This research was covered two types of studies which are general geology and mapping of Ulu Kusial,Tanah Merah and groundwater vulnerability in parts of Kota Bharu . The study area of geological mapping in Lata Hujan, Ulu Kusial, Tanah Merah, Kelantan and it is lies between lattitudes 5°43'0"N until 5°45'0" and longitude 102°0'00"E until 102°2'30"E . Mapping area is a part of the distribution of volcanic rocks consists of several phase that was formed by pyroclastic deposits are considerably more abundant than lava flows. The purposes of this study are to study the general geology that can be identified and to make a geological map of the Lata Hujan,Tanah Merah. The lithology that was found in the study area igneous which are granite and also a small percentage of basalt. Two rocks samples were collected and petrological studies was carried out. The second part of study is discuss about the groundwater vulnerability using DRASTIC-LU model in parts of Kota Bharu. There seven parameters are Depth to Water, Net Recharge, Aquifer Media, Soil Media, Topography, Impact of Vadose Zone, Hydraulic Conductivity and also Land Use. Based on the model, the study area falls under the low vulnerability and high vulnerabilty respectively as the value of vulnerability index is 156 and 166. The vulnerability indices give credibility in the estimation of vulnerability to contamination.