Gua Ikan is located in Dabong, formation This cave represents series of Gua Musang Formation. The age of the formation ranging from Permian to Quaternary and consists of metamorphosed limestone, bedded shale with argillaceous material and alluvium lithology. The karst morphology found here such stalactite, stalagmite. and cave pillars. The limestone is light grey with presence of calcite mineral indicating the metamorphism process in the area. Three type of sampling were done for microfacies analysis such as stratified sampling, systematic sampling and random sampling and based on petrographical studies there are nine mirofacies identified that are dismicrite, pelsparite, intrasparite, dolomitic dismicrite, ferroan dolomitic-calcitic pelsparite, ferroan dolomitic oosparite, oosparite, ferroan dolomitic pelsparite and bioturbidite. Gastrapod fossil found in limestone represent marine deposition environment of Gua Ikan. Drillia sp. is a type of gastropod which lived in the age of Permian and existence of Drillia sp. suggest that Gua Ikan is lower part of Gua Musang Formation. From diagenesis aspects there are several processes which are compaction, dissolution and dolomization. Interpretation of depositional environment suggest that the limestone are deposited under high energy environment and are interpreted based on components of limestone and type of microfacies itself. Gua Ikan depositional environment interpreted as shollow marine environment and subdivided into reef front, back reef and lagoon.