The geology of Sungai Relai, Kelantan was obtained by carried out the geological mapping. The data include of structural geology, geomorphology,and lithology of Sungai Relai area was recorded.There are five type of lithology in the study area which are phyllite, tuff unit, mudstone unit, shale unit, and limestone unit. The data was analyse and interpret to produce geological map with scale of 1:25000. Ten Daonella bivalva species was found in the shale unit belonging to Telong Formation.Ten species of Daonella have been identified ie : Daonella pichleri, Daonella cfr. kotoi, Daonella multilineata, Daonella pahangensis, Daonella indica, Daonella lommeli, Daonella cfr. pectinoides, Daonella procteri, Daonella sakawana and Daonella burtoni. Books and journals have been review to identify and naming the species of each fossil. Based on these species, the depositional environment have been identified.ThesespeciesusuallyfoundindeepmarineenvironmentintheageofMiddleTriassic.