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Geology and fault analysis of Temangan, Machang, Kelantan


Nahdhttunnissaa' Bashiron (2021) Geology and fault analysis of Temangan, Machang, Kelantan. Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)


The present work is a part of final year undergraduate research project which was focused on geological mapping in Temangan, Machang, Kelantan and fault analysis of Lebir Fault. Lebir fault form near to Sungai Kelantan with having a sinistral and dextral reverse fault. The regional structure in Temangan is from the division of the Peninsular Malaysia into 3 boundaries belts and Temangan is under Central Belt. Peninsular Malaysia is a part of Eurasian Plate and the South East Asian that also known as Sundaland. The research of the current project mainly based on the secondary data including previous study, journal, article and data from agency that related. This research include in the interpretation of the structural, geomorphological features, drainage pattern, lithostratigraphy, and lineament analysis. All the data was processed in GIS based platform to generate geological and other thematic maps. This study area was having Temangan Dextral Strike Slip Fault that being interpreted using the kinematic and dynamic analysis to know all those forces and the processes of the fault by using the strike and dip data. These dynamic and kinematic analyses were being compared with the lineament analysis. The dynamic analysis measures the force and stress that affected the rocks that occur a deformation and force comes from the NE-SW. While for the kinematic analysis is to know the evaluation of displacement, amounts of fault slip and distortion of rocks that have undergone deformation. Stereographic projection showing the visual kinematic analysis based on orientation of rock that toward the NNE-SSW. This fault crossing all the lithology that present in the study area with a length of 4.6km.

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Additional Metadata

Item Type: Undergraduate Final Project Report
Collection Type: Final Year Project
Date: 2021
Number of Pages: 106
Supervisor: Ir. Arham Muchtar Achmad
Programme: Bachelor Applied Science (Geoscience)
Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Faculty/Centre/Office: Faculty of Earth Sciences
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