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Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2014) Ancestral elements in malay indigenous heritage as genius loci. In: The 2nd International Maori - Melayu Polynesia Conference & Trade Show, 28 - 29 March 2014, The Bay of Island, New Zealand.

Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2012) Design and heritage in creative industries. In: Symposium on Universal Design, 28 November 2012, Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2014) Fusion of emotion in product development. In: International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research, 02 - 03 June 2014, Bali, Indonesia.

Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2013) The Kelantan traditional arts as indicators for sustainability: an introduction to its Genius Loci. In: ILCOME2013, 12 Feb - 04 Mac 2013, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2011) Seni ukiran kayu tradisional Kelantan - manifestasi nilai pengukir. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib (2011) The weeping cradle Kelantan's dimishing arts. In: South - East Asia : Art, Cultural, Heritage and Artistic Relations with Europe/Poland, 29 Sept - 01 Okt 2011, Krakow, Poland. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan (2011) Enhancing animation studies in creative technology education through an entrepreneurship approach: the UMK experience. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Olalere, Folasayo Enoch (2008) Design and heritage in business world. In: CLS Lecture Series, 2008, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Olalere, Folasayo Enoch Enhancing contemporary home furniture with malay tangible cultural heritage. In: Persidangan Keusahawanan Teknologi Kreatif (CRTYES) 2013, Johor Bharu, Johor, 17 Jun 2013.

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Olalere, Folasayo Enoch (2014) Enriching the cognitive performance of mind for creative thinking in creative industries. In: National Conference Knowledge of The Arts and The Creative Industry 2014, 29 - 30 November 2014, Orchestra Hall, ASWARA, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Olalere, Folasayo Enoch Success in conceptual age : the creative human resources needed. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Raja Iskandar Raja Halid (2011) The search for the middle path : islam and the tradisional malay performings arts. In: Sharing Cultures 2011 - 2nd International Conference on Intangible Conference, 04 Julai 2011, Tomar, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Abdul Aziz Ab Latif and Nur Azuki Yusuff and Marwan Ismail (2008) Perniagaan Usahasama dengan Masyarakat Temiar di Lojing, Gua Musang; Tatabudaya Penerimaan dan Prospek Perniagaan Muslim. In: Seminar Keusahawanan Islam II Peringkat Kebangsaan, 15 Okt 2008, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.

Abdul Aziz Ab Latif and Yohan Kurniawan and Hum Chan (2012) The Gap between business management curriculum and employability requirements: a study among Banks and Micro- Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Battambang, Cambodia. In: The 3rd International Conference on Technology & Operations Management "Sustaining Competitiveness Through Technology Management", 04-06 Julai 2012, East Hall Auditorium - ITB Bandung, Indonesia.

Abdul Halim Sidek and Yohan Kurniawan and Hishamuddin Md. Som (2012) Penganiayaan dan pencabulan hak asasi masyarakat Rohingya oleh institusi kerajaan : sebuah konseptual analisis. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Abdul Latiff, Muhammad Ihsan and Muhammad Nuruzzaman, Dewan and Basri, Shahnor and Ismail, Noor Mazni and Jamaludin, Siti Nur Sakinah and Kamaruzaman, F. F. (2018) Preparation and characterization of 6-layered functionally graded nickel-alumina (Ni-Al2O3) composites. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Abdullah Al Rashid,, A.H and Deny Willy Junaidy and Nor Hamizah,, A.H and Muhamad Ezran,, Z.A and Mohd Firuz,, M.A and Mohd Firdaus,, M.H (2016) Rattan furniture design-training delivery towards commercial value of commodity sector. In: "3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer,2016., 30 Nov-1 Dec 2016, Penang,Malaysia. (Submitted)

Abdullah Al Rashid, A.H. and Deny Willy Junaidy and Nor Hamizah, A.H. and Muhamad Ezran, Z.A. and Mohd Firuz, M.A. and Mohd Firdaus, M.H (2016) Rattan furniture design-training delivery towards commercial value of commodity sector. In: 3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer, 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2016, Penang.

Abdullah Al- Mamun and Noorshella Che Nawi and Perasna A/P Subramaniam and Noor Raihani Zainol (2015) Entrepreneurial competencies and performance of informal Micro‐Enterprises in Malaysia. In: The 11th Asian Academy of Management Interna6onal Conference 2015, 2nd to 4th October 2015, Parkroyal Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Abdullah Al- Mamun and Rajennd Muniady and P. Yukthamarani Permarupan and Noor Raihani Zainol and Noorshella Che Nawi and C. A. Malarvizhi (2015) Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Competencies: a study among Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdullah Al- Mamun and Shaw Pui Fong and Noorshella Che Nawi and Siti Farhah Fazira Shamsudin (2015) Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Confidence, and Students’ Career Choice as an Entrepreneur. In: The 2nd CHREST International Conference: Transforming Human Capital or Global Competitiveness, 10-11 June 2015, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya.

Abdullah Sani (2011) Cappadocia communities and tribes in malaysian caves : differences between history and ancient civilization. In: Conference of Ancient Civilization, 16-19 Nov 2011, Nevshir University, Cappadocia.

Abugabr Elhag, Husam Eldin Elhag and Naila, Aishath and Ajit, Azilah and Abdul Aziz, Badhrulhisham and Sulaiman, Ahmad Ziad (2018) Sequential extraction of saponins from Eurycoma longifolia roots by water extraction and ultrasound-assisted extraction. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd GCET): Materials Science, 07-08 November 2017.

Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan (2010) Seni visual menjana keusahawanan industri kreatif. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan and Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Fauzi Hj. Ab. Llah (2011) Enhancing animation studies in creative technology education through an entrepreneurship approach : the UMK experience. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan and Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Fauzi Hj. Ab. Llah (2011) Makyong dua indera :ekplorasi kreatif menerusi animasi. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan and Zoolcaphly Sahib (2009) Komputer dan seni di era globalisasi : peranan dan cabaran. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail (2011) Some evidence of poverty redution through improved agricultural performance in the developing world. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail and Aweng Eh Rak and Ibrahim Che Omar (2011) Sustainable human capital development through entrepreneurial education. In: Global Higher Education Forum 2011 (GHEF 2011), 13 - 15 December 2011, Hotel Equatorial, Pulau Pinang.

Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail and Marinah Muhammad and Aweng Eh Rak (2013) Career opportunities of local graduates in the plantation and commercial agriculture sector in Malaysia. In: 2nd Cyprus International Conference on Education Research, 13 - 15 Feb 213, Lefkosa, North Cyprus. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail and Mohd Badrul Hisyam Muhamad Alias and Faiz Nur Hakim Azmi (2012) UMK - ECER : agropolitan project - initiatives in alleviating hardcore poverty. In: RENPER, 15 - 17 Oktober 2012, Bengkulu, Indonesia.

Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail and Zulhisyam Abdul Kari @ Abdullah and Ibrahim Che Omar (2011) Isolation and purification of hirudin from local endangered leech species. In: The 7th Asian Crop Science Association Conference, 27 - 30 Sept 2011, Bogor, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Rasdan Ismail and Shaik Farid Abdull Wahab and Rohayu Othman (2018) Considering ergonomics in the accident and emergency department: possible or not. In: International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices.

Ahmad Ridhuwan Abdullah and Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Razman Hafifi Redzuan (2012) Modelling gold based medical takaful. In: Global Leaders Forum and Conference (GLFC), 11 - 12 Desember 2012, Hotel Renaissance, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Ridhuwan Abdullah and Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Razman Hafifi Redzuan (2012) Secure rubber plate. In: Global Leaders Forum and Conference (GLFC), 11 - 12 Desember 2012, Hotel Renaissance, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Ridhuwan Abdullah and Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Zakiah Hassan and Siti Salwani Abdullah and Razman Hafifi Redzuan (2013) Investor's fortune and the role of lipper in determining unit trusts performance differential. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Applied International Business Conference (AIBC 2013), 07- 08 Disember 2013, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin (2012) Metodologi tatabahasa penjanaan dan transformasi : aplikasinya dalam ayat-ayat suci al-quran. In: Social Sciences Postgraduate National Seminar (SSPNS) 2012, 19 Nov 2012, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin (2012) Terjemahan makna kata kerja dalam al-quran ke bahasa melayu : satu kajian analisis ke atas kitab tafsir pimpinan Ar-Rahman. In: International Colloquium of Language Teaching (ICOLT ) 2012, 19 - 20 Dis 2012, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin and Ahmad Abdul Rahman and Ahmed Thalal Hassan and Amanee Abdul Hai and Nor Abdul Rahman (2017) Aktiviti pembelajaran Bahasa Arab sebagai Bahasa Ketiga di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan menggunakan Goanimate.Com. In: Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Bahasa dan Kesusateraan Arab 2017 (SEMBARA 2017), UniSZA.

