This study investigates how the presence of organic logo influences consumers’ intention to purchase in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. By utilizing the KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Perception) survey model, an appropriate
research tool had been developed. Based on KAP survey model, a behavioural action can be predicted by evaluating the knowledge, attitude and perception. All three factors were adapted in this survey with an addition of demographic factor. The relationship between all factors and intention to purchase were then analysed using Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis. Findings suggest that awareness and knowledge of consumers towards
organic logo, their attitudes and perceptions towards organic labelled food products have significant impact on consumers’ intention to purchase. Out of gender, age and level of education, gender is confirmed to have significant
impact on consumer intention to purchase organic labelled food product. This study contributes to authorities of regulating organic scheme, food manufacturers and consumer.