Job satisfaction or career satisfaction are important to all workers. Job satisfaction can effect the worker performance and also to company. For example employee can give high of performance when they satisfied with company. The company also got advantage of it, because the production of goods is high and they can fulfill the market demand. Today, the problems about job satisfaction was existed everywhere. There is a case, employee not happy do their duty even though got high of salary. This researched, also success found the factor that contribute to job satisfaction. The factors is working time, salary and working environment. This research also success proved that all the hypothesis was significant and reliable and the objective of this study was successful achieved. The respondents of this research is University Malaysia Kelantan final year students. All the respondents came from different program like SAK,SAP,SAW and SAK . Total respondents, participate In this research are 100 final year students. The reason respondents final year students because, to alert them about types of career that give job satisfaction to them. This research, analysed all the data collected using SPSS18. Using SPSS18, all the process of the thesis going smoothly without face big chaos. Moreover, SSPS18 also success showed that all the independent and dependent variable was reliability. That’s mean, respondents give positive reaction when they answered this question.