Abdul Kadir and Siti Najihah Shamsuddin and Siti Najwa Ashikin Mohd Shamsudin and Siti Nazifah Anisa Md Nasir (2023) The factors that affect customer satisfaction on the quality of hotel service. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Maryam Mohd Helmy (2021) Survey of household water usage during movement control order (MCO) due to covid-19 among Tanjung Malim, Perak community. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Maryam Salamah Ab Rhaman (2019) Nutritive Analysis of Five Aquatic Plants at Selected Area in Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Maziyyah Madzalan (2019) Improving plant growth performance and phosphorus use efficiency in Zea mays L. cultivated in tropical acid soil upon amending paddy husk compost. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Muharah, Sukor (2011) Penerapan elemen motif batik dan songket terhadap sarung telefon bimbit.Sejauhmanakah penerimaan masyarakat. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Siti Munirah binti Sayuti (2023) Unsur islam dalam cerpen Antologi Sejadah Ibadah Karya Radzemah Bolhassan satu pengaplikasian teori pengkaedahan melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nabila Mohd Sidek (2019) Suara-Suara Minoriti Dalam Novel Profesor Karya Faisal Tehrani: Satu Bacaan Kajian Subaltern. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Nabila Syukor, . (2011) Customer satisfaction towards bus service among UMK students at Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Nadhirah Binti Mohd Zulkeply (2022) Kajian Tentang Penerimaan Masyarakat Terhadap Keris Sebagai Jati Diri Bangsa Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Siti Nadiatul Nurdini Yahya (2014) Estimation of minerals from selected weeds and herbs. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Najwa Mohamad Shudirman (2015) Evaluation od Storage Condition on Thermostable Protease. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Namirah Aziz (2016) General geology and structural analysis of Jeli Hot Spring, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nasharienie Noerhanie Abdul Aziz (2019) Survey of intestinal parasites found in asian elephant (Elephas Maximus) in Gunung Basor forest reserve, Kelantan, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nasihah Ismail (2013) THE NATURAL DURABILITY OF Gigantochloa Scortechinii FROM DIFFERENT AGE GROUP EXPOSED TO SHORT TERM GRAVE-YARD TESTS. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nazirah Md Said (2014) Screening of weeds for insecticidal properties against rice weevil, sitophilus oryzae. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nazirah Nordin (2015) General geology and geochemistry of soil in Panyit, Machang , Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Noor Afiqah Saidina Ali (2016) Antioxidant activity of Orthosiphon stamineous hot water extract from Lamiaceae collected in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Noor Asma Mohamad Zani (2017) Effect of consolidation pressure on physical and mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester resin-coconut shell-titanium dioxide composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Noor Azwa Zakaria (2013) Study Of The Relationship Of Basic Density And Ages Of Bambusa vulgaris. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Noor Diyana, Mohd Shaari (2019) Muzik Tradisional Bongai di Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Noor Hafizah Abdullah (2021) General geology and trace element geochemistry of geological sample at Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nooralia binti Zainal (2023) Persembahan kompang di Ipoh Perak: satu analisis perubahan rentak dan teknik permainan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nooramiza Wahab (2015) Geology and river geornorphology of Sungai Pergau, Kuala Balah, Jeli Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Aishah Mohd. Salleh (2017) Leptospira sp. availability and its relationship with ecological parameters of Lata Janggut, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Asikin, Muhamad (2015) Pembelajaran dan pengajaran pendidikan islam dalam bidang pengurusan jenazah berasaskan web. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Asmida, Mamat Sayuti (2015) Pembangunan website sebagai alat untuk mempromosikan industri batik Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Asmida, Mamat Sayuti (2015) Pembangunan websitesebagai alat untuk mempromosikan industri batik Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Atikah Binti Husin (2022) Development Of Smart Bim For Separation Of Metal And Non Metal Maste Using Lot Technclogy. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (In Press)
Siti Nor Aziani Mohamad Roslan and Siti Nur Asmahusna Abdul Razak and Siti Nurfatiha Muhammad Hasni and Siti Rozaimah Ramlee (2022) Factors affecting student satisfaction to visit cafeteria at university malaysia kelantan, bachok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Azlina Mohd Nordin (2013) A Geomorphic Classification of Gunung Basor Reserve, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Azmawati Zakaria (2011) Kajian terhadap ukiran Perabot Kayu (Kerusi) di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Fadilah Awang (2011) Adat berkhatan tradisional di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Siti Nor Fasihah Che Daud (2019) Geology and feldspar characterisation in Kuala Balah, Jeli Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Haifat Abdul Hamid (2021) Kajian Motif Ukiran Kayu Keatas Plate Kayu Dengan Mengaplikasikan Motif Flora Keatas Karya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Nor Masidayu Mohd Jamil and Siti Noorihan Razali and Siti Nor Sabrina Abd Rahim and Siti Norfatihah Ibrahim (2023) The factors of selecting langkawi island as a tourist destination. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Mazidah Mohd Zain (2024) Penelitian Aspek Patriotisme Dalam Karya Sastera Dan Filem: Satu Kajian Berdasarkan Filem Leftenan Adnan (2000) Dan Novel Leftenan Adnan Wira Bangsa (2008). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Radziah Abdul Rahman, . (2011) Factors of migration among foreign workers in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Nor Suhailah Othman and Siti Nor Hidayah Nor Mohamod and Norain Md Yaman and Yeoh Sin Chia (2016) Issues safety and security affecting toward destination image. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Siti Norain Anuar (2016) Study the compability and growth of grafting between Ceara Rubber (Manihot glaziovii Muell.Arg) and Cassava (Manihot esulenta Crantz). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Noraisya Abdul Rohni (2014) Properties of compressed banana fiber composite from agriculture waste using cold-setting adhesives. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Noramira Suhaimi (2016) Geoheritage study of potential cave geosite in Gua Musang Town to Gua Gagak Area, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Noramiril, Anuar (2015) Kempen pemakanan sihat berilustrasi untruk mempromosikan dan menggalakkan tabiat pemakanan sihat dalam kalangan murid sekolah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Noramiril, Anuar (2015) Kempen pemakanan sihat berilustrasi untuk mempromosi dan menggalakkan tabiat pemakanan sihat dalam kalangan murid sekolah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Norasimah, Md Tahib (2015) Pengolahan senibina pertukangan tanggam dalam kajian rekabentuk perabot. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Norasimah, Md Tahib (2015) Pengolahan senibina pertukangan tanggam dalam kajian rekabentuk perabot. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisa. (Submitted)
Siti Norasyikin Anuar (2021) Geology & landslide susceptibility mapping by using GIS application, within Sg. Ketil region, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nora’rifah Darus (2019) Effect of Purified Culture Filtrate of Rhizoctonia solani Isolate (UKMRSPL1) on the Detached Fresh Leaf of Parthenium. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Norellyza Abdullah, . (2011) Mobile phone buying behavior among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Norfairah Amran (2022) Effect of different inclusion rate of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) on proximate analysis in Macrobrachium Rosenbergii juvenile feed. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Norhainaeni Abd Ghafar (2019) Konservasi Manuskrip : Kaedah Penggantian Tisu Basah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Norhanim Hasim (2014) Evaluation of insecticidal activity of a formulation of transfluthrin and cyfluthrin insecticide aerosol against lab-bred aedes aegypt/under exposed and unexposed position. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Norsyahirah Puniman and Siti Nur Azmira Zakaria and Siti Nur Hamizah Muhammad and Siti Nur Ismawati Meswan (2022) Factor affecting memorable tourism experiences towards behavioural intentions of heritage tourists. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Adillah, Mat Asid (2015) Kajian penambahbaikan rekabentuk dan penggunaan rehal di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Adillah, Mat Asid (2015) Kajian penambahbaikan rekabentuk dan penggunaan rehal di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Aishah Rodzi (2021) Aplikasi Rekaan Motif Bunga Teratai Menggunakan Teknik Sulaman Pita Pada Aksesori Beg. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Nur Aisyah Aqilah Esa (2020) Kajian Semangat Nasionalisme Dalam Filem Ola Bola (2016). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Nur Aisyah Mohd Zawawi (2017) Characterization of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide from urban and rural school environment in kelantan and their affiliation with students health. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Amanie binti Mohd Noor (2023) Impak pembangunan sektor pelancongan warisan terhadap komuniti di Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur Amanina, Muhamad (2015) Dokumentasi perubatan tradisional Main Teri. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_postgraduate" not defined] thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Amanina, Muhamad (2015) Dokumentasi perubatan tradisional Main Teri. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Anis binti Wan Abdullah (2023) Hati budi melayu dalam teks Seuntaian Naratif Lisan di Lembangan Sungai Pengkalan Datu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur Arifah Mohd Rashidi (2016) General geology and petrography of igneous rock at Umk Jeli campus and surrounding area, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Asikin Sidik (2019) Local community perception on the environmental impacts of ecotourism and their attitude towards ecotourism in Taman Negara Kuala Koh. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Atiyah Muhammad Idrus (2016) Effect of lighting at night on laying performance and egg quality during the laying period of Japanese quail (Cortunix cortunixjaponica). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Damia Jamaludin and Siti Nur Farahin Mohamed Yusof and Siti Nur Farhanah Shahrudden and Siti Nurhidayah Mat Ghani (2023) Factors that influence student to participate in crowdfunding. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Faiqah Mohammad Ghazali (2020) Fluctuational analysis of nighttime ground level Ozone (03) concentration due to variations in hourly relative humidity. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Farhana Harun (2014) Perhiasan diri masyarakat Temiar di Kuala Betis, Gua Musang Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur Fatimah Musa (2018) Study on Potential Availability of Leptospira species and Evaluation of Water Quality at Lata Renyok, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Hajar Che Yunus and Siti Sarah Zamre and Siti Syazana Shahsaharuddin and Sitti Sofia Ben (2023) Factors influencing intention to purchase halal cosmetic products among muslim consumer in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Hidayah Ahmad (2018) General geology and geomorphological processes of Panggung Lalat, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Liyana Adzman (2013) General geology and limestone cave geomorphology assessment of Subong, Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Liyana Bakhari (2022) Pemuliharaan Warisan Tidak Ketara: Kajian Terhadap Kuih Bunga Pudak di Alor Setar, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Nur Mazlin Mazlan (2018) Effects of different housing conditions on growth and behavior in Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Nadhirah Zulkifli (2015) Study on physical properties and chemical composition of small diameter Acacia mangium species. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Rohaya, Md Rafie (2015) Kempen cegah penyakit kencing tikus(Leptospirosis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Rohaya, Md Rafie (2015) Kempen cegah penyakit kencing tikus(Leptospirosis). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Shahira binti Sha’ari (2023) Kajian terhadap fungsi utama gong dalam persembahan dikir barat di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur Solehah Shaikh Azahari (2021) Developing a sustainable solid waste management system using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in pondok institutions in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Suria, Shafiei (2021) Merekabentuk Produk Harian Yang Menerapkan Ukiran Melayu Dengan Menggunakan Alatan Moden. