The study area is located at the Politeknik Jeli which is in between the route of East — West Highway. This study is done by using Rock Mass Quality (Q) System to evaluate the quality of the rock and determine the appropriate support system for the slope. Overall, this study can be divided into two parts which are field investigations and data analysis. Field investigation involved detailed joints measurement and other parameters for the collecting of data. In analysis process, kinematics stability analysis is used to analyse the potential rockfall hazards occurred at the rock slope. This study area underlains by the two geological formations which are Telong Formation (aged Late Permian to Triassic) and Mangga Formation (aged Triassic to Cretaceous). Telong Formation mainly consists of argillite, low-grade metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. Meanwhile, Mangga Formation is composed of low-grade metamorphic sequence that can be subdivided into 4 facies which are argillaceous, arenaceous, pyroclastic, and calcareous. The estimation of rock quality from the strata and its distribution is very important for the planning of development. This method includes geological, geometric and engineering parameters in arriving at a quantitative value of the rock mass quality. The result of this study indicates the quality of the rock poor to fair rock that may be due to the variety of discontinuity of the rock. Kinematic analysis showed a high potential for wedge failure. Referring to the Q rating, the suitable method for reducing the risk of slope failure is by fibre reinforced shotcrete and bolting, 5 — 9 cm and some part is unsupported.