Nowadays in the real world many people are facing their financial crisis toughly in their living. Researcher assumes that one of the reasons was because they do not have enough funds do to their ineffective saving behavior. A part of the economic impact, there may be other factor that could influences their behavior towards saying. The purpose of this study was to bring out the demographic factors that influences saving behavior of school teachers in Sri Aman, Sarawak. Demographic factor that been examined include age, income, education and economic environment. The Objectives of this study are: (1) to examine whether age factor influences saving behavior, (2) to examine whether income gives any effect to saving behavior, (3)to find if educations have any interaction with saving behavior of an individual, (4) to know if saving behavior of individual could be affected by economic enviromnent. A total of 140 completed questionnaires were collected from the teachers in Sri Aman city. Data collected was analyzed using Predictive Analytics Software (PASW) version 18.0. Findings show that there were positive significant relationship between saving behavior and the demographic factors. Direct changes in age, income and economic environment give impact to saving behavior of the teachers in Sri Aman. Discussion on findings, conclusion and limitations of study are also included in the report.