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Syafinah Abdul Nasir (2014) Pest control in paddy field: practices in Rantau Panjang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Syakira binti Ab Aziz (2023) Nilai estetika dalam pantun kanak-kanak Adik Sayang Pantun: penerapan puitika sastera melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur Syazwani Mujayin and Nur Hidayah Mohamed Zid and Muhammad Amirul Shahir Mohd Jafri and Azma Hanis Ab Wahab (2023) Fast-food consumption among university students: A Comparative study between universiti malaysia kelantan (umk) pengkalan chepa and institut pendidikan guru kota bharu (ipg) students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nur Zaahirah binti Mohd Jafri (2023) Kajian pengkisahan puteri dalam Syair 7 Puteri: tokoh inspirasi wanita melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nur ‘Aliah Kamarul Bahrin (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Setempat Dalam Pemuliharaan Tapak Warisan di Taiping, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Nur' Ain Zainudin (2014) Study of farm and disease management practices in selected banana farms in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nur-Fatihah A Rashid (2015) Nutritional Composition and Labeling Regulation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nurafiqah Zainal Abidin (2019) Species diversity and abundance of non-volant small mammals using cage traps at Gua Setir complex. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nuraini Mohd Noor (2015) Evaluation of trace metal concentration in commonly consumed marine fish and shellfish in Tok Bali, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nuraini Syamsuar (2016) Characterisation of pressed oil palm frond (OPF) as ruminant feed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nurainsyah Mat Nasir (2019) The Awareness of Fish Welfare among Fish Farmers in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nuraishah Jasman (2019) Strategi Pemuliharaan Ekosistem Rama-Rama : Kajian Kes Taman Rama-Rama Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Nuralia Basirah Azmi (2017) Improvement on physical properties of mahang wood. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nurashiqah Jurit (2022) Evaluation of alfalfa sprout (medicago sativa) grown in A hydroponic system and its impact on growth Performance in New Zealand white rabbit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurfarhanah Che Fauzi (2022) Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Pemeliharaan Makanan Tradisional, Nasi Kebuli di Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Siti Nurhaliza Hamidi (2020) Characterisation of diurnal ground level ozone concentration in urban area in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhanis Afalatun (2013) General geology of Kampung Kuala Balah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhanis Afalatun (2013) General geology of Kampung Kuala Balah, Dabong and study of trace elements in groundwater samples in Kg. Beris Lalang, Bachok Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhanisah Taharim, . (2011) E-retailing in Malaysia:factors of e-satisfaction that influence repurchase intention. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhidayah Rosla and Siti Nursyahira Radhuan and Siti Salihah Ab Rashid and Siti Sarah Quraisyiah Saharudin (2024) Factors affecting the intention to give fund to crowdfunding projects among students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhidayah Rozali (2022) The effects of fish meal substitution with Black Soldier Larvae (BSFL) and earthworm on growth and physiological properties of experimental diets in betta fish (Betta Splendens) production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurhuda Mohd Nor (2017) Absorption of methyl orange using titania-alumina-graphene nanocomposite by hydrothermal synthesis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurkhalidah Husainy (2018) Geology and Palaeontology Study of The Padanglampe,Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nurlathifah Ahmad, . (2012) Factor entrepreneur motivation among women entrepreneur for restaurant at Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Nurliana Mat Jaffar and Siti Nurul Asyiqin Mohd Nor and Siti Nurul Athirah Hamizan and Siti Safwanah Maput (2022) Re-visiting community-based tourism intention in kelantan, malaysia: insights for tourists. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurliyana Rafie (2017) Diversity assessment of non-mangrove tree species in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nursahfizah binti Mohd Nor Asrin (2023) Bentuk dan makna pergerakan Tarian Wau Bulan di JKKN, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nursalwa Pazil (2015) General and engineering geology (slope failure) at Bandar Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nurshahirah Radin Kaimin (2024) Makna Dan Falsafah Di Sebalik Pembinaan Rumah Tiang Dua Belas Di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nursolehah Rozainal (2022) Effect of pelleting process on proximate analysis of total mixed rations for lactating dairy goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nursyahida Yusop (2015) General geology and slope stability analysis at Kampung Baru, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Nursyahirah Binti Razali f Recovery Of Gold From Low -Grade Ore Of Gua Musang, Kelantan Using Chenical And Biological Methods. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Siti Nursyahirah Mohamad Radzip (2019) Antagonistic Activity of Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma koningii Against Colletotrichum sp. Siti Nursyahirah Binti Mohamad Radzip. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nursyamimi Nasaruddin (2019) The diversity and abundance of birds at Gua Setir Complex using mist net and visual observation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nursyuhada Yahaya (2017) Effect of compaction pressure on microstructure and densification of alumina-titania composite prepared by powder metallurgy route. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurul Fasehah Binti Ismail, - (2012) Effect of using various substrates on cultivation of pleurotus sajor caju. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nurul Fatihah Ainnie Sharifudin (2019) Factor Influencing Chemical Pesticides Use among Fruits Vegetable (Solanaceous crops) Farmers in East Coast Economic Region (ECER). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Nurulaini Mohd Fazli (2018) The study of dragonfly and damselfly diversity (Order: Odonata) at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Nurunnisa’ Amirah binti Suhaimi (2023) Kelestarian adat perkahwinan Cina Peranakan di Kampung Pulau Duyong,Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Nurzaleha Hassan (2013) Antibacterial activity of fiber and seed of ceiba pentandra. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Nur’ Ain Ab Aziz (2020) Estimation of liana infestation above canopy in recreational park Bukit Bakar, Kelantan using unmanned aerial vehicle. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Rabiatul Hamizah Mohamad (2017) General geology and landslide investigation using resistivity of Pos Blau- Gua Musang Road, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Rafizah Tajul Ariff (2013) Analysis of vitamin E by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and pH in commercial cat food. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Rahimah Rahman (2019) Assessment of Consumer Perception in Kota Bharu, Kelantan towards Restaurant Hygiene. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Rahimah Samsunanwar (2013) Geology and study of selection of landfill site using geographic information system (GIS) in district of Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Rozana Amin (2015) General geology of Kg Stong and geochemistry of limestone karst on Dabong, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Rumaisha Ahmad Saupi (2015) Effects of soil physical properties to the corrosion of pipelines in chicha water treatment plant, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Salimah Abdul Razak (2014) Comparison of chromosome staining used for karyotyping of java tea (orthosiphon stamineus benth). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Salina Sulong (2019) Geology of Subong Area, Gua Musang and petrology of its granitoid rock. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Salwa Abdul Ghani @ Che Omar (2022) Effect of banana peels (Musa Paradisiaca cv Awak) as growth promoting substance in Phalaenopsis Amabilis orchid in vitro culture. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Salwani Zainun (2019) The Effectiveness of Chitosan Coating with Different Concentrations and Temperature Storages on Brinjal (Solanum melongena). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Sarah Hamdan (2015) General geology of Kampung Chegar Bedil and limestone karst with geomorphology classification at Gunung Reng, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Sarah Harith (2021) Spatial distribution patterns and determinants of poverty in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Sarah Muhammd Nawi (2013) Study on compatibility and growth of grating between sweet potato (ipomoea fistulosa mart.ex.cholsy). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Sarah Samran (2021) Kajian Tentang Pantulan Warna Dan Cahaya Mengikut Teknik Chiaroscuro Pada Karya Potret Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Sa’adiah Abdul Latiff (2017) General geology and structural analysis using resistivity method at Kampung Belanga, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Shah Hasnira Abdull Halim (2021) Rekabentuk Busana Pengantin Bertemakan Red Rose. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Siti Sorhana Syazwani Mokhtar (2018) Geology and assemblages of Benthic Foraminifera in Barru river area, at Barru regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Subailah, Haji Suod (2015) Effect of y—Ray intensities on the rate of mutation of caladium (Caladium bicolor) and amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Suhaila Halim (2011) Pengaruh iklan kosmetik majalah mingguan wanita serta perbezaan diantara majalah mingguan wanita dan remaja, sejauh manakah keberkesanannya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Suhaila Halim (2011) Pengaruh iklan kosmetik majalah mingguan wanita serta perbezaan diantara majalah mingguan wanita dan remaja, sejauh manakah keberkesananya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Siti Suhailah Rosli (2016) Customer preference on Imported Rice vs. Local Rice in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Sulaiha Abdullah and Syed Muhammad Danial Syed Mahdzar and Thayalini Alagendran and Wan Nabila Wan Nordin (2024) The factors influencing Kelantanese small and medium Entreprises (SMEs) towards E-Zakat payment. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Suzeazelin Md Zain (2013) General geology of Temangan area, Machang, Kelantan and developement of database for landslide susceptibility in Jeli watershed, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Siti Suzianaliza Kamis, . (2012) An exploratory study on vocational students for choosing entrepreneurship as a career after graduate. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Siti Syafiqah Md Katimon (2018) Phytoremediation of Synthetic Wastewater by Pistia stratiotes. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Siti Syahida Mohd Sukarno (2015) Implementation of Good Hygiene Practices for Small Scale Production of Local Food. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Syahirah Thaqifah Masor (2020) Geoheritage at Km 185 Gua Musang-Cameron Highland Road, Lojing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Syarifah Azri (2021) Geology and petrology of plutonic rock in Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Wahdaniyah Azeli (2024) Transkripsi Cerita Rakyat ke Dalam Bentuk Pantun Melayu: Analisis Unsur Tradisi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zaharah Ibrahim (2022) Parental awareness of the nutritional intake to their children's growth. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zaharah Musa (2014) Morphological characterization of 10 accessions of snake bean (vigna unguiculata) collected from Kelantan as a basis for plant improvement. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Zanaria Mohd Kamari (2018) Life cycle of Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) from Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zubaidah Hamzah (2012) Isolation, screening and identification of bacteria producing thermostable protease. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Zubaidah Junus (2019) Evaluation of visitor’s perception and attitude towards sustainability of ecotourism resources in Taman Negara Kuala Koh, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zufarahain Yaacob (2024) Makyong Patuh Syariah : Impak Terhadap Perspeksi Pengamal Dan Masyarakat Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zulaikha, Mahussin (2015) Perancangan pembangunan reka bentuk web permainan wayang kulit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Zulaikha, Mahussin (2015) Perancangan pembangunan reka bentuk web permainan wayang kulit. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd Radzuan (2022) Phytochemical Screening And Antioxidant Ivity Of Crude Plant Extracts From Kyllinga Brevifolia (Green Kyllinga) Plant. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Siti Zulaikha Fakuruddin (2020) Characterization of green space landscape structure in Kota Bharu using landscape ecological approach. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zulaikha Zulkefli (2023) Kajian terhadap penerimaan masyarakat terhadap aktiviti penyelidikan yang dijalankan di tapak arkeologi Sungai Batu, Merbok, sebagai pelestari warisan budaya. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Siti Zuliana MD Zuki (2013) Fertigated rock melon (var. gordes) production under netted rain shelter and outside. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Siti Zuraida Abu Bakar and Sharanya Muthu Kumaran and Siti Anis Suraya Zaihan and Siti Farisya Muhamad (2021) Factors influencing tourist to engage with cultural tourism in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Siti Zuraina Nawawi (2017) Investigate microwave absorption on formulated SiC/ Al2O3 composite porous susceptor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sitie Nadia Zakaria (2015) Behaviors Of captive Ostriches(Struthio camelus) At UMK Bachok Campus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sitresh A/L Latchmanan (2016) General geology and relationship between particle size, plasticity index and clay mineral content with slope failure at Kampung Slow Pok Long, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sivabalan Balachinderan (2014) Natural durability of 2 and 4 years old bambusa vulgaris in 4 months ground contact tests. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Sivaletchumy Krishnan (2022) The optimization of planting media enriched with biochar & Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) frass. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Slocena Thiruvalluvan (2015) Geological mapping and drinking water quality in Batu Melintang, Jeli. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
