Discarded fish is the fish the have been throw or not used for human consumption. They are usually used to feed aquatic animals or acts as fertilizers for plants. The study presents, the treating of discarded fish using natural products such as lime (Citrus aurantifolia), rice rinsed water, vinegar, flour, salt, Averrhoa bilimbi extract, and tamarind extract (Tamarindus indica). The treated fish is then further processed into value-added product that is safe for human consumption. From the study conducted, it shows that vinegar has the highest ability to kill most of the microbes in the discarded fish compared to other treatment given which was 0.37 x 10⁷ colony forming unit/ml. By using vinegar, the discarded fish is treated and then further on the product development and proximate analysis. From the proximate analysis, the fresh fish cutlet have protein content of 10.06% and the discarded fish protein content was 14.28%. Questionnaire was development to know how would be the marketability of the product which is the fish cutlet. The result from the questionnaire shows that the respondents like the taste, aroma, physical structure, texture/mouth feel and colour of the fish cutlet with Cronbach alpha value of 0.802, 0.888, 0.829, 0.772 for each of the organoleptic test.