There are a lot of constructions happening at UMK Jeli Campus and Gemang Area so before this construction start the underground of this site need to be investigate using geophysical investigation survey. When building constructed across subsurface geological structures such as fractures, faults and voids without considering its load-bearing capacity or strength can lead to building failure and collapse. The use of geophysical survey an effective tool for investigate this subsurface. Materials like rocks, soils and structure have an intrinsic property- resistivity that governs the relation between the current density and the gradient of the electrical potential. The subsurface structure such faults, fractures and voids have low resistivity compare to the surrounding. The ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000/ SAS 1000 using wenner array to complete this survey by obtaining 2D resistivity data sets along 1 profiles within the survey area. The acquired data were processed and interpreted using RES2DIINV and Terramter LS Toolbox to produce 2D image of the survey area. The subsurface images showed that the resistivity have 3 level, low, medium and high. The low resistivity with reading from 2.02 Ω meters to 5.75 Ω meters represents by blue colour in the subsurface images. This low resistivity indicated the groundwater. Medium resistivity reading between 9.7 Ω meters to 27.6 Ω meters, green colour to brown colour indicated the soil which covered most the subsurface images. The high resistivity in this surface images are the bedrock due to its character that unable to conduct electric. The resistivity reading are from 46.6 Ω meters to 78.7 Ω meters. So from the subsurface images, the presence of faults, fractures zones of weakness are absent because the area was covered by medium resistivity.