Geological mapping is a process of identifying all geological aspect of selected area of interest with the purpose of preparing a detailed geological report and a map to summarize the report (Njue,2010). Geological map is produced from the combination of aerial surveys and on the ground mapping with the orientation of rock strata. The study area for this geological mapping is Rantau Panjang with scale of map 1:27,000 and 225 km² of area. GIS also can be used to produce flood hazard map. The same study area as geological mapping is selected to produce flood hazard map but only focused in Rantau Panjang town. Serious floods have hit the part of Kelantan state, Rantau Panjang. Kelantan is situated in the north-east of Peninsula Malaysia. The floods caused great damage to properties and human lives. There are various methods used in an attempt to provide the most reliable ways to reduce the flood risk and damage to the optimum level by identifying the flood vulnerable zones. The purpose of this paper is to characterize flood hazard with identifying factors controlling flood hazard in the study area and to produce flood prone map for sub-area of Rantau Panjang. GIS spatial database was created from a geological map, satellite image, and the topographical map. An attribute database was equally created from field investigations and historical flood areas reports of the study area. The results show a great correlation between the flood extent extraction model and the flood factors.