To look gorgeous, the use of cosmetic product is the only one can solve problem. That why, many people are willing to spend more money just for look beautiful. Besides that, have some consumer buy that cosmetic product just because of influence from celebrity endorsement. Therefore, in our research we do a research about the impact of celebrity endorsement in advertising that influence consumer purchase intention on cosmetic product. We chose KB Mall Kota Bharu, Kelantan as the place for use to collect data. Through, this study the factor that can influence consumer purchase intention was celebrity image, celebrity credibility and celebrity attractiveness. For conducting the research, we were distributed questionnaire to collect data from 200 respondents from public people around KB Mall area. There were significant relationship between consumer purchase intention towards celebrity image (r = 0.254, p<0.05), celebrity credibility (r = 0.407, p<0.05) and celebrity attractiveness (r = 0.447, p<0.05). Therefore, through this research can approve that with use of celebrity endorsement can influence consumer purchase intention.