Pycnonotus jocosus is known as red-whiskered bulbul or known by local Malaysian as songbird or burung candik. Burung candik is one of the favourite pet birds'. Generally, it comes from Bangladesh, southern China, India, Nepal, north Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (Animal Pest Alert: Red-whiskered Bulbul). Burung candik is favoured because of their ability in singing in east-coast region of Malaysia specifically. In this thesis, the caring practices are observed, including the internal parasites results in two different feces after giving two different feed; pellet (A) and banana (B) in 10 days. All the result were recorded and documented through interview and experiment research. The caring practices concerned are housing and cage, bathing and grooming, singing feature and diet and feeding. The results showed that one cage equipped with one bird for comfort and to avoid fighting. The birds were needed to be bathed once in a week at least according to the bird's willingness. General singing functions are to attract the mate and territorial defense. Feed given were insects, fruits and pellet. Based on the lab results, the amount of internal parasites in sample A was higher than sample B in the feces sample.