The research title is “Geology and depositional environment based on fossil of Pos Blau, Gua Musang”. The research is conducted at Pos Belau, Gua Musang which is covering the area of 25Km2 which is from the highway of Lojing- Gua Musang to the Pos Blau village. The objective of this study is to generate the geological map of the study area with the scale 1:25000, the next objective is to identify the existence of fossils and the third objective is to interpret the depositional environment of study area based on fossils existence. The method that is used is geological mapping and petrographic thin section analysis. The type of rocks that exist is sedimentary rocks which were sandstone, shale, limestone and chert. Based on the stratigraphic column, it shows that the chert is in the age of lower Permian which is the oldest rock, Sandstone is in middle to upper Pennian, limestone is in the age of lower to middle Triassic and the youngest rock is shale which is in the age of upper Triassic_ From the structural geology observation, it shows that at the study area consist of fault and joint structure. The fossils that found were in the class bivalve ( Orthoceras sp and Hoffmannia cf. hoffmanni (Gemmellaro) ,gastropo<la (?Nerita sp ) and cephalapoda.( Neoschizodus sp,and Costatoria pahangensis (Kobayashi and Tamura). All this fossils was found at limestone rock. From the fossils distribution, the age of Pos Belau is in the middle Triassic and the depositional environment is shallow marine.