Theme park is amusement park in which landscaping, buildings, and attractions are based on one or more specific themes, as jungle wildlife, fairytales or the Old West (Camp 1997). Theme parks are the attractions in the tourism industry and they generate the greatest number of visitors and revenues (Holloway, 2002).This study aims to examine customer satisfaction will influence by service quality, facilities and images of theme park (Sunway Tambun Lost World).A total 120 questionnaires were distributed to visitors who visited the theme park. Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0.Findings showed that service quality, facilities and images of theme park will influence the customer satisfaction and also influence their mind either revisit this theme park or not. Among demographic details which are found related to visitor’s visit theme park such as gender, age,race, nationality, occupation, monthly salary, frequent time visit theme park, types of visit, source of theme park information, occasion, and purpose to visit. Discussion on findings, conclusion and limitation of study are also included in the report.