A study of bird diversity was conducted in Gunung Reng, Jeli, Kelantan. This area was surrounded with secondary forest, rubber plantation, oil palm plantation, river and stream which help in contributes to the variety of bird species. The aim of the study was to estimate the diversity index of birds in Gunung Reng. Field study was conducted from July 2016 to September 2016. In bird sampling, due to the small area in Gunung Reng, one potential spot was taken to observe bird species and all the birds observed in range of 40 m from the observation spot were taken. The data recorded was analyzed by using Shannon-Wiener Index, Pielou’s Evenness Index, and Margalef’s Richness Index. A total frequency recorded in the study area was 56 with 17 species of birds from 16 families. The highest frequency recorded was Barn Swallow as there was caves in Gunung Reng that act as their home and nesting place. Then, the analysis illustrates that bird community in term of species diversity was 2.39, the evenness of bird species was 0.84 and the species richness was 3.97. This value shows low bird diversity and low species richness. However, the bird species in Gunung Reng was well distributed. As a conclusion, the diversity of bird in Gunung Reng was quiet low because of human disturbance of their habitat and it was recommended to make a further research of this study because there might be more bird species would be observed and identified in Gunung Reng.