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin and Ahmad Abdul Rahman and Mohd Shahriman Abu Bakar (2014) Tahlili manhaj at-ta'lim lid Duktur V. Abdurrahim fi kitabihi Durus Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah Lighayrin Natiqin Biha. In: Language & Education Conference 2014, USIM.

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin and Ahmed Thalal Hassan and Ahmad Abdul Rahman and Nor Abdul Rahman and Mohd Shahriman Abu Bakar (2014) Penggunaan aplikasi atas talian dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa ketiga : pengenalan kepada In: Seminar Antarabangsa Kelestarian Insan 2014 (INSAN2014), 09 – 10 April 2014, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin and Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud and Ahmad Abdul Rahman and Ahmed Thalal Hassan and Nor Abdul Rahman and Amanee Abdul Hai (2018) Al-munawwar via mooc : a platform for learning arabic language communication (level 1- beginner). In: 1st International MEDLIT Conference 2018, 5-6 March 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Ahmed Thalal Hassan and Zaharani Ahmad and Imran Ho Abdulah and Zamri Ahmad (2011) Perantauan bangsa arab ke Alam Melayu: kesannya terhadap percambahan kata pinjaman Arab-Melayu. In: Seminar Merantau : Imagining Migration in Malay World, March 2011, Goethe, University of Frankfurt Germany. (Unpublished)

Ainnur Hafizah Anuar Mokhtar and Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Tamrin Amboala and Mohd Sarwar E-Alam (2013) Bai as-salam and e-commerce : a comparative analysis from shariah perspectives. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Applied International Business Conference (AIBC 2013), 07- 08 Disember 2013, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

Al-Obaidi QT and M. M. Arshad and Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultan and Mohd Azam Khan Goriman Khan (2014) Seroprevalence of Equine Piroplasmosis in Kelantan. In: 26th Veterinary Association Malaysia Congress, 20-22 Jun 2014, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Alpha Bodian (2017) Motivation and achievement in learning French as a foreign language in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Language Students (ICLS 2017), 09 -10 August 2017, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching, Serawak.

Aminurraasyid Yatiban and Fatimatuzzahra Abd Rahman (2012) Security affairs of islamic Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis) after the first Muslim conquest 637CE : a historical and analytical study. In: 11th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, 30 May - 06 Jun 2012, Hawaii, USA..

Aminurraasyid Yatiban and Fatimatuzzahra Abd Rahman (2012) cUmar assurance of safety to the people of aelia and executive aspect of muslim concept of sovereignty. In: 13th International Academic Conference on Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 10 - 12 April 2012, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok, Kedah. (Unpublished)

Andrew N. Williams and Kavarljit Kaur Gill (2014) Adapting english teaching to engage Malaysian male learners. In: Malaysian International Conference On English Language Teaching (MICELT) 2014, 13 - 15 Sept 2014, Universiti Putra Malaysia , Serdang, Selangor.

Andrew N. Williams and Wan Mohamad Wan Abdullah (2013) Turning our students into teachers for the day, to enhance learning and help the community. In: 22nd Malaysian English Language Teaching Association International Conference (MELTA), 28 - 30 May 2013, Persada Johor Convention Centre, Johor Bahru.

Andrew N. Williams and Yah Awg Nik (2013) One semester of speaking tasks – an experimental approach with low proficiency students. In: International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT), 18 - 20 September 2013, Swiss Garden Damai Laut, Lumut, Perak. (Unpublished)

Anidah Alias (2012) Pada suatu masa di Pos Gob, Ulu Kelantan, Gua Musang : nilai kehidupan tradisi masyarakat orang asli Temiar. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota , Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Anis Amira AB Rahman and Shah Iskandar Fahmie Ramlee and Rosliza Che Rahim (2015) Nurturing social entrepreneurship knowledge through experience: an action research. In: 1st International Conference on Empowering Entrepreneurship (ICEE 2015), 08 -09 June 2015, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Anuar Mohd Yusof (2010) E-project based learning using animation in primary schools. In: Edulearn 10 : International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 03-09 Julai 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Anuar Mohd Yusof and H. Song (2010) A current review of the use of mobile technology to enhance learning and communication among children with development disabilities. In: Edulearn 10 : International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 03-09 Julai 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Arham Muchtar Achmad Nahar (2010) Using Geographical Information System to Estimate Vulnerable Urban Settlementsfor Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment in City. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Ahmad Abas and Ismid Said and Maketab Mohamed (2010) Benthic Macroinverteberate Composition and Diversity in The Mengkibol River , Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. In: The 7th IMT - GT UNINET and The 3rd Joint International PSU - UNS Conference on Bioscience for the Future 2010, 07 - 08 Oktober 2010, The 60th Anniversary of Majestic The King's Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Ahmad Anwar Mohamed Ismail and Wong Yee Ching and Nurul Syazana Abdul Halim and Yah Awg Nik (2010) Inculating Undergraduetes with Entrepreneurial Characteristics. In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Pendidikan Kejuruteraan dan Keusahawanan 2010 (NCEEE 2010), 25 - 26 Sept 2010, Kelantan Trade Centre, Kota Bharu. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Ismid Said and Maketab Mohamed and Ahmad Abas (2010) Benthic Macroinvertebrate Composition in The Gunung Berlumut Recreational Forest, Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. In: The 7th IMT - GT UNINET and The 3rd Joint International PSU - UNS Conference on Bioscience for the Future 2010, 07 - 08 Oktober 2010, The 60th Anniversary of Majestic The King's Accession to the Throne International Convention Center, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand..

Aweng Eh Rak and Ismid Said and Maketab Mohamed and Ahmad Abas and Chow, V.K.K (2010) Benthic Macroinvertebrate Composition and Diversity in The Madek River, Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. In: National Conference on Hydrology and Environment - HIDRAS, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 23 - 24 June 2010. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Ismid Said and Maketab Mohamed and Ahmad Abas and Chow, V.K.K (2010) A Preliminary Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey of The Gunung Belumut Recreational Forest, Kluang, Johor. In: Seminar Biodiversiti 2010 "Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Pengurusan Biodiversiti Negara", 21 - 24 Jun 2010, Hotel Mahkota Melaka.

Aweng Eh Rak and Jessuta, J and Prawit, K and Liyana Ahmad Afip (2015) Potential of Champereia manillana Shoots Extract as Coagulant for Drinking Water Treatment. In: International Seminar of Regional Network on Poverty Eradication (RENPER), 13-16 Nov 2015, Sri Venkateswara University, India. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Jessuta, J and Prawit, K. and Liyana Ahmad Afip (2015) Potential of Psidium guajava shoots extract as Coagulant for drinking water treatment. In: International Conference on Water Resources, 24-25 November 2015, Langkawi. (Unpublished)

Aweng Eh Rak and Yah Awg Nik and Mohammad Nizamuddin Abdul Rahim (2013) Income valuation of rubbish collectors from the garbage dump sites in Kelantan, Malaysia. In: The 4th International Seminar of Regional Network on Poverty Eradication, 23 - 25 Oktober 2013, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan , Kampus Jeli.

Aweng Eh Rak and Zainai Mohamed (2011) Compliance of EIA Approval Conditions for Kuala Lumpur - Putrajaya - KLIA Highway Project. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ayub Ahmed Janvekar and M. Z. Abdullah and Z. A. Ahmad and Aizat Abas and Musavir Bashir and Mazlan Mohamed (2018) Comparative study on porous media combustion characteristics using different discrete materials. In: MATEC Web of Conferences.

Azila Jaini and Suraya Mahmood and Siti Zamanira Mat Zaib (2014) Factors affecting cstomers’ experience in local fast food restaurant. In: The 2nd World Conference on Islamic Though & Civilization : Rise and Fall of Civilization, 18 - 19 August 2014, Casuarina Hotel Meru, Ipoh, Perak.

