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General geology and geomorphology process of Felda Perasu, Gua Musang, Kelantan


Nur Syafawati Razali (2018) General geology and geomorphology process of Felda Perasu, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)


A large scale research was carried out in area of 5 x 5 kmz where included area of Kampung Renok Baru and half of Felda Perasu. Based on researchers about the geology of Gua Musang, the main rocks type that distributed around Gua Musang were sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock. The objectives of the research were to construct the geological map in Felda Perasu area and to identify the geoinorphological process in the study area. Method used in the research was geological mapping and geomorphological mapping. The geological mapping data was collected in the field, interpreted and mapped in the geological map. Laboratory work was done by analysed the data by doing petrography to identify the minerals in the rock sample. The lithologies in the study area were alluvium, limestone, tnff, slate and phyllite. The limestone has gray in color where having carbonaceous contain and calcite. Fined grain tuff and lapilli tuff has found in the study area with highly weathered because too exposed to environment. Phyllite was meta-sedimentary rock interbedded with clay sediment. The phyllite has bright brown to red precipitate and gray in color with structure of bedding and foliation. Slate was found in gray color. The geomorphology in study area was hilly area where made up of palm oil plantation, rubber plantation and have forestry which located at left and right of the study area. Geomorphological processes were discussed in this study are weathering and erosion process. The factor of the weathering in the study area is due to the climate. Moisture and temperature were the factor for strength of the rock decrease. In the study area, fined grain tuff was believed has less strength than other rocks due to more exposed to environment.

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Item Type: Undergraduate Final Project Report
Collection Type: Final Year Project
Date: 2018
Call Number: SEG 2018 035
Supervisor: Madam 'Ainaa' Mardhiyah Hassin
Programme: Geosciences
Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Faculty/Centre/Office: Faculty of Earth Sciences
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