The study area is located in two district of Kelantan, which are Machang and Kuala Krai. The study area is known as Bedal. It has the dimension of around 5 times 5 which are when total up is 25km. The latitude of the study area has the longitude of 102° 08' 56.41"E to 102° 11' 39.45"E and the latitude 05° 36' 55.14"N to 05° 39' 37.30"N. The objective of this study are to update a geological map of study area at 1:25,000 scale to determine the heavy metal of Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn in the soil of the study area. Then to determine the cation of nitrium, cadmium, magnesium, calcium in the soil of the study. There are several methods that have been used during the study such as mapping and sampling during the field work. Such elements as cadmium, magnesium, natrium and calcium were identified in the soil by using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy with the eleven samples collected during the geochemistry analysis. The study area consist of three types of rocks based on the field observation and mapping. They are shale, andesite and mica schist.