The study area is located in Kg Tanah Putih, Gua Musang. The starting point is from latitude N 4°45’50ʺ to N 4°48’35 ʺ and longitude E 101°57’20ʺ to 102°0’10 ʺ which is 5km x 5km with the dimension area of 25km². The area mostly covered by limestone and some subordinate of granite, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and tuff. The objectives of the research are to update a geological map at scale 1:25 000, to identify the characteristic of feldspar and their distributions and lastly, to identify the major and trace elements in each rock samples. The data were collected by field investigations and laboratory analysis. Geological map in the study area have been update with scale1:25000. The study area is considered as a hilly area because there is karst landform. Based on the observation under microscope, the distribution of feldspar is mostly exposed in tuff pyroclastic rock. Feldspar present in megacrystal and microcrystal with the clast dominant in tuff sample. Result from laboratory analysis, XRF shows that sample 3 which is tuff (2) is an oligoclase.