Azira Hanani Ab. Rahman and Siti Fariha Muhamad (2013) Corporate governance and firms cash holding in Malaysia. In: The International Conference on Social Science Research, ICSSR 2013, 04 - 05 Jun, 2013, Hotel Equatorial, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)

Azizah Musa and Suhaila Abdul Kadir and Mazne Ibrahim and Norzaliha Jusoh and Siti Nurzahira Che Tahrim and Noormariana Mohd Din (2017) Legalising a proper framework towards practicability of Shariah Compliant Hotel : biting into hoteliers perspective. In: Multidisciplinary Academic Conference 2017, 12 - 13 May 2017, The Palace Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

Azizon Abdullah and Ali Saifudin and Wan Zahari Mohamed and M.Bohari Jusoh (2012) Nutritional composition of swiftlets (Aerodramus fuciphagus) faeces for future usage. In: International Conference on One Health & 24th Veterinary Association of Malaysia (VAM) Congress 2012, 21 - 23 Sept 2012, Mariott Hotel Putrajaya. (Unpublished)

Azizon Abdullah and Wan Zahari Mohamed and Ali Saifudin and M.Bohari Jusoh (2012) Nutritional composition of swiftlets (Aerodramus fuciphagus) faeces for future usage. In: Veterinary Association of Malaysia (VAM) Conference, 21-23 Sept 2012, Marriot Hotel Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)


Badaruddin Muhammad and Dwi Pebrianti and Normaniha Abdul Ghani and Nor Hidayati Abdul Aziz and Nor Azlina Ab Aziz and Mohd Saberi Mohamad and Mohd Ibrahim Shapiai and Zuwairie Ibrahim (2018) An application of simulated Kalman filter optimization algorithm for parameter tuning in proportional-integral-derivative controllers for automatic voltage regulator system. In: 2018 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems (SICE ISCS), 9-11 March 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Noraani Mustapha and Leonie Kooiker and R.Goodijk and E.M. Kneppers-Heijnert (2013) The study on employee participation and involvement (EPI) in Dutch subsidiary in Malaysia. In: 10th European Conference of The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), 20-22 June 2013, Amsterdam. (Unpublished)

Basit Zeshan and Khaing A.T and Nur Hardy Abu Daud (2015) Enterococcal - associated vertebral osteoarthritis (Evoa) in broiler chicken in Malaysia : a case report. In: 2nd World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) and World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) (Malaysia Branch) Scientifix Conference, 21 - 23 September 2015, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Basripuzi Nurul Hayyan Hassan Basri and Sani, R.A and Ariff, O.M. and Chandrawathani, P. (2013) Presence of parasite larvae in goat faeces for use as fertiliser. In: 25th VAM Congress 2013 "Symbiosis : Enhancing Animal Human", 13 - 15th September 2013, Lotus Desaru Beach Resort , Kota Tinggi, Johor..

Basripuzi Nurul Hayyan Hassan Basri and Sani, R.A and Hariff, O.M and Chandrawathani, P. (2012) Managemement practices related to endoparasitism in goats in Kelantan, Malaysia. In: International Conference on One Health and 24th VAM Congress 2012, 21 - 23 Sept 2012, Marriot Hotel Putrajaya. (Unpublished)

Bee Lee Ong and Tan Li Peng and Ruhil Hayati Hamdan and Suhaily Suhana Mohd Yusoff and Haji Yusoff Che Mamat (2016) FCFS-R5-067: Management of Knowledge Transfer Programme on Good Aquaculture Practices to Seabass Cage Culture Farmers in Tumpat, Kelantan. In: 3 rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer, 2016, Penang, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2016, 30 Dec - 01 Dis 2016, Penang.

Bujang, M and Aweng Eh Rak and Noor Azlina Ibrahim (2011) Isolation and identification of oil degrading microorganismsfrom oily wastewater. In: International Congress of The Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2013, 12 - 15 Dec 2013, Langkawi Lagoon Resort, Langkawi Kedah.


C. A. Malarvizhi and Abdullah Al- Mamun and Muthiah Prabadevi and Noorshella Che Nawi and Amin Rasti and P. Yukthamarani Permarupan (2015) Knowledge Infrastructure, Process and the Effectiveness of Manufacturing SMEs in Selangor, Malaysia. In: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (SYSSARM), 29th September – 1st October 2015, Kuta Central Park, Bali, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

C. A. Malarvizhi and Sreenivasan Jayashree and Amin Rasti and Abdullah Al- Mamun and Shabnam Mayel (2015) Impact of knowledge management system on knowledge Centric Organization Productivity. In: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, 29th September – 1st October 2015, Kuta Central Park, Bali, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Che Osmi, Siti Aisyah and Wan Ishak, Wan Faizal and Azman, Mohammad Adam and Ismail, Abdullah Siddiqi and Abu Samah, Nurlin (2018) Development of water quality modelling using InfoWork river simulation in Malacca river, Malaysia and contribution towards total maximum daily load approach. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Chong, Lee Suan (2015) Gong and Sekafi Dances of Lundayeh in Kemabong, Sabah : a way to understand the nature of Lundayeh. In: International Conference on Business Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities, 14 - 15 Disember 2015, Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Chong, Lee Suan (2015) Why the ancient musical essence is still retained in Dusun Tindal's instrumental music within its modern community? In: 3rd Global Conference on Business & Social Sciences, 16-17 Disember 2015, Nexus Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Choong, Siew Shean and Perry, Viv E. A. and Mongan, Nigel P. and Yon, Lisa and Emes, Richard D. (2016) Comparative transcriptomics in adipose tissue of Holstein & Hereford cattle. In: 7th SEAVSA Congress 2016 Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases in South East Asia: One Health Initiatives in Veterinary & Medical Examination, 13-14 Oct 2016, Tok Aman Bali Beach Resort, Kelantan.

Chung, Yiin Wong and Jun, Wei Lim and Yoshimitsu, Uemura and Fai, Kait Chong and Yin, Fong Yeong and Mohamad, Mardawani and Heri, Hermansyah (2018) Insect-based lipid for biodiesel production. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.


Deny Willy Junaidy and Yukari Nagai (2016) Mindsets of craftsman:from barrier to lever. In: The Eleventh 2016 International Conference on Knowledge, Information And Creativity Support Systems, 10 - 11 November 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Deny Willy Junaidy and Yukari Nagai and Muhammad Ihsan (2016) Craftsmen Versus Designers:
 The difference of in-depth cognitive levels at the early stage of idea generation. In: International Conference of Industrial Design, 10 - 11 Nov 2016, Bandung, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin (2011) Preliminary mapping of geotourism resources in Mount Chamah area, Kelantan. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin (2012) Promoting geotourism to develop the poor area : an initiative to Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap, Cambodia. (Unpublished)

Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin and Hasimah Hassan and Ahmad Fadli Ahmad Sanusi (2011) Geological attractions of Mount Chamah area, Kelantan. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin and Kuvinn Mallar Armugan (2012) The study on the importance of ecotourism for local community empowerment in the Kelantan Delta Area, Kelantan, Malaysia. In: 3rd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication (RENPER), Universitas Bengkulu (UNIB), 14 - 19 Okt 2012. (Unpublished)

Dzulkifli Mukhtar (2010) Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and competencies:entrepreneurs' embedded resources. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Erkihun Aklilu (2010) A new spa type t5696 MRSA isolated from veterinary medicine student at Universiti Putra Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Erkihun Aklilu and Hurul Ain Ab Manah (2015) Antimicrobial Resistant Staphylococcus aureus detection in raw chicken meat and its public health implications. In: International Congress of The Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2015 (ICMSM2015), 07-10 December 2015, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang. (Unpublished)

Erkihun Aklilu and Kalthum Hashim and Abd Rahman Aziz (2013) Leptospira Gene analysis. In: 25th VAM Congress 2013 "Symbiosis : Enhancing Animal Human", 13 - 15th September 2013, Lotus Desaru Beach Resort , Kota Tinggi, Johor.. (Unpublished)

Erkihun Aklilu and Tang Siew Ching and Abd Rahman Aziz and Tan Ching Giap Multi drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from broiler chicken at poultry farms in Kota Bharu,Kelantan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Erkihun Aklilu and Tang Siew Ching and Abd Rahman Aziz and Tan Ching Giap and Mohd Mokhtar Arshad and Kalthum Hashim and Jasni Sabri and Nur Hardy Abu Daud and Aung Tun Khaing and Basripuzi Nurul Hayyan Hassan Basri (2013) Multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from broiler chickens at poultry farms in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. In: 25th VAM Congress 2013 "Symbiosis : Enhancing Animal Human", 13 - 15th September 2013, Lotus Desaru Beach Resort , Kota Tinggi, Johor.