So, Hui Chee (2021) Effectiveness Of Video Testimonial In Social Media Marketing To Promote Service At Company Laser Light Skin Centre. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Sofea Rasheeqa Fazil (2015) Study of geology, geomorphology and water quality analysis of Tasik Pergau, Jeli District, Kelantan for geotourism purpose. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Sofiea, Sa Tien (2015) Kempen jangan menggunakan telefon bimbit semasa memandu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, FTKW. (Submitted)
Sofiea, Sa Tien (2015) Kempen jangan mengguna telefon bimbit semasa memandu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Soh, Xin Yi (2016) Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Geniotrigona thoracica stingless bee honey and their antibacterial activity. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Solehah Abd Rahman (2017) Geology and saline water intrusion studies in coastal aquifers of Pengkalan Kubor area, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Soo, Choy Yoke (2017) Extraction and characterization of nanocellulose from rubber wood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Soo, Kar Weng (2018) The Extraction of Cadmium, Zinc and Iron Using CTA/Aliquat 336 Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs) and Electrospinning Fibers. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Soo, Poh Ai (2013) Analysis of potassium, sodium and chloride content in commercial cat foods. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Soo Ai Leng and Norshahida Yaman and Nur Alyanis Ramly and Nuraini Md Saleh (2021) Factors that motivate students at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan to participate in cultural and heritage tourism. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sook Chi Kuek (2018) Chemical composition analysis of Sesbania grandiflora for Pulp and Paper production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Soon, Joon Kit (2015) A study of Okkra's growth rate planted in gravity flow flower pot with different pores number and variant flow rate. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Soon, Siow Woon (2016) Study on the customer acceptancy of the Tropical Fruit Vinegar (Lansium domesticum var.duku & Nephelium lappaceum) in Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Soossainathan Pakianathan (2018) Diversity and abundance of bats using harp trap at R.E.A.C.H BIOD Centre, Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sri Hani Shabares (2011) Jahitan sulaman tangan (smocking). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Sri Rahayu Eko Sukardi (2016) The effect of different ratios of tilapia fish and Otoshimi to tapioca flour on the linear expansion, oil absorption and hardness of fish crackers. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Sri Shalini Nagarajan (2020) Evaluation of critical success factor in implementing ISO 14001 using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sri Vithya Lakshmi Ravi (2013) Deforestation and Afforestation Effects on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Forest of West Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Stellia Elcy Sulong (2024) Kajian Teknik Pembuatan Alat Muzik Sundatang Dalam Kalangan Etnik Dusun di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sti Komariah, Ibrahim (2011) Kajian peningkatan perniagaan produk kosmetik melalui kaedah multilevel dari aspek komunikasi visual. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Subashini Ratha Pukallenthy (2022) Molecular detection OF Mycoplasma haemofelis in cats in selected districts in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Subeinthiran Rinagasamy (2023) The presence of endoparasites in captive asian elephants (elephas maximus) in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Subramaniam, Karthiga and Abd Karim, Khairulnur Najwa and Lim, Xiu Ping and Abdul Rahim, Noor Muntazzira (2015) Awareness towards green hotel among Umk students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Sufian, Nurkhalisah (2020) Distribution and anatomy of Zingiber spp. and Alpinia spp. in Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sufihanim Arbai (2013) Impact of Learning Institution Towards Housing Area Development From Ayer Lanas To Gemang In Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Suguna Balakrishnan (2014) Importance of soil data resolution in assessing habitat loss using ecological niche modelling. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Suhaida Binti Jaafar (2015) Kajian visual berkaitan dengan kempen kesedaran denggi terhadap masyarakat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Suhaila Asyikin Mustapa (2021) Kajian Kes Terhadap Penjenamaan Semula Identiti Korporat Syarikat Kweng Design Sdn.Bhd. Di Daerah Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Suhaila Robani @ Maarof (2013) STUDY OF TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL IN KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Suhaimi, Sutati Harni (2018) Distribution and in vitro propagation of callus and cell suspension culture of Acmella uliginosa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Suhaiza Abdullah (2017) Synthesis and preparation of activated carbon from Cocos Nucifera L. (coconut) shell and sugarcane bagasse. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sujari, Susilawati (2020) Daily activity budget of plantain squirrel (Callosciurus notatus) through field observation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sukma Ilang (2018) Isolation of bacteria from soil surrounding of rafflesla Kerri Meijer in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sukri, Suziey Syamimi (2019) Effect of ZnFe2O4 addition on the properties of epoxidised natural rubber (ENR-25) Composite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Suliana Ab Razak (2017) Study of alumina graphite composite using powder metallurgy processing technique. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sulong @ Zakaria, Siti Zahira (2022) Kajian Terhadap Penerimaan Seni Persembahan Dondang Sayang Di Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Muda Di Melaka. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Sumiita Devi Panirselvan (2019) Geology and depositional environment of the Miocene Wonosari in Nglipar Area, Wonosari, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Summeta A/P Sugumarn and Siti Sarah Shamsuddin and Sukphin A/P Eh Boon and Syamimi Aziz (2023) Measuring eco - tourist perception, knowledge, acceptance and revisit intention in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Supiah Supa’at (2020) Penerimaan Trend Fesyen Semasa Di Kalangan Generasi Muda:Sederhana Dan Moden. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Supingin, Amyediah and Chelakanu, Balamurugan and Chin, Sui Lin (2015) Factor affecting consumers attitude towards logistics service providers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Suppiah, Elavarassan (2019) Drama KOMSAS : Satu Kajian Impak, Pemahaman dan Penerimaan Murid SMK Malim Nawar, Perak Menerusi Teks Kumpulan Drama KOMSAS 2018 Menggunakan Teori Teksdealisme. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Suraj Arvind a/l V Rajasegar (2017) Optimization of DNA extraction and library preparation for metagenomic analysis of giant panda in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Surani Edyrosyanto and Nurul Aida Liyana Abdullah and Nur Syuhada Hamdan and Nurul Umi Nadirah Azmi (2021) Understanding Islamic tourism: Assessing the factors that influencing tourists’ intention to visit mosque in peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Suraya Abd Sukor (2018) Geology and petrology of granitoid rocks at Kampung Kuala Pertang, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Suraya Salleh (2013) The influence of sucker types on growth and development of banana (Musa acuminata cv. Berangan). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Suresh A/L Mohanaravi and Nur Aisya Che Ab Ghani and Nur Aisyah Amberan and Nurul Atikah Mohamad (2023) Determinants of purchase intention of online shopping platforms. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Suresh Kumar A/L Murugaya (2017) General geology and mineralogy of limestone at Gua Subong, Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Suri Surida Noordin (2010) Amalan adat bercukur di Kelantan:satu kajian terhadap perbandingan struktur antara empat daerah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Surija Chit (2016) Analysis of nutrition profile of rubber seed, Hevea brasiliensis, and it's application on the growth performance of Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Suryadi Mohd Yatim (2019) Kepentingan Set Latar Dalam Mewujudkan Pemahaman Penonton Terhadap Cerita : Kajian Terhadap Pementasan Teater The Miracle Seed di Festival Negeri Kelantan 2017. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Susianna Irwan, . (2012) E-information towards financial and performance in UMK: Pengkalan Chepa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Suzana Wahid (2011) Mengkaji penggunaan dan merekabentuk buaian bayi di rumah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Suznan, Aida Syahirah (2019) Kajian Pemeliharaan Badak Sumatera Sebagai Salah Satu Warisan Alam Semulajadi Yang Terancam Di Semenanjung Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Syadatul Adawiyah Binti Johar (2021) Waste Cockle Shell As Potential Catalyst In Production Of Biodiesel From Used Cooking Oil. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Syafeqah Shamsudin (2013) Proximate analysis of three commercial dry cat foods available in Malaysian market. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syafini Hamzah, - (2011) Traditional uses of aroids as medicinal plants among the rural people in machang and kota bharu district in kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syafiq Sulaiman (2019) Observing road-kill incidents In Jeli area by utilizing android application. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syafiqa Jauna Mohamed Jefry (2019) Removal of methylene blue using activated carbon from foxtail palm fruits. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syafiqah Zainol (2015) Mapping species distribution of selected species from Genus Agloanema (Araceae) in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Syahadatini Mohd Sukari (2013) The effect vermicompost and vermiwash on the soil parameter and productivity of chili (capsicum annum L.) and spinash (spinacia oleracea). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syahidatul Akmal Saidin and Syahira Inanie Marzuki and Syakirah Adawiyah Ahmad Zamane and Syarifah Nur Syahirah Syed Rasid (2023) Determinants of the failure and delay of the division of inheritance among the community. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syahidatul Khazidah Azahan (2019) Geology and depositional environment of metasediments in Taman Agropolitan Rantau Manis, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syahira Farahana Mohd Hasni and Syazwina Mat Ariffin and Tengku Sharifah Normadiha Ku Mat Azaha and Tuan Nur Atikah Shahira Tuan Din (2024) Viewpoints of Islamic banking among Muslims and non-Muslims students in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syahirah Atiqah Adnan (2017) Estimating the flora diversity in Pengkalan Kubur mangrove for future sustainability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syahirah Md Yusuf (2015) Study on birth weight and pre-weaning growth pattern in boer kids. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syahmi Safuhah Suradi (2017) General geology and geoheritage of Bantimurung, Kabupaten Maros, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Syahmi Sajidah Suradi (2021) Geology and geoheritage potential value of karst at Kampung Sungai Kepa, Gua Musang, Kelantan for conservation and geotourism. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syahril Alimin Mohamed (2019) The effect of Different Frequency of Fertilizer Applications on Growth Performance and Yield of Capsicum annuum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syaidatul Akma Abdul Mubi (2018) The nutrient composition of locally available ingredients used in poultry ration. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syaidatul Fatimah, Muhamad (2015) Kajian tentang implimentasi infografik pada pembungkusan nasi tumpang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Syaidatul Mohamed Taib (2024) Unsur Keindahan Bahasa yang Terdapat Dalam Lirik Lagu Filem Puteri Gunung Ledang: Analisis Bersandarkan Teori Stilistik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syajariah Sanusi (2016) Effect of different fertigation techniques on growth and yield of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var italica Green Dome 307) under netted rain shelter. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syamim Mohd Idris (2019) Consumer Acceptance on Dried Torch Ginger Flower (Etlingera elatior) as Food Ingredient. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syamimi A. Jalalal (2022) Efficacy of commercial gamat extract (Stichopus variegatus) preparation on stray cats with gastrointestinal helminthiasis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syammizam Abu Bakar (2014) Comparative assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their associated lifetime lung cancer at two different urban areas. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Syarafina Jasni (2015) Isolation Of Mother Vinegar Culture Of Nephelium Lappaceum L (Rambutan) Vinegar And Antimicrobial Properties Of Rambutan, Pineapple And Apple Vinegar. