The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that affecting customer loyalty toward Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) services in Malaysia after a few serious and fatal MAB incidents happened in year 2014. Customer loyalty is importance for any organization to ensure the stability of the operation in future. Through a set of questionnaires, this study intend to examine the relationship between perceived value, brand image, trust and perceived risk toward customer loyalty. Since the study was focus at Sultan Ismail Petra Airport and 300 respondents’ which most frequency using MAB services, the data was effected by sampling and time frame. The respondents of this study are divided to various kind of demographic factor to assisted this study for obtained more accurate result. The results indicated that not overall independent variables have a significant relationship between customer loyalty. Perceived risk was the only factors that not significant and not qualified as a factor which is capable to influenced the customer loyalty toward MAB. In short, this research will provide a useful and valuable resource for future research and the result of hypothesis as references for future researchers.