Cashless transactions have expanded dramatically as financial technology has advanced. Consumers are transitioning from cash-based to cashless purchases, in conjunction with the emergence of Fintech solutions such as E Wallets. The major goal is to determine the link between received uses, accepted use facilities, social influence, and accepted trust and the usage of E-wallets among Malaysian university students. The TAM model was employed to achieve the research objective. Quantitative approaches and primary data collection were applied in this study. 422 respondents were successfully gathered from Malaysian university students. All the data collected was analysed using Pearson correlation aid by SPSS. The findings revealed that the Pearson correlation value for all independent variables tested namely perceived usefulness (0.701), perceived ease of use (0.695), social influence (0.729), and perceived trust (0.465) has a positive relationship with the usage of E-Wallet. The study's findings will encourage students to make purchases using E-Wallets.