Tetrastigma is a liana and the host of holoparasit plant, Rafflesia. The study was conducted to assess the Tetrastigma's stem associated with the Rafflesia in Lojing Highland, Kelantan. The main objective of the study is to measure the size of Tetrastigma's stem of Rafflesia population and to correlate the size of Tetrastigma's stem with the density of Rafflesia flower and buds. This study is vital because Rafflesia is endangered plant considering their limited distribution, specific host plant, large sex imbalanced, and rapid habitat lost. The correlation data was analysed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. The result showed the survival of Rafflesia is not depended on the size of Tetrastigma because there is no statistically significant correlation between two variables. However, there is a weak positive correlation (+0.3.97) between the size of Tetrastigma's stem and the total number of buds or Rafflesia flower. Therefore, the density of buds or Rafflesia flower not influenced by
the size of Tetrastigma.