Maintaining structure and function of forest ecosystem is important to maintain the carbon cycle. A study was conducted in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli campus to study the species composition, aboveground biomass and carbon stock. A total of 472 individuals belonging to 18 species and 16 families across all of newly planted plan were identified. Number of living tree that have DBH ≥ 5cm is 84 trees while living tree that have DBH < 5cm is 388 trees. The most dominance species found in study area was Suregada rnultiflora with 58 trees and only five trees of Shorea ruxburghii found for least dominance. Diversity index calculated by using Shannon index with the value for overall tree were 2.734. Importance Value Index (IVI) in this study show Filicium deczpiens and Bucida molineti were recorded the highest value of IVI, 45.463 and 55.415. Aboveground biomass (AGB) was calculated by following Kenzo et al., (2009) and estimated carbon stock was 50% from AGB. Total AGB and carbon stock in study area was 1491.892 kg and 745.946 kgC. Total AGB and carbon stock for 1 ha in this study area is 126.969kg/ha and 63.485kgC/ha.