The study area is in area of Hospital Tanah Merah, Kelantan. The study area have longitude 102'05'16.8"E to 102'09'28.8"E and the latitude of 05'46'39.6N to 05'49'24.0"N. The dimension of the study area are 5 km x 6 km which is 30 km².The objectives of the study are to update the geological map of Tanah Merah and to determine the types and texture of volcanic rock based in Hospital Tanah Merah. The methodologies used in the study are divided into two type which is mapping and field studies and laboratory analysis. The geological map in the study area have been updated and mapped in in the scale of 1:25000. The study area was considered as flat area because 20 m of elevation was widely distribute in the study area. The drainage system that found in the study area was parallel, dendritic, angular and radial type. The laboratory analysis is included the petrographic analysis. The rock type that exposed in the study area is mostly covered by mica schist and andesite. The oldest rock is mica schist and the youngest lithology unit in study area is alluvium. The volcanic rock that found in the study area are andesite. The andesite is porphyritic aphanitic texture where the grain size of groundmass was too fined to be observed by naked eye. The mineral texture of the andesite is ophitic and overgrowth texture. From the texture described under polarized microscope, the crystallization sequence of mineral shows that the type of magma for the andesite is andesitic magma due to absent of olivine and crystalline of calcium rich plagioclase. There is no obvious geological structure present in research area but according to joint analysis all of the force that caused the joint are in north south (N-S) direction.