Erkihun Aklilu and Zunita, Z. (2008) Isolation of methicilin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from cats and dogs at University Veterinary Hospital, Universiti Putra Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Farah Khaliz Kedri and Zulhazman Hamzah and Nur Sayzwani Sukri and Siti Hajar Yaacob and Nur Kyariatul Syafinie Abd Majid and Nasihah Mokhtar and Siti Fatimah Amir Distribution and ecology of Rafflesia in Royal Belum State Park, Perak, Malaysia. In: ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2017, 1-2 May 2017, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2011) Churning art skills into business opportunity :a poverty alleviating approach. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap, Cambodia. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2012) Embedding entrepreneurship in heritage education: the UMK experience. In: The 2nd Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS 2012), 01-03 June 2012, The Ramada, Osaka, Japan. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2011) Khatijah Awang dan Seri Temenggong: satu kajian kes terhadap keusahawanan seni. In: Festival & Seminar Kebangsaan Tradisi Lisan Dan Keusahawanan Warisan, 16-18 Oct 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok, Bachok , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2011) Social enterprise in Malaysia : the UMK experience. In: Asian Solidarity Economy Forum KL2011, 31 Oct - 0 Nov 2011, Seri Cempaka Suites (Menara PGRM) , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2011) Strengthening islamic cultural heritage of the Malays in Malaysia in the post global society. In: International Conference on South-East Asia : Art, Cultural Heritage And Artistic Relations With Europe/Poland, The Manggha Museum of Japanese Art And Technology 26, Konopnickiej St. Krakow, Poland, 29 Sept - 01 Okt 2011. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2012) Students and staff in Makyong Cirle(Simac)- a collaborative University- Community Programme in reviving the dying arts. In: University-Community Engagement Conference For Empowerment and Knowledge Creation, 09-12 Januari 2012, Le Meridien Chiangmai, Thailand. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2012) A glance at the life of third gender in Public Universities. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria (2012) The third gender in the tourism industry : a preliminary observation. In: The 2nd Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS 2012), 01-03 June 2012, The Ramada, Osaka, Japan. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria and Ab. Aziz Shuaib and Nasirin Abdillah (2010) Heritage education : turning myth into reality - the UMK experience. In: Fourth Heritage Symposium, 29 Mac - 01 April 2010, Abu Dhabi. (Unpublished)

Farok Zakaria and Nasirin Abdillah (2010) A study of non verbal communication among the third gender in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED, 18-20 Jun 2010, Hotel Bayview, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Fatimah Kayat and Mohammad Amizi Ayob and A.A Idris and M.F Ibrahim and J.M, Soon and M.K. Ahmad Yusuf and K.F, Wong and A.L. Zulariff (2016) Study of the intention of banana growers in improving the production in Jeli, Kelantan. In: Second Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR) 2016, 26 Feb - 1 March 2016, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Melbourne, Australia.

Fatin Norsyafawati Mohd Sabri and Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir and Ahmad Rasdan Ismail and Khairul Azhar Mat Daud (2016) Empirical study on important elements of mobile augmented reality application for heritage content. In: 4th International Conference on User Science and Engineering 2016 (i-USEr 2016), 23 – 25 Aug 2016, Melaka, Malaysia.

Fauzi Hj. Ab. Llah (2011) Potensi ukiran kayu. In: Festival & Seminar Kebangsaan Tradisi Lisan Dan Keusahawanan Warisan, 16-18 Okt 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok, Bachok , Kelantan. (Unpublished)


Ghazali Ahmad and Mohd Rafi Yaacob and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim (2012) Entrepreneurial characteristics amongst co-operatives in Malaysia – preliminary evidence. In: The 13th Malaysia-Indonesia Conference on Economics, Management & Accounting (MIICEMA 2012), 18 - 20 Oktober 2012, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)


Hanisa Hj. Hassan 4th IR and challanges for the creative and cottage industries. In: International Conference on Design, Engineering & Computer Science 2018, 08 - 11 Ogos 2018.

Hanisa Hj. Hassan (2018) 4th IR challenges for the creative and cottage industries. In: International Conference on Design, Engineering & Computer Science 2018, 08 - 11 Ogos 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Haron@Che Haron Daud (2011) Tradisi lisan dan pelancongan di Malaysia : satu saranan. In: Festival & Seminar Kebangsaan Tradisi Lisan Dan Keusahawanan Warisan, 16-18 Okt 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok, Bachok , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Hasan Muhammad Maliwu (2013) The plight of Taozhou Muslims: an exposition of facts of 1929 incursion. In: Centre For Advanced Studies On Islam, Science and Civilisation (CASIS) Graduate Seminar and Retreat, 22 - 27 Dis 2013, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor.

Hidayani Jaafar (2013) Penubuhan Kolej Komuniti Baling: kesan kepada sosioekonomi penduduk tempatan. In: National Conference on Higher Education Institution and Community Engagement 2013 : towards making higher education institution relevant to community, 29 - 27 Aug 2013, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan , Jeli Kampus.

Hoe, C.-H. and Suan, M.A.M. and Tang, T.-H. and Kiew, K.-K. and Hassan, M.R.A. and Chan, H.-K. (2018) Interleukin-28 Polymorphism: Ethnic variations and the response to chronic hepatitis C treatment in Malaysia. In: Medical Journal of Malaysia.

Hum Chan and Abdul Aziz Ab Latif and Yohan Kurniawan (2012) Exploration of the gap between business management curriculum and employability requirements: a study of curriculum designers and recruiters’ perceptions. In: Global Leaders Forum and Conference (GLFC), 11 - 12 Dis 2012, Hotel Renaissance, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Hum Chan and Iwan Zahar (2012) Maximizing Learning Outcomes by Socratic Questioning Exploring the Pedagogical Applications and Challenges among Language Lecturers at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. In: International Colloquium on Language Teaching, 19-20 Dis 2012, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok. (Unpublished)

Hum Chan and Por Sovattha (2012) Labour immigration or slave trade in modernism : reflection of conditions, challenges and impacts on Cambodian female workers in country X. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota , Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)


Ibrahim Che Omar (2013) Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus - Community engagement : a strategic approach. In: National Conference on Higher Education Institution and Community Engagement 2013 : towards making higher education institution relevant to community, 29 - 27 Aug 2013, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan , Jeli Kampus.

Ibrahim Che Omar and Lee Seong Wei (2011) Aquaponic : a modern farming system. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultan and Mahmoud Khaled Al-Musafir (2011) Children in Iraq: the suffering and violations under the siege and the U.S. occupation. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Isidore Ekpe and Razli Che Razak and Mohammad Ismail and Zulhamri Abdullah (2015) Skill acquisition and self-employment in Malaysia: A sufficient condition? In: 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovation for Sustainability and Growth, 2nd – 3rd June 2015, Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia..

Iwan Zahar (2012) Adapting postmodernist art curricula in Malaysia and Indonesia. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2012) Choosing theme affected PBL. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2011) Integration of modernist or postmodernist photographers into a course on photography. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2011) Interdiciplinary between heritage and creative? In: Festival & Seminar Kebangsaan Tradisi Lisan Dan Keusahawanan Warisan, 16-18 Okt 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Bachok, Bachok , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2012) Learning art history and history through Old Batavia’s photos. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2011) Pentingnya “klasifikasi” tema dalam suatu pembelajaran seni rupa- studi kasus tema pada seni fantastik di Indonesia. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2014) Photo exemplars classification : the integration photographic history into photographic technique. In: International Colloquium of Art And Design Education Research 2014, 07 - 09 April 2014, Bayview Beach Resort Penang Hotel, Pulau Pinang.

Iwan Zahar (2011) Proposed Indonesian art criticism’s model:old Balinese painting as a case study. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2014) Proposed local art criticism’s model for traditional ceramic :mambong pottery as case study. In: International Conference on Creative Media, Design & Technology (REKA), 25 - 27 November 2014, School of Arts, USM Penang, Malaysia..

Iwan Zahar (2012) Teaching gender issues with chick flicks in FTKW, UMK. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar (2011) The integration Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s taxonomy into Barrett‘s criticism model. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar and Abdullah Sani Kamaluddin (2011) Written exams:concrete solution to solve image-text relation for visual communication design’students(art students)? In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar and Nur Hafezah Hussein (2013) Student's awareness on gender issues through chick flicks : a case study in Kelantan, Malaysia. In: Forum llmiah lX (Seminar dan Lokakarya lnternasionat Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pembelajarannya), 21 - 22 November 2013, Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Pendidikan, Bandung lndonesia. (Unpublished)

Iwan Zahar and Pindi Setiawan and Julius Andi Nugroho (2011) The use of Prater’s Model: concrete solutions for Indonesian, Asian arts or others local content? In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Janvekar, Ayub Ahmed and Abdullah, M. Z. and Ahmad, Z. A. and Abas, Aizat and Hussien, Ahmed A. and S.Kataraki, Pramod and Mazlan Mohamed, Mazlan and Husin, Azmi and Fadzli, Khairil (2018) Investigation of micro burner performance during porous media combustion for surface and submerged flames. In: International Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AeroMech17).

