A total of 21 individual from 9 species and 3 subfamilies were assembled at Bukit Gaharu, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan from June to August 2015 by using light trap method. There were low diversity of cerambycids beetle recorded (Shannon —Weiner Index, 1.559; Simpson Diversity Index, 0.681; Margalef's Index, 2.628) in Bukit Gaharu. All species collected in the study namely, Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Aeolesthes aurifaber, Cyrtonops punctipennis, Batocera thomsoni bipanctata, Epepeotes luscus, Olenecamptus bilobus, Pterolophia melanura, Moechotypa suffusa and Xylorhiza adusta serve as baseline data for Bukit Gaharu and were deposited to Insectarium Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. The most abundance species in Bukit Gaharu was H.spinicornis from subfamily Cerambycinae with 12 individuals collected while most diverse subfamily in Bukit Gaharu was Lamiinae (Shannon — Weiner Index, 1.792; Simpson Diversity Index, 1; Margalef's Index, 2.791). Site A and Site C collected most individuals with 9 and 8 individuals respectively while Site B collected least amount of cerambycids with 4 individuals. The species diversity of cerambycids beetles at two locations was compared by using several ecological indices, Shannon — Weiner Index, Simpson Diversity Index, Margalef Index, Evenness Index and also Rarefaction Method for an unbiased resulted.