This research is conduct about the determinants of customer satisfaction in franchise fast food restaurant. This research is focusing on which factor is most influencing the determinants customer satisfaction in franchise fast food restaurant. According to the finding, there is 5 factor are have significance relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable. Four from that, which is, service quality, promotion, customer expectation, and physical environment, the finding shows that, this independent variable have a positive moderately high correlation towards dependent variable which is customer satisfaction. And the other one which is price have positive moderately correlation towards customer satisfaction. The researcher found that, all the independent variable which is, service quality, customer expectation promotion, price and physical environment can be know how much this factor are influence the dependent variable which is customer satisfaction are through the value of the R². The implication of this research, all the owner at franchisor and the franchisees will know what the factor are more influence the customer satisfaction in franchise fast food restaurant and the result can be implementing by franchise fast food restaurant to gain more profit in the future.