Jayaraj V.K and M.T. Abdullah and Andy Kho Han Guan (2006) Phylogenetic relationships of fruit bats(Family:Pteropodidae) in Malaysia inferred from partial mtDNA Cytochrome b gene. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Jayaraj V.K and Shahrul Anuar Mohd Sah and Ahmad Sofiman Othman (2016) Hybridization detection and ancestry estimation among Tupaia glis phylogroups. In: Biodiversity Seminar 2016, 21-25 Nov 2016, Awana Hotel, Genting Highlands Resort, Pahang.

Julia Tan Yin Yin (2013) Kelantanese malay parents’ views On decision of sending their children to chinese primary school. In: 2nd International Conference On Languages " Languages In Diverse Environments ", 29 - 31 Mei 2013, Traders Hotel, George Town, Penang.

Julia Tan Yin Yin and Yohan Kurniawan and Siti Bahirah Saidi (2013) The comparison of public service advertising style between Malaysian and Singapore : a preliminary research. In: 2nd International Symposium On Language and Communication "Exploring Novelties", 17-19 Jun 2013, Turkey.


Kamarul Hambali and Ahmad Ismail and Badrul Munir Md-Zain and Syaizwan Zulkifli and Aainaa Amir (2014) Ranging behavior of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at Kuala Selangor Nature Park. In: International Conference on Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences (ICABES 2014), 8-9 Dec 2014, International Academy of Arts, Science & Techonology, Bali, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Kamarulzaman Abdul Ghani and Ahmad Sabri Noh and Nik Mohd Rahimi Nik Yusuff and Zulazhan Ab. Halim (2016) Tahap penggunaan ciri-ciri linguistik dalam buku teks berbahasa Arab. In: Wacana Pendidikan Islam Siri ke 11, 15-16 Nov 2016, Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Bangi, Selangor.

Kasma Mohd Hayas and Sabariah Abd. Rahim and Alice Lim (2013) Peranan gambar dalam penulisan esei. In: International Conference on Languages, Linguistica and Society 2013 (ICLALIS 2013), 22 - 24 Okt 2013, Promenade Hotel Kota Kinabalu.

Kassim Buhiran (2011) Requirements of technical expertise in the Social Enterprise and Economic Development (SEED) programme. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap , Cambodia. (Unpublished)

Kavarljit Kaur Gill and Andrew N. Williams (2013) Correlation between low-proficiency in english and negative perceptions of what it means to be an english speaker. In: International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT), 18 - 20 November 2013, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Khairul Azhar Mat Daud and Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan and Mohd Sanusi Deraman (2013) Penerimaan dan kebolehgunaan rekabentuk e-pembelajaran (CIDOS) sebagai sistem pengurusan pembelajaran di Politeknik Malaysia. In: Kolokium Pascasiswazah.

Khairul Azhar Mat Daud and Ahmad Rasdan Ismail and Suriatini Ismail and Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir (2016) The development of design specification for ergonomics sofa in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, 27-31 Jul 2016, Walt Disney World, Florida, USA.

Khairul Hisyam Baharuddin and Mohammad Affiq Kamarul Azlan and Wan Yusoff Wan Shaharuddin (2014) Factors that influence the reading habit among form one boys: A case study of SMK SS17 Subang Jaya. In: International Seminar On Language Teaching (ISOLT), 13 - 14 Oct 2014, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.

Khuzaiton Zakaria (2018) Pelaksanaan kelas pengajaran bahasa melayu untuk penutur asing di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. In: Seminar Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu Untuk Penutur Asing, 24-25 Okt 2018, Langkawi. (Unpublished)

Khuzaiton Zakaria and Thana Abdullah (2014) Mengajar bahasa melayu kepada penutur asing dan cabarannya: pengalaman di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia. In: Professional Development in Education (PDE 2014) Teaching and Learning in The 21st Century : Aspirations and Challenges, 11 - 12 June 2014, Park Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia.

Kim On Chin and Syukri Majdi Hamdan and Tan Tse Guan (2018) Design and development of novel Android 3D 3rd person shooting game. In: International Conference on Computational Science and Technology.

Kishan Raj Pillai, Mathialagan and Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan and Hafzan Eva Mansor (2016) Distribution pattern of nitrate and fluoride in shallow domestic groundwater wells in northern parts of Kelantan, Malaysia. In: 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Applied Science and Technology (IPCAST 2016), 17-18 Oct 2016, Langkawi , Malaysia.

Kumara Thevan Krishnan and Suhaimi Othman and Amir Husni Mohd Shariff (2013) A novel approach towards sustainable banana farming intercropped with rubber by a smallholder - a profitable source of income diversification. In: 1st International Conference Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy, 12 - 14 May 2013, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)


Laila Naher and Seri Intan Mokhtar and Noorhazira Sidek (2015) Tricoderma harzianum T32 growth and antagonistic performance against Ganoderma boninense of different culture media. In: 3rd International Conference on Biological, Chemical & Environmental Science (BCES-2015), Sept. 21-22, 2015, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

Lau Su Kia and Lee Hui Ling and Ang Lay Hoon and Ng Lee Luan (2011) A study of five types of Chinese syntactic errors committed by malay students and the pedagogical implications. In: International Conference on Chinese Language Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 25 - 27 November 2011, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Unpublished)

Lee Hui Ling (2012) An investigation on the relation between learning motivation and academic performance on Malaysian University Student's mandarin learning. In: Persidangan Bahasa Cina Antarabangsa Tahun 2012, 26 - 27 Mei 2012, Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Lee Seong Wei and Salleh Kamarudin and Mustaqim Md Tajudin (2013) Farming Snakeskin Gourami,Trichogaster Pectoralis, for poverty eradication. In: Proceedings of The 4th RENPER International Seminar on Poverty Eradication, 23 - 25 Oct 2013, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan , Kampus Jeli. (Unpublished)

Leony Tham and Roslinda Nazar (2012) Mixed convection flow about a solid sphere embedded in a porous medium filled with a nanofluid. In: Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013 (ICMSS2013): Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013, 5–7 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Leony Tham and Roslinda Nazar and Ioan Pop (2012) Numerical solutions of mixed convection flow on a solid sphere embedded in a porous medium filled by a nanofluid containing gyrotactic microorganisms. In: Proceedings of the 20th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences, 18–20 December 2012, Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Leony Tham and Roslinda Nazar and Ioan Pop (2014) Mixed convection flow about a solid sphere with constant heat flux embedded in a porous medium filled by a nanofluid: Buongiorno-Darcy model. In: 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, ICMS 2013, 17–19 December 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Liyana Ahmad Afip (2013) Questioning strategy and academic reading performance : a case study on less proficient readers. In: The 17th English in Southeast Asia Conference (ESEA 2013)", 05 - 07 Disember 2013, Research Management & Innovation Complex, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Liyana Ahmad Afip and Nurul Fatihah Hanapi and Khuzaiton Zakaria (2013) Persepsi dan pengalaman guru pendidikan khas dalam menghadapi permasalahan disleksia dalam kemahiran literasi. In: Seminar Sains Kemanusiaan OKU Peringkat Kebangsaan 2013 (SKOKU), 18 Mei 2013, Hotel Sutera Inn, Kota Bharu Kelantan..


M. S. F., Nurshahida and M. A. N., Aini and Wan Ishak, Wan Mohd Faizal and I. A., Hamimi and Z., Nazikussabah (2018) Effect of drying methods on nutrient composition and physicochemical properties of Malaysian seaweeds. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.

M.H. Amini and R. Hashim and N.S. Sulaiman and M. Mohamed and M.S.M Rasat and M.N. Masri and B.J. Geng (2016) Evaluation and degradation after soil burial and fungal attack on particleboard made using Glutardialdehyde modified corn starch as a binder. In: International Conference on the Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology IV 2016 (ICAMN IV), 9-11 Nov 2016, Langkawi, Malaysia.

M.S. Shamsuddin and N.R.N. Yusoff and M.A.Sulaiman (2016) Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon produced from kenaf core fiber using H3PO4 activation. In: 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Minerals and Environment (RAMM) & 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Materials, Mineral and Polymer (MAMIP), 4-6 Aug 2015, Penang, Malaysia.