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syarah Aqilah binti Zulfakar (2023) Polemik dalam teks Himpunan 366 Cerita Rakyat Malaysia: suatu pengaplikasian teori takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Syarifah Aisyah Syed Omar (2012) Composition and distribution of benthic macro fauna in Na Thap River, Songkla Province,Thailand. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Syaza Sholimin (2013) Land Cover Mapping in Jeli Using Selected Classification Algorithms. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Syazana Atikah Ahmad Aminudin (2016) Effect of fermented period on corn silage quality. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syazana Azman (2014) Study of antioxidant activities in kacip fatimah (labisia pumila var alata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Syazana Rosdi and Siti Zulaiha Ramli and Siti Zulaika Othman and Suria Atikah Samsuri (2022) The nexus of information and communication technology (ict) and sustainable tourism marketing among owner’s homestay. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syazeilawaty Musa and Tan Heng Bin and Tan Ween Kee and Tay Chee Ling (2022) Issues influencing the use of smart tourism apps among malaysia tourism stakeholders. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syed Afiq Najmi Syed Nasir (2024) Kajian Mengenai Impak Island Hopping Di Kepulauan Warisan Mersing, Johor Terhadap Pihak Berkepentingan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syed Mohd Ashriq Syed Mohd Nordin (2010) Asal usul keris dan cara-cara pembuatannya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Syed Muhammad Izzat Syed Harun and Nurul Fazrina Ahmad and Shazatul Azwa Agil and Nurfatin Farhanah Abdul Rahim (2021) The satisfaction of Baba Nyonya food heritage in Malacca. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syed Suffian, Syed Amirulikhwan (2019) Geology and Geoheritage of Gunung Ayam, Gua Musang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syed Ukasyah Syed Ibrahim (2014) Study on the waste loading as an impact of urban growth in Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Syuhada Mat Salleh (2023) In-vitro fungicidal activities of graphene oxide towards candida albicans. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Syuryani Safiee (2016) Study on participation of smallholders in Kelantan and Terengganu on implementation of environmental practices in oil palm plantation. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Taarini A/P Sockalingam (2012) Local tourists perception on how effective is malacca zoo as an ecotourism destination. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Tai Cheah Jie (2019) Effect of Trehalose and Natural Honeybee as Cryoprotectant on the Viability of Vitrified Thawed Matured Bovine Oocytes. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tajudin, Intan Nurshafira Balkis and Thiruvangadam, Kogilavaani and Melvin Kong, Yew Hon (2015) The adoption of green technology in logistics industry in the east coast. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Tajulmulud, Ahmad Mustaqim and Hanafi, Amal Husna and Cheah, Yee Soon and Uthaya Suriyan, Mohenaswary (2015) Changes of consumption behavior after GST in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Tamil Selvam Krishnan (2016) A preliminary study on preservative effect of ocimum sanctum. (thulsi) in raw milk. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Audrey Yee Hsin (2016) Antioxdant activity and phytochemical analysis of Borreria laevicaulis and Borreria exilis plant extracts. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_postgraduate" not defined] thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Chia Wei (2016) Removal of malachite green (MG) from aqueous solution by adsorption on eggshell biochar using response surface methodology (RSM). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Chiew Fen (2014) Insect fauna biodiversity in banana farm. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Ee Yau (2015) Microbiological Quality of Water from Vending Machines. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Frankie Ishak (2013) Protein profiling of flesh in mud of crab (scylla serrata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Hui Ying (2019) Generation of iron-reduction deficient mutants in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan, Kok Boon (2020) Study on the effect of different drying temperatures on preservative treatability of Acacia Mangium. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan, Shiueh Fong (2019) Ascorbic acid assisted synthesis Of rGO-CNF hydrogel for the removal of methylene blue via adsorption. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan, Shyuan Ying (2016) In vitro detennination of antioxidant activity of Diospyros buxifolia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Sim Wah (2013) Geology and geochemical study of stream sediment at Batu Melintang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Tan, Soon Khing (2015) Effect of Decoction on Antioxidant Activity of Pletranthus Amboinicus Stems. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, Tse Erng (2018) Isolation of Polyethylene degrading bacteria isolated from soil. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan, Wan Joo (2016) Potential of insect frass as plant fertilizer and plant growth promoter on Mung bean (Vigna radiata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tan, William Jiunn Tee (2015) A study of microwave torrefaction of agricultural wastes for fuel upgrading. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Tan, Yi Fie (2014) Study on growth and fecundity rate of eudrilus eugeniae in different ratios of soil, cow dung and newspaper. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Tan, Xing Jie and Nordin, Nor Afifah and Abdullah, Nurul Syuhaida and Mukhtar, Siti Zuhaili (2015) Factors contributing entrepreneurial intention among UMK students. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Tan Bee Chin (2018) Effect of transportation in vapour nitrogen on viability of bovine oocyte. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Bee Yann (2023) Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards african swine fever(asf) among pork consumers in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Hong Lin and Nurul Najihah Abu Bakar and Nurul 'Afifah Rosli and Siti Nur Aqilah Mohammad Saiful (2021) Tourist behaviour for food tourism in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Huey Yee (2022) Antibacterial activity from tuber of Ampelocissus Cinnamomea Merr in their sequential solvent extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Min May (2021) Removal Of Reactive Orange 16 Dye Using Casuarina Equisetifolia Seeds As Packing Media For Microbial Biofilm Formation. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Tan Shan Wen (2019) Bacterial diversity of Elephant Dung using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Shi Han (2020) Assessment of high nighttime ground-level ozone concentration in Kemaman. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tan Wei Jun (2023) Influence of varied water gradients on the physiochemical component of rice straw silage. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tang, Chia Ling (2019) Analysis of nitrate and dissolved oxygen on fish ponds based on smart water monitoring system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tang Kim Hwee and Nurul Huda Dahlan and Nurul Izzati Zarir (2016) Factors influencing youth travellers intention to visit Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Tay, Jin Wen (2020) Adsorption and desorption study of malachite green using coconut frond biochar in packed bed continuous system. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tay, Lee Ling (2016) Chemical qualities of roasted coconut water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Te, Zi Yang (2019) A study on Polycaprolactone coated with Chitosan Microspheres via rapid solvent evaporation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tea, Ying Yun (2021) Exploring The Importance Of Video Marketing On Youtube To Promote Services Of Project M Company. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Tea Siew Tinn (2018) Effects of physical pretreated oil palm frond on feed and nutrient intakes of boer goat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tee, Chee Yin (2019) Ascorbic acid assisted synthesis of rGO-TIO2 hydrogel nanocomposite for methylene blue degradation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tee, Wai Kit (2014) Market survey for underutilized fruits and fruits products. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tee, Yih Hou (2013) Screening of crude extract from gills of male mud crabs (scylla serrata). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tee Sui Hao and Siti Nur Aishah binti Minhad and Siti Nur Adibah binti Kassim and Sufia Hanani binti Huzhuri (2016) The effect of smartphone brand towards customer loyalty in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tee Yung Yee (2019) Optimisation of Total Protein Concentration Based on Buffer Type and Ratio in Placental Protein Extraction of Bovine Kedah Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teebatarrany Maratamutu (2013) Food safety evaluation of commercialize fermented vegetables. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Teen Mei Chee (2020) Preparation of Cellulose Triacetate (CTA) — Aliquat 336 Electrospun Fibers for removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teh, Huey Kian (2015) The effect of lactation period, age and parity on milk production and major milk composition of holstein friesian cows. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Teh Si Yong (2019) Investigation of nighttime ground level ozone concentrations in industrial and rural area. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teh Yen Peng (2012) Customer's loyalty towards golf club. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Teng, Pei Pei (2019) Optimization of DNA extraction from feathers for PCR-based avian sexing test. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teng Hui Yi and Tengku Nur Atiqah Tengku Haimi and Tengku Nurhusna Fatma Tengku Utama and Tuan Nor Nazieyatulwafa Tuan Wil (2023) The role of service, restaurant environment, food quality, food hygiene and food pricing on customers satisfaction in fast-food restaurant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tengku Noor Aida, Tengku Mohamad (2010) Tarian Rodat di Kuala Terengganu : satu kajian perbandingan persembahan dahulu dan sekarang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Tengku Norafiqah Tungku Zainudin (2015) Mapping potential distribution of alocasia genus (Araceae) in Kelantan using ecological niche modelling. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Tengku Nur Idayu Binti Tengku Mazli (2014) Akar kayu dan tumbuhan herba dalam perubatan masyarakat melayu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tengku Rabiatul Adawiyah Bt Ibrahim (2021) Kajian Reka Bentuk Kerusi Okasional Berdasarkan Ukiran Tradisional Tebuk Tembus Tidak Bersilat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tengku Salini Tuan Johan (2011) Meja makan: kajian Penggunaan bagi rumah pangsa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Teo, Chai Ting (2019) A Study on Alginate encapsulated biosorbent from Spent Coffee Ground (SCG) for wastewater treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teo, Wai Kit (2011) The study of homestay in kelantan as potential agro-tourism spot. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Teo, Wei Na (2019) Effect of calcination time and temperature to the properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 using enhanced microwave processing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teoh Keat Yung and Woo Wai Yee and Nurul Alisa Ali Akbar and Parantaman Arumugam (2021) Factors that determine the intention of tourists visit gastronomy tourism in Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teoh Xiu Pei (2018) Vitrification of in vivo fertilised mouse embryos at different embryonic stages using modified carrier. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Teow, Ee Jin (2016) Comparative studies of antioxidant activities of different honeys. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Teow, Siew Fen (2015) General geology and water quality analysis of abandoned dumpsite with its potential health hazard impact at Kampung Pantai Dasar, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Tew, Sue Teng (2015) Properties of Gelatin-based Bio-film from Chicken Feet Incorporated with Sugarcane Bagasse. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tey, Xue Ying (2016) Potential of antibacterial, antioxidant and antidiabetic properties in mango leaves (Mangifera indica L.) crude extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tey Xing Jie and Muhamad Hamyrul Jamali and Nurul Suhadah Ishak and Nurul Ain Misrin (2015) Factors influencing consumers purchase intention on fast food restaurant among generation Y. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Tham, Chin Wei (2021) Redesigning Integration of Interchangeable Furniture at Bank Waiting Area During COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Than Chong Huay (2012) Consumer acceptance toward dietary supplement. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Thanabalan B.Ramoo and Muhammad Shafie Mohd Sharif and Nur Salina Mohd Shariff and Wan Nur Farah Nadhira Wan Rahin (2023) The effect of scammers on customer perception toward E-Commerce platform among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tharani Radha Krishnan (2021) Morphological Study And Biodegradability Of Poly Lactic Acid (Pla)/ Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate (Pbat) Reinforced With Microcrystalline Cellulose. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Tharshini a/p Ananthan (2017) Assessment of wildlife tourism potential in Gunung Stong State Park. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
