The thesis represents the trustworthy of consumer on the expiration date that have displayed on the tray of eggs at the supermarket. The experiment was carried out to test the quality of the eggs whether are simultaneously the freshness is same with the expiry date displayed.
Besides that, the experiment is also to extinguish the quality of the egg in one tray of the egg that sold at supermarket. There are 5 supermarkets that undergo the experiment. In addition, the experiments are carried out on two different temperatures which can indicate the best
temperature to prolong the shelf life of egg. The temperatures used are room temperature (25°C) and refrigerator temperature (4°C). There are 5 experiments that have been carried out. The first experiment is light test. The light test can indicate the size of air sac and also the movement of content inside the egg. The second test is the buoyancy test. Buoyancy or floating test is a famous method to indicate the old-age egg. The third experiment is thickness of egg shell. The thickness of shell also contributed the factor of egg rotten also. The fourth test is Bowl’s test. Bowls test in test in observed the yolk structure. Last but not least, the experiment carried out is the albumen consistency. Each of the tests is reliable to each other.