Animation production is in essence builds a solid foundation of visual and animation theory and practice in the development of traditional and digital animation. Animation production process had variety methods and rely on production operate requirement. The process of creating animation start out the same but the difference when make a disposition and additional of process and it is a part of cost production factor. This thesis addresses the development of the animation production process. The thesis conducted a case study on production process in completing an animated movie. The case study provides information on the development of animation production. The study found the quality and completed on schedule rely organized a division of tasks and also assisted by skill and tools were applied. The study examined the outcome of organized tasks division are affect to production works. The reference points here are production studios and institution in the region and supported by 24 methods listed from literature review. The animation production case study was practiced in Malaysia. It showed that some production studios need to adapt latest tools and new experience to compete with other international studios. Applying a case study approach, the thesis made use of interview with experts, as well consulting numerous web sites and clip videos. By conceptual the process with clarification of experts practice to endorse assessment applying in outlined the process development. This research contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge in the field of animation industry within the context of creative economy. Finally the thesis makes recommendation for practitioners to assist a better position in the industry by reducing time consumers and budgeting while retaining quality and quantity.