The Borneo Post, . (2020) UMK graduates' marketability rises to 73 per cent. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
The Borneo Post, Sabah (2016) Celcom Axiata, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan foster entrepreneurship excellence. UNSPECIFIED thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Then, Min Yei (2015) Response of Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis towards Fusarium wilt Tropical Race 4. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Then Siuk Jing, . (2012) The impact of human resources practice on employee intention to leave in small and medium-sized enterprise. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Thilagavathy A/P Rajisvaran (2011) Local customer satisfaction towards fast food restaurants in Bercham, Ipoh. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Thilagavathy A/P Rajisvaran, . (2011) Local customer satisfaction towards fast food restaurants in Bercham, Ipoh. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Thilageswaran M.Velu (2020) Geological mapping in area Lojing and investigation of seawater intrusion of Sungai Pinang aquifer at Tumpat by geophysical and hydrochemistry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Thivashini Kanasan (2022) Physicochemical properties of premix ice cream from brown rice (Oryza Saliva) and barley (Hardman Vulgare). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Thivyashini Letchumanan (2018) Aesthetic and art critism of masterpiece "Ramayana" by Syed Thajudeen. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tho, Vivian (2018) Identification and Phylogenetic Relationship of Microorganisms in Lata Janggut, Kelantan by using 16S rDNA. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Thong, Mei Qi (2018) Characterization of activated carbon prepared from Meretrix lamarckii shell and Its application in dye adsorption. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Thruselvan, Gayatthiri (2016) Distribution Pattern and Chemical Composition of Anions and Heavy Metals in Coarse Particulate Matter at Mainland, Penang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Thubashini Nair Santhirasegar (2016) Investigation of knowledge of food industries operators from different food industries of food manufacturing plant and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Thum Can Dee (2023) Knowledge, attitude and practice towards canine vaccination among pet owners in penang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Thuraisyah Jaaffar, . (2012) Factors influencing the purchase of gadget. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ting Hon, Brenda (2018) Preparation of raw Oyster shell for removal of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Dye from aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ting Mee Kim (2018) Interactive augmented reality coloring application for children to learn about animals. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tinta Asuhan, Mohd Apit (2011) Pembangunan animasi dua dimensi Malim Deman. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Tiong, Khing Gueok (2013) Identification of Kenaf(KB-6) Potential as Industrial Absorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Tong Hui Wen and Nurul Syahirah Ahmad Zaidi and Nurul Yusairah Mohamad Zain and Satheasilan Ganesan (2016) Understanding factors affecting youth involvement of Public Universities in sports tourism in Malaysia: push and pull factors analysis. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Tou Yit Gui (2019) Preparation of Cta Aliquat 336 polymer inclusion membrane for congo red removal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Toufik, Sahrianisa (2018) Nutritional analysis of Panicum Sarmentosum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Trissa Anak Bunyau and Tuan Zulaikha Tuan Rusli and Thurgadewi A/P Givanatha and Thanusha A/P Rajamurthi (2023) A study of tourist satisfaction of cross-border tourism development in rantau panjang, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tuan Ahmad, Tuan Safhwan (2016) Elemental Composition Analysis in Water From Galas River, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Tuan Mirza Aqila Tuan Haziman (2019) Intention Towards Livestock Entrepreneurship Among Students of Faculty of Agro-based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tuan Mohamad Nor Hafiz Tuan Rosdi (2015) Mengkaji rekabentuk perabot taman yang berinteraktif. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tuan Mohd Pani, Tuan Syuhada (2022) Cerita Binatang Dalam Bentuk Animasi : Analisis Nilai Murni kepada Kanak-Kanak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Tuan Muhammad Hariri Tuan Mohd Nawawi (2021) Rekabentuk Korporat Identiti Produk PKS Tempatan: Keropok Ikan Segera Cap Pinggan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Tuan Norsyuhada Tuan Mohd Ghazali (2013) Packaging methodologies and processing techniques to extend shelf life of longan fruits (dimocarpus longan ). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tuan Nur Afifah Tuan Mohd Izani (2022) Physiochemical properties and sensory evaluation of cracker made from broccoli (Brassica Oleracea). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tuan Nur Akmalina Mat Jusoh (2015) Isolation of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria from Water Sample. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Tuan Nur Faezah, Tuan Fauzi (2020) Pemahaman Warga UMK Terhadap Penggunaan Dialek Kelantan: Persembahan Karut Dikir Barat. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Tuan Siti Diyana Amnani Tuan Leh (2016) General geology and geochemical mapping of heavy metal distribution in topsoil, Kundur Area, Gua Musang. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Tuan Suharmila Binti Tuan Mahmood (2015) Promosi wau melalui blog. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Tuan Zuraimi Tuan Mohamad (2011) Nilai-nilai murni dalam filem dongeng rakyat Melayu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Tung, Lun Hao (2018) Effect of additions Titanium Oxide on mechanical and physical properties of YBCO superconductor by co-precipitation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ubaidillah Abdullah (2024) Kajian Terhadap Proses Pembuatan Alat Muzik Serunai Wayang Kulit di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ujan, Jracy Jampo and Chu, Wei Ching and Muhammad, Fatin Nasuha and Awang Ahmad, Siti Nur Hafizah (2015) The influence of store atmospherics on women purchase behavior in Mydin hypermarket. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ulaganathan, Rathesh Kumaran (2020) Characterisation of silica-alumina ratio in ceramic porcelain materials. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Uma Devi Rajeswaran (2023) Analysis of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin d in conventional and non-conventional commercialized pet foods in malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Amirah Khalid (2016) The effectiveness of graphene oxide (GO) in controlling Aeromanas hydrophilu Isolated from Red hybrid tilapia (Oreochrnmis spp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Umi Hafiza Othman and Wan Nor Eli Hanis Wan Zahari and Wan Nor Maizatul Iwani Wan Abdul Razak and Wan Nur Farah Hanim Wan Roslan (2023) Factors influencing destination loyalty among domestic tourist in perhentian island, terengganu, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Maisarah Norainan and Umi Maisyarah Mohammad Sah and Ummu Aqilah Mohamad Zaki and Waliuddin Fathullah Mohd Rosli (2024) The problem of PTPTN scholarship defaulters: Graduates avoiding payment. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Najibah Ramli (2015) Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Eichomia crassipes (Keladi Bunting) Extracts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Umi Najwa Izzati Aziz Jaffar and Wafa Abdul Rahim and Wan Nur Alia Wan Hasri and Yasmin Raihana Razali (2023) The role of customer attribute on customer satisfaction toward restaurants in kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Nor Zarina Othman (2016) Design of a rapid screening technique for identification of Shewanella Oneidensis nitrate-reductant deficient mutants. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Umi Raihanah Muhamad Sam (2019) Nutritional analysis of Sesamum Radiatum seeds. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Safiqah Ismail (2020) Geology and joint analysis of limestone outcrop in Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Umi Syafirah Anuar (2011) Peranan Wanita Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Orang Asli Kaum Temiar. Final Year Project thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Umi Zahrah Nanyan (2019) Assessment of Phosphorus Sorption and Desorption Characteristics of Tropical Acid Soil Applied with Paddy Husk Compost. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Ummi Kalsom Mohd Yazan (2012) Factors that influence job satisfaction among sme’s employee in Pendang, Kedah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Ummu Syahidah Aziz (2016) Nutritional Value of Babylonia areolata. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Unetha Balachandran (2014) Development of two populations of wild banana (musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis and musa gracilis) from embryo culture technique. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Ung, Chin Sen and Lee, Ebau and Mohamad Asri, Norhuda Aniza and Ab Rahim, Nurul Hidayah (2015) The study of service quality: the case of public bus transport in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Utheyakumaran, Thepadarsini (2020) Removal of Rhodamine B dye in aqueous solution using raw timber wood sawdust as adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Vaashini A/P Nagarajan, - (2012) Effect of seed size and seed sowing pre treatment on germination and growth of vigna radiata (mung bean). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Vaishnavi Chandraraj (2018) Diversity and abundance of Bats using Mist Net and Harp Trap in Cajuput Forest, Bachok, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Valentine, Leonardo (2016) Activated carbon from coconut frond as adsorbent for removal of kongo red. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Vanessa Carmel Lopez (2022) The utilization of oil palm empty fruit bunch (Opefb) fibre in home compost making. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Velu, Ganesan (2019) Gua-gua batu kapur di negeri kelantan dari segi perspektif arkeologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Vengatesen, Suganthy and Ahmad, Syazana and Liau, Khang Miau and Tay, Gui Feng (2015) The significant influence factor of mode choice of transport among UMK students travelling for long distance. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Venkat Kanagasingam (2016) Growth enhancement of tissue culture banana plantlets with proper shading technique at poly-bag stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Vikneswaran Muthu (2015) Bioethanol Production from Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) Core and Fibre Wastes. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Vimalla Tharshini Saravanan (2021) Kritikan Watak Dan Perwatakan Dalam Filem “Jagat” (2015). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Vinoshini Sasi (2020) Low Key Lighting Plays An Important Role In Hollywood Horror Films. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Vinotha A/P Vijayan, . (2012) Customer satisfaction: an empirical study at international fast food restaurant & local fast food restaurant. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Vinothini Suresh and Nurul Shahira Othman and Nurul Aida Norisam and Nurun Najihah Mazni (2023) The study on green logistics awareness among SMEs IN Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Vinothiran M.Ayappan (2018) The morphometric characteristics of corbicula fluminea (Asian clam) from Kelantan and Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Visheentha a/p Martin (2017) Potential of gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi) stem as natural insecticide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Visvalingam, Hashwini (2012) Phenotypic characteristics and egg production of rural chickens in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Voo, Chee Kwong (2011) A study of personal protecttive equipment used among tobacco planters in bachok. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Voon, Mei Xiang (2018) Treatment of Methylene Blue Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Palm Kernel Shell. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
