Lower back pain is the most frequent health problem in the society, especially among the elderly population. The lower back pain has been mentioned as the fifth most common pain for healthcare provider visits in the United States. Furthermore, chronic lower back pain is considered as a mostly public health issue which has caused disability among the elderly population in developing countries. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the risk factors of lower back pain among the elderly in a private nursing home in Klang Valley. The objectives are to explore the phenomenon of lower back pain among the elderly, to determine risk factors influencing lower back pain among the elderly, and to propose a strategic programme to cater lower back pain risk factors among the elderly in Klang Valley Private nursing homes. Five private nursing homes located in Klang Valley were selected for the purpose of this study. This research used the qualitative method with semi structured interviews involving 25 respondents who are among the elderly with lower back pain, at least 60 years old. Interviews were conducted for data collection, while the analysis employed was Content Analysis. Answers from the respondents were extracted into a table that contained units of analysis. This research indicated that the lower back pain phenomenon among the elderly includes acute lower back pain, sub-acute lower back pain, and chronic lower back pain. It was found that chronic lower back pain was most common among the respondents. The risk factors of lower back pain among the elderly indicated were lifestyle, physical activity and psychosocial factors; physical activity was found to be the most influential risk factor among the respondents. This research also indicated that the strategic programmes to overcome lower back pain includes massage treatment, exercise programmes and chiropractic therapy; however, exercise programmes were found to be most effective. This research proposes that the government allocates extra funding for private nursing homes who are caring for elderlies with lower back pain. Besides that, private nursing homes should hire therapists as well as provide self-knowledge for the elderly about this phenomenon and risk factors involved. It is also recommended that non-government organizations provide risk factor awareness programmes among the elderly. Last but not least, the community could organise more awareness programmes about lower back pain for the elderly.