This study examines online business and the factors that affect customer trust when they are shops through in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. E commerce is the purchasing and selling of goods or services on the internet (Redy & Lyer, 2002). E commerce or online business especially conducted via the internet and World Wide Web is growing at a phenomenal rate. Everyday thousand of user and shoppers are joining the rank of the digitally connected business world. The internet has changed how business is conducted and how producers and consumers interact. Therefore trust is important factor to facilitate online transactions. Trust is a belief that one rely upon a promise made by another (Pavlou, 2003). In the context of e commerce, trust belief include the online consumer's belief and expectancies about trust related characteristics of the online seller (Mcknight and Chervany, 2002). Lack of trust is frequently the key reason why reason why people do not make purchases online. The purpose of this study is to explore factors that affect consumer trust when they are purchasing through online business. This will be examined by identifying six factors that affects the consumer trust: privacy policy, antecedent of online trust, risk taking behaviour, customer loyalty, brand reputation and web interface design. At last the researcher got finding that all the independent variable is significant and able to affect customer trust towards online business. This result would help the online retailers to perform their business very well in future and can get the customer trust.