The research was conducted at Agro Park, Faculty of Agro Based Industry, University Malaysia Kelantan. The objective of this research was to study the plant's performance and production of chilli cultivated by fertigation under netted rain shelter and outside. Capsicum annuum cv Kulai was cultivated with fertigation system under netted rain shelter and outside during rainy monsoon season. The plants inside netted rain shelter experienced higher height of plant, diameter of stem, number of leaves, length of leaf, width of leaf, number of fruit per plant, total number of fruits, weight of individual fruit, diameter of fruit, length of fruit, and thickness of pericarp as compared to outside netted rain shelter. However, the plants outside netted rain shelter experienced higher number of fruit per kilogram and percentage for plants infected by pests and diseases as compared to inside netted rain shelter. Therefore, the plants cultivated by fertigation under netted rain shelter having better plant's performance and higher chilli production compared to outside netted rain shelter.