In the present study, the anaesthesia test of silver catfish (Pangasius sutchi) or commonly known as 'Ikan patin' is conducted for purposes conducted of surgery. The test is done first before performing surgery to the fish. The test is conducted to determine the minimum efficiency concentration of anaesthesia by using anaesthetic agent, clove oil(Syzygium aromaticum). Three different concentration had been used in the test by using different fish. The choice of concentrations is determined based on random average including 25 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm. Both of induction and recovery times for all concentrations are recorded for analysis of results. 25 ppm is most suitable concentration which result induction time is 0.134 ±0.047 and 0.308±0.198 for recovery time. 50 ppm and 100 ppm indicated 0.068±0.000 and 0.043±0.001 respectively for induction times while recovery times, 50ppm is 3.52±0.988 and 100ppm is 4.58±0.203. Based on the results, the significant differences (P<0.05) in induction and recovery times at different concentrations were identified for silver catfish. Induction times decreased significantly with increasing concentrations of clove oil. Recovery times increased with increasing concentrations of clove oil (P<0.05). Surgery had been performed all the concentrations. after the minimum effective concentration are determined among Incision had done on the ventral part of the fish body to extract milt of sperms. Post- surgery is done by monitoring the healing process of incision about several weeks for ensure surgery that had been done is success.