Due to COVID-19 crisis, the higher education institutions had changed the education system from traditional education to virtual education. The study aims to examine the efficiency of the virtual learning education through the accessibility, teaching and supervision, facilities towards the impact on the students’ performance during the pandemic of COVID-19. This study used quantitative method approach to
obtain the data from respondents. The targeted sample size for this study is 210 respondents from selected students FHPK, which are divided into three segments such as SAP, SAW, and SAH in University Malaysia Kelantan. The researchers have utilized the google form to distribute the questionnaires. The result indicates that there are
relationship between two factors, which are teaching and supervision factor and facilities factors with the student’ performance during the pandemic of COVID-19 compared to accessibility factors. The findings of the data are essential in order to improve the students’ performance and experience in using the virtual education learning.