Geology is scientific study of the Earth, includes the compositions, structure, physicals properties and history. Geological heritage or geoheritage is an applied science that focus on geosite that has its own uniqueness, specialties and representativeness. The research study is conducted in Lojing-Gua Musang which is located in Kelantan. Five steps to study geoheritage are inventory, characterization, classification, assessment and evaluation. Most of study area are covered by hilly and mountainous landforms. Three lithologic unit are schist, sandstone and quartzite. The geologic structures involved are reverse fault. As for the result, the geological heritage feature found are quartzite, coal and graphite. Based on the result of questionnaires, the geoheritage features in study area are abundance in scientific values and aesthetic values. Research study used qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment parameter as analysis of data that get from survey and questionnaires. Final score of quantitative assessment advocate the feature to appear high in value same in grave concerning to development of geoconservation. Then, geological map of KM185 Jalan Gua Musang- Cameron Highland, Lojing at scale of 1: 25000 was constructed and geoheritage features of study are analyzed.