W. Kadir, Wan Hanisah (2019) Evaluation of starch content from Dioscorea hispida (Ubi Gadong) using different extraction methods. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wahab, Ahmad Fauzan (2020) Producing organic fertilizer from restaurant food waste using composting method. Post-Doctoral thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wahidurafie bin Jafar (2024) Konflik Masyarakat dalam Drama Ayahanda Adaptasi daripada Novel Ayahanda Berdasarkan Teorikonflik Max Weber. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wal Razali, Nurliyana Atikah (2020) Factors affecting purchase intention of fast food among generation Z in Kluang, Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Abd Halim, Wan Nur Hannani (2020) An extraction of natural dye from roselle calyces (Hibiscus sabdariffa) apply on cotton fabric. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Abdul kadir, Wan Husna (2020) A study of public perception and attitude on e-waste recycling management in Kulim, Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Afifah Wan Ghazali (2011) Commercial production kenaf for animal feed. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Ahmad Fawwaz Wan Bharudin (2021) Geology and tectonic deformation of kilometer 185 Gua Musang – Cameron Highland, Lojing, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Ahmad Syafiq Wan Salman (2022) Assessment of supplementary feeding of leaf meals of trichanthera gigantea on growth performance in barbados blackbelly sheep. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Ahmad Wizan, Wan Amira Shaerah (2018) Study on physical and mechanical properties of Nephelium Lappaceum L. Wood after oven-dried and oil heat treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Ain Nabilah Zakaria (2017) Optimisation of malachite green removal using activated carbon derived from coconut shell as low cost adsorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Aina Izzati Wan Zailani (2022) The effect of different concentration for Cocoly and Yaratera Kristalon red in growth and soil nutrient of solenostemon plant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Anis Syahidah Wan Rosli (2019) Preparation of Raw Oyster Shell for Adsorption of Methyl Orange Dye in Aqueous Solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Atikah Wan Abid (2017) Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and water absorption properties of kenaf-glass fibre mat reinforced unsaturated polyester hybrid composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Ayunie binti Wan Ya (2023) Unsur islam dalam novel Anding Ayangan ii Karya Ramlee Awang Murshid: pengaplikasian teori takmilah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Dahlia Anggun Wan Mohamad Nazeri and Wan Fatin Amirah Wan Daud and Wan Nur Athirah Wan Dasuki and Wan Nur Fatini Izzati Wan Fauzi (2023) Factors that influence Islamic deposit products as the main preferences towards non-Muslim banking transaction in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Eva Malini Azman (2015) Geology, geochemistry and provenance of sedimentary rocks at KM 185, Jalan Gua Musang- Cameron Highland, Lojing. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Wan Hassan, Wan Nur Hidayah (2018) Characterization of Alumina supported Potassium compound as solid base catalyst for biodiesel production. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Hazwani Binti Wan Mohd Fakri (2022) Effect Of Magnesium Oxide (Mgo) As An Antifungal Agent On Singgora Roof Tile. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Wan Hilmi, Wan Amni Izzatie (2019) Production of Biodiesel from waste cooking oil and Black Liquor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Ibrahim, Mizan Qistina (2021) Kajian Adaptasi Hikayat Ke Filem: Analisis Berdasarkan Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Khairul Faiz, Wan Kamarull Ariffin (2019) Analisis Cerpen-Cerpen Terpilih Di Dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Bidadari Burung Dengan Menggunakan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Wan Lokman Wan Haron (2011) Drying of pisang salai by using oven. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Madihah Mohamed Rusli (2021) Kajian Komposisi Elemen Dan Prinsip Seni Berinspirasikan Dalam Karya Siri Latif Maulan “Tales Of Apocalypse”. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Maisarah Wan Zamri (2016) PCR optimization for amplification of apoptosis-linked gene 2 (ALG-2) and 18s rRNA gene of Red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Marinah Izzati Wan Ismail (2017) Study of corrosion behaviour of zinc in potassium hydroxide electrolyte. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Mohamad Fadhli Wan Ammeran (2016) Induction of fruit ripening in banana (Musa acuminata cv. berangan) using different carbide concentrations and different stacking level. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Mohammad Irfan Wan Izani (2022) Evaluation of the rice straw substrate for grey oyster mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus Sajor-Cajo) and compost for biofertilizer. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Mohd Asri, Wan Rohani (2021) Suaiguna Semula Bangunan Bersejarah Sebagai Muzium : Kajian Ke Atas Kota Lama Duyong, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Mohd Hilmi W.Hassan Basri (2010) Bangunan lama di Kelantan:kajian rumah kedai cina di jalan Temenggung,Kota Bharu,Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan(FTKW). (Submitted)
Wan Mohd Nasri, Wan Nurshafeera (2020) Synthesis of odium alginate graphene-oxide silver composite thin film for photocatalytic activity of methylene blue. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Mohd Rafie Wan Yusuf (2011) Pembangunan animasi tiga dimensi kempen keselamatan jalan raya. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Wan Muhammad Adam Wan Yusof and Rohayu Sabri and Mohd Akmal Mohd Hanafi and Bavatharani Ramu (2023) Factors that influenced customer satisfaction in online shopping groceries among people in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Muhammad Hilmi Wan Daud (2015) The Determination of Selected Heavy Metals (Copper,Zinc, Lead and Cadmium) in Indian White Shrimp (Penaeus Indicus) using Atomic Absorption spectrometer. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Muhammad Khairi Wan Adnan (2015) Merekabentuk meja makan yang menjimatkan ruang di restoran. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Muhammad Mustaqim Wan Saharudin (2014) Tarian tradisional negeri Pahang : tarian Pelanduk. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Muhammad Syawal W Rasir (2017) Assessment of physico-chemicals and microbiological parameters of groundwater quality in Tumpat, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Musa, Wan Nur Aeizatul Akmal (2022) Keunikan Seni Bina Rumah Warisan Haji Su Di Kampung Losong Haji Su, Kuala Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Muzdalifah Abd. Tolib (2015) Mengkaji rekabentuk perabot interaktif untuk kanak-kanak di pusat membeli belah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Nabimun, Wan Nadia Fatihah (2022) Potensi Pelancongan Warisan Di Makam Keramat Anak Dara Kuala Selangor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nadhirah Wan Ghadzali (2014) Investigation of mock recalls of food roducts. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nazatul Amalia Wan Mohamad Noor (2021) Inovasi Busana Kebaya Pengantin Moden Muslimah Dengan Menggunakan Batik Tempatan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Noor Syaherah Wan Yuzamree (2018) Assessment of Ground Level Ozone Weekend and Weekday Due To Variation in Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Wan Nor Afda Ayunie Wan Razali (2024) Unsur-Unsur Legenda Dalam Cerita Rakyat: Penelitian Terhadap Teks 366 Cerita Rakyat Terkenal. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nor Azli Jasmi, Wan Nor Dini (2019) Comparison between Samarium doped nickel oxide and Samarium added nickel oxide on dielectric properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nor Syafikah Wan Abdullah (2022) Consumers’ awareness towards contaminated peanut-based products in Terengganu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Norazila Wan Kassim (2016) Nutritional composition of fruits Selected by Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) in Kuala Selangor. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Wan Norin Syerina Mior Azmai (2016) Edible coating of chitosan and arabic gum for shelf life extension of fresh mango (Manglfera indica L. var. mas hitam) fruit based on layer by layer coating technique. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Adila Abdullah Khir and Nur Ardilla Pauzi and Wan Fatin Najma Wan Abdullah and Shirley Subramaniam (2016) Factors that influence students choice in tourism industry as career path. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Afiqah Wan Jainudin (2021) Ketirisan Kandungan Filem Tempatan Di Platform Digital Dan Kesannya Kepada Industri. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Wan Nur Akirah Syuhada bt. Wan Ariffin (2023) Kajian kepuasan pelancong terhadap pengurusan bangunan bersejarah di Kota Bharu Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Nur Akmal binti Wan Ismail (2023) Gaya bahasa dan teknik penulisan dalam novel Magis karya Ramlee Awang Murshid: satu penelitian teori stilistik. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Nur Amalina Wan Hasbullah (2013) Screening of significant nutritional factors on production of recombinant thermostable 50ₐ protease using plackett-burman design. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Amirah, Wan Zakaria (2012) Video dokumentari permainan gasing uri di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Wan Nur Arina Wan Yusoff (2021) Nilai Kemelayuan Dalam Pakaian Pengantin Masyarakat Melayu Di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Nur Asma Wan Juhan (2021) Aplikasi Motif Bunga Ketam Guri Pada Selendang Dengan Menggunakan Kaedah Batik Blok. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Nur Atikah Wan Ab Rahman (2011) Kajian terhadap tema dan persoalan dalam lagu rakyat negeri Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Atiqah Wan Mohd Nor (2017) Determination of indoor disturbance level using noise monitoring device in UMK Jeli and Pengkalan Chepa campus library. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Azira Mohamad (2014) Kajian rawatan bekam dalam kalangan masyarakat di Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Nur Farizatul Binti Wan Abd Nasir, - (2012) The impact of different soil types on growth and fruit quality of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Hanisah Wan Min (2016) Effect of feeding corn silage in body weight gain and feed intake of kids. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Khairunnisa Wan Jusoh (2017) Pelletizing properties of raw and torrified Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Nadhirah W Mahmod (2021) Kajian Tentang Cara Pengajaran Seni Khat Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sekolah Rendah Cherang Ruku, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Nur Nadiana Izati Wan Moktar and Wan Nurazyan Shafiqah Wan Rospaiza and Wan Nuur Allifa Mohad Salleh and Wong Suet Theng (2022) Factors influencing the supply of pineapples in johor, malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Najihah Wan Dali and Yasmin Izzati Mohd Yusof and Yusmiatirah Ishak and Zull Fazleen Mohamed (2023) The impact of Covid-19 on education loan repayment patterns in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Nasiha Wan Amri (2021) Kajian Rupa Dan Bentuk Seni Ilustrasi Sebagai Gaya Ilustrasi Melalui Manifestasi Ikon Malaysia Dalam Penghasilan Catan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Nur Syahida Wan Kamaruddin (2011) Chemical and microbial analysis of fish sauce ('budu'). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Nur Syahirah W Abd Muhaimi (2019) Geology and karst geomorphology of Kampung Kala Baru, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nur ‘Afifa Wan Mustapa (2020) Geology and tsunami exposure of Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nurnabilah Wan Harmizi (2019) Consumer Acceptance on Dried Kaffir Lime Leaves (Citrus hyxtrix) As Food Ingredient. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nurshahida Wan Zulkifli, . (2012) Factors influencing consumer’s choice of dining out. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Wan Nursyahira Izzanis Megat Mahazer (2019) Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Soap Prepared from Elaeis guineensis (Oil Palm) Fruits. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nurul Atiqah Rosdi (2022) Farmers acceptance towards using drone as part of mechanization for paddy cultivation in kama Kelantan granary areas. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wan Nurul Hani Samsudin (2024) Perbandingan Unsur Naratif Dalam Adaptasi Novel Dan Drama Ayahanda : Penelitian Terhadap Teori Adaptasi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Nurzafirah Wan Zin (2019) Analisis Cerpen Terpilih A.Samad Said Menggunakan Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wan Rosfaziera Wan Othman and Nur Fatin Shazlin Zaidi and Mahirah Muhammad Norha and Nurul Izzah Alias (2022) The effect of product performance, ease of use and social influence on customer’s intention towards using delivery service by Foodpanda in Malaysia during pandemic covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Wan Rosli, Wan Nuril Nabila (2020) Effect of water extraction pigment and stability of mangosteen peels (Garcinia Mangostana L.). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Siti Khadijah Aisyah Wan Husin (2013) Effects of age of quails, coturnix coturnix japonica and storage period of carcass on the pH, weight loss and the shelf life when stored at 4 °C. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Sulaiman, Wan Aidil Adha (2020) Wastewater treatment of palm oil mill effluent by activated carbon from palm oil empty fruit bunch. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Syafawati Mohd Jamil (2019) Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Meat from Boer Goats Fed With Napier Grass and Oil Palm Frond. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Syahidah Hana Wan Ab Hafiz (2023) Detection Of Trypanosoma Spp. In Asian Swamp Eel, monopterus Albus In Selected States In Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Syahirah Nerini Rosli (2015) Enhancement of banana corm seedling growth at nursery stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wan Syuhada Abdullah Saimi (2017) Comparison of nutrients content and physical properties in filtered drinking water by various brand of water filter machine. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wan Uswah Binti Abdullah (2022) Mechanical and Physical Properties of Hybrid Microcrystalline Cellulose/Kenaf Core Fibre reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Resin Biocomposites. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Wan Zainah Wan Isa (2019) Geology and lithostratigraphy of Sungai Ulu Raya, Lojing, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wardah Aina Ta’yib (2021) Membangunkan Medium Animasi 2D Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bagi Pelajar Multimedia Kreatif Di Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Wasil, Nurdiana Amira (2020) Consumers’ awareness on food additives in packaged food in Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
