General geology and geophysical method, resisitivity have been used to investigate the slope stability on the hillslope failures along Sungai Sam — Dabong — Jeli (KM 20 — 30) Dabong, Kelantan. The study area is located at Kampung Bukit Pacat, Dabong with area of 25 km square. The aim of this study to produce geological map and to determine hillslope stability of failures in the area. The geological mapping was conducted to obtain general geology of the study area including lithostratigraphy, structural geology and stratigraphy. All the data obtained then will be used in ArcGlS to produce geological map. The electrical resistivity imaging method was run on some selected hillslope failure to determine the hillslope stability. Interpretation is made depending on 2D image of resistivity. The interpretation of resistivity profile show most the hillslope was unstable and can face failures again. The hilslope failure in study area could happen.