This paper intends to study on the concept of service quality (SERQUAL Model) developed by Parasuraman (1988), agent satisfaction and agent loyalty in relation to their objective toward providing a better and clearer direction in improving the relationship and building a strong rapport within AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad (AXA Insurance). This study has come out with the structure to help us to understand the basic system or tools which would assist us to understand better during the process of developing and improving the service quality process in aspect of agent satisfaction and loyalty toward an organization.
Specifically, the structure are draws in two particular methodologies: (1) organization hypothesis, established in the basis or method that sees common group as experiences between AXA General Insurance Berhad and its agents and (2) service quality, agents satisfaction and agent loyalty support which had provides an ideally method to AXA Insurance and agent relations. In both methods, the study wish to indicate how the service quality tools are used and participate within organization systems and also influence satisfaction to the participants experiences beside what they had felt and what are impact in the future. The study finally would allow us to identify and draw a basis for future rectification, provide with a proposed of new suggestions and ideas as a result of information received during the hypothetical testing and evaluation of this proposed conceptual model.