Mahani Yusoff and Zuhailawati H. (2013) Effect of compaction pressure on microstructure and properties of copper-based composite prepared by mechanical Aaloying and powder metallurgy. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Engineering (ICoSM2013), 26 - 27 March 2013. (Unpublished)

Mansor Mohd Noor and Nur Azuki Yusuff and Nawi Ismail and Nik Yusri Musa (2014) Strategi perpaduan berpaksikan pendidikan semua agama kepada penganutnya secara bersepadu : usul pendialog perpaduan di Kelantan. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Islamic Education (ICIE), 31 May - 2nd June 2014, Perdana Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin and Marinah Muhammad (2011) Study contamination of lead, cadmium and mercury in coastal water along Kelantan Coast. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin and Marinah Muhammad and Nurul' Ain Abdullah (2011) Observation of coliform bacteria in five coastal along Kelantan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin and Marinah Muhammad and Rizki Wannahari (2012) Reducing free fatty acid in used cooking oil using bagasse adsorbent. In: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering, 26 - 28 Nov 2012, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang..

Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin and Marinah Muhammad and Rizki Wannahari (2011) The recovery of used palm cooking oil using bagasse as adsorbent. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference, 12 - 14 July 2011, Universiti Malaya (UM) , Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin and Rizki Wannahari (2010) Preliminary study of purification used cooking oil using bagasse adsordent. In: Seminar on Plant Natural Products, 21 - 22 Nov 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). (Unpublished)

Masri, Mohamad Najmi and Yusoff, Mahani and Nordin, N.N (2018) Effect of milling time on alumina-titania-carbon nanotube by powder metallurgy method. In: The International Fundamentum Sciences Symposium 2018.

Mhd Hafiz Karami Mhd Zain (2016) Malaysian Architectural Heritage iBook-An Innovation Tool for Teaching and Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohamad Zainudin and Jayaraj V.K (2016) Non-volant small mammal diversity assessment in Lata Bijih and Lata Janggut using cage traps. In: Biodiversity Seminar 2016, 21-25 Nov 2016, Awana Hotel, Genting Highlands Resort, Pahang.

Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Mohd Rafi Yaacob and Ghazali Ahmad (2012) Developing a customers’ oriented Ar-Rahnu (Islamic Pawn Broking) model for cooperatives in microfinancing in Malaysia. In: The 13th Malaysia Indonesia Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA) 2012, 18 - 20 Oktober 2012, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Fauzilah Salleh and Razman Hafifi Redzuan Membangun rangka kerja takaful harta untuk kelestarian perusahaan kecil dan sederhana. In: Persidangan Kajian Bencana Banjir 2014, 4-6 April 2016, Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside. (Submitted)

Mohammad Affiq Kamarul Azlan and Khairul Hisyam Baharuddin and Wan Yusoff Wan Shaharuddin (2014) Malaysian teachers’ perceptions regarding the impact of the choice of topic on ESL learners’ motivation in writing. In: International Seminar On Language Teaching (ISOLT), 13 - 14 Oct 2014, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.

Mohammad Ismail and Mohd Rafi Yaacob and Mohd Nazri Zakaria (2015) Investigating correlation between internal and external factors and inclination to be social entrepreneurs amongst students at University Malaysia Kelantan. In: 1st International Conference on Empowering Entrepreneurship (ICEE 2015), 08 -09 June 2015, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan and Fatin Wahida Fadzil and Hafzan Eva Mansor and Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin and Zameer Ahmad Shah (2016) Significance of silica analysis in groundwater studies of domestic shallow wells in parts of Jeli district, Kelantan, Malaysia. In: Water Resources in Arid Areas: The Way Forward, 13-16 Mar 2016, Conference Hall, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan and Rashid Umar and Izrar Ahmed (2012) Sustainability of shallow aquifer beneath an intensive agricultural track-a case study from Western Uttar Pradesh, India. In: 2nd International Conference of Water Resources 2012 (ICWR 2012), 05 - 06 Nov 2012, Bayview Hotel, Langkawi. (Unpublished)

Mohd Asrul Hery Ibrahim and Zailani Abdullah and Mohd Ashlyzan Razik and Tutut Herawan (2016) A new search direction for Broyden’s family method in solving unconstrained optimization problems. In: The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2016), Bandung, Indonesia, August 18-20, 2016 Proceedings, 18-20 Aug 2016, Bandung, Indonesia.

Mohd Azam Khan Goriman Khan and Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultan and Jasbir.S and Ibrahim Che Omar and Ali Reza Badiei (2010) Establishment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University Malaysia Kelantan. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mohd Azian Husin and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim (2014) The role of accounting services and impact on small medium enterprises (SMEs) performance in manufacturing sector from east coast region of Malaysia : A conceptual paper. In: The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2013), 25 - 27 Jun 2013, Indonesia.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof (2011) Hotel Patuh Shariah (Shariah Compliant Hotels) Sebagai Produk Baru Industri Pelancongan di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof (2010) The Issues of Hospitality and Tourism Education in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of International Graduate Tourism Research Conference 2010, Berjaya University of Hospitality.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof (2011) Persepsi komuniti setempat terhadap penjenamaan Kota Bharu sebagai bandar raya islam: satu tinjauan umum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof and Ghazali Ahmad (2011) Tourism and Hospitality Education in Universiti Malaysia : an entrepreneurial approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof and Hasnita Buniamin and Ghazali Ahmad and Mazne Ibrahim (2013) Developing pondok institutions as a religious tourism product. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Ke-3 (Shp-KPT2013), 02 - 03 Julai 2013, EDC Hotel, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof and Jasmine Zea Raziah Radha (2010) Kerjaya dalam sektor hospitaliti:sikap dan persepsi pelajar IPT. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Fariz Ab Rahman and Mohamad Johari Abu and Saniah Ab Karim and Rosyaini Afindi Zaman and Mohd Fadzil Ain and Zainal Arifin Ahmad and Julie Juliewatty Mohamed (2016) Microwave dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12-Al2O3 composite. In: The 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials and Metallurgy (ICoFM 2016), 28 May 2016, Penang, Malaysia.

Mohd Hasmizam Razali and Muhammad Hafiz Ashraf Mat Zaid and Mahani Yusoff (2016) Study on the morphology stability of TiO2 nanotube arrays towards temperature as a potential toxic gas sensor. In: 11th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors (ACCS 2015), 16-18 Nov 2015, Penang, Malaysia.

Mohd Hazim Mohd Amini and Razak Wahab and Mohd Tamizi Mustafa and Mohd Sukhairi Mat Rasat (2013) Anatomy and strength properties between tropical bamboo Gigantochloa levis AND G. scortechinii. In: 2nd International Conference on Kenaf and Allied Fibres, 03 - 05 Disember 2013, Hotel Equatorial Bangi, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Mohd Khairy Kamarudin and Mohd Asrul Hery Ibrahim and Azwan Abdullah and Siti Fariha Muhamad (2015) Pembahagian pusaka di kalangan waris: pendekatan AHP. In: Prosiding Semminar Hibah Dalam Pengurusan Harta Islam 2015.

Mohd Nawi, Noor Syamimie and Omar, Suhaida and Shafien, Syakirah and Ramamurthy, Lena and Nik Azim, Nik Ahmad Farhan and Hassan, Ariezal Afzan (2019) Perception of Digital Reading Material For Academic Purposes Among UMK Undergraduates: An Analysis. In: PBI Creative and Innovative Carnival, 30 October 2019, PBI, UMK Bachok Campus.

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Elsadiq M.A. (2009) Dinar/Dirham Backed Electronic Payment System For Malaysian Market. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Elsadiq M.A. and Hishamuddin Ismail (2011) User Acceptance of a Gold Dinar Based Electronic Payment System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Elsadiq M.A. and Hishamuddin Ismail (2011) User Acceptance of an Electronic Dinar Payment System in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Elsadiq M.A. and Hishamuddin Ismail (2012) Validation of the technology acceptance for electronic dinar payment system. In: International Conference on Excellence in Business, 09-10 Oktober 2012, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Elsadiq M.A. and Paul H.P. Yeow (2011) A Consumer Acceptance Study of An Electronic Dinar Payment System. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mohd Nazri Muhayiddin and Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof and Mazne Ibrahim (2013) Exploring a new concept of embedding gold dinar as mechanism for hajj traveling. In: The 5th Islamic Economic System Conference (iECONS) 2013, 04 - 05 Sept 2013, Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Mohd Nazri Zakaria and Abdullah Al- Mamun and Noorshella Che Nawi and Razli Che Razak (2015) Service Operations Practice and Performance of Local Authorities in Malaysia. In: Asia Pacific Conference on Business and Social Sciences, 23rd - 24th November 2015, Hotel Grand Seasons, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

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Mohd Nizam Badaruddin and Zam Zuriyati Mohamad and Azeyan Awee and Farhana Hanim Mohsin and Suhaila Abdul Kadir (2015) Cyber entrepreneurship ecosystem: proposed concept paper. In: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology & Society.