We Hoong Wong (2018) Developing seedling capsule using secondary fibre for angiosperm seedling propagation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wiliemina Nily Anak Gading (2023) Kajian biotik di dalam puisi Iban Leka Sampi: satu interaksi di antara manusia dan alam menggunakan teori ekologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Winky Gan Win Kee and Rabi’atul Adawiyah Usri and Nur Fatin Eliana Nik Zamzuri and Muhammad Raif Muhamad Fazley (2024) Investigating factors for enhancing small business sustainability in a competitive market environment. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Winnie Wong Zing Zing and Siti Nur Nadiah M.Suhaimi and Lin Kar Fai (2023) The influence of warehouse management system on product quality in Pantai Timor Hypermarket, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Chee Yang (2018) Characterization of Copper-Zinc composite reinforced by Graphene Nanoflakes synthesized by ball milling and powder metallurgy. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Chung Yin (2016) Microbiological quality and survivability of Escherichia coli P511 in microwavable food. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Ee Ching (2018) A Study of Immobilised Dye Degrading Bacteria on Biochar for adsorption and degradation of Congo Red and Reactive Orange 16. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Hie Ling (2012) Impact of gold mining on physico-chemical water quality of sokor river located in Sokor forest reserve, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Wong, Hui San (2020) The removal of cationic and Anionic Dyes Using PVC Polymer Inclusion Membranes Incorporated With Aliquat 336. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Kien Tiek (2013) A comparative studies of partial purified lipase from different maturity stages of oil palm mesocarp (E. guineensis var. Tenera). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Kin Ying (2014) Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial screening of some local weeds from Kelantan, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Lok San (2015) General geology of Tanah Merah town and identification of potential landfill zones for sustainable waste management by using geographic information system (GIS) in Tanah Merah District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Wong, Pie Yee (2016) Removal of congo red by using eggshells as adsorbent. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Shi Yun (2020) Analysis of antimicrobial activity by defence fluid of Coptotermes Curvignathus on selected wood microbes. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Six Hong (2014) The effect of extraction temperature and extractions time on antioxidant activity in orthosiphon stamineus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Wei Fong (2014) Microbial count and protein concentration of fresh and spoiled fish cleaned with fruit vinegar. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong, Wei Yee (2019) Effect of addition Zinc in Tin-Copper lead free solder on corrosion study in chloride solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Xian Huan (2018) Preparation of raw Oyster Shell for removal of Toluidine Blue Dye in aqueous solution. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong, Xue Kee (2016) Growth enhancement of banana tissue culture plantlets (Musa acuminata cv berangan) with suitable potting media at poly-bag nursery stage. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong Kah Fei (2014) Study of identification of suitable growth culture for split gill mushroom (schizophyllum commune). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Wong Poh Ju (2013) Sustainable strategies on financial performances in Langkawi's hotel businesses. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Wong See Jit and Nur Alisa Noor Zaidi and Adilah Mohd Zulkifli and Ainul Hidayah Zakaria (2024) The factors influencing financial management behavior among FKP students. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong Shin Shian (2022) Bacterial assessments on processed meat products sold in Jell, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Wong Sin Jia (2023) Occurrence of bartonella spp. in stray cats in pengkalan chepa, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Wong Sze Yann and Siti Hajar Ahmad and Mohd Asyraf bin Mohd Noor and Siti Aisyah Muhamad Yusuff (2016) Factor influences children in family travel decision in East Coast, Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. (Submitted)
Xavier, Priscilla Francis (2014) Comparative study of neem (azadirachta indica), bitter gourd and albendazole (momordica charantia) extract as herbal anthelminti as chemical anthelmintic in controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in goats. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yaacob, Ismail (2018) Extraction and characterization of cellulose from Nicotiana Tabacum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yaacub, Mazatul Shafinaz (2019) Formulation and characterization of Citrus Hystrix Nanoemulgel. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yaakob Arsat (2011) Penerimaan masyarakat orang asli Temiar Asli terhadap pembangunan Mmden di Kuala Betis Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Yaakob Bin Arsat (2011) Penerimaan masyarakat Orang Asli Termiar terhadap pembangunan moden di Kuala Betis Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Yaakub, Haslina (2018) Development of nanoemulsion containing Sirih (Piper betle) essential oil as pesticide formulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yamuna Kasinathan (2014) A study on the factors affecting the hatching success of river terrapin (Bat Agur affinis) egg in artificial pond. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Yamuna Manickam (2014) Characterization of durian husk as activated carbon. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yamunaa d/o Sangaya (2017) Optimization of microbial DNA extraction from Dendrocalamus asper (buluh betung) for metagenomic sequencing. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yamunasri Kuthiah (2023) Anatomical analysis of syrinx in chickens, ducks and quails. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yang, Chuk Seng (2015) Effect of beef (Bovine sp.) liver, blood cockle (Anadara granosa), squid (Teuthida sp), seaweed (Kappaphycus sp.), water fern (Salvinia sp.), and commercial pellet on the growth of red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yang, Keat Siang (2014) Isolation, screening and identification of potential lipase producing bacteria from palm oil mill in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yang, Qiao Yi (2018) Optimization of Copper (II) removal from Aqueous Solution using Corn Husk as biosorbent. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yap, Ee Ting (2011) Characterisation of salmonella spp. antibiogram in red hybrid tilapia fish (tilapia sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yap, Hon Bing (2015) The synergistic effect of the vitamin C and vitamin E on the transportation stress response of broiler chickens. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yap, Lee Wen (2020) Sensory and physicochemical properties of kenaf leaves (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) herbal drink incorporated with ginger (Zingiber officinale) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yap, Luan Loo (2013) Performance of Rambutan Seed as Iron and Manganese Removal in Groundwater. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Yap Ley Hoon and Syairah Suib and Yuliyanah Sarudin and Suziana Izzaida Sazali (2016) How does the café ambience influence consumer behavioural intention. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Yap Siao Tong and Yusra Syahirah Adnan and Zaifah Hanani Zainuddin and Zati Bayani Suri (2023) A study towards tourist satisfaction of beach tourism in pantai cahaya bulan kota bharu, kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yap Wan Ting (2015) Case study of graphical tourist destination road signage : Wat Photivihan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Yardza, Muhammad Qhidir and Nasrudin, Nasmizatun Asela and Abd Razak, Nazatul Amira and William Voon, Kian Sam (2015) Factor that influence the revisit intention to food event event in Kota Bharu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Yasmin Abdul Karim (2017) Synthesis and influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles addition on the structural and microstructure properties of YBa2Cu3O7 ceramic superconductors. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yasmin Hanani Ramly (2016) Physical quality of commercial egg sold at supermarket in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yasmin Syafiqah, Mokhtar (2011) Penghasilan rekaan kreatif cenderahati telur perkahwinan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Yazid, Khadijah Sabirah (2020) The study of Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus and Chickpea, Cicer aritenunz as coagulant in removing turbidity of water. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yazid, Othman (2011) Seni mata dan hulu keris dalam masyarakat melayu di Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Ya’akob, Nur Hidayah (2020) Effect of alumina addition on physical and structural properties of ceramic porcelain. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yee, Cang Ling (2013) Efficacy Test of Three Formulations of Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides Against Aedes albopictus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Yee Li, Khoo (2015) Karnival seni budaya:remaking of banner. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan. (Submitted)
Yeh Jenn-Gau, Jonathan (2015) Study on the potential of fermented okara (soybean, glycine max, pulp) as alternative protein sources for gourami (trichogaster sp.). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yeo Shin Yi, Jasmine (2015) Antibacterial Properties of Ten Selected Spices Against Aquaculture Bacteria. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yeoh, Yee Kiat (2018) Biosorption of Malachite Green Dye by chicken eggshell and oyster shell Biochar: optimization and adsorption studies. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yeong Yee Yue (2018) Determination of minimal duration essential and extractant ratio for humic acid isolation from rice straw compost. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yew, Xin Ying (2020) Extraction of quercetin from Chromolaena sp using ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic extraction (UAEE). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yip, Hon Lean (2015) Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charanta) Pith Extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yoga Nayagi Punichelvana (2012) Extraction and characterization of pectin from Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yogeswari A/P Ramalingam (2011) The importance of consumer based brand equity on consumer’s brand loyalty towards fast food restaurants in Perak. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Yogeswary Armugam and Zafiqa Azean Abd Kadir and Zubair Subri and Alia Najeeha Sharuddin (2024) Factors affecting students' intention to use online banking at University Malaysia Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yong, Shi Yi (2018) Green synthesis and antibacterial activity of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles using Panicum sarmentosum. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yong, Won Ping (2014) Studies of antioxidants and antibacterial activity of oleoresins from selected spices. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yong, Woon Sing (2015) Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Vitex rotundifolia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yong Zhi Ying (2022) The relationships of user interface, customer motivation and sales promotional tools to customer preferences toward online shopping platforms in Malacca. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yunos, Yusahani (2020) Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Keşan Pemuliharaan Seni Bina Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar, di Johor. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Yus Amirul Azam Che Yusof (2015) Penerbitan majalah digital sukan untuk golongan muda. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Yus Mohamad Amir Hakim (2015) Isolation of Biosurfactant Producer from Soil. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yusadli Yusoff (2013) Extraction of essential oil from curcuma longa. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Yusof, Fatimah Az-Zahrah and Kasman, Fazela and Mak, Yoke Mun and Nallapan Maniyam, Shamini (2015) The decision factor of car purchasing among Malaysian undergraduates. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Yusof, Shahirah (2019) Cinta Dalam Apabila Langit Langit Karya Suhaimi Haji Muhammad: Satu Perspektif Rasa Insaniah. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Yusoff, Siti Nadzirah (2022) Adat, Pantang Larang, Kepercayaan Dan Simbolik Dalam Seni Silat Gerak Cepat Di Kedah. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Yusri, Yusniati Asyikin (2022) Konservasi Koleksi: Pengurusan Penjagaan Koleksi Bagi Pameran Di Muzium Diraja (Istana Batu) Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Yussapikah Yunos and Zetty Karmila Abd Rafar and Nor Azizah Sa’ri and Wan Amin Khalili Wan Mohd Abrisam (2022) Factors of financial literacy: A study among students in University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) during pandemic of Covid-19. Final Year Project thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN. (Submitted)
