Analysis of heavy metal for Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), and Zinc (Zn) concentrations in Babylonia areolata in Bachok were carried briefly to detemiine the
concentrations as Well as to investigate whether the level of heavy metals in B. ureolata is safety to human based on guidelines and regulations set by Food and Agriculture (FAO) and Malaysian Food Regulations (MFR 1985). The heavy metals analysis was carried out using atomic absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Among all the heavy metals analyzed, the samples showed highest value in Zn concentration followed by Cu while Cd and Pb values were below the detection limits. The concentration of heavy metal for Zn (2.0mg/L) and Cu (0.07mg/L), but for Cd and Pb, the concentration were not detected. In general, all heavy metals are less than the permissible level according to Food and Agriculture ‘Organization (FAO) and Malaysian Food Regulation (MFR 1985).