The study was conducted at Jeli Hot spring, Jeli Kelantan which covered area area of 25 km². It is focused around the hot spring due to the presence of natural hot spring that come out from the subsurface and flow to the nearby area. The specification in this study were to investigate the subsurface condition of Jeli hot spring using 2-D resistivity method and to determine the relationship between geological structures by using Google Earth wi Jeli Hot spring. Five resistivity survey line which were in 200m and 400 m we ctrtied out around the hot spring. The resistivity survey line was design perpendicular to the lineament study through lineament mapping and the best protocol used was pole-dipole array due to their good horizontal coverage, higher signal strength and thus this array can penetrate deeper to the subsurface as compared with other array. The result from the 2D resistivity inversion models show that most of the subsurface consist of granite bedrock which contribute to the formation of Jeli Hot spring (through crack and fissure within the rocks) whereby was controlled by the structure as supported by the lineament study. The sources of hot water reservoir and the potential fault zone was identified generally from the pseudosection. The important equipment used to fulfil the objective in this research was Abem Terrameter SAS 4000 which used to interpret subsurface resistivity data This geophysical equipment using resistivity method is to show and differentiate types of earth materials in the subsurface. The results are in pseudo-section with distribution of resistivity in Ωm unit.