Non-mangrove species are valuable but the number and total species available at Tumpat are rarely unknown. The aim of this study is to assess the diversity of non-mangrove tree species in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan and to compare the number of individual of non-mangrove tree species at both disturbed and undisturbed areas. The study was conducted in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan from September to October 2016. Plots of rectangular shape with a dimension of 20m×10m were set up at 10 plots for disturbed and undisturbed area and the location area was randomly selected. The total area for this study was 0.2 ha for each disturbed and undisturbed area. Based on this study, the results showed nine different species of non-mangrove tree species has been found which are Acanthus ilicifolius, Acrostichum aureum, Cocos nucifera, Derris trifoliate, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Nypa fruticans, Pandanus helicopus and Terminalia catappa. The number of individual of non-mangrove tree species at undisturbed area was higher than in disturbed area with 235 tree for undisturbed and 85 for disturbed area. Besides, the diversity value of non-mangrove tree species in undisturbed area is higher diverse with Shannon-Wiener Index (H’) = 0.86 as compared to disturbed area which has a less value with (H’) = 0.65. In addition, the value of Simpsons’ Diversity Index (D) for undisturbed area also higher than disturbed area with D= 1.52 for undisturbed area and D= 1.49 for disturbed area. The value showed that undisturbed mangrove areas are more diverse compared disturbed mangrove area. Species richness community increase as the value index increase.