Yusuf Douglas Jahoni (2017) General geology and resistivity survey along UMK Jeli campus and Gemang area, Jeli district, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Za Za Amira Zainol Abidin (2017) Assessment of activities and facilities in Gunung Stong state park. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zafinas Azahani Moktar (2015) Speleotourism: potential at Gunung Reng, Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zafirah Balqis Rozman (2018) Geology and geographysical analysis of slope failure using electrical resitivity survey at North Aring 6, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zafirah Mohd Nawawi (2016) Leucaena leucacephala biomass treated with Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate(SDBS) as adsorbent for Dye (Congo Red) from contaminated water. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zafirah Muhd (2018) Evaluation on serum mineral profile in boer goats feed with physical pretreatment of oil palm frond. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zafirah Sakinah Amiruzan (2015) General geology and geophysical investigation of potential groundwater using resistivity method in Ayer Lanas, Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zafizul Afizi Md. Mudazir (2013) General geology mapping and geophysical survey for slope mitigation at Peria Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zahidan, Nur Salsabilla (2020) Synthesis of cellulose derived from bamboo (Bambusa Vulgaris) for 2-d application: biofoam. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zahira Che Hassan (2015) General geology and petrography of volcanic rocks in Kampung Bechah Embak, Kuala Krai Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zahirah Haryati Zamli (2018) Post-planting evaluation of banana cv berangan treated with different concentration of bap during micropropagation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zahrin, Nur Aina Riza (2020) The effects of drying temperatures on the preservative retention and penetration of rubberwood. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zahrotul Jannah Azhar (2019) Mass Selection of Snake Bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis. (L.) Verdc.) for Pod Length and Yield in Fourth Generation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zaid Ahmad Mohd Zamri (2018) Effects of physical pretreated oil palm frond on body weight and feed convertion ratio of the Boer goats. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zaid Amri, Siti Hajar (2020) A study on PMMA-co-MAA hollow colloidosomes prepared via pickering emulsion method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zailani, Nur Fadhlin Syakina (2019) Effect of natural weathering degradation on hybrid composite (Banana Peel, Titanium Dioxide, Unsaturated Polyester Resin). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zailani, Nur Sahira Izzati (2018) Extraction of lignin from different sources of biomass using organosolv pretreatment and determination of its physical and chemical behaviour. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainab binti Osman (2023) Kajian ke atas keaslian reka bentuk Rumah Kutai di Bota Kanan, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Zainal, Nurul Shuhada (2018) A comparative study of physicochemical characterization of starches extracted from two type of Dioscorea Hispida Dennst cultivars grown in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainal, Syakila and Lim, Siew Hui and Zulkefly, Raudhahtul Janah (2015) Factors influencing people’s demand to travel by airlines after airlines incidents in Malaysia. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Zainal Abidin, Muhammad Amiruddin (2018) Rubberized Glutaraldehyde modified starch plasticized with Triethanolamine. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainal Abidin, Nurul Zawani (2018) Release study of sodium alginate beads prepared via lonotropic gelation method. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainal Abidin, Siti Mariam (2020) The development of nanoinsecticide containing citrus hystrix (Kaffir Lime) essential oil and its effect on ants. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainol, Mohd Haris (2018) Assessment of thermal comfort variability in mechanically ventilated lecture hall and hostel room. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainol, Nur Fakhira (2019) Characterization of Silica derived from Bamboo leaves Ash (Gigantochloa albociliata). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainudin, Noraliza (2022) Bandar Lama Diraja Jugra, Selangor, Sebagai Pusat Pelancongan: Perspektif Pihak Berkepntingan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zainul, Mohamad Yuzier and Ismail, Najahd and Ibrahim, Nurulinsyirah and Mahamad Heddemi, Siti Nur Amirah (2015) Understanding motivation of visitors at dark tourism site: a case of Penang war museum. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Zairah Abdul kadir (2013) Human- Tiger (Panthera Tigris Jacksoni) Conflicts at Gunung Basor Forest Reserve Fringe in Jeli, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zakaria, Norhafizah and Yahud, Noriana and Abu Hassan, Nur Afiqah and Apo, Patricia Olivia (2015) Students awareness of Shariah hotel influence behavioral intention to stay at Shariah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business.
Zakaria, Nurnajihah (2020) Development of expert system for wild edible plant. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zakaria, Siti Zuriah (2019) Purification of recombinant proteases from Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zakaria, Zailatul Rozaimirul (2021) Kajian Mengenai Implikasi Penyelenggaraan Kepada Pemeliharaan Gua Gunung Senyum Temerloh Pahang. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zakaria, Zalilah (2010) Kompleks Kota Gelanggi : Kajian arkeologi terhadap cadangan pelancongan dan pengurusan tapak warisan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Zakaria, Zulaika (2018) Development of Nanoemulsion containing essential oil of garlic (Allium Sativum) As pesticide formulation. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zakiah Ainul Kamal (2013) General geology and microfacies analysis of Batu Ban Chuan, Dabong, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zakiah Marzuki (2022) Invitro evaluation of graphene oxide on cell culture growth. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zakria, Puteri Aisya (2020) Study on characterization of thin film based on urea modified starch and propylene glycol. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zalfalina Rathisha Zainee (2021) Kualiti Skrip Dan Penerimaan Penonton Di Dalam Filem Misteri Dilaila Versi 1. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Zali, Nur Athirah (2020) Accumulation of heavy metals in sediment core from Kelantan river tributaries of Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zalikha Najwa Zahari (2024) Unsur-Unsur Konflik Yang Terdapat Dalam Novel Ayahanda Berdasarkan Teori Sosiologi. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zalikha Norizzati Zulkiflee (2019) Geology and the deformation of potential limestone geohazard by using Electrical Resistivity Imaging(Eri) survey At Kampung Jias, Kuala Betis. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zam Elani Zangi (2015) General geology and geochemistry of rock in Ulu Lalat, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zamri, Nur Anis Zarifa (2020) Shrubs enumeration in Sabak Beach, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zamrunmunaim, Yang Faezah (2022) Kaedah Pemeliharaan Perak Man Di Galeri Arkeologi Lembah Lenggong, Perak. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zaquan Hisyam Zainuddin (2015) Influence of Consciousness on Blood Loss during Slaughtering and Meat Quality Of Gallus gallus. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zarah Hayatie Mat Ali (2015) Anaesthesia and surgery in silver catfish (Pangaius Sutchi). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zariff Zaki (2022) Improving potassium (K) retention in acidic soil by amending muriate of potash fertilizer with zeolite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Zarith Sufiani Baharom (2013) Morphometry Analysis of Berok Catchment Area by Using Geographical Information Analysis (GIS). Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zatil Hoesna Che Nazir (2013) Geology and geomorphology of Kg Slow Pak long, Kuala Krai. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zatunnajihah Mohd Noor (2013) general geology in Ulu Kusial, Tanah Merah, Kelantan and a modified drastic-lu model for evaluating groundwater vulnerability in parts of Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zatusy Syamam Mohammad Nazri (2016) The Effectiveness of graphene oxide towards Aphanomyces sp. Isolated from Crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus and water parameters that trigger crayfish plague. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zaween Najjah Mohamad Shamsul (2017) Habitat characteristic of Corbicula Fluminea at two different rivers in Southern Thailand. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zubaidah Nizar (2022) Effect of different inclusion level of mulberry (Morus Alba) pellet on growth performance and feed conversion ratio of rabbit. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zuhaili Mohammad (2016) Antimicrobial activity of papaya leaves extract. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zuhaira Nadhila Zahuri (2017) Geology and a land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data of Kuala Tiga, Tanah Merah. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zuhaira Zamri and Zaidatul Izzati Mohd Zalani and Lee Suet Kei and Zulshahmee Zulkiflee (2022) Study of workplace environment, reward and recognition on job satisfaction among employees’ malaysian hotel industry. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zuhairah Mohd Fuzi (2019) Geology of Jelekong, West Java and the geochemical evolution of Waringin-Bedil Andesite. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zuhayra Khayrin Zaini (2022) Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Towards Digital Shopping in Johor Bahru During Covid-19 Pandemic. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulaika Farhani Salehudin (2017) Geology and soil erosion assessment of Kg. Biak, Dabong, Kuala Krai, Kelantan using remote sensing and gis techniques. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zulaikha Zulkifli (2012) Customer satisfaction towards service quality at the government Hospital. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business. (Submitted)
Zulfadhli Hisamuddin (2014) Study of challenges and practices of chili farming in Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro - Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zulfah Alawiah Mohd Abbas (2022) Knowledge, attitude, and practice toward canine cardiac disease among dog owners in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulfairose Mohd Saufi (2021) Rekaan Pakaian Kasual Daripada Perca Songket Menggunakan Teknik Patchwork. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Submitted)
Zulkafali, Noor Hafizah (2019) Kajian Terhadap Perkembangan Rumah Kedai Lama Di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
Zulkefli, Siti Nor Zafirah (2019) Extraction and antibacterial activity of pectin from banana peels waste. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkiah Fazilah Mat Nor (2017) Potential of gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi) leaf as natural insecticide. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifle, Nur Shuhada Ezzati (2018) Effect of charcoal addition on mambong pottery properties. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifli, Nur Afini (2018) Methyl orange adsorption from aqueous solution by activated carbon: effect of acidic solution treatment. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifli, Nur Saheirah (2020) On the effects of heat process on the physical properties of rice. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifli, Nur Syuhada (2018) Comparative in-vitro antioxidant potential of different sweet potatoes (Hannah Yam and Jewel Yam) extract. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifli, Siti Shazlina (2018) Effect of different sand contents on mambong pottery. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zulkifli Mohd Zan, (2012) Kajian tentang pokok kelapa dalam pembuatan produk. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)
Zulkipli, Nur Athirah (2018) Effect of chemical treatment on Sugarcane Bagasse reinforced unsaturated polyester resin composites. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zull Iqram Haqim Zulkarnai and Annis Kartiqah Sudir and Nur Iyliani Laily Rosli and Siti Musliha Noor Azay (2024) Factors affecting customer attitudes towards utilization of online food delivery platforms among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project thesis, University Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zur Aida Abdullah (2015) Satu kajian tentang kempen promosi songket Kelantan dan Terengganu di kalangan remaja. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Zuraida Hanim Binti Mat Liah, - (2012) Antioxidant activity of dioscorea spp. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry. (Submitted)
Zuraik, Muhammad Amirul (2020) Preliminary investigation of delamination factor in drilling of Wood Plastic Composites (WPC). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zuraini Zainalabidin (2018) Addition of pineapple waste in the diets of red hybrid tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus x oreochromis niloticus): Effect on growth performance and survivability. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zureen Hasneeda Zainal Abidin (2017) Geology and composition of heavy metal from tar balls and surface sediments along Pantai Chendering, Marang, Terengganu. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Sciences. (Submitted)
Zurfarahin Zulkarnain (2015) Geology geoheritage & water quality of Jeli Hotspring as a potential geotourism site in Jeli District, Kelantan. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Faculty of Earth Science. (Submitted)
Zurika Farhanis Mohd Asri (2018) Effect of mercury exposure on the growth performance of giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)
Zuriya, Zainol (2010) Kesenian Jikey di Malaysia : satu kajian di kampung Kuah,Langkawi. Undergraduate Final Project Report thesis, Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan (FTKW). (Submitted)