Geological mapping is necessary to gather the geological information at study area. This study was conducted at Temangan area which cover 5 x 5 km2 of an area. The coordinates of study area lies within latitude 102° 09' 20" E to 102° 12' 10" E and longitude 5° 39' 20" N to 5° 43' 0" N. The main objectives of this study is to study the geology aspect such as geology, geomorphology, structural geology and stratigraphy of research area. Besides, the study involves four stages, reconnaissance survey, fieldwork, data analysis, interpretation and report writing. For the data analysis and interpretation, the ArcGIS 10 software and Streonet software were used. based on this research, the Temangan area is consist of igneus rock and sedimentary rock. The igneus rock exposed here is felsic intrusive and intermediate to basic volcanic, which mainly pyroclastic. These rocks are weathered granite and andesite respectively. For the sedimentary rock the weathered sandstone was found at this area. Based on geomorphology aspect, the study area is mostly covered by flat area. Finally, the latest geological map of Temangan area was produced based on data obtained.