The primary purpose of the study was to explore the importance of video marketing on YouTube to promote the services of Project M company. In this research, the
researcher is going to focusing on the objectives of the studies which are racing up the visibility of the company and to know the importance of the YouTube platform as a
way to promoting the services. Besides that, the research was done based on the objectives of the surveys which including some of the history of YouTube, the role of
YouTube in helping the promoting services of the company, and some types of video marketing hat used to promoting the services of the company. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative ways also used in this study to collect the data from the respondents. Open and closed questions will be used wisely to collected the most real data from the respondent. The respondent that collected is 45 and data was analyzed and written into this chapter. The process of creating the video was shown into this topic too. As conclusion, the objective of the research was archived and the video was created is the motion graphic video explainer as the final product.