The purpose of the study is to determine the lycopene content in C. annum, C. fructescens, C. annum (Bell Pepper), chili paste, Life, Kimball and AMP which collected from the local market near Jeli,Kelantan. Chili contains a wide array of phytochemicals with well-known antioxidant properties. Solvent extraction method with butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in acetone, ethanol and hexane (25:25:50, v/v) to extract lycopene. Hexane layer was analyzed with spectrophotometer at 503nm. HPLC used to detect the existence of lycopene with Sigma-Aldrich ≥90% tomato lycopene standard. Highest amount of lycopene was 1.513±0.073mg lycopene/kg of C. annum (Bell Pepper) extract. Statistical analysis with One Way Anova to test whether the result was significant or not significant. The data is significant if P≤ 0.05. Most of the lycopene can be obtain from C. Annum (Bell Pepper) and can be used in food processing.