Syzygium aquem which commonly known Jambu air among Malaysian and also Indonesian is popular with traditional medicine like treat cracked tongue and also reduce swelling. Most of plant and vegetable has their phytochemical properties which consist of many bioactivities compound including antioxidant activity. This study is done to identify the antioxidant activity the extract also analysed by of total phenolic and flavonoid content of S. aquem extracted using ethyl acetate and methanol. The extract also analysed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and also high pressure liquid
chromatography (HPLC). The usage of synthetic antioxidant posed critical health concern because it has proven to be carcinogenic. Hence, developing antioxidant from agro-based product which is leaf of S. aquem will be an alternative. Antioxidant is able to delay the oxidation of a substrate by inhibiting the initiation of oxidising chain reaction caused by free radical. The higher the phenolic and also flavonoid content, the higher total antioxidant will be. The determination of total antioxidant activity is determined using DPPH assay and the ethyl acetate fraction show higher contain of antioxidant compared to methanol crude extract with the EC5₅₀ 7.8 and 19.59 respectively. The ethyl acetate fraction also show the highest contain of phenolic and flavonoid compound which is 24.621 ±0.197 µg GAEs/g and 3.5±0.0093 µg QEs/g respectively. However, the phenolic compound is higher compared to flavonoid compound in both
extract. As a conclusion, the research suggest that the ethyl acetate extract and methanol extract have the antioxidant activity, phenolic compound and also flavonoid compound. The leaf of S. aquem has the potential to be exploited as natural antioxidant which is more cost effective.