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Mohd Rafi Yaacob and Ghazali Ahmad and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim (2012) Islamic Pawn Broking (Ar Rahnu): critical success factor and application for co-operatives. In: Cooperative Conference, 07- 11 November 2012, Bozen Balzano, Italy.

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Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (2014) Andaian ketidak-terhadan kemahuan manusia : analisis perbandingan antara pemikiran sarjana ekonomi islam arus perdana dengan sarjana ekonomi lazim. In: The 7th Workshop Antarabangsa Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam (International Workshop on Islamic Development) (WAPI 2014), 06 Mei 2014, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (2012) Keterhadan sumber alam dalam ekonomi islam arus perdana. In: The 7th ISDEV International Graduate Workshop (INGRAW 2012), 30-31 Oktober 2012, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulai Pinang.. (Unpublished)

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (2013) Ketidak-terhadan kemahuan manusia dalam ekonomi islam arus perdana. In: Workshop Antarabangsa Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam VI (WAPI-6), 21-27 April 2013, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (2013) Ketidak-terhadapan kemahuan manusia dalam ekonomi islam arus perdana : analisis kritikal berdasarkan tasawur al- qur'an. In: The 8th ISDEV International Graduate Workshop (INGRAW 2013), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, 30-31 Oktober 2013.

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (2012) Penilaian semula terhadap andaian-andaian dalam ekonomi islam : satu kajian awal. In: Workshop Antarabangsa Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam V (WAPI-5), 10 April 2012, Medan, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof and Hanudin Amin (2012) Islamic business ethics in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) : an analysis. In: 3rd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (3rd ICBER 2012) Proceeding, 12 - 13 March 2012, Golden Flower Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia..

Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad and Tamrin Amboala and Siti Faeizah Mohd Ali (2011) An overview of cyber laws in Malaysia from islamic point of view. In: The 5th International Conference on Cyberlaw and Information Security (CIS 2011), 05 - 08 Disember 2011, Melaka. (Unpublished)

Muhammad Adidinizar Zia AhmadKusairee and Mohd Safwan Ghazali and Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz (2014) Tertiary educated muslim working women's work decision. In: 3rd International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2014), 14 Disember 2014, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

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Naila Aaijaz and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim (2010) Green clothing and eco-fashion:a growing sustainable market for SME's. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management., 16 - 18 Jun 2010, Pattaya, Thailand. (Unpublished)

Naila Aaijaz and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Ghazali Ahmad (2009) From learners to entrepreneurs: a study on inclination of university students towards entrepreneurship as a career option and the role of education. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Naila Aaijaz and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Ghazali Ahmad and Shaliza Abdul Razit (2012) Influence of student's non-cognitive trait and cognitive heuristic on the entrepreneurial venture's initial set up decision. In: Asian Business Seminar Circuit 2012 (ABSC 2012), 03 - 04 Oktober 2012, The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Naila Aaijaz and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Noraani Mustapha and Yah Awg Nik (2011) Assessing the role of NGOs in alleviating poverty among aborigines habitat in India and Malaysia. In: 2nd International Seminar on Poverty Eradication In Conjunction With UNESCO International Days, Years and Decades 2011, 16-18 Okt 2011, University of Battambang, Siem Reap, Cambodia.. (Unpublished)

Naila Aaijaz and Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim and Siti Sarwani Mohamed Salleh (2012) Cooperative social responsibility: the gap model approach and empirical derivation to members’ satisfaction. In: 18th IBIMA Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage : From Regional Development to World Economics, 09 - 10 Mei 2012, Hotel Larespark, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Nik Azim, Nik Ahmad Farhan and Ramamurthy, Lena and Shafien, Syakirah and Mohd Nawi, Syamimie and Omar, Suhaida and Hussein, Nur Hafezah Perception of Language Awareness through Framegram: A Classroom Example. In: PBI Creative and Innovative Carnival 2019, 30 October 2019, Centre for Language Studies and Generic Development, UMK Bachok Campus.

Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad and Shahram Akbarzadeh (2012) Prophetic leadership and financial decision making quality: Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling analysis. In: Rome 2012 : International Conference For Academic Disciplines, 29 Oktober - 01 November 2012, Rome, Italy. (Unpublished)

Nik Syuhailah Nik Hussin and Zuraimi Abdul Aziz and Mohd Rafi Yaacob and Nur Sha Azelda Hashim and Nik Madeeha Nik Mohd Munir and Siti Fariha Muhamad (2015) Microfinance of Women Entrepreneurship in Alleviating Poverty. In: Proceedings of Sixteenth TheIIER International Conference, 14th March 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Nik Yusri Musa (2011) Asas pemikiran ilmu takhrij dalam etika kewartawanan: realiti dan cabaran. In: Seminar Antarabangsa Sunnah Nabawiyah : Realiti dan Cabaran Semasa, 12 - 13 Julai 2011, Universiti Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur.. (Unpublished)

Nik Yusri Musa (2010) Hj. Nik Abd Aziz bin Nik Mat : pandang sisi sebagai ulama hadis. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Nik Yusri Musa and Ahmad Murshidi Mustapha (2012) Salahlaku seks : kajian melalui kisah nabi Yusuf dan nabi Lut dalam al-quran. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota , Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nik Yusri Musa and Aminurraasyid Yatiban and Nazri Muslim (2011) Memahami kedudukan islam dan melayu dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan :cabaran pendidikan melayu dalam perspektif hubungan etnik. In: Seminar Pendidikan Melayu Antarabangsa (SEPMA) II, 29 - 31 Mac 2012, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir and Wan Safra Diyana Wan Abdul Ghani and Tan Tse Guan (2017) Cloud-based mobile-retail application for textile cyberpreneurs : task-technology fit perspective analysis. In: International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications 2017, 22- 24 Mac 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi (2012) Islamisasi kurikulum pendidikan islam di institusi pendidikan guru : tribulasi dan cadangan. In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Pendidikan Islam 2012, 03-06-2012, Hotel Royale Bintang, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi (2011) Pengajaran dan pembelajaran :penelitian semula konsep-konsep asas menurut perspektif gagasan islamisasi ilmu moden. In: Kongres Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran UKM 2011, 18 - 20 Disember 2011, Hotel Vistana Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi (2012) Zakat : penjernihan semula kekeliruan makna nilai kesederhanaan - sorotan dari aspek pencarian dan perbelanjaan harta. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi and Adi Syahid Mohd Ali and Sudirman Abd Fatah (2012) Keberkesanan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing : alternatif penyelesaian krisis nilai. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota , Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi and Nasrun Hakim Salleh (2016) Pembinaan model pengajian tahfiz di Malaysia. In: Persidangan Kebangsaan Isu-Isu Pendidikan Islam 2016, 21-22 Mei 2016, Auditorium Fakulti Pendidikan, UM.

Noor Hisham Md Nawi and Nur Azuki Yusuff and Mohd Binyamin Che Yaacob and Nasrul Hakim Salleh (2014) Matlamat dan halatuju sistem pengajian tahfiz di Kelantan : satu pengamatan awal. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Islamic Education (ICIEd 2014), 31 May - 2nd June 2014, Perdana Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Noor Hisham Md Nawi and Syahida Binti Sidek (2018) Kepelbagaian bentuk sinergisme konsep wakaf pendidikan dan gagasan keusahawanan sosial islam. In: 5th World Conference on Islamic Thought and Civilization (WCIT 2018), 16-18 July 2018, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah,Perak. (Submitted)

Noorsyazwani Zulkifli and Fatanah M. Suhaimi and Mohammad Khairul Azhar Abdul Razab and Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar and Norehan Mokhtar (2015) The use of Nd: YAG laser for ablation of dental material. In: 2015 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology (ICBET 2015), 10 - 11 March 2015, Seoul, Korea.

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Nor Hafiza Othman and Suraya Mahmood (2014) Impact of globalization towards entrepreneurship career choice. In: 3rd International Conference on Business and Communication, 23 hingga 24 April 2014, Swiss Garden Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

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Noraani Mustapha (2012) The impact of work-family factors in the relationships between organizational and occupational characteristics and intention to stay. In: 18th IBIMA Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage : From Regional Development to World Economics, 09 - 10 Mei 2012, Hotel Larespark, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Nur Azuki Yusuff (2009) Pembangunan 1Malaysia : isu persaudaraan masyarakat islam dan bukan islam melalui aktiviti kerja sosial. In: Seminar Kemahiran Insaniah Dan Kerja Sosial 2009 (SKIKS 09), 24 - 26 Julai 2009, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (UTEM), Melaka..

Nur Azuki Yusuff (2006) Penerimaan masyarakat majmuk terhadap institusi berorientasikan islam : satu tinjauan di Kota Bharu. In: Persidangan Siswazah 2 ISDEV 2006, 12-13 Disember 2006, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang,. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff (2007) Pengajaran Pengalaman Konflik Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia: Sorotan Faktor Berdasarkan Penganalisisan Masyarakat. In: Kursus Induksi Modul Umum Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional, 10 – 28 un 2007, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok, Kedah. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff (2008) A study on the acceptance of visitors by the Lojing community and the understanding of their cultural values in support of the process. In: Seminar Penemuan Ekspedisi Saintifik di Lojing, 26 Mei – 14 Jun 2008, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Adi Syahid Mohd Ali (2014) Konsep keusahawanan sosial islam : perkaitan amalan beragama dan peningkatan pendapatan. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Islamic Education (ICIEd 2014), 31 May - 2nd June 2014, Perdana Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Kevin Fernandez and Nik Yusri Musa (2014) Continuing the study of Islamic Civilization is imperative as it incorporates the functionalist confluences between different faiths and belief systems in Malaysia. In: Seminar Tamadun Islam, Tamadun Asia Dan Hubungan Etnik (SeTH) 2014, 01 Nov 2014, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Nik Yusri Musa (2012) Penerimaan Dan Halatuju Tulisan Jawi; Suatu Tinjauan dari Pandangan Remaja Kini. In: Seminar Jawi Serantau 2012, anjuran Pusat Kajian Manuskrip Alam Melayu (PUSKAM), 19-20 Jun 2012, Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, UiTM, Shah Alam Selangor. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Nik Yusri Musa and Wan Sopian Sori (2012) Faktor utama konflik etnik dan kemampuan gagasan 1Malaysia menurut perspektif mahasiswa. In: Regional Conference on Values and Humanities (RECOVH) 2012, 02 - 03 Disember 2012, Dewan Terbuka Keusahawanan, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Kota Bharu , Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Rosdi Abd Rahman (2014) Pendidikan berpaksikan JERI (Jasmani, Emosi, Rohani dan Intelektual) sebagai matrix kritikal pembasmian kemiskinan. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Islamic Education (ICIEd 2014), 31 May - 2nd June 2014, Perdana Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Siti Bahirah Saidi (2014) Acceptance of arabic and direction of jawi script : an outlook from youth perspective. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Kelestarian Insan 2014, 09-10 April 2014, Fakulti Sains Teknologi Dan Pembangunan Insan, UTHM, Johor.

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Siti Bahiyah Saidi and Yohan Kurniawan (2014) Keutamaan penerimaan bahasa berkomunikasi remaja 1Malaysia : adakah Bahasa Melayu (tinggi), Bahasa Inggeris atau selainya. In: International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN 2014), 10 April 2014, UTHM, Johor. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Tan Hong Cheng and Kevin Fernandez and Yohan Kurniawan (2016) Perpaduan berpaksikan titik kesamaan fungsi pelbagai agama dengan mengambilkira islam sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia. In: Persidangan Pemantapan CITRA Kenegaraan 4 (COSNA4) ‘Mencorak Masa Hadapan’, 14 Mac 2016, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Yohan Kurniawan (2013) Penerimaan orang kelainan upaya (OKU): kajian menurut perspektif remaja 1Malaysia. In: Seminar Sains Kemanusiaan OKU Peringkat Kebangsaan 2013 (SKOKU), 18 Mei 2013, Hotel Sutera Inn, Kota Bharu Kelantan.. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Yohan Kurniawan (2011) Penginstitusian teras norma ‘Hormat’ dalam menyatukan nilai manusia; tumpuan kepada penyelesaian konflik etnik. In: International Conference Humanity (Violence, 23-24 Oktober 2011, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nur Azuki Yusuff and Zuriati Mohd Rashid (2015) The perspective of the community on branding ‘Islam’ and its position In the development of islamic institutions. In: Second 21st Century Academic Forum Conference, 08 –10 March 2015, Harvard University. (Unpublished)

Nur A’mirah Mohd Yaziz and Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz and Hasif Rafidee Hasbollah and Siti Nabilah Mohd Rosdi and Mohd Firdaus Mohd Nasir and Mohd Shafhuan Yusran (2015) Factors associated with the competencies of staff in Malaysian nursing homes. In: 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Research (APCCR-2015), 3 & 4 Oct 2015, Arena Star Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nur A’mirah Mohd Yaziz and Mohd Rosli Mohamad and Hasif Rafidee Hasbollah and Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz (2014) Comparing the fixed and the time varying parameter model in forecasting the inflation rate of Malaysia. In: 3rd International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2014), 14 Disember 2014, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Nur A’mirah Mohd Yaziz and Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz and Hasif Rafidee Hasbollah and Siti Nabilah Mohd Rosd and Mohd Firdaus Mohd Nasir and Mohd Shafhuan Yusranf (2015) Factors associated with the competences of staff in malaysian nursing homes. In: 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Research (APCCR-2015), 3 & 4 Oktober 2015, Arena Star Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nur A’mirah Mohd Yaziz and Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz and Hasif Rafidee Hasbollah and Siti Nabilah Mohd Rosdi and Mohd Firdaus Mohd Nasir and Mohd Shafhuan Yusran (2015) Factors associated with the competences of staff in Malaysian nursing homes. In: 1st Asia Pasific Conference on Contemporary Research (APCCR-2015), 03 -04 Oktober 2015, Arena Star Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nur Farihin Abd Hadi Khan and Fauzan Hafiz Muhammad Safri and Afifah Hanim Md Pazil (2014) The 3P's pull factors as drivers of screen tourism and viewers travel intention. In: 3rd International Conference on Business & Communication, 23-24 April 2014, Swiss Garden Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

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Nur Syazwani Abdul Talib and Kamarulzaman Abdul Ghani, and Nur Azuki Yusuff and Mohd Mahzan Awang (2016) Kaedah pembelajaran sejarah dengan mengambil kira minat dan peningkatan prestasi. In: National Reseach Seminar (SPK2016), 14 May 2016, E-learning Building, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Tanjong Malim, Perak. (Unpublished)

Nurhazwani Abdullah and Nurul Aziah Ahmad and Aikal Liyani Mohd Rasdi (2014) Exploring food acceptance of army recruits during basic recruit training (BT) with focus groups. In: 2nd International Hospitality & Tourism Conference 2014, 02 - 04 Sept 2014, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA , Pulau Pinang.

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Nurnaddia Nordin and NurHaiza Nordin and Norzalina Zainudin (2016) Estimating determinant of innovations by generalized methods of moments with persistence of panel data on developing countries. In: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Economics & Banking 2016 (2nd ICEB), 24 – 25 May 2016, Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia.

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Nurul Ain Abdullah and Rizki Wannahari and Marinah Muhammad and Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin (2012) Distribution of heavy metals and escherichia coli in Sabak beach and Cahaya Bulan beach, Kelantan. In: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering, 26 - 28 Nov 2012, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Nurul Amira Buslima and Mohammad Afiq Faiz Shaharudin and Tang, Bee Eik and Shamsul Mohamad (2016) Antioxidant potential of Fragrea acuminatissima Merr. by different extraction techniques. In: Proceeding 3rd Kuala Lumpur Intenational Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation, 21-22 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz and Mohammad Ismail and Nurul Aien Abd. Aziz and Noreen Noor Abd Aziz (2014) Developing a theoretical model Of agriculture takaful for paddy farmers in east coast Malaysia. In: 3rd International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2014), 14 Disember 2014, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Nurul Hasliza Mohd Razmin and Nur Izzati Mohamad Anuar and Nur Dalila Mat Yusoff and Nik Malini Nik Mahdi (2013) Globalisasi sebagai satu kolonialisme bentuk baru dan kesan kepada ekonomi. In: International Conference on Social Science Research 2013, 04 - 05 Jun, 2013, Penang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

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This list was generated on Sun Mar 2 02:30:29 2025 +08.

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