This study aims at identifying the pattern of meat consumption among city dwellers in Kota Bharu based on different income levels and find significant among them (p<0.05). 100 respondents with different income levels were picked surrounding Kota Bharu City by using random sampling method. Data were collected using questionnaire that consists of two sections. The three most interesting findings are indicated below. (a) Income levels do influence the meat type's consumption, cuts of meat preferences, category of meat preferences, frequency of meat consumption, away-from-home consumption, meat cooking methods preferences, quantity of meat, amount of money spent and frequency of doing qurban. The higher income level will spend more as they can bought more and consumed more. The pattern of meat consumption is increases as income increase. (b) The number of non-muslim respondents is increases as income increase and it influencing the number of respondents doing qurban during aidiladha. (c) Price of meat and financial capabilities most influencing meat purchase decision made by lower income levels. While health concern, age factor, nutritive value, quick and easy, nutrient requirement most influencing respondents in highest income levels in meat purchase decision, factors considered before consuming meat and reasons avoiding meat consumption.