Paloh Tiga is situated between longitude l02°l5'30.593"E to l02°l8'l3.069"E and latitude 5°l'45.548"N to 4°59’2.74l"N in Gua Musang district at southern pan of Kelantan. The study area covers approximately 25 kmz area. The main objectives of this research are to update the geological map of the study area in a scale of 1125000 and to analyse the dynamic and kinematic aspect of fault in study area. The methods used to produce geological map is by field mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS), while for fault analysis, lineaments and joint analysis was done to determine direction of principal stress in dynamic analysis, and strain analysis, stereo net and block diagram were used in kinematic analysis. Based on the observation during field mapping, the study area composed of 3 mappable unit, which is tuffaceous unit, metasediment unit, and shale. Tuffaceous unit consist of carbonaceous mudstone, volcanic sandstone, and tuff, while the metasediment unit consist of phyllite and metasandstone. The geological structures found in study area are vein, fold, joint, and fault. The geological fonnation of the study area includes Aring Formation and Telong Formation with the age ranging from Late Permian until Late Triassic. In fault analysis, interpretation of lineament analysis in the study area indicates the presence of structure recognised as strike slip fault supported by descriptive data in field which is fault breccia, lineation, and hill offset. The dynamic analysis of fault includes the determination of principal stress of joint which mostly trends NNE-SSW and in same direction with the lineaments. In kinematic analysis, field data including thrust fault and normal fault is correlated with strain ellipsoid in which the principal stress is perpendicular and parallel respectively, and thus, the interpretation of strike slip fault in study area is accepted.