This research was aimed to examine the effects of music on egg production of the quail, eggshell thickness, egg weight, body weight, growth rate, feed consumption and feed efficiency of the quail from point of lay until 50% of production. The type of music selected was classical music. In this study, 60 Japanese quails with the age of 28 days old and the 8 hours classical music were prepared. 60 quails were divided into 2 groups, music treatment group and control group, each group has 3
replications. The music treatment group will introduced by 8 hours classical music everyday. The weight of the quails weighted once per week. The amount of the feed
consumption was weighted and recorded. This procedure was carried out in order to count the feed conversion ratio. The eggs laid by the quail have collected and recorded.
The egg was weighted and the egg shell thickness was measured by the caliper. The egg shell thickness reduced by the music treatment However, the laying percentage and
growth rate of the quail had increased by the classical music treatment (P<0.05). This shows music treatment had potential as alternative treatment for Japanese quail
increasing their laying performance.