Gua Musang is a district in a south Kelantan that are rapidly undergoing the urbanization processes in order to patch the rapid growth of the residential population and also to increase the sosio-economic of the place. This research is conducted to update the geology map of the Gua Musang Town, to produce the landslide susceptibility map of Gua musang Town, and to determine the geomorphology classification and its constraint towards urban sprawl processes in Gua Musang Town. The method use is geological mapping that include the terrain mapping to identify the geomorphology of the Gua Musang Town and also analysis data of the geological mapping from the rock type, soil type, elevation, slope analysis of the area, land use and the geomorphology of the Gua Musang Town. The geomorphology of the Gua Musang Town is almost 95% being classes as the undulating terrain and low-lying area. Gua Musang Town was classified to have a high until moderate suitability of development and a low until moderate geotechnical limitation.