The main aim of this study was to find out the species diversity, composition and abundance of pteridophytes at different trails in Agro Techno Park Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, Kelantan. The diversity of pteridophytes was studied using random sampling method on four selected trails. There were 199 samples of pteridophytes collected that consists from 14 species,11 genera and 9 familes of terrestrial fern. The diversity index represented by Shannon Index, H’ where as Trail 3 contributed the highest diversity (H"= 2.00) followed by Trail 4 (H'=1.50) then Trail 2 (H'=1.25) and the lowest is at Trail 1.15). Trail 3 had the most species evenness index (EH= 0.96) indicating that the species composition is relatively high in that area and lowest at Trail 2 (EH= 0.70). Selaginellaceae contributed to the highest diversity while the lowest is Marattiaceae, Taenitidaceae and Thelypteridaceae. Selaginella wilidenowii contributed to the highest species composition with 33.67 % from all trails and also have the highest number of total individuals which is 67 which indicating the dominance of this species in the study site at UMK Jeli Agro Techno Park. Thus, by having this study, it can be an indicator to the environment and can be used as a reference for future diversity study at Agro Techno Park UMK Jell and also for Non-Governmental Organization having the campaigns to encourage the spread of knowledge on the importance of ferns to ecosystem and to various field